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No Other Duke But You

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"No Other Duke But You" by Valerie Bowman
A fun historical romance... I truly enjoyed my time with the characters in this story. They made me laugh, and made me a tad sad at times. There is some spice in the mix as well. I am thankful that I was gifted an ARC of this story by the publisher via NetGalley. This is my honest opinion... IF you like historical romance stories... YOU will like this story for sure.

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I loved Delilah and Thomas both! I liked that Delilah was headstrong, I only wish she wasn't so wimpy around her mom and clueless about Thomas! I almost felt sorry for Clarence, but I'm glad most everyone got their happy ending. Thank you for the advance copy of this great read!

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No Other Duke But You follows Delilah, a matchmaker, as she sets attempts her most challenging match to date, herself. Delilah has, in partnership with her best friend Lucy, could love for all of her friends. Now, to escape from having to marry her soon to be step-brother (ugh), she promises her mother she’s going to land the biggest catch of the season, the Duke of Branville.Thomas has loved Delilah forever. Claiming he’s not ready to settle down has allowed him to avoid his best friends match making skills. But he would settle down with Delilah, if only she would have him.

Because this was the first book I read in this series, I was overwhelmed by trying to keep all of the characters and their significant others straight. Not too mention that there were three couples being matched up in this book. It was hard for me to stay interested or connect with the main characters. I thunk others who have already been introduced to the other couples will enjoy this installment. For me, the book didn’t grab my attention enough to have me go back and read the series from the start.

I was gifted this arc from the publisher for my honest review.

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I really had a hard time getting into this plot and involved with the two main characters. The antagonist was strong, hated the mother and how she treated her daughter, but other than that I found it hard to stay interested in this book. I’m not sure why I didn’t particularly connect with the plot or what it was about the characters that I didn’t like, but this wasn’t my favorite Bowman book. The Duke of Huntley has loved her since they were kids, she is utterly unaware of his feelings or that they should get together as a couple till near the end.  She was very ignorant, and maybe that is why I didn’t particularly like her as the female lead; how could she not see what was right in front of her? He didn’t hide his affection towards her. He, also, waited for her, never had any dalliances while away at college, never kept a mistress, and in that era I found that hard to believe. I think if they were both ignorant of the love they had for each other would have added some tension to the budding relationship. I think if she had to chase him a little or get very close to losing him for good, that would have also added to the story and made it more interesting. Overall, I didn’t like this story, I don’t think it is a bad story, I just didn’t connect with it at all.  If you have read a lot of Valerie Bowman, then you will probably enjoy this one, they are two characters that have been around for a while, but this one just wasn’t for me.

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When I picked up this book, I was expecting a cheesy historical romance novel filled with a dull plot and even worst characters but needless to say Valerie Bowman blew me out of the water with this one. I was was immediately drawn to the historic element and the unconventional leads. The plot was an epic match-making mess and as a reader, I couldn't help but root for Thomas and his endeavors to make Delilah discovered they were perfect for one another. Overall an enjoyable read that will provide any reader a dose of history and a friends turn lovers match making romance that will leave them swooning for more.

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FINAL DECISION: A fun, madcap comedy romance with an essential sweetness between two longtime friends who are perfect for one another. The balance between the comedy, romance and sweetness was just wonderful here, and although I generally prefer angst to light and comedic, this might be my favorite book in the series.

THE STORY: Delilah Montebank has spent five seasons matchmaking with her friends, but now her mother has had enough. Delilah has until the end of the season to find a match better than the one her mother has arranged for her with an earl. Delilah has set her sights on the most eligible bachelor of the year although Delilah doesn't even know him. Thomas Hobb, Duke of Huntley, is Delilah's best friend, and despite his repeated claims that he doesn't intend to marry, he has actually been in love with Delilah for years. Now with Delilah's determination to catch a different duke, Thomas has to find a way to make Delilah see him as the duke she should want.

OPINION: I loved the tone of this book which is lighthearted and funny and really has a craziness in the plots and misunderstandings between the characters. It is a crazy comedy with such a sweet romance.Delilah is a good person who has been treated badly by her mother. But her desire to love and have her mother love her leads her to try and please her mother in ways that are destructive to her. One of the character stories for Delilah is for her to recognize how destructive her mother is to her and stop trying to please her. Delilah has to learn to find her own self-worth. On the other hand, Delilah is very exuberant and full of life. She is loyal and kind. She just made me smile and she really needs a special man who can appreciate her.Thomas is the perfect match for Delilah. He has loved Delilah for years and finds her wonderful as she is. But what Thomas fears is losing her from his life. He would rather remain friends than declare himself and make things awkward for them. He is adorable in his own way. He makes Delilah laugh and he is her biggest supporter.I loved how these two are so close. The plots and plans upset the balance in their relationship, but their friendship needs to be upset in order for both of them to grab onto the happiness and love the other provides.This is a mapcap comedy with plenty of misunderstandings and mistaken love pairings. But it is spirited and fun and I enjoyed it tremendously. I'm generally not as attracted to the lighter comedic romances, but I've always enjoyed this series and this book manages to complete the series in a fun way. I also really like Delilah and Thomas and their emotional connection.

