Cover Image: They Called Me Wyatt

They Called Me Wyatt

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Member Reviews

Due to all of the controversy and the type of person the author is I will not be reading this book. I refuse to read anything written by someone that can tear someone down without a care and not even be woman enough to apologize. She should be ashamed of herself.

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Unfortunately, I am removing all my stars for this novel. I support people and give the benefit of the doubt. But in this case, I will not stand behind someone who purposefully tears others down. And the actions of this author against a civil employee completely fall against my own personal ethics. It's truly a shame. Being kind takes zero effort, but going out of your way to undermine and jeopardize someone's livelihood is a low blow.

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Due to the controversy surrounding this author, I don’t feel comfortable reading or reviewing this title. I requested it pre-incident. I wish there was a way to give no rating on Netgalley.

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This was a book I couldn’t get along with and after reading up on the author, I soon realised why. Not for me!

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I apologize for leaving this feedback so late. This was my first book through NetGalley, received directly from the author, who had contacted me about reading it through Instagram.

I started the book, really struggled to get into it, and was unsure of how to handle that at the time since I was new to this platform. I checked Goodreads to see other readers’ thoughts and it was then I discovered the controversy with the author. Upon learning that the book wasn’t going to be published, it seemed unnecessary to continue with it.

I did receive a few follow up messages from the author on Instagram and, being so new to all bookish communities at the time, I wasn’t sure what my obligation was, as far as feedback goes, and how valid my discomfort with the messages was.

At this time, I feel readers shouldn’t be pressured to finish a book they don’t like and that receiving multiple messages from an author is off-putting. I appreciate that the author put her heart into the book and wanted to see it succeed, but I wouldn’t have been able to finish it and rate it well if it had been published. I simply didn’t find it immersive and I wasn’t enjoying the story at all.

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This book was tough..broke my heart. I would have liked her to be able to move forward and Wyatt talk

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I really liked the premise of this book because it was so unique! Unfortunately the book and I just weren't a good match because I really struggled to connect to the characters and have decided not to finish it. It just isn't for me at this time.

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I did not like this book a book were the author tears people down on purpose is not something I will stand by.

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I was not a fan of this one unfortunately. I found it to have pretty repetitive tropes to other thriller books out there, so I was not amazed.

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I do apologize but I did not read the book. With all of the negative publicity with the book, I did not feel comfortable reading it upon its release. It sounded like a very good premise and I wish that she grows to find compassion for others and a successful writing career.

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dnf at 48%

this author's racist actions in the past made it really hard for me to give this book a chance but i decided to read my e-galley in case there was any merit to the work. I have to be honest, this story was a slog. I was so thoroughly disinterested throughout the whole thing and I just couldn't finish.

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THEY CALLED ME WYATT by Natasha Tynes has interesting premises, unfortunately it does not meet my expectation. Don't get me wrong, I finished this book in one sitting because I was very curious in finding who is the killer. However, this book has a slow pace and no depth in characterization.

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Thank you for the copy - all opinions are my own.

Despite the backlash from the author's behaviors prior to publishing I thought I would still give the book a try, as I was intrigued by the plot. Unfortunately, the story wasn't a good fit for me as a reader. It was a little slower than I had hoped, and places of the story dragged so much I found myself skimming the pages to get to the next interesting twist. I'm sure there may be an audience for this story out there, but it wasn't my favorite.

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The premise of this book was very interesting; however, soon into starting it I realized this book is not for me. I truly believe not all books are for every reader and I hope that other readers will enjoy this book.

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I was like someone else who said they wouldnt have picked up this book otherwise. I kept thinking about the movie "Chances Are" where the spirit is in another body & discovers truths - a little far fetching, but yeah. I always love a different point of view story & this was no exception

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I think the idea behind this book is original and very compelling. It puts an interesting twist on your standard mystery. While at times the pacing felt off in general I found this to be a clever and fast moving read.

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I was looking forward to reading this book because it is set in both Jordan and the U.S., and I don’t know that I’ve ever read a novel set in Jordan or with a Jordanian character. The premise was unique and interesting, but unfortunately, it was executed poorly. The writing was too juvenile for my tastes, and I felt the plot was a little too contrived, especially in the way the near-future setting was able to invent gadgets to conveniently help Wyatt solve his mystery.

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This is a book unlike any book I have read. It was smart and a real page turner. I was so engrossed I had to know more. The author really made you feel like you were in the different setting. I was so invested in solving the mystery and learning more of the characters. This was a solid read.

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The author's racist actions were not okay, and neither is supporting her in any way, shape or form. Regardless of my genuine interest in the book, I will not be reading it because aiding Tynes in her writing career would be completely disrespectful towards all POC.

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"They called Me Wyatt" is about a woman that is murdered, but her death wrongfully gets ruled a suicide. At the same time, Wyatt is born and she soon wakes up....butt she no longer is herself, she is in Wyatts mind. Using Wyatt, she makes it Her mission to prove that she did not kill herself.I

"They Called Me Wyatt" is entertaining and I read it pretty quickly, I give it 3 stars, however, because what started out as an interesting book has too many loose ends for my liking at the end. I also put off reading the book for a while because of the controversial actions of the writer. I don't want to support somebody that can so easily hurt another person, even though that has nothing to do with the book, There are plenty of brilliant writers to support

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