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Home for Erring and Outcast Girls

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A sad but moving look at life for poor young women and children in turn of the 20th century Texas. It also has a overlapping story that takes place in current time. Well written it maintains the readers interest from beginning to end.

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Super good book. Loved the compare and contrast of the treatment of modern day unwed mothers and those of the past. Highly recommend for lovers of historical fiction.

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Home for Erring and Outcast Girls was Julie Kibler's second novel and once again her writing was beautiful , insightful and meaningful. After reading Julie Kibler's first novel, Calling Me Home, I was thrilled to see she had written a second book. Thanks to Netgalley and Crown Publishing I was granted access to an ARC version and I was beyond thrilled. I had high expectations for Home for Erring and Outcast Girls based on my feelings after reading Calling Me Home and I was not disappointed. Julie Kibler wrote both novels in a very distinct way. She introduced several characters and told some of their stories in the present time and some were told in the past. I enjoyed getting to know the different characters in Home for Erring and Outcast Girls. By the time the story ended, I felt a real connection to them. While I read Home for Erring and Outcast Girls I laughed, cried, felt the pain some of the girls experienced and felt bewildered and frustrated at how women were treated back then. I was impressed how Julie Kibler, in both of her novels, was able to capture so many meaningful and controversial times in our country's history and bring them to life and make them so believable and factual at the same time.

Home for Erring and Outcast Girls followed the stories of two young women, Lizzie and Mattie, whose destinies brought them together to the Berachah Home for the Redemption and Protection for Erring Girls in 1904. Each one of them came with a fragile past and nowhere else to go. Lizzie had suffered emotional, physical and verbal abuse when she arrived at the doorsteps of the Berachah Home. Mattie arrived sick and about to loose her beloved 2 year old son to the same illness she was experiencing. Lizzie and Mattie latched on to one another and became as close to being sisters as they could be. The story followed their lives throughout the time they spent at the Berachah Home and continued on even when Mattie chose to leave Berachah Home and go to Oklahoma.. Mattie and Lizzie's stories were revealed through the research of present day librarian, Cate Sutton who worked as head librarian in Arlington, Texas at the University of Texas. The college was in close proximity to where the Berachah Home used to stand and Cate had access to the Berachah Home archives to carry on her research.. Cate's own troubled past was also revealed and linked in many ways to that of Lizzie's and Mattie's. I found myself captivated and drawn into all the injustices and lack of family support all three women suffered.

I can' t recommend Home for Erring and Outcast Girls by Julie Kibler highly enough. It brought together the many themes of family, home, courage, heartbreak and pain and injustice. I can't wait for another book by Julie Kibler. I am now a big fan of her writing and story telling. Thanks to Netgalley and Crown Publishing for allowing me the opportunity to read this ARC version of Home for Erring and Outcast Girls.

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I waited so long for this authors next book after falling in love with her first Calling Me Home. I enjoyed Home for Erring and Outcast Girls. Try to even imagine what it would be like early 1900’s for women. Single, pregnant. Most of the time by no fault of their own. It’s a time when woman didn’t always have a voice and was heard. The hardness of life. The kindness that comes in very unexpected places. I expecting strangers. This would make an amazing movie. I felt like I was there with the girls. Thank you for this book.

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I received an advanced digital copy of this book from the author, publisher and Thanks to all for the opportunity to read and review.

Home for Erring and Outcast Girls is an emotional story set in two timelines. Two women in "trouble", unmarried and with children live in a christian home where they are not separated from each other. Modern-day librarian uncovers their story while trying to figure out her own life. Verbose at times, but worth the wait to get to the purpose of the story.

4 out of 5 stars.

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Wow, this was an addictive read about a little known period of history. I really enjoyed this!
Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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A fascinating book!
Knowing that so much of it is based on real incidents seems to make it all the more intriguing.
As we read we can observe the kindness of some people as well as the callousness of others, and, perhaps worst of all, the indifference of so many.
We can also see how it indicates that the responsibility and guilt the pregnant and unmarried women must bare in society with almost no blame or obligation for the fathers.
The main setting is the Berachah Home, a huge building in Arlington,Texas, where mothers with babies and those expecting babies, impoverished and desperate are welcomed and cared for as long as it is needed. There is much love and friendship shared by residents and staff.
The three main characters are women who become friends at the home and then go on their way when their time is finished.
It continues telling how each copes with their new lives and the adversities of life and learning to fight truth and acceptance into society.
Thank you to our author for her thorough research in bringing a small irrelevant, but treasured piece of history to literary life. Well done!

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Do you ever wish that you would stumble upon something from the past that sends you on an adventure? That’s what happens in Home for Erring and Outcast Girls by Julie Kibler. Told in the present/past points of view, the story centers around Cate, a librarian who discovers a cemetery and takes an interest in learning about what happened to the people buried there. She finds out about the Berachah Home, a place that gave shelter to homeless women and unwed mothers.


