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Man of the Year

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Fans of unreliable narrators – get ready to love this book. Each character looks out for himself (some more than others), tells lies, and behaves oddly, and they all desperately wants to avoid punishment for the tragedy that happens in the latter half of the book. The author is generous with tropes (narcissism, infidelity, money, desperation) and it mostly works to create this sometimes fast-paced story. I was not sure if I hated or felt sorry for the main character, the eponymous Man of the Year.
The author is skilled at creating circumstances that change with perception. Each chapter is told in the point of view from each character, so the disconnect between perception is magnified. Some characters get to speak only once, which is jarring. I had to think for a moment or two when a minor character took over the narration. Some of these narrators are never heard from again; they tell their story just for the reader to see things from yet another angle.
Dr Hart is a tragic figure, cuckolded by his son’s friend, who is staying with the family over the summer. The stereotypical “guest staying in the pool house” provides a convenient location for some activities that muddy the plot and/or provide tension. His wife Elizabeth seems self-centered and vacuous – I am not sure if that was what the author intended, or if she was written that way on purpose. I disliked her almost from the start and did not change my feelings when the book was finished. However, I did end up disliking the rest of the characters towards the end, regardless of how the plot twisted. At that point, I was heartily sick of everyone’s machinations and drama and self-servitude.
I would give the book four and a half stars, for while the plot was engaging there were a few draggy spots and as mentioned above, some characters faded in and out. This fading caused me to disengage a bit when they reappeared since I thought they were on the fringe, not actually moving the story along.

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Doctor Robert Hart is elected "man of the year"; his beautiful wife. Elizabeth, the envy of his friends. His son, Jonah, is home from collage bringing his best friend, Nick. Although the story is told by various narrators, the main character is Robert who begins to obsess over his wife's attraction to Nick. Robert's life begins to spiral downwards with his paranoia and actions.

"Man of the Year" is a novel you won't be able stop reading as Robert's feelings escalate; he is selfish, egotistical, and very paranoid in his imaginings. No likeable characters in this story.. Most lie and cheat to get what they want. Lives spin out of control with many twists and turns that readers won't see coming. .It is a mesmerizing tale as the different characters .narrate their story that changes at every telling. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a long labored, kind of “who done it”. I lost interest about half way through. The story line was good, but kept getting lost in the words. I found myself saying “get a move on” and had to make a real effort to finish. Ok read, just not for me.

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I started Man of the Year by Caroline Louis Walker thinking it was going to be suspense but it was actually a well-written look at one man’s downward spiral as he grows suspicious about everyone in his life. It was interesting to read how he changed and allowed his jealousy to get the best of him.

Dr. Robert Hart, Sag Harbor’s just-named Man of the Year, is the envy of his friends and neighbors. His medical practice is thriving. He has a beautiful old house and a beautiful new wife and a beautiful boat docked in the village marina. Even his wayward son, Jonah, is back on track, doing well at school, finally worthy of his father’s attentions. So when Jonah’s troubled college roommate, Nick, needs a place to stay for the summer, Hart and his wife generously offer him their guest house. A win-win: Jonah will have someone to hang with, and his father can bask in the warm glow of his own generosity.

But when he begins to notice his new houseguest getting a little too close to his wife, the good doctor’s veneer begins to crack. All the little lies Robert tells—harmless falsehoods meant to protect everything he holds dear—begin to mount. Before long, he’s embroiled in a desperate downward spiral, destroying the lives that stand in his way. It’s only the women in his life—his devoted office manager, his friends, his wife—who can clearly see the truth.

Due out June 11.

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So good! MAN OF THE YEAR proves a cautionary tale for anyone who marries the lover they stole from someone else. If it can happen to them, it can happen to you. Robert Hart is Man of the Year in his hometown of Sag Harbor and he appears to have it all. But when he begins to suspect that his son's friend is coveting his wife, well, let's just say his ego can't withstand the competition. Excellent writing with realistic characters and twisty plot that will surprise you, MAN OF THE YEAR is a fun and satisfying read. Great vacation book.

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Man Of The Year is a wow kind of story. As in, wow didn't see that coming! It's a story about a very successful man coming unraveled. His downward spiral pulls you into its trap of paranoia, narcissistic mayhem and twisted creepiness. The story is so engrossing and well written that you'll be forced to keep reading. It's hard to put this book down. Truly enjoyed this one. Thanks to NetGalley for an arc in exchange for an honest review.

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This is not a typical psychological thriller but more of an exploration of a narcissist's mind and his internal communications. There are a few alternating voices which are never truly fleshed out. This one dragged on for me and ended with an anti-climatic whimper.

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MAN OF THE YEAR is a twisty, insightful, compelling, and dark read: a journey beneath the carapace of a successful man's soul--as we watch the collision between the public and private facades of a marvelously evoked man--and the disintegration of both.

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“Man of the Year “ was a superior mystery/thriller. It is an utterly unpredictable study in paranoia. I loved this book, the characters, the plot and the twists. The ending was shockingly chilling. I read the entire book in one sitting and it held my interest throughout. Great read! I fortunate to receive this novel from Netgalley as an Advance Reader Copy, in exchange for an objective review.

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I expected this book to be a typical twisty "whodunnit" kind of story. While it was certainly a whodunnit, it was not a typical one. It was a slow story, but in a good way. I think I actually liked it better than if it had been the thriller type. You'll think you got the end you expected, but then at the very last minute you get a bit of a surprise. It is definitely a satisfying ending.

