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The Last House Guest

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Member Reviews

Oh my....this certainly didn't go how I thought it would go! Loads of twists and turns that keep you guessing right up to the point that all is revealed. Did she? Did he? Did they?!?!?!
I did feel like there were some parts that were close, but kind of missed the mark in terms of explanation in the end, but not enough for it taint the story overall.
Suspense, thrills in this one. This was my first Megan Miranda, so I wasn't sure what to expect. It did not disappointed. Solid 4 stars.

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Another great novel by Megan Miranda! A psychological thriller surrounding Avery and her best friend Sadie's death. Twists and turns have you guessing who the murderer is and questioning everyone - even Avery.

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I enjoyed this book it was sad but a good mystery. It was sad that Sadie had to die and Avery had to lose her friend but the mystery aspect of it was good and had me questioning and wondering. Megan Miranda has a way with wiring twisty mysteries that make you question every character she never fails to hold me attention with her writing. Another good solid mystery I will always be a fan of her books!

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I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you NetGalley! I have to agree with some of the other reviewers who said this started out a little slow. Once I got about a quarter of the way into it though I enjoyed the story and the characters. This reminded me a bit of a Big Little Lies type scenario. We always seem to like stories about rich people with secrets for some reason right?? This fit right into that category. I will say that this one kept me guessing - I thought I knew who "did it" and how it all went down and then the author surprised me which I love in this type of book! I would recommend this to anyone who likes thrillers/mystery type books.

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I have never read a book by Megan Miranda. I know many people talk about ALL THE MISSING GIRLS. This book was very good and I love the twists and turns. I want to read her other books after reading this. I know my patrons will like this book because they love all of her books.

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This was my first book by Megan Miranda and while I hope it won't be the last, I can't say it was a really great read for me. I found it difficult to connect to any of the characters and while there were some good twists at the end, I felt like the multiple locations/rental houses made it difficult for me to follow along with the whole time. Thanks to NetGalley & Simon and Schuster for the advanced e-galley.

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I love a good mystery with lots of twists and turns. I thought I had it all figured out. But I was wrong!

A wealthy Sadie befriends local Sadie. On the surface all looks good. However, Sadie has a dark secret that turns both their lives upside down.

The book does flip from past to present throughout,however the way it was written, I found it easy to follow and it helped put the pieces of the puzzle together.

I look forward to reading past and future books from Miranda!

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Avery and Sadie are friends. They are complete opposites as Sadie's family is rich and Avery isn't. Avery is all alone in the world and Sadie makes her part of her family. After a party, Sadie is found dead. Avery wants to know what happened to her. This is a great mystery/thriller book. It kept me guessing until the very and the twists and turns are awesome! I received an advanced readers copy and all opinions are my own.

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Overall, I would give this book three stars and would recommend it as a beach read as it was a quick and easy read. I thought the author did a great job of setting the scene and painting a great picture of the town Littleport. That said, I thought the characters were somewhat difficult to relate to and found the way the chapters skipped back and forth to be a little disjointed. I wasn't as thrilled with the ending as other's have been. Overall, I think most people will enjoy the book.

Thanks to NetGallery for a free copy in return for an honest review.

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This was a great mystery novel. Nothing was too outlandish or obvious, and it kept me on my toes. I thought the twists and turns were poignant, the characters were developed and the writing was superb. I've read this authors previous novels and have always enjoyed her work - this one did not disappoint!

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All the Missing Girls was my first introduction to Megan Miranda’s writing, so I was glad to get a chance to read The Last House Guest. Miranda’s writing s deliciously suspenseful with strong character development. It’s a riff on the classic tale of two cities: a wealthy vacation town and the small town of residents who make their money serving them. Avery and Sadie are from different sides of the tracks, and their friendship thrives until a questionable death by suicide calls it all into question.

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Avery grew up in the small seaside town divided by the locals and summer people. Poor choices as a teen and an unlikely friendship with the daughter of wealthy summer people left her isolated in both worlds. Sadie Lohman and Avery are inseparable until the summer Sadie dies. Avery's world is rocked and the fissures lead her to look at the Lohmans and her life. Why did Sadie take her life?

The story is told in present day and flashbacks of a after season party the year before. The day Sadie died. At times I was unsure if Avery was an unreliable narrator which made me want to keep reading. Layers of Averys life are examined to help the reader know her better. The clues of the ending are well hidden in earlier chapters. Overall, this was a very entertaining book which kept me guessing. Along with up way past my bedtime!

