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Absolutely brilliant book, well written and kept you guessing all the way through. Highly recommend to anyone who enjoys a psychological thriller.

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Have pondered for the best part of a day trying to decide what to write in this review and I was almost stumped. Decided in the end to just say that this is a fascinating book which is well worth the time for anyone fascinated by the way people's heads are wired. It is an enthralling tale that I read in two sittings. It should really have been three but with only a few percent of the book left to read at 01:00 in the morning during the second sitting, I just had to keep going to the last fullstop. Well worth my effort and yours as long as you please bear in mind this is a book that needs one's full attention and so is not, in my opinion, a book for the beach.

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Omg, what an awesome debut novel-so much so I've just pre ordered the sequel which isn't out until 2020!
I have to admit I struggled to start with but there are so many twists and turns in this story it soon had me hooked! I couldn't put it down and am desperate to know what happens with Jameson and Bloom next!
I am local to Leeds so the locations really came to life but this was an added bonus which didn't distract from the book at all. I can't wait to get spreading the word about this awesome novel and author!

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GONE Leona Deakin

People are going missing, nothing unusual in that, people go missing every day, but some of these people are being given a card with a message on it just before they disappear.

On the card is the message “Happy First Birthday. Dare To Play The Game” For some reason the Police aren’t linking the cases, and where they do, they deem the missing person to be old enough, and in good enough health, for them not to be seen as vulnerable.

Dr Augusta Bloom is a Psychologist who has teamed up with Ex MI6 officer Marcus Jameson to carry out independent investigations.

One of the woman that goes missing is related, in a tenuous way to Marcus, and he is asked to look into the case.

Between him and Dr Augusta they start to identify a worrying trend in the type of person that has gone missing after being invited to play the game.

But why are people being asked to play, and what is the end game.

As the two investigate secrets are uncovered which surprise everybody, and scare more than a few.

Can Dr Augusta, the shy almost introvert Psychologist, get into the mind of whoever is collecting these people. While she tries Marcus uses his investigative skills, and a few contacts from his Secret Service past to try to link all of victims.

The main part of this story is the hunt for the missing people, but what I found really intriguing was who was being invited to play the game, and the purpose they were asked to join in. It would not be a big leap of faith to see this happen in real life, and with frightening consequences.

A good read.

Pages: 384

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People around the UK are receiving birthday cards daring them to join in the ‘game’, and then they appear to disappear. Working alongside the police is the couple Marcus Jameson and Dr Augusta Bloom are working frantically to work out what is going on. The pace of the novel really picks up, and it becomes a taut psychological thriller which really gripped me. I very much liked the two main characters, and I do hope that they become a regular fixture in the world of thrillers. A real page-turner.

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Generally an OK book. It was exciting in parts and rather laborious in others. I found it a little bit confusing as we are introduced to a large number of characters very quickly and it was difficult to remember who was who. I also found it quite difficult, at times, to decide which person was talking.

It was an interesting premise, but rather long winded and sometimes unnecessarily. I liked the main characters and felt it could be the beginning of a series of books. Don't know whether this is the plan, but I would be interested in seeing how they develop.

Mixed feelings about the ending.

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What a unique fascinating dual narrative that twists and turns with time. A thrilling puzzle, which has many mysterious moving pieces. Utterly thrilling!

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This book has a little bit of everything- the mystery of the people who just up and disappear from their lives after receiving a strange anonymous card. Competitiveness, violence and psychopathy among the "players" of a very strange game, tension between the investigating police and the psychologist and a way of telling the story that keeps you just up to speed with the investigation without allowing you to jump ahead too much.
An excellent premise that is well written and easy to read.

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Wow ...... this book was fabulous and I read it in 2 sittings on holiday. At first I was a little confused as there's lots of characters to remember but you soon realise who is who. The plot was intriguing and had several twists & turns right until the last chapter. Great debut novel that I'd highly recommend - haven't read anything that had so much detail. Loved it.

