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Play to Win

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Who doesn’t love family drama, loads of sexual tension, hockey and a romance? If you do, then Play to Win is a book you should check out. This is the first book in the Wynn Hockey series and I am absolutely hooked!
Théo is out celebrating his new job with some buddies when he meets waitress Lacey. There is an instant connection and attraction between the two. He soon realizes that Lacey is in trouble, all thinks to her gambling addicted twin brother, to make matters worse, she has also lost her job and her brothers stolen all her money. Théo is moving back to California and back to all his family, one person he is not looking forward to see his is younger brother, who also happened to steal his girlfriend. To help solve both their problems he suggests that Lacey and him should get married. They are in Vegas after all, what is the worst that could happen?
I loved both Théo and Lacey, they aren’t perfect people, their families are both full of drama (especially Théo’s) but these two are a perfect fit for each other. He is organized, OCD, and hates deviating from his schedule. She is the opposite, she just goes with the flow. Their relationship was able to grow over a span of a few months and it went from a fake marriage to more. Despite all the crazy family drama I have fallen in love with the entire Wynn family and their friends. I can’t wait for the rest of this series.

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What a great way to start a new series! This is by far the best book by Kelly Jamieson that I have read, and I have enjoyed several of her Aces Hockey books. Still set in the world of hockey, Play to Win follows Theo Wynn - of the Wynn of hockey dynasty - who is about to start a new job managing his grandfather’s hockey team. The night before leaving the state to start his new job, Theo goes out to celebrate in Vegas with several buddies. While out, Theo encounters Lacey, and something about her pulls him to her. She is having some family troubles, and he can empathize because of his own complicated family history.

Without giving too much away, these two find themselves bonding, and the first 40% or so of the book follows them in almost real-time as they learn about each other and connect. I absolutely LOVED this part of the book, the banter between the characters, and the chemistry you could feel between the two. It’s an awesome start to a new series of standalone books for Jamieson, and I cannot wait to read the next one! I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Kelly Jamieson has become an auto-buy for me and her latest book did not disappoint. I think this might be my favorite series debut of hers, and that’s saying a lot since I loved Marc and Lovey in Major Misconduct.

The start to Theo and Lacey’s relationship is far from traditional and that made me love it even more. Theo is such a likable hero and I found him super relatable. I loved Lacey just as much. She has such a fun personality. Kelly did a great job with making both main characters’ personalities come through.

I whole heartedly recommend this book. I don’t remember the last time I was so excited after a series debut. I am super excited to read about the rest of the Wynns.

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Théo didn’t imagine how much his life would change when he attended his farewell night with his friends. One moment he saw Lacey needed him and he felt a surge of protectiveness surge inside him. Lacey knows she needs to escape Las Vegas and jumps at the chance to leave with Théo. He would slowly change and unwind and simply enjoy life. Having that moment to breathe and embrace his new position was the dream he had been seeking all along. Loved this book and the family dynamics you have to wade through with a life preserver.

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I love a hockey romance! This book was good- I really loved Theo, and his family was interesting. The romance itself was good, but I just didn’t find myself wanting to devour the series.

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Play to Win is the first book in a new series called Wynn Hockey. It focuses on the Wynn family, who all have some sort of hockey skill in their blood.

Theo Wynn used to be a hockey player before an injury led him to leave the team and focus on his own career instead. His grandfather unexpectedly offers him the chance to manage one of the family's hockey teams, and he accepts. The night before he starts his job, he meets a waitress named Lacey. He sees her being harassed by the people her brother owes a gambling debt to, and he goes to her defense. Sparks fly, and by the end of the night, they get a marriage certificate in Vegas. It's pretty convenient for both of them since 1) Theo doesn't want to look like a loser in front of his family members since his brother is now dating his ex and 2) Lacey was in danger from the men that attacked her.

