Cover Image: the mermaid's voice returns in this one

the mermaid's voice returns in this one

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Member Reviews

I wasn't sure about what to expect from this book, but I did enjoy, in a weird kind of way. One of the strongest points of The Mermaid's Voice Returns in This One is the way it is told. The formatting, the different types of fonts and the weird looking text added to the entire experience and made it more enjoyable. Also, the fairy tale element was one of my favorite parts and I feel like staring at real world, everyday problems through a fantastical glass is quite an interesting choice, but it definitely works.

I cannot really say, though, that The Mermaid's Voice Returns in This One was this spectacular and flawless read, because I feel like parts of it weren't all that interesting. It was still a good read, though.

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Powerful poems, modern writing style and sensitive topics; Lovelace delivers once again both emotional and sincere poetry that mends the reader's heart.

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