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Psychological thrillers are becoming much more popular these days so an author has to really work at it to come up with one that stands out from the rest. This author has definitely succeeded with this book. Not only is the plot really original she has blended the psychological with a police procedural and come up with a really exciting story. I loved the way the very different personalities of the almost obsessive compulsive Augusta and the laid back Marcus managed to come together and bring out the best in both. I think the author has the makings of a brilliant series here and I will be eagerly looking out for more of her work. 10 out of 10

Review will be posted on Goodreads and Amazon.

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I really should have liked this more. It's a good thriller with an unusual twist. Strange messages and psychopaths abound. Unfortunately I found the characters wooden and so never really engaged with it all.
A pity as it is so original.
Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the ARC

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There are many attractions to this book. One is that when you start,it grips your imagination very effectively. There are many reasons for this. The storyline is original and brilliantly conceived. The use of the dark web,psychologically damaged characters and believable lead characters is a compelling mix. Violence,deceit,love and betrayal are all there. The lead character,Dr Bloom is complicated and secretive. There is extensive use of psychological terminology but it is all explained and used to support a gripping tale. This book deserves success because it is different and modern.

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Dr Bloom, a psychologist, and Jameson an Ex MI6 agent are an investigative team that agrees to look into a missing mother of a teenage girl. They quickly discover that people are disappearing on their birthday without a trace leaving behind a birthday card daring them to play a game. They seem to go willingly, leaving their lives and families behind without a second thought but where and why. What is this game and why are they playing?

The book manages to keep its secrets well hidden and Bloom and Jameson move from investigators to unwitting participants. The characters are well written, generally likable and believable and the text does not rely heavily on in-depth procedural descriptions and manages to present analyses of psychosis in understandable terms.

I really enjoyed this story. It had a wonderful premise and maintained tension throughout making it an incredible page turned. I would recommend this book to others.

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Gone is one of the best books I’ve tread in a long time! The premise is so unusual of (SPOILER) psychopaths are going missing and the game is deadly!! I read this book in two days as I couldn’t put it down. I highly recommend it!!!

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I haven’t read a straight crime thriller set in the UK for some time. I find that they tend to be pretty tame in comparison to their American counterparts, or they go overboard with the gore in order to try and stand out. I was pleasantly surprised that this novel fit neither of those stereotypes.

Sixteen-year-old Jane’s mother was missing. Lana left no note, no money, nothing to help ensure Jane’s safety. All that was left was a card saying “Happy 1st Birthday”, containing the message “YOUR GIFT IS THE GAME. DARE TO PLAY?” printed inside.

Frustrated by the lack of interest from the police, Jane reached out online and made a chilling discovery. Lana wasn’t the only one to receive this card – it was discovered in four other missing person cases.

Turning to a family friend for help, Jane just wants her mother to come home. Can former MI6 agent Jameson and his psychologist partner Bloom find Lana and the others? Or will they discover that the missing people are not the ones who need to be saved?

Despite a somewhat shaky start, I was quickly drawn into the narrative, and found the premise to be quite intriguing. The main characters are slightly two dimensional on occasion, but interesting enough for this story and are ripe for development in a possible future sequel. Some of the plot devices were obvious, but on the whole the novel is absorbing and well worth a try.

Gone appears to be a re-release of Deakin’s debut novel, Mind Games.

I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a book I wouldn’t normally choose. Initially it felt like 2 separate stories and i was concerned i wouldnt really get into the book. However, even though the stories don’t join until over half way through the book it wasn’t an issue

I felt the characters were extremely well developed and the background story was excellent. I was really getting into the book but I felt the ending wasxa little rushed. It seemed to happen all of a sudden and with not much detail. Everything else had been described so well and the ending just felt like it needed to be done. A bit of a disappointment but still a good read

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It was an okay read but was a bit far fetched I didn’t really connect with the characters and found it quite boring i wanted it to get better but couldn’t wait to finish it