In turn-of-the-20th century Texas, the Berachah Home for the Redemption and Protection of Erring Girls is an unprecedented beacon of hope for young women consigned to the dangerous poverty of the streets by birth, circumstance, or personal tragedy. Built in 1903 on the dusty outskirts of Arlington, a remote dot between Dallas and Fort Worth’s red-light districts, the progressive home bucks public opinion by offering faith, training, and rehabilitation to prostitutes, addicts, unwed mothers, and “ruined” girls without forcibly separating mothers from children. When Lizzie Bates and Mattie McBride meet there—one sick and abused, but desperately clinging to her young daughter, the other jilted by the beau who fathered her ailing son—they form a friendship that will see them through unbearable loss, heartbreak, difficult choices, and ultimately, diverging paths.

A century later, Cate Sutton, a reclusive university librarian, uncovers the hidden histories of the two troubled women as she stumbles upon the cemetery on the home’s former grounds and begins to comb through its archives in her library. Pulled by an indescribable connection, what Cate discovers about their stories leads her to confront her own heartbreaking past, and to reclaim the life she thought she’d let go forever. With great pathos and powerful emotional resonance, Home for Erring and Outcast Girls explores the dark roads that lead us to ruin, and the paths we take to return to ourselves.

I liked learning about the home for these young women, it’s interesting to read about places like the Berachah Home. The characters are very sympathetic and well written, this is a great piece of historical fiction.

Due out July 30.

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I loved Julie Kibler’s Calling Me Home, so I was really excited to read her second book. The story switches between Cate in present day and two girls from the Home for Erring and Outcast Girls, Lizzie and Mattie. Reading about the Home was interesting. It was run by a family who believed in keeping unwed mothers and their children together—which went against the norm for that time.

While I usually love stories that switch between past and present, the characters felt completely disconnected. Cate’s storyline felt forced and like it was put into the story with the sole purpose of making the author’s point (on what, you can read yourself to find out if you wish).

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I received a complimentary copy of this book through Netgalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
This story is based on a real couple who started a shelter to keep so called fallen women with their babies and help them get back on their feet to survive on their own or stay at the home. The story centers on Mattie, trying to find medical help for her young son, and Lizzie, the young mother who helps comfort Mattie when her son dies shortly after arriving at the home. The story alternates between past and present when a librarian uses the archived journals of these fallen women to help her confront her own troubled past.
I liked reading about this actual home that helped support women instead of sending them away in shame to deliver their babies in secret and force them to give them up. And even in the present, rape victims are often blamed or doubted while their rapists escape punishment. This was a very emotional and heartbreaking story.

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This is my first Julie Kibler novel and probably will be my last. I tried so hard to get into this book but this writers writing was so slow I just couldn't finish it. I really wanted to find out what happened to everyone but this writing style just could not keep my interest. This story is about 3 different women in history. Two of them are living in a Home for pregnant or lost women. One is a archive major who is still trying to find her way in life. This review in my opinion only. Thank you to Netgalley and Crown Publishing for an ARC for my honest review.

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The Home for Erring and Outcast Girls was a good read. I really enjoyed the parts from the 1900's, but didn't care for the parts from the current time. It felt like they should be 2 separate books. The storylines didn't blend well. I appreciate being allowed to read this advanced release copy.

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Was an ok read. There is an interesting story here, but seemed as if author had a hard time saying things at times. Some parts were lovely. My biggest complaint was the characters in the 1900s did not seem to speak appropriately for their locale, circumstances or era.

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I enjoyed reading all about the Home for Erring and Outcast Girls, especially about Mattie and Lizzi. I could not connect at all with Cate nor Laurel. Every time, the time line shifted to present, I couldn’t wait for those chapters to be over. I found the two stories too divergent. I understand Cate, a librarian and her desire to research this home and its inhabitants, but her “story” was one I could not have cared less to know. And then there is Laurel. Aside from having a pathetic life and a very sad upbringing, again, could not connect. I had no sympathy, no emphathy and no interest in her life. I will give this book 3 stars because of the extensive research the author presented and because I learned something, about which, I knew nothing. As an aside, I agree with another reviewer who commented on Lizzi’s soliloquy at the end. It seemed out of place to me too to have been added at that point in the book. Thank you Netgalley and Crown Publishing for the opportunity to read and review this ARC.

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A brief title could be "Women in Texas and the Men (and Women) Who Treat Them Badly." I liked the premise but having the three storylines felt tedious at times and was cause for some confusion.

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I was fortunate enough to be granted a digital copy of the most final proof of Home for Erring and Outcast Girls by Julie Kibler. I read Calling Me Home by this author in 2013 and thoroughly enjoyed it. I loved Home for Erring and Outcast Girls 10 times more! The book is mainly set in Arlington and Austin, Texas as well as Oklahoma. Full disclosure: Many of the scenes take place on or about the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) campus, which is my alma mater. I think this is why the book piqued my interest and resonated with me.