WORTH MENTIONING: This book has strong overtones of Midsummer Night's Dream so it is purposefully funny and crazy with lots of misunderstandings and machinations with everyone seemingly in love with the wrong person.

CONNECTED BOOKS: NO OTHER DUKE BUT YOU is the eleventh book in the Playful Brides series. While the story here is a standalone, there are so many recurring characters that I recommend reading this book after the others in the series in order to get all the updates and cameos.

STAR RATING: I give this book 5 stars.

NOTE: I received an ARC of this book via Netgalley. I was not required to write a review or to write a positive review. All opinions contained herein are my own.

Review to be published 4/30/19

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No Other Duke But You was an absolutely charming book. It has everything I love about historical romance. Delightful and witty characters. Engaging plot. A very lovely read. I read this story as a stand-alone but I would love to go back and read the other character’s stories.

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So I picked up this book when I saw it on NetGalley because I had read all the others in the series from the library and enjoyed them, more or less! And I did want to read the next in the series; I was thrilled when I got this as Approved in my queue..

I had always enjoyed Delilah and Thomas's friendship; and knew this was to happen - a book featuring them almost from the first moment they met (my kids hate when I predict things like this in movies or TV shows we are watching). I also loved Delilah's outspokenness and Thomas's, well, personality overall. So wanting to reading this book for me, was a given.

All of what I just said kept me going for the first half of this book along with a little bit of sweetness, some expected goofiness and laughs, some frustration on Thomas's behalf, and the overall chemistry of all the characters in this series that show up at various parts in this book. It is always wonderful to read about friends who are always there for you, no matter what. I liked how the men take up the baton of matchmaking to help their friend this time around.

And then I read the second half, and had to ask myself this question - 'Weren't/aren't these characters smart? Intelligent?' As I thought back to the previous books and the first half of this book, I did get the answer - Yes.. they might be a bit goofy, and over-the-top with their schemes and antics, but they are clever, smart, intelligent.. But somehow so many of them believed in elixirs - strongly believed that a few sprinkles will bring them true love (and while strongly believing, conveniently ignored the rules set for the elixir at the same time - so that confused me further). And the whole cycle revolving (sorry for this pun) around the elixir just dragged on too long - like when a really big wheel takes its time to finish one rotation. And though I did read it to the end, since I was almost there, this was not a book for me.. :(

So overall, between a sweet first half, the men helping their friend, the sweet and strong relationship between all the characters, and the ridiculousness of that last part, this book is barely a three star for me..

Disclaimer: Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the eARC of this book. This is my honest review of the book.

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I’ve read many of the titles in this series, although not the last handful, and it doesn’t mean you can’t pick up this series at any point. Bowman’s ability to set the world and create characters that are easily introduced and develop before your eyes helps the reader to quickly see what is going on and pulls you in. Here we have childhood friends Delilah and Thomas: perfectly suited to one another and utterly in synch. The only problem with this is Thomas’ inability to tell Delilah just how he feels, and her inability to see what EVERYONE else does – that they are actually in love with one another and the two are perfectly suited. And it is easy for readers to see it too – he’s everything that Delilah claims to want – but she’s obsessed with another, far less perfect for her man – and that’s all she can see.

While she’s been busy with her matchmaking, Delilah hasn’t really focused on her own wish to marry, but with her mother pushing an ultimatum forward, Delilah has to move and move now, just to get what she thinks she wants. A mis-sent potion, plenty of twists, some ridiculous conclusions and Thomas finally finding the words and the courage to speak up and tell Delilah exactly how he feels – and….

Oh this was fun – characters popping in and out repeatedly, hijinks, communication and miscommunication, tons of twists, turns and lots of laughs – all as hearts throb for Thomas in the hopes that Delilah will see sense, and wondering just how blatantly he has to dance in front of her for her to see him as he is – perfect for her and not just as a friend who can (and does) often anticipate her every desire. This book manages to bring all of the good things in friends to lovers romance stories and blended it with the sense and feel of a Regency romance that doesn’t fall into the ‘damsel in distress’ trap – but allows us to see the true match that is between them.

I received an eArc copy of the title from the publisher via NetGalley for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.

Review first appeared at <a href=” /’ > <a> I am, Indeed </a>

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I received an advanced reader’s copy of this book.

It’s bittersweet to be reading the last book in a series. It’s the last time one gets to read about characters one has come to know in previous books. Thomas is an all around nice guy which I found refreshing in a hero. Delilah is quirky. At times I found her to be too naive and gullible. There are some scenes that show how well Delilah and Thomas know each other. I was happy to see This couple come together at the end.

