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The Friend Zone

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I adored this story!! It was sweet and emotional and had moments that made me laugh out loud. The banter and the realness of the characters is my favorite part of this story. I completely fell in love with these characters. This was such an adorable story and I absolutely cannot wait to read more from this author.

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I received an advanced reader's copy of The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I had never read anything by Abby Jimenez before this and had no expectations either way. Happily, I did enjoy her writing style and would gladly read other novels in the future.

Have you ever read and enjoyed a novel in spite of the main (female) character? That's how I felt about The Friend Zone. The lead female character, Kristen, didn't't come across as "don't care what others think, I'm going to keep doing my thing" so much as just obnoxious and rude, but I ended up liking The Friend Zone in spite of her - mainly due to the lead male character, Josh, and the secondary characters. I found the novel to be well written and the dialogue between the characters was amusing at times.

The bad: the book summary was a little inaccurate. Kristen isn't really planning her friend's wedding, she's more a small business owner with medical issues who is peripherally involved in the sphere of her friend's wedding. Also bad, Kristen is not terribly likeable. I didn't empathize with her, she just came across as a shrew. Those criticisms aside, the author's writing style kept me reading and overall enjoying the book.

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If I could give this more than 5 stars I would! Reading The Friend Zone was such an emotional roller coaster. What started out as a fun Rom Com quickly turned into an angst filled slow burn romance with a heartbreaking plot twist and a triumphant happy ending. I laughed. I cried. I almost threw my Kindle against the wall a few times then I cried and laughed again.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Loved Josh as a male protagonist, but the "cool girl" trope is OVERPLAYED, every girl likes to eat, gets hangry when they haven't eaten, and is moody. While Kristen was an extremely stubborn character (almost to the point of being unlikable) I did enjoy the love story, the supporting characters and the plight of infertility.

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A lovely romantic comedy that shows the bonds of friendship and romance. Kristin is dealing with infertility and the author handles it with honesty and authenticity. The joys and challenges of dating while facing medical issues is written with such blunt charm, it makes for an enjoyable book.

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I had to read this book twice, just to make sure I fully absorbed everything. This book gave me all the feels, I laughed, I cried, I wanted to punch a wall. This is a book I feel everyone should read at least once, if not more. I know I plan on reading it again, just in case I missed anything the first two times I read it. I love how the author lead with humor while really driving home the message that you are enough the way you are. Of course it was tinged with romance and humor, but that didn't take away from the meaning of the story. It really brought to the forefront that we really are our own worst enemies. I cannot wait to read more from this author, its been a long long time since a new author has made me sit back and just say "wow".

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A sweet banter between two friends/ co-workers who have to deal with this tension between them, and also learn how to cope with having life obstacles...

So you see that gif above? Yup! That gif explains this novel perfectly without using any words. But because I am me, I have to use words to better help you, the reader, understand what I mean. As you can see, the gentleman who is walking through the FRIEND ZONE door, is demonstrating an expression of hesitation. That was me when I first read the synopsis of this novel. Very, VERY hesitant about it because of multiple reasons, the main reasons being are because Abby is a new author to me and when it comes down to romance novels that involve (sort of) a third party to the equation, I am not the biggest fan of. I have never been disappointed with any of the novels that Forever has published so that's an upside to everything they promote or publish, so my hesitation did diminish a tiny bit when I saw who the publisher was. That fact for me makes a big difference. Don't ask why, because I don't even know that answer.

Following up that analysis of the gif, we proceed on over to seeing the "nurse" or "surgeon" entering the FRIEND ZONE, and he stumbles upon many different peeps. That to me represents all the different obstacles that the characters go through to be together. The difficulties are there, and there was a problem for me to get past 18% of the novel. Hence why it took me a tiny bit longer than usual to read this novel. This being the debut novel of Abby's I want to give her full credit for being part of the author world now and also creating such a comedic novel. Because that is for sure the one thing that she did not fail on. I could not stop laughing at some scenes where laughter was needed. Considering this novel as a rom-com, is the ideal description for it.

At the end to finalize this analysis of the above gif, the peeps inside are all happy with smiles when seeing the "nurse"/ "surgeon". That is how I feel because after finishing the novel, I truly did enjoy it. Not as much as I was hoping for but there were positive sides to it that made me fall in love with Kristen and Josh. Thank you to the wonderful Estelle at Forever Romance for recommending this novel, I am looking forward to more books by Abby!

(Said GIF can be found on my original post on GOODREADS)

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One of the best romantic comedy books I've read in awhile. No cheating, just a good old fashioned friends to lovers story with a plot twist that will gut you. Fiery (pun intended), sweet, and romantic, with some drama and heartbreak. In a world of predictable books, "The Friend Zone" knocked it out of the park.

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This book has it all. Countless pop culture references, reluctant friends to lovers, laughs & tears. Oh my gosh, I love every second of it!