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I’m a huge fan of Megan Miranda. Her new release, “The Last House Guest”, continues to maintain her legacy as an artist who, with a pen instead of a paintbrush, can paint a landscape you will walk into and become a part of.
This landscape is the picturesque coast of Maine where local girl Avery runs a rental agency for one of the richest property investors in town, the Loman family. The Lomans have a soft spot for Avery; she lost her parents then her grandmother, so the Lomans provide her with a cottage and income in return for keeping their rentals up to par and ready for each new tenant during the busy summer season.
Ten years earlier, Sadie Loman seeks Avery out and they become instant best friends, spending their summers together whenever Sadie and her family stay at their beautiful beach house perched precariously on the cliffs with the best view in town. They grow up together, sharing adventures, laughs, secrets, clothes, everything important in a young teen’s life. Then out of the blue Sadie commits suicide by jumping off the cliff at the family home. A cloud hangs over Avery’s head. The general consensus is that Avery is a suspect. One year after Sadie’s suicide, the town holds a memorial, which opens old wounds and heightens the suspicion towards Avery.
Determined to prove that her friend did not kill herself, Avery begins asking too many questions, opening too many closed doors and irritating the powerful people of the town who really want her to just be quiet and take the blame.
Avery ‘s character is so real, you can’t help but struggle with her as she faces ridicule for being poor and hostility for being a suspect. You’re going to keep reading for the simple fact that you can’t leave her out there on her own.
(I received an advance copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an unbiased review. Thanks so much to Simon & Schuster and NetGalley for making it available.)

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What is it about Megan Miranda’s writing that just sucks me in? Every single book has characters and dialogue and storyline that I just love! Teetering the line between adult and YA, I am never let down by her books!

I loved the mystery here. Very well written, giving us tidbits into Avery’s and Sadie’s past, piece by piece. I thought the ending was a tad rushed, but that could have been me rushing through out. I enjoyed this book so much!

Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this early and give my unbiased opinion.

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I have thoroughly enjoyed Miranda's past books so I was incredibly excited to read this one, and it did not disappoint. This story had a great ending - that I didn't see coming - and left no gaping pieces, which thrillers tend to do. Themes of friendship, loss and class differences are throughout and done well.

Another fantastic book by Miranda and I can't wait to see what she does next.

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I cannot say enough AMAZING things about Megan Miranda!!! Literally every single book I have read has been outstanding and this one was just another fantastic one. I keep on wanting her to write more and more! They are always so suspenseful and I have the hardest time putting the book down! Seriously please read this and any of her other novels, you will be hooked!

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The Loman's are a wealthy family who visit a small town in Maine every summer. Their daughter, Sadie, befriends one of the local girls, Avery. The two girls become instant best friends are are pretty much inseparable. Everyone is shocked when Sadie is found dead. Her death is ruled a suicide, but this doesn't sit right with Avery. Why would a girl like Sadie Loman, someone who seems to have it all, take her own life? Avery feels there is more to this story and is intent on finding out what really happened.

I've read two of Megan Miranda's books - All The Missing Girls and The Perfect Stranger - and really enjoyed them both. I did enjoy The Last House Guest, but not as much as the other two I've read. I found most of the story to be slow, with it picking up more towards the 70% mark. I found the alternating from past and present confusing, which usually isn't an issue for me. I did like the ending and liked the twist (which I didn't guess). I'll definitely check out more from Miranda in the future.

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I’ve heard so many good things about Megan Miranda and several of her books are on my ‘want to read’ list, but this is the first book I’ve actually read by her. It was a really good, twisty mystery!I had my theory about what happened early on and while I was partly correct, there was still a twist at the end I didn’t see coming! It was a fun read overall and would make a fun beach book. Not too heavy or deep, but definitely an enjoyable, fun read. I will definitely be on the lookout for more of Megan Miranda’s books!

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4.5 stars! As a big fan of Megan Miranda, I can say that this title did not disappoint! A psychological thriller, The Last House Guest kept me guessing until the very end. Miranda is a master at weaving clues throughout the novel that culminate with a shocking denouement at the close of the book. Without spoiling, I can honestly say that I did not expect the ending, but it was brilliant. Well done!

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This is my second and sadly, last book I’ve read/will read by Megan Miranda. I didn’t like her novel The perfect stranger but decided to give her another shot. Boring, confusing and way too many characters. There were several parts where I considered giving up and not finishing. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a free copy in exchange for review.

1.5/5 stars

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