This was a fun read and I’m really sad to see this series come to an end.

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No Other Duke But You is the most recent installment in the Playful Brides series by Valerie Bowman. I have read the majority of the books in this series and I have had such a blast with these books. This author is HIGHLY underrated and when it comes to witty regency romance, she is one of my favorites to read. She has such a sharp wit that she puts into her stories. I wouldn’t say that this book is my favorite of the series, however, it was a delightful page turner that had me hooked from the start.

No Other Duke But You begins with a friendship that we see between Thomas, the Duke of Huntley, and Lady Delilah. These two have been friends since they were young and really “get” each other. Thomas has been secretly in love with Delilah though but Delilah has NO clue. She is really blonde in this manner because most of their friends know how much Thomas is in love with Delilah but she is blind to it. Probably due to the friendship that she feels for Thomas. Delilah is a co owner to a matchmaking business but after making all the matches she wants to get married but is in no rush. But when her mother gives her an ultimatum she sets her eye on the most renowned Duke, who is gorgeous and charming and a man who every woman wants. But now Delilah wants him and what begins as a innocent endeavor begins into a mess of complicated relationships and where love comes to one when you least expect it.

So this book was CRAZY but delightfully so!!! I honestly never saw the development of this story and how it grows and boy it is kinda ridiculous in what happens to the characters that come into play in this story. I really liked both of the main characters, and even though Delilah is a bit clueless I understood it because Thomas hides his feelings for her really well. I did enjoy seeing their chemistry grow and so many sweet heartfelt moments that we see develop between them that happens before and after the first kiss which is where their relationship really shows the change in their dynamic. I did like how Thomas’ friends become matchmakers themselves (and their stories are all in previous books) so it was fun to see some of my old favorites again and see them get Thomas and Delilah together.

Overall I found this book to be such a charming story that lifted my spirits and left me with all of those happy feels!!!

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I have just finished No Other Duke But You by Valerie Bowman. The pub date is 4-30-19 but it's available for pre-order. I'd do it, you don't want to miss this delightful tale. I'm sorry to say it's the last book in The Playful Brides series. This makes me triste (sad). Our heroine blurts out words in French when distressed, so Moi (I) feel compelled to throw in a word or two. William Shakespeare's play A Midsummer Night's Dream is a running theme through the story, I'll throw in a few quotes too. Let's have a little amusement (fun).

Thomas Hobbs, Duke of Huntley, has always felt he and Lady Delilah Montbank were kindred spirits. They've been friends forever and Thomas has been a willing participant in many a scheme. He's come to realize that friendship has turned into amour (love). Delilah has been too busy to notice Thomas in 'that' way. "The course of true love never did run smooth". She's been the apprentice of the matchmaking Duchess of Claringdon for six seasons. These two ladies have wreaked havoc all through the Playful Brides series. Delilah's disagreeable mother backs her into a corner and Thomas must put his own plan into motion.

Side story: Thomas has a shrew of a sister, Lavinia Hobbs, who has decided she wants to marry and he must come up with the groom. We first met Lavinia in The Untamed Ear,l and when she says she'll make Thomas' life hell, she means it. You love to hate her. The matchmaking duo are tasked with finding Lavinia a match (poor guy). This helps keep the main characters in close proximity.

Along this journeys path we have a play, several people with nefarious programmes (agendas), wacky situations worthy of a 1930's screwball comedy, self-realization, perfume and of course love. Shakespeare has the right of it, "all's well that ends well". "So, goodnight unto you all".

#PlayfulBrides #NetGalley #NoOtherDukeButYou #StMatrin'sPaperbacks @ValerieBowmanAuthor #Shakespeare

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Pure fun. I enjoyed the ridiculousness as always. Loved Delilah and Thomas. I always enjoy a good friends-to-lovers story. I loved that Thomas knew her well enough to know not to go the direct route. A fun read.

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I highly enjoyed this title and it is now on my read again shelf!

Lady Delilah Montebank’s mother has given her an ultimatum: she either marries quickly, or she marries the odious man her mother has chosen. Delilah sets her sights on the Duke of Branville and acquired a love potion to make him notice her. Lord Thomas Hobbs has been in love with Delilah for years and is determined to make her see they’re perfect for each other. Her love potion is the perfect opportunity for him to profess his feelings.

I LOVE when the hero is in love with the heroine first. If they’re friends first, even better. Thomas was such a sweet guy, too. He and Delilah were clearly made for each other.

I found the overall plot of the story to be fun, too. The love potion could’ve been more silly than it was, but it was handled well and I enjoyed it.

I will definitely be checking out the next title in this series!