Let’s get one thing straight, Abby Jimenez is hilarious. Whether she’s trademarking the term Vageode or posting hilarious encounters on Instagram she cracks me up! She also speaks to my heart with her Twitter feed dedicated to The Princess Bride. I may have responded with an Andre the Giant GIF. Did I mention she’s a hugely talented baker & owner of Nadia Cakes? She even won Cupcake Wars! Seriously, can I be her new best friend?

Truly, there is nothing like falling in love with your best friend. Josh & Kristen meet under hilarious circumstances. Talk about a different kind of meet-cute! Quickly, their friendship begins to bloom. Kristen’s acerbic wit matches well with Josh’s easy-going demeanor. Their banter & their chemistry can set the world on fire. It sure keeps me turning the pages.

The Friend Zone isn’t your typical romance. First, we’ve established Abby is hysterical. I found myself laughing time and time again & smiling throughout the story. Second, there are so many pop culture references in the book. I ate all of them up with a spoon. The Friend Zone is definitely a book you want to buddy read so you can laugh your way through it with someone. So many times I wanted to look up & say, “Ahhhh. Love that part!” Truthfully, I also squealed audibly a few times. This book is just precious. I want to clutch it to my chest & never let it go.

I’m going to say this loud & clear for the people in the back. (clears throat) Read this book even if you don’t read romance! The Friend Zone is filled with love, friendship, loyalty, second chances & who doesn’t love that?

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not all fluff. Abby goes deep with the emotion. I’m not spoiling anything for anyone, but I sure cried some ugly & happy tears. As soon as I finished reading, I wanted to jump back into the story. Anyone who thinks they don’t like romance needs to read The Friend Zone. It’s a game changer.

I am Really Into This book! The Friend Zone is sweet & memorable. Abby also makes you rethink where your partner sits on an airplane. This book even has a Casino reference! The Friend Zone is a touching love story. It doesn’t hurt that it’s funny as hell. I can’t wait for everyone to read it so we can chat all about it!

Special thanks to Abby Jimenez & Read Forever for providing our copy in exchange for an honest & fair review.

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Abby Jimenez!!! Where have you been hiding?!?! I fell in love with the book, I couldn't read it fast enough to see what was going to happen to Kristen & Josh...but as soon as I finished it I wanted to start right back at the beginning...I experienced all the feelings throughout this book.
When Kristen meets Josh for the first time to say things go well would be a lie; they end up arguing with one another and Kristen leaves him in a parking lot without his favorite shirt. Cut to 20 minutes later they are officially meeting (thanks to their mutual friends that are engaged) and even though they are both mad at one another they can't deny that the sparks that are flying between them are often and very strong.
When Josh ends up working for Kristen, to pay off some debts, he doesn't expect to learn that this ball buster of a woman is actually very sweet, almost vulnerable in some ways....he doesn't expect to fall head over heels for her. Kristen hires Josh as a means to an end, her business shouldn't have to suffer because she can't separate her personal feelings from business...but again, Kristen doesn't expect to find a calm, funny, giving man beneath that gorgeous exterior. As fate would have it, Kristen can't do the one thing that Josh is looking forward to the most. As they battle the growing attraction between them, their lives will be upended from a tragedy that will make them look closer to what they really want from life and each other.
I was crying in one breath then laughing out loud in my next one....Abby Jimenez has written something very special and I can't wait to see what else she does!

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I think Abby Jimenez is a witty and engaging writer. I enjoyed her prose and loved Kristen, the heroine. I'll definitely read more of this author's work in the future, and I think this book will enchant many readers. Her writing made me stick with a book I might have otherwise DNF'ed because of some tropes/happenings that are not to my personal taste.

Romances that have "ONE BIG SECRET" as the entire basis for the tension in the romance are not my personal favorite and kept me from completely falling in love with this story. I just wanted to press Kristen and Josh's faces together and say TALK.

I'm also glad the blurb mentions laughs and tears, because there is big sadness in this novel, but don't worry, there is a sweet HEA.

As the blurb states, Kristen is having a procedure that will mean she cannot have children from her own uterus. Josh wants kids eventually so she hides this from him. In various ways. Major points for this story in the way Josh handles Kristen's menstruation. I'm glad this book talks about how crippling periods can be for many women.

So, for readers who enjoy contemporary romances with a bit of sadness and a lot of angst, this one is for you!

Content warnings are on my Goodreads review!

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The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez: Kristen is smart, confident, feisty, independent, and tells it like it is. She's fun, funny, and blunt and tired of living with near constant pain. She's always wanted a family, but she's about to have surgery that will ensure she'll never get pregnant. She's loyal, great in a crisis, and yet never asks for help for herself. She loves running her own business and her dog, Stuntman Mike, who is very particular about who he likes.