Unlike a lot of existing reviewers, I haven't read any of Kelly Jamieson's previous books so I didn't know what to expect. Play to Win sounded like an interesting read at first since I love reading sports romances (hello every single MZ book + Off Campus), but I didn't like this one as much as I could have. The sports aspect this book is marketed on (It's called Wynn Hockey) wasn't really showed or focused on, it was mainly romance. I understand that the main character isn't a hockey player, but a manager, but most of his scenes were more so focused on Lacey rather than the actual team. I also would have thought there would be better climax than the one that was in the book, and I really didn't feel like it was enough to be considered as a climax, y'know? I also didn't feel particularly attached to any of the characters or the plot itself, but I'm not giving this too low because I didn't really have any issues with the writing! I just would have preferred more of the sports aspect that was promised.

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Kelly Jamieson surely delivered with “Play To Win” but let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a good sports romance filled with family rivalry? The drama filled lives of Theo and Lacey with their chaotic families, one sibling stealing their brother girlfriend while another pimps them out to repay their debts, left me intrigued and the bombshed attraction between the leads were notable. The relationship started off unorthodox ― meeting at a restaurant, getting fired and then hopping off to a Vega wedding chapel to get married before moving to California to starts their new lives. From the get-go it was obvious that the leads were flaw human beings and just like everyone else in the real world, dealt with the highs and lows of creating a solid foundation in their relationship. Let's also mentioned the relationship developed in a span of a few months, allowing the romance and relationship time to grow. Lacey and Theo were a good mesh together, the premise was solid and the hot-mess of the Wynn family left me wanting more. I seriously can’t wait to read the rest of the Wynn family stories and I look forward to Theo edition when it’s released later on this year.

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What’s not to love about hockey, hot players and awkward situations that turn into great love stories. This is the first book in a new hockey series and is fantastic. The characters have you laughing, screaming and swooning. The storyline is addicting and you won’t want to put down your kindle, needing to know how the drama turns out. This is a series I cannot wait to continue. It’s definitely a must for all sports romance fans.

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This is Theo and Lacey's book
I'm a big fan of this author. Love all of her sports romance books. So looking forward to the next one.

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Wow Kelly Jamieson has done it again. This book was a great start to her new series and I cannot wait to read JP's book. This first book was about Théo and Lacey. Now Théo has become my new book boyfriend. He is not only hot but he is the sweetest, kindest most thoughtful man. He is also very nerdy and likes his life to be well planned out with no deviation at all. Now Lacey has a kind heart but she is also very spontaneous, messy and likes living life to the fullest. Her and Théo should not be a perfect match but they just seem to fit together like puzzle pieces. Théo and Lacey meet in Vegas on Théo's last night there. Things happen and they end up getting married and Lacey goes with Théo to California. This marriage is just suppose to be temporary to help them both out. What starts as hot chemistry and friendship soon becomes very complicated. I absolutely am in love with this new series although it has a very complicated family tree. I cannot wait to read the next book in the Wynn family series. Thanks Net Galley. I voluntarily reviewed this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I have been reading Kelly Jamieson for a long time and, to be honest, this book reminded me more of the Heller Boys series than the Chicago Aces series which I didn't like as much. This book had a weird fetish that I couldn't get behind and The aspect of marrying in Vegas one night and then dropping everything to move to LA with a boy he just met didn't sit well with me either.

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Great book!! This is Theo and Lacey book, Theo is an ex hockey player and now he got a job from his grandfather running his NHL hockey franchise! Lacey is a down in her luck , get a job anywhere anywhere type of person. She grew up in las Vegas and has a twin brother that has a gambling problem and even his goons come after lacey Theo has an offer she cant refuse! This book was funny, hot, drama, angst, it had it all and it's a great start to a new series!! Thank you Netgalley and the publishers for sharing this book with me!

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I really enjoyed this book. Great start to this series. I can't wait to read another one. The characters were great with some family drama. It is story of romance and developing friendship. Loved the interactions between to the two main characters, Lacey and Theo. I would recommend this book.

I received this advance copy from Netgalley for a honest review.

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I just found Kelly Jamieson’s books and, boy, am I glad. Especially anyone about hockey. This is no different except that I know that there are more to come! The only hard part of any new series is learning about all of the new characters and how they interconnect. This is no different, it’s about a large and complicated family. There’s always more to learn about the Wynn family dynamics while looking through the layers. I wasn’t sure how I would like or relate to Theo, as he’s in the management side. But after learning about his past and that he played professional hockey until injured, made me realize that there was more to him than I realized. I really liked Lacey and admired her. She was honest and up front, didn’t play games. This was an easy read. I didn’t want it to end. Can’t wait for JP’s story.