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Funny, turn lager! Delilah is just so like able. And funny . Her utter cluelessness cracks me
Up. I enjoyed this book and all the funny characters that worked hard to bring Delilah and Thomas together

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I usually love Ms. Bowman's books, but this one was just too silly for my tastes. The beginning of the book was intriguing. Thomas, the Duke of Huntley has loved Lady Delilah Montebank for years, but has never revealed his feelings for fear of ruining their friendship. Delilah is a klutz and not the usual accomplished young woman of the era. When her mother dictates that Delilah needs to secure a proposal by her birthday or her mother will choose a husband for her, has Delilah in a tizzy. She tells her mother that she will receive a proposal from none other than a duke.

Most of the action centers around a play that Delilah and Thomas take part oin. As the weeks slip by with no proposals, Delilah takes the desperate act to buy a love potion. This is the part of the book that lost my interest. I found Delilah selfish in that she would force another man's attentions toward her without regard for the gentleman’s feelings. Thomas does everything he can to show Delilah he's the man for her, but she is clueless. There were other grown women running around acting silly as well and that got to be too much for me.

I did read to the end and was pleased that Thomas got his happily ever after although this is not my favorite book in the Playful Brides series. I really enjoy other books by Ms. Bowman so I'm looking forward to reading her next release.

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This was an interesting story. The storyline was different with the love potion involved. I do like a friends to lovers story though. It was fun seeing characters from the earlier books in the series.

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No Other Duke But You by Valerie Bowman revolves around the matchmaking efforts of Lady Delilah Montebank who has arranged successful matches for many of her friends, but hasn't considered one for herself until forced into it by her mother. When she does, she sets her sights on a duke who doesn't know, or care that she exists. This convoluted story was a struggle to get through with all of the machinations that Delilah goes through to get her duke to notice her, all to no avail, when the duke of her dreams, who loves her, was in front of her the entire time. I found myself wanting to smack her...or put the book down just to get away from her silliness. I toughed it out, just to make sure she made the correct match. I shouldn't have bothered.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for providing me with an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

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This book is #11 in the playful bride series. I was looking forward to Delilah's story. Delilah and Thomas, the Duke of Huntley have been best friends since she was 13. Delilah considers herself a spinster and a matchmaker.
When her mother demands she make a match this season or they will arrange a marriage for her, she asks her friend and fellow matchmaker, Lucy Hunt for help.
Thomas has been in love with Delilah for years. When he finds out about Lucy's ultimatum, he sets out to show her , he can be more than her best friend.
I loved this book and as is usually the case with a Valerie Bowman book, there is alot of humor in it.
Enjoy the story of Delilah, where she realizes the only person for her is her best friend.

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A historical romance with a Shakespeare theme, containing quirky characters, love triangles, and magic potions, No Other Duke But You is a romance you will not soon forget! With a large part of the plot centered around a production of A Midsummer Night's Dream, it tells a tale of unrequited love and misguided endeavors. I loved how the story felt like a comedy of errors, and ultimately I decided to dub it as follows - A Midsummer Night's Disaster! If you want to read a romantic comedy with a Shakespeare twist, this is the book for you.

Thomas Hobbs, the Duke of Huntley, has loved Lady Delilah Montebank since they were children. His mistake has been letting it go all these years without declaring himself. Now it might be too late. Delilah has been given an ultimatum by her mother - bring a suitor, namely the Duke of Branville, up to scratch, or marry the odious Clarence Hilton, the son of her mother's own suitor. Desperate to avoid such a fate, Delilah enlists the help of her matchmaking friends to capture the duke's attentions. When Thomas gets wind of this, he realizes that things have made a turn for the worse, and his future with his beloved is slipping away fast. He'll have to be cunning and quick to make sure Delilah ends up married to the right person - him.

I will start off by saying how lovely and unique it is that both the hero and heroine are virgins in this story. It's revealed fairly early on, and I liked it. Especially with the amount of time Thomas spent singing Delilah's praises, I was having a hard time believing he ever paid for a prostitute, seduced a widow, or maintained a mistress. It wouldn't have made sense. He was such a sweetheart throughout the story, fighting for Delilah and failing at it miserably for almost the entire book. Delilah was such a ninny at time, but a delightful one! I fell in love with her almost instantly, since animal lovers must stick together. Her shenanigans with the squirrel endeared her to me quickly, and her awful mother made me want to jump inside the pages of the book to defend her. Her generous spirit and kind heart were so evident, and with Thomas being so similar in virtue, their pairing seemed very natural. Which is why it was so frustrating that it took a long time - and I do mean, a l-o-n-g time - for these two to get together in this book. But with all the drama of the various players in the story, you didn't really miss it as a reader. I was glad that their relationship blossomed into romance slowly.

Brava to Valerie Bowman for writing such a splendidly unique book! Highly recommended to historical romance readers and Shakespeare buffs alike.

**I received a free copy via NetGalley and this is my honest review.**

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