Member Reviews

Imagine waking up and you've lost your child. Nobody believes you and you start to not believe yourself anymore as well.... Recommended.

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Thankyou to NetGalley, Aria and the author, Claire S Lewis, for the opportunity to read She's Mine in exchange for an honest and unbiased opinion.
I thought the premise of the storyline was intriguing.
A good, solid read that maintains your interest.
Worth a read.

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A gripping thriller. Fast-paced well-written this book kept my interest throughout. I couldn't put it down. A recommended read.

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Dark mystery that sucks you into a different place. A nightmare where no one wants to be. Good read. Can’t put it down. Wondering where it’s going to go And which way to turn

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Scarlett is the nanny while on a beach in the Caribbean with Katie who she is looking after. Scarlett falls asleep and when she wakes Katie is gone. She searches for her and the police are called . But they are suspicious of Scarlett. Has she done something to Katie or is someone else involved if so who ???

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This book was an ok read.
I liked the book but at times it just felt like it was so unrealistic and far fetched.
It felt like a fantasy book rather than a thriller

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She's Mine

a gripping and addictive new psychological thriller for 2019

by Claire S. Lewis


General Fiction (Adult) , Mystery & Thrillers

Pub Date 05 Mar 2019

I am reviewing a copy of She’s Mine through Aria and Netgalley:

She was not hers to loose!

Scarlett falls asleep on a beach in the Caribbean and wakes up to her worst nightmare. Katie is missing and all fingers point to her. With all fingers pointed to her Scarlett finds that she must risk everything to clear her name!

When Scarlett begins to untangle the complicated past of Katie’s Mother she begins to see there could be more to Katie’s disappearance than meets the eye! The question is who would want to steal a child? And how can there be no witnesses on a small island.

Time is running out and the only thing Scarlett is certain of only one thing, she didn’t kill Katie, or did she?

I found She’s Mine to be full of edge of your seat suspense therefore I find this book to worthy of five out of five stars!

Happy Reading!

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I really wanted to like this book more than what I did. The author had a good idea for a book but, for me, I guess I didn't get everything the author was trying to do in this book. I was a little confused about it. I thought the surprise ending was good but overall I wanted more from this book. I guess i didn't connect with the characters like I wanted too. *This book was given to me for free at my request from NetGalley and I provided this voluntary review.*

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A good mystery with some clues that you don't see until suddenly the light bulb comes on and you know what happened! The nanny falls asleep, the four year old is gone when she wakes. The adults don't seem as frantic as I would be should it happen to me but that's part of the clues. The story shifts as the investigation continues and suddenly, the suspect list grows and the story moves quickly to resolution. This book is so good, I'm looking for more by this author. What could be a better recommendation than that?

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I was a fan of the twists and turns in this book, it kept me glued to my kindle! I finished in 2 days!! Record speed

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What really happened on the day Kate disappeared and why her, why now? This was a good book overall but there were some parts that made me skim over the because it was just to much. I thought the author did a great job with the way she described and drew a picture with her words. Thank you NetGalley.

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A complicated and convoluted tale involving a missing child

Scarlett falls asleep while her charge, Katie, is playing at the water's edge. When she awakes, the child is missing. A nightmare scenario for Scarlett as she is Katie's nanny and should have been looking out for her. Her employer is furious with her, and the police are suspicious and seem to think that she is lying about the circumstances around Katie's disappearance.

The storyline becomes increasingly convoluted, and in my mind, the author fails to engage the reader properly. None of the characters is sympathetic, they all seem to be self-centred and have their own agendas. As the story unfolds each of them is revealed to have secrets, and they have all lied about their pasts.

There was a lack of authenticity about the story, and the plot seemed to limp along. I did not find any of the responses of the characters to ring true, and this irritated me.


Breakaway Reviewers received a copy of the book to review

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A good, enjoyable read. Nothing particularly new or groundbreaking, but a good, solid read. Recommended for fans of the genre.

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Mine, mine, mine.