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Play to Win is the first book to a new hockey series by Kelly Jamieson. The Wynn family is pretty large and almost all of them are involved with the hockey world in some way. The family dynamic is pretty rocky with the Grandfather owning one hockey team and the father of our hero owning another. Family members are suing each other, step parents are accused of gold digging, petty jealousy driving others. The Wynn family will definitely keep things interesting in this series.

This first book focuses on Theo Wynn. He had a very short career as a hockey player until an injury crushed those dreams. His intellect that he was bullied for as a kid will be the key to keep him in the hockey world. Making a risky move, he accepts his grandfather's job proposal to manage his hockey team at the risk of his father's anger. This will be the key to him showing his family what he can really do with that intellect mind of his.

The night before Theo leaves Las Vegas, he rescues the waitress at the club. Lacey is being harassed by some thugs after her for her brothers gambling debt. There is just something about Lacey that has him doing things he never would, like marrying her and taking her with him to California to prove to his family that he doesn't care that his brother stole his girlfriend.

What starts out as a fake marriage soon turns into more but Theo and Lacey are both pretty jaded about life. They struggle with trying to fight their attraction and keeping things platonic. They both are starting new lives and think they can only depend on themselves. This book is seeing that struggle and how they overcome all the past hurt and take the risks to their heart to find happiness in each other.

You meet so many of the Wynn family and I"m already invested in seeing them set aside the anger and hurt. Lacey was one step in that direction. She brought a couple of these family members closer together. I look forward to more of their story in the upcoming series.

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Anytime you get a book from Kelly you know you are going to enjoy it, especially if it is about hot hockey players at least to me anyway..I hate when her series ends so I was excited that we started a new series with the Wyn family and my friends have fun trying to keep all of them on track. So we meet Theo who unfortunately for him, his hockey career ended but he has a new venture to follow, the LA Condors, he now working for his colorful grandpa who I personally enjoyed. Anyhoo he meets Lacey who is struggling with her gambling addict of a brother (but she still loves him and wants to help him) Theo and Lacey get together for a make believe marriage but as you and I know those are the best and never stay make believe..Enjoy!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher, for this free eARC.

Kelly Jamieson is my favorite hockey romance author. Her books are so hard to put down, and I always enjoy them.

Play to Win is the first in a new series. And I am so excited for it! 🙌 This is going to be such a great series, full of family drama!

Theo Wynn is a workaholic, who is helping his grandpa manage a team. He meets Lacey in Vegas, and when they get to talking, they both agree to help each other, and quickly get married. This may be the best thing that happens to them both!

I loved the start of this series and can't wait to read the second book!

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This is the first of a new series and what a way to introduce it! The Wynn family is a hockey family/dynasty but it's not all loving familial moments. Theo is hired by his grandfather to take over the losing team is owns as general manager. On Theo's last night in Vegas, he meets Lacey, his waitress at the bar his current team has taken him to send him off in style. Through a series of misfortunes, Lacey ends up fired and Theo is intrigued enough to invite her to join them. From there it is a wild night that ends up with the two married and Lacey moving to CA with Theo. It's a great story of developing friendship and romance. I loved the interactions between the two and cannot wait to see what happens with the rest of the family.

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The Wynn family is going to be one wild ride of a series and I am absolutely loving it already. Theo is just...damn, and Lacey is exactly what he didn’t know he needs. Their story had me smiling, crying a little, and swooning a whole lot. A great way to kick off something new, from an author who is one of my absolute favorites!

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I can always count on Kelly Jamieson to write a great hockey romance. This one is a little different as we meet Theo, a previous player as he is taking on a new job as the team GM. This is the start of a new series involving the Wynn family and this story is an introduction to that family. Needless to say, they have some issues. I really enjoyed this book. It was entertaining, the characters were likeable and it kept my interest throughout. It is a great beginning to a new series and I look forward to reading the rest of the series.

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