This historical fiction novel is based on the actual Berachah Home for the Redemption and Protection of Erring Girls, established by Reverend James Toney and Maggie Mae Upchurch in 1903. Many of the real women whom the fictional characters are based on are buried in a cemetery on the grounds of UTA. The fictional story follows three strong female leads and their respective story lines that alternate with each chapter. In near present day, the reader first meets Cate who is a 30-something librarian at the university studying the history of the Home. Cate's story is told in present day in Arlington and flashbacks to her teenage years in Austin. Lizzie and Mattie's stories are also told at the turn of the century as residents of the Home. Over the course of the novel, we travel 30 years with Lizzie and Mattie.

The overall theme of the book is forgiveness of self and recovery leading to personal discovery. I think the main characters in the book struggle with this as well as hesitance in letting other people get close. To be fair all of the major characters in the novel experienced some massive trauma that resulted in her respective emotional vulnerability. The author did an excellent job of illustrating these varied emotions through her descriptive language, driving tone, and exceptional prose. Some scenes made me smile while others made me cry and there was a character or two that made me angry. I really became invested in these characters, and they stuck with me long after I finished reading.

My only critique of this story is the creative criticism of the church. I understand that this is the lens through which the author views things, and I respect it. However, it is an element that made me a little uncomfortable ... but that is what effective art does, right? It makes you dig deeper and question things, which is why reading and writing are so important to our societal growth.

As a professional marketer, I know the greatest success is when you can drive a consumer to initiate or make a change in behavior. As a result of Kibler's beautifully told story, I have felt compelled to revisit my alma mater and seek out this hidden treasure that I'd never known until reading Home for Erring and Outcast Girls.

Recommendation: I really enjoyed this book and hope to get a final, hard copy upon publication to include in my home library. I think my fellow Maverick alums would also appreciate this book. If you enjoy strong female protagonists who experience personal growth or the historical fiction genre, I would strongly recommend you pick up a copy of this book when it publishes this summer.

Until next time ... Read on!

*I received an advance reading copy (ARC) of Home for Erring and Outcast Girls from NetGalley. My copy was an uncorrected digital file. Regardless of whether I purchase a book, borrow a book, or receive a book in exchange for review, my ultimate goal is to be honest, fair, and constructive. I hope you've found this review helpful.

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Home for Erring and Outcast Girls was a very good read. It displayed the crude reality of life for some young women whose family, friend, and loved ones had abandoned them to their own fate. These women were those that lived in poverty, did drugs, prostituted themselves or barely survived a violent event, This story revolves around Lizzie, Mattie and Cate. Cate's story takes place in present time and it is through her that we learn about the Berachah Home. A home that provided shelter for these women and their children. Lizzie and Mattie are a couple of these women who lived in this Home. Their stories were not easy to read because they had suffered so much before arriving at the Home. It is through the Home's religious influence that we see Lizzie and Mattie grow and become strong women, They each accepted religion in their own way. Even though Cate's story is told in present time, as a reader we learn that her parent's religion played a role in her past which influenced her present and future. Just like Lizzie and Mattie, Cate held on to her secrets but after sharing them life became a little easier.
I'm glad that after a life of hardship each one of them had a content ending. Some parts in the book did seem a little slow, but picked up towards the end.
It was very interesting to learn that a Home existed in my state of Texas. It was admirable what this couple did to help out so many women in need. That their influence spread to other states was commendable.

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This is a super interesting book about a Christian home which rescues unwed mothers. Set in the turn of the century, in Arlington, Texas, the interesting thing is that this home allows and encourages the women to keep their children. Julie Kibler has a very descriptive storytelling style which really takes you into the lives of the main protagonists and you are living their ups and downs. The story switches between the present day where a librarian discovers archival information on the home and back into history where it follows the arcs of 2 of the women and the author keeps you on the hook guessing what is coming next. The writing is raw, deeply emotional and gives you a deeper understanding of what it meant to be a woman in a man's world where you are completely dependent and the present day stories hold some surprises too. Overall I really identified with the characters and can't wait to read more from the author.

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I absolutely loved Julie Kibler’s book “Calling Me Home”, so I was truly looking forward to reading her latest. The story is based on the real Berachah Industrial Home for the Redemption of Erring Girls in the early 1900’s. This plot seems unfocused and all over the place. It moved along very slowly and I could never really connect to any of the characters, so I was disappointed. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced reader’s copy of this book.

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I received an ARC of this novel through Netgalley in exchange for my review. It has been a long wait for another book from Julie Kibler who also wrote one of my favorite books, Calling Me Home, but it was worth the wait! Kibler just unearths the most interesting stories and she has such attention to detail that she really brings the past to life. In this story, the main character Cate Sutton is a college librarian who discovers a century-old story about a home for “erring and outcast girls.” This was not just a home for women who needed a place to go until their babies were born, but a home for the most damaged and betrayed women in society who had no place to go. Cate dives in to the stories of two women in particular, Lizzie Bates and Mattie McBride. As she tracks down their stories, she uncovers some truths in her own life that she has not dealt with, choosing to bury her own past. I thought this story was detailed and well written and in light of today’s “me too” movement a very powerful reminder of just how far women have come.

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