Member Reviews

Maybe I missed something here? I did not finish the book. It started out well enough-- with the author, Neale Donald Walsch, reminding the reader of all the things wrong in the world today, and I agree that there is plenty. But it lost me a bit when Neale began talking about religions and how we should constantly take a look at our beliefs. At that point, I skipped to the end to see where all this was headed only to find a list of how "awakened" people behave.

So now that the author actually came up with a list, how is a reader to take it? Perhaps they can give themselves a few checks here for--yes I got that and take notice of where they failed. There is no grading for when you are done, but I have suggestions because quizzes like this are usually scored, so let's say: if you said yes to all of them--you are awakened; if you have, say six, you aren't at all awakened --work harder.

I've read a lot of books over the years from Buddhism to Christianity. On this path, we learn--here a little-there a little. I don't believe you will find the answers to" being awakened" in 119 pages.

I'm sure there are those who will get a lot out of this. I'm not one of them.

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A good 'back to basics' book to help reset your mind and life, really apt for the time and a great read!

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Once again, Walsch has his finger on the pulse of all that is relevant, with the message of how we need to raise our vibration above the 3rd dimension to overcome the issues facing our Earth.

We are an angry society, creating a lower consciouness climate of intolerance, hate, racism, narcissism and mass murder. Yes, we are creating it.

This book poses the question of what we will do next. We have the power to turn it all around for the better....but we each must do our part.

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I like books that make you think, and even better, that make you think about things in a new way. That is exactly what The Essential Path by Neale Donald Walsch does in a clear, easy to follow and understand manner.

Walsch identifies the major problem facing the world today as alienation, (the idea that we are separate and different from one another) because it fuels competition, judgement, bias and division; all of which prevent us from tackling the real problems we should be dealing with; hunger, violence, lack of electricity and clean water in much of the world, etc.

I am one of the millions of people who are frustrated with the course our world is taking. For example, politics isn't about doing what's right anymore, it's about standing your ground against anyone not in the same group you put yourself in, and being unwilling to consider any ideas from outside that group. Worse, we have become so entrenched in our views, that we don't even question our beliefs anymore. "Cognitive scientists tell us that all it takes is one in ten people to emphatically embrace an idea, and the mass will follow." (Quote from the book which may differ in the published version.) Victor Hugo once said "All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come."

Walsch encourages us to not only question our beliefs but ask hard questions to determine who and what we really are.

I hope you'll pick up this fascinating read and give Walsch's ideas some thought. You have more power than you realize!

Many thanks to NetGalley, Goodreads and St. Martin's Press for allowing me to read an ARC of this book in exchange for an unbiased review. All opinions expressed here are my own.

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It is crucial in today’s extremely troubled and divided world that we take a step back and see what really matters. I found this book to be quite encouraging and uplifting. We have the ability to heal these vindictive, hostile divisions by simply remembering to be respectful, open to other viewpoints and, at the same time, be true to our core beliefs. What is going on now in the world needs to change and this book offers the spiritual enlightenment that can make that change. Very useful, interesting and informative.
My thanks to NetGalley for providing me with an arc in exchange for my honest review.

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There is some good spiritual wisdom here, but it takes a bit of wading through the extraneous to get to it. Walsch specifically addresses the us vs. them mentality which seems to be so pervasive today and prescribes a spiritual solution. Uplifting and hopeful.

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The Essential Path takes a very liberal view that will turn off some. But if they bother to read the book , the author is not talking about The Borg. In fact, he takes ideas that i already hold and challenges them up. This is very though provoking and something people should read.
Many will get tired before the meat of the book however. The idea wasn't even presented until about 40 percent of the way through the book. The good news is that it's pretty easy read and to understand.

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The Us against Them mentality that is being fueled by today's politics is killing all of us. It is essential that we delve into our true selves, even if not for the good of mankind but to save ourselves. I found The Essential Path immensely helpful in reminding myself who I am, what I really want to project to others and that although at times I feel alone in my impending death from all the hate and angry rhetoric, I am not alone. It is "essential" we keep the faith that love will overcome hate. Even as a pagan who has my own views on god and Jesus, I found this book full of hope that one can overcome the human ego.

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