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**Book Review**
I have just finished this book in two days! Here is the blurb and my review below-
Four strangers are missing. Left at their last-known locations are birthday cards that read:
The police aren’t worried – it’s just a game. But the families are frantic. As psychologist and private detective Dr Augusta Bloom delves into the lives of the missing people, she finds something that binds them all.
And that something makes them very dangerous indeed.
As more disappearances are reported and new birthday cards uncovered, Dr Bloom races to unravel the mystery and find the missing people.
But what if, this time, they are the ones she should fear?
This book had me hooked from the moment I saw the front cover. Deakin’s style of writing flowed so effortlessly I felt like I couldn’t devour her words quick enough. I read it so fast because I had to see if my predictions for the story and it’s characters were correct, and I couldn’t wait to find out. Selfishly I wish the book was longer so it could delve deeper into this deadly game and the fate of the book’s many characters. I have a feeling we will be seeing more of Dr Augusta Bloom!
Thank you to Random House UK and NetGalley for allowing me to read an advanced copy.
Definitely put this on your reading list, it’s available 9th of August on kindle and Ereaders . Available on the 3rd of October in paperback.
Would you read this book?

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Thank you to Netgalley for the preview of this book, and what a book it was!!
Have you ever read a book then wished for temporary amnesia so you could read it again? This is one of those books where I wished for such.
It starts with a birthday card inviting certain, seemingly random, people to “date to play” and the story from then on places the reader on a rollercoaster of a ride of pure unadulterated thrills, twists and turns.
The “players” go missing upon accepting the dare, but they haven’t been abducted, or kidnapped, they’ve actually disappeared willingly to join a group of like minded select people who are all functioning psycho’s, intent on having power over the “normal” people. The new recruits are given a series of challenges to gain entry into the psychotic group, and those that fail simply disappear. The characters tasked to infiltrate the group and bring them down are a psychologist and her ex secret service partner who are both unknowingly linked to the leader of the group.
I absolutely loved this book and could not put it down, and when I absolutely had to, I was thinking about it. One of the best thrillers I’ve ever read which is a bold statement as I’ve read many, but is certainly worthy of such praise!! I will defiantly read a further book from this author who’s premise for this book was unique, thought provoking and all together possible if not probable. Please write another novel soon, I need the adrenaline rush!

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Thanks to Netgalley for sharing a copy for review.

Well, I finished this book in a day, the fastest I have read a book all year which I think says a lot. This is despite the horrific formatting on the version I received, which meant I had to reread several sections more than once to figure out what was going on, and also despite the fact that I figured out the plot at about 40%. But it did keep me hooked to the end, with a caveat that I will get into below.

It is very clear from very early in that the author is an expert in psychology. She weaves the science quite well into the plot, and takes care to explain in basic language what it means so that even the least aware person can keep up. Second, the plot abounds with messages that ring true: for example the exhibitionism we tend to display on social media and how we use different forms differently. Clearly the author has a relevant message for today’s world of interconnected realities and its inherent dangers. The game itself was also quite intriguing a concept. The writing is excellent and the use of words is superb.

That said, there were a few things I didn’t really like which explains the rating. First was the pacing - the whole book felt quite flat to me, and I had a bit of difficulty getting excited or really thrilled. I find a god thriller is one that keeps me on the edge of my seat while I’m reading it, but I didn’t get that feeling with this novel. Second, the character of Marcus felt a bit odd to me - a spymaster who seems to lose all his skills at the first hint of a relationship. Third, I didn’t really feel a connection with Augusta even though she is the main character. I wasn’t sure exactly how to treat her in my mind - is she the “lonely spinster” type, the wiry elderly lady type, a Ms Marple level of super detective, or a Natasha Romanova type of deception artist? And finally, at the end, I understood the Why of the whole plot, but I didn’t really get the So What.

Overall, a commendable effort for a first novel. I enjoyed reading this book, and others might as well especially if you are looking for a fast read.

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