Josh is happy to be working with his best friend, but he's not a fan of all the calls they respond to as firefighters and paramedics that aren't actually serious. He's smart, sexy, funny, generous, and can't wait to have a family of his own one day. He has six older sisters, so he knows how to deal with women, and he wants to have a large family.

Kristen and Josh may not get off on quite the right foot, but they immediately find that they share the same sense of humor, love to eat, and love the same movies. They just click and connect on so many levels, which is great since they will need to see each as they are the maid of honor and best man for their best friends upcoming wedding. There is an immediate attraction on both sides, but Kristen has her reasons for putting him in the friend zone.

Josh is less than thrilled by being friend zoned, especially by a woman who is so perfect for him. Their friendship becomes very important to both of them. They grow closer with each day they spend together and it becomes that much harder not to cross that line from friendship into more, even though both want more. It's almost a battle between Josh's patience and determination and Kristen's stubbornness.

The Friend Zone is heartbreaking, gut-wrenching, and emotional. Abby Jimenez wrote a difficult storyline with sensitivity, heat, humor, banter, and unwavering friendship. Ms. Jimenez developed a cast of characters you'd like to hang out with. Fans of Nicole Jacquelyn, Helen Hoang, and Meghan Quinn will love The Friend Zone.

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This book is amazing. I devoured it in one sitting. The banter....epic.
It had it all. I can't wait to read more by this author.

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The Friend Zone is already my favorite book of the year! I am stunned that is the author's debut novel. It was truly the quality of a highly experienced author. I began the book and was instantly hooked. The characters, Josh and Kristen, had so much chemistry and appeal that I had to know how their story was going to end. One of the great things about this book was the loveable and important background characters. Stuntman Mike, Sloan, Brandon, Tyler, and even Evelyn made this story so real and relatable.

I appreciate the humor that author Abby Jimenez brought to this contemporary romance novel. We get to see it starting with Josh and Kristen's initial meeting and throughout the entire book which made it so light-hearted. The two may have some differences, but they both enjoy sarcasm, food, and Stuntman Mike!

Josh is an ex-Marine, a bad driver, and is currently working as a firefighter/EMT. He is funny, kind, and single. Yep, totally swooning over here. Kristen is a young entrepreneur, a great mom to Stuntman Mike, loyal, and is my spirit animal. It was beautiful to see these two create a friendship that was already filled with lots of laughs, tons of sarcasm, and sparks!!

I rooted for these two the entire time, but there was one major problem. Kristen was in a long distance relationship. As the story moves along, I really loved every page and think so many readers will too.

This book was more than a romance novel. There was a message of self-worth that I think took this book to the next level. Kristen didn't believe that she was ever enough and this broke my heart. How could she not see how bold and brave she was on a daily basis? I think Josh played an important role in helping her overcome those demons. There was also a tragic aspect of the book that made me cry so hard...and I do not cry very easily.

I am so excited about this book because I just want to talk about it already. I know a book is GREAT when I want to read it over and over again. And this book makes me feel this way. Again, I cannot believe that this is a debut novel. The Friend Zone has become my top pick for book of the year! I can't wait for readers to get their hands on this book and fall in love with this book like I have. And this is why I have to give The Friend Zone 5 stars. It really deserves more than that and I feel like 10 stars wouldn't even do it justice. Abby Jimenez just found herself a fan for life!

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Let me start off by saying that I FLEW through this book. I could not put it down and I thought about the characters constantly when I wasn't reading it. I did, however, have some issues with certain parts that prevented this from being a 5 star read for me. In fact, as I was reading it, I thought the entire time that I would give it 3 stars. But as I finished it, I realized I enjoyed it more than a 3 star book. There are just certain things that I would have liked changed. I definitely didn't predict the part about Brandon. It was a good story and definitely unputdownable. I can't wait to read more from this author. If you like romances, you need to check this one out!

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This book was incredibly emotional to read. An amazing drama, filled with real-life characters and a difficult moral dilemma. I found myself rooting for the heroine and cheering her on. A simply beautifully written book

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Wow! I powered through this book in one sitting. The anticipation for this book has been killing me, and it totally lived up to its hype.

For those who have fallen in love with Abby’s sense of humor, that totally shows up in this book. But it is a whole lot more than a rom com. This book has heart and heartbreak and all the feels! It takes you for a crazy ride that you don’t want to get off.

I am so happy to have had a chance to read an early copy of this book, and will be recommending it to everybody and certainly purchasing for my library.

I received a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was beyond amazing. Easily 5 stars. The dialogue, chemistry, witty banter - it was all there. I was LOLing throughout, but this book also made me tear up several times. This book had it ALL and I absolutely loved it. Deeper than your usual rom-com, this was a phenomenal debut. I already pre-ordered and will be recommending to everyone.

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