"I wake as the crimson sun sinks into the clouds at the horizon, roused by a splash of spray from the rising tide. I come to my senses with a start. Oh God –I must have fallen asleep! How long has it been? My head is turned to one side and I open my eyes to see Katie’s red bucket tipped over on the sand right next to me. Empty.
‘Katie, it’s time to go,’I say as I sit up and look around. The beach is almost deserted, just a man at the far end walking his dog and a sun-scorched family, squabbling as they pack up their belongings. It takes a few seconds before the panic begins to set in.
Katie, where are you?
I stand up.
She must have wandered down the beach. She can’t be far.
My throat is tight as I shield my eyes from the sun and scan the beach to right and left.
Where is she?
I start to walk, then jog to the far end of the beach calling out Katie’s name. I scramble on to the rocks, and strain my eyes to see as far as I can along the shore.
I race to the other end of the beach, frantically shouting her name again and again, and calling out to the family and the man with the dog,
‘Have you seen a little girl with blonde curly hair, four years old, pink swimsuit?’
You’ve lost her.
I steel myself.
Get a grip!
Maybe Christina came and took her to the hotel play area or back to the room for tea? I grab my phone from the beach bag and punch out Christina’s number. My heart thumps and my temples pulse…
Slow down, breathe.
As the ring tone kicks in, I lift my head and scan the shadowy water. A patch of fluorescence is rising and falling in the inky swell on the far side of the craggy rocks, reflecting the light of the scarlet rays –the little yellow lilo swept out to sea!
Oh God…this is not happening. Answer, for God’s sake!
Christina’s phone rings and rings until it diverts to voicemail. The rough timber splinters my bare feet as I sprint up the boardwalk screaming for help.
She’s gone!"

A 4★ enjoyable read!
She's Mine by Clair S. Lewis was stirring, tension filled, and unique. It has a quick pace with twists and turns all the way to the surprising finale!

With thanks to NetGalley, Aria publishing, and Clair S. Lewis for this advanced digital copy to read and review.

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My Rating: 3.5 Stars

Scarlett Reyes is the nanny to four-year-old Katie. One day, while on the beach, Scarlett begs to feel very sleepy. Of course, this is not good, because she sees Katie drifting further away, but she is unable to keep her eyes open. When she awakens, Katie is gone.

At the outset, Katie's mother, Christina, is beside herself with worry and grief, but her attitude begins to change. Christina's boyfriend Damien is completely unconcerned. Quite naturally, Scarlett feels very guilty about losing Katie, but she insists that she had to be drugged.

The story spins back to 1997 and begins discussing photographs. These become an integral part of the story. It is at this time that we meet other characters. It is this long ago time period that changes the flavor of this story. Making the connection and tying everything in with the present created quite a challenge.

Suddenly, more than halfway into the story, there was a major shift and then all of the pieces began to fall into place. Occasionally while reading this story, I did feel that it would be a no-go. However, the pacing really picked up. There were some strange goings on that literally woke me up and made me pay very sharp attention. After all, I just wanted Katie to be okay.

With unnamed characters, and an apparently unreliable narrator, I became very much involved in the latter part of the story. Although the conclusion turned out to be a bit predictable, this debut novel was definitely a worthy read.

Many thanks to Aria and to NetGalley for this ARC to review in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Laying in bed after finishing this book and my jaw is still open... such a shocking twist throughout the whole entire book. This one you will not be able to put down!

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She's Mine is a fantastic domestic thriller that kept my attention and had me flipping through the pages.

Scarlett is Katie's nanny and falls asleep on the beach in excruciating heat. When she wakes up Katie has vanished. This is where the mystery begins to unfold. The story unfolds in alternating timelines about twin sisters. The past was illustrated through photographs which showed the harrowing relationship that the twin sisters had. I really enjoyed this method of storytelling that the author used.

This was a great mystery, which lots of twists and turns. If you love a good mystery, and a psychological thriller, this book is for you!

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She’s Mine # NetGalley
Claire S Lewis

I, unlike some of the other reviewers out there, thoroughly enjoyed this book. Yes, there were some things about the storyline that were somewhat far fetched and sketchy, but after my initial dislike of those things, I began to enjoy the story. It had a very beautiful setting, beautiful people, mostly nice characters and scary twins. Twins always make for interesting scenarios and this book was no different. You could say there was one good twin and one bad twin with a beautiful little four year girl being fought over. And, of course, the mystery of how it would all play out. It definitely is your typical psychological thriller with a twist you won’t see coming. Although, I have to admit I had it figured out before the end of the book. A satisfyingly read that I give 4 stars.

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This was a really enjoyable read , I know some of the reviewers have criticized how realistic it is but if you take it for what it is its very entertaining and had me hooked . Lara and Gabrielle are twins and are both involved with James . How this backstory relates to the story being told in the present where Caroline's daughter has vanished from the beach whilst being watched by the nanny I pretty much guessed but that didn't hinder my enjoymemnt at all . It links in well , it is far fetched but its also fiction . A good twist at the end again expected . Great beach read . Thank you .

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Perfect psychological thriller! It moved at a fast pace with twists and turns throughout! I couldn’t put it down! Highly recommend!

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