Cover Image: Four Dead Queens

Four Dead Queens

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Member Reviews

I was already fairly certain that I'd be buying and reading this book at some point in the future and reading the sample excerpt only confirmed this. It also, however, made me want to read it sooner. I've heard good things about this book for a while now and it's been all over the internet in the last few months so finally getting the chance to see some of what everyone's been raving about.

I really enjoyed the writing and the characters, especially the way they were introduced. There was definitely something great about the way Scholte built this world and was able to incorporate it all into the characters' speech. I had a lot of fun reading this and I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of the full book.

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I am so excited for this book now. This is a great sneak peek to what is to come from this book.
The characterization was great and I felt the world building to be fairly good. I am excitedly awaiting the release of the full book.

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The morning sun made the golden hue of the palace done glow.Keralie is a skilled thief.Keralie steals from a messanger,a comm case,receiving trinkets for her dangerous thefts.

Iris is one of the four queens and there are struct laws.together yet divided the quadrants remain .Marguerite is one of her sister queens.Iris is 30 years old and has not been to her home if archia.she would never forget it.Archia is denied the electricity needed to grow.Marguerite is the oldest of the queens at forty .The other queens are stessia and corra.The quadrants of quadara had a feuding war until the walls were built.

Mackiel is a friend and leader of keralie.its been six months since she left home after father was thrown overship.

I liked reading about different quadrants the snippets that was given and wanted to learn more in full book.

I wanted to learn more about queens and their laws.

I wasn't sure how I felt about mackiel.

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As of late there has been a lot of books surrounding Queens and Princesses and lots of covers with pretty eye catching crowns on them so I was nervous going into this because they are becoming a dime a dozen. This cover also doesn't necessarily do anything for me, it just needs a little extra... oomph. You know what I mean?

I went into this excerpt with relatively mixed emotions but came out wanting and needing more. Now, I cannot wait for this book to be published to see how it continues! The story is gripping right from the beginning and I can tell the world building is going to get even better the deeper we get into the story. World building is a huge factor in my reviews so I know this one is going to be good. I am tentatively giving this 4 stars but my final review may change after publication and I am able to read the whole story! Who knows, it may end up even higher!

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This was a very good start to a novel. I was interested in the plot and it ended on a bit of a cliffhanger, so I look forward to reading the rest of the book. The writing was a little clunky, and the world seemed very interesting but the worldbuilding was not very smoothly integrated into the writing so there were sometimes information dumps. I found the plot to be interesting and well-developed, and I can't wait for the book to come out in a month!

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A great sample of a soon to be released book! I didn't think that I would enjoy the switched between 1st and 3rd person, but it worked well surprisingly. I enjoyed the plot so far and I can't wait to read the full book when it comes out!

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This sneak peek was interesting and I’m excited to read the full book. I was still getting used to the characters and world, so for now, 3 stars, but that will likely go up.

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Count me in for this book when it releases! This sneak peak was such a hook and now I'm more excited for the release. I really liked the writing style and I think this has potential to be one of the next big books in YA Fantasy!

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There wasn't too much for me to learn from the book seeing that it was only a sneak peek but the parts that I read sound intriguing.

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I reviewed this book on goodreads. I now really need to get the book in my hand and read the whole story. The sneak peeks were that good and everyone should by this book ASAP.

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For starters, the title of this book is relatively catchy, but also quite cliche. We have other books out there with keywords like this...Three Dark Crowns, Red Queen, etc. So what sets this book apart? Why is this one different? The cover isn't necessarily more catchy than the others. It actually is almost a perfect hybrid between those two.

Aside from that, though, I am glad that I gave it a shot and read the preview. The set-up of the quadrant worlds and queendoms are actually pretty interesting. Throw a street rat in, along with the murder of the queens and this book has a lot going on. I am intrigued! The queens have a unique bond it seems, and the kids on the streets in the auction house have elaborate backstories and complicated relationships. All in all, sign me up! I need to know where this book is going!

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From what I read, I have no doubt that this will be the next best thing out there! I look forward to reading more.

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Looking forward to the release of this new fantasy. The sneak peak is so good. Hope the book continues the momentum.

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I read a sneak peek of this book through netgalley. This sneak peek ended at the best part and I am so excited for this book now! This dystopian world is unlike any other and the mystery of what is in the stolen package and how it relates to the queens keeps you guessing. I cannot wait to read the rest of this book!

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Think preview is definitely a tease and has me hooked! I'm ready to devour the rest of this story! Thank you for the seek peak!

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Great little sneak peek at this upcoming book. Good start with the world building just enough to get you going but not giving too much away. The end has me eagerly anticipating the release of the book so I can fully dive in to this interesting new world.

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The book excerpt was phenomenal! It was like a cross between Divergent and a fairy tale. I can't wait to read the book in its entirety.

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I really wish I could read the rest of the story. I like what I've read, but I will not leave a review until I read it all. Thanks to NetGalley for an arc in exchange for an honest review.

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I LOVED this sneak peek! I am dying to read this book, and this was the perfect way to whet the readers appetite! AND it finished with a WTF is going to happen moment, so obviously I’ll be needing the full book ASAP :) Already love the characters, and can’t wait to read it!

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This is one I can hardly wait to read. Thie sneak peek was a great teaser. I want to learn more about Keralie and where she went when she put the comms chips on her tongue. I want to learn more aboujt Mackiel too

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