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I really enjoyed this.
Although it wasn’t really a psychological page turning thriller as I expected.
The last couple chapters fell flat for me. Elizabeth’s chapter at the end just rambles and rambles more than necessary.
I feel like the title doesn’t fit the story. In the beginning it did, but again, towards the end, it was more about all the characters deceptions/secrets. Not just “The Man of the Year”.

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A three day star. Good writing, story line, but a bit too crazy towards the end. Nevertheless, a good read.

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Dr. Robert Hart, Sag Harbor’s just-named Man of the Year, is the envy of his friends and neighbors.. It goes to hell in a hand basket from there. Caroline Louise Walker hits this one out of the park. This well written novel was suspenseful and full of twists. Loved it!

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Over the weekend I finished up Man of the Year by Caroline Louise Walker. It is her debut novel and I’ve gotta hand it to her, it was very well done. On Goodreads, I do believe I rated this novel five stars- Which is a big deal to me as stars are not handed out lightly. The writing was easy to read and the plot was interesting, quite exciting and unique. If you’re looking for something to read on a cozy day, this would be an excellent pick.

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....Trust no one.
....Everyone is telling lies
....There is an accident - or ‘perhaps’ a crime.
....What’s the right choice to make?
...,What’s the new ‘right’ choice to make?
....Who is protecting who?

Chew on this:
“Could it be that everything I’ve done—the hard work and the love, the steps forward, the backlash, all the bitter ends and bright ideas - has been wasted?”

This book was crazy enjoyable.
One of my favorite excerpts - almost a monologue- which I’d love to share - but sorry - cannot do - is so powerful - sooo truthful - I ‘paused’ it again - read it to my husband - ( thinking about the brilliant ‘background insight) ...
but I forgot about ‘this —awesome-awareness moment’ relation to the overall story...

I thought I knew a ‘small’ part of the ending early on...
but doubted myself on and off...
One thing is for certain - I had no idea how the ending ( even with my gut red flag moment), would be ‘packaged’.
Great balls of fire fun!!!!

Thank you for the great pleasure enjoyment...
Netgalley, Gallery Books,
and Caroline Louise Walter

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Dr. Robert Hart, Sag Harbor’s just-named Man of the Year, is the envy of his friends and neighbors. Even his wayward son, Jonah, is back on track, doing well at school, finally worthy of his father’s attentions. So when Jonah’s troubled college roommate, Nick, needs a place to stay for the summer, Hart and his wife generously offer him their guest house. A win-win: Jonah will have someone to hang with, and his father can bask in the warm glow of his own generosity.

But when he begins to notice his new houseguest getting a little too close to his wife, the good doctor’s veneer begins to crack. All the little lies Robert tells—harmless falsehoods meant to protect everything he holds dear—begin to mount. Before long, he’s embroiled in a desperate downward spiral, destroying the lives that stand in his way. It’s only the women in his life—his devoted office manager, his friends, his wife—who can clearly see the truth.

The paranoia is this book is so strong that it made me paranoid! It was a very unpredictable read and had multiple narrators, which helped make this so unexpected. Fast read, I loved the characters!

Thank you #NetGalley for the ARC of Man of the Year by Caroline Louise Walker
Pub Date: 11 Jun 2019

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It is a truly wonderful feeling to pick up the first published novel by an author and realize that she has hit the jackpot on the first try. Hopefully there will be many more of the same category allowing her readers to look forward to her books and picking them up when available.
The story begins, as the title indicates, with Dr Robert Hart receiving the Sag Harbor award for the Man of the Year. Dr Hart has it all: A thriving medical practice, a beautiful home, a beautiful and charming wife. His setting is in a lovely and upscale community on Long Island away from the mad hustle and bustle of New York City several hours away by car. His boat sits in the harbor and his dream is to get an even more fancy boat in the near future. His son, Jonah, has just come off the normal teenage rough patch and is apparently entering an adulthood that involves better relationships with his parents.
Jonah has a very good friend met in the college he is attending and brings Nick home with him for the summer vacation. And therein enters the fly in the ointment. After a time Robert comes to the conclusion that Nick is having an affair with Elizabeth the beautiful wife in the picture. Ms Walker brings out Dr Hart's suspicions via innuendos he perceives in watching the interaction between the two. Clues are available for the reader which seem to point in that direction. We are swept up in the story by the method and style used by the author and it is a book that cannot be put down before finished. There is a surprise ending which is satisfying based on what has gone before it. This in no way is any sort of detriment for the reader.
I leave with the hope that I will have the pleasure of reading more books written by Ms Walker in the near future.

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Dr. Robert Hart has just been named Man of the Year, and life in Sag Harbor is great. He loves his medical practice, and his son Jonah is doing well in school again. It seems nothing can go wrong until Jonah's college roommate asks if he can crash at their place for the summer. Robert and his wife agree, seeing nothing wrong with it. However, when Robert sees Jonah getting a little too close to his wife, he begins to dread his decision to let him stay with them.

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received an advanced reader’s copy in exchange for an honest review

What a dark, depressive sulk of a book. I loved this book, the characters (well, I loved to hate the Doctor), the plot and the twist. Poured through it and the ending left me with chills, the good kind. Clever and genuinely suspenseful. 4.5 stars

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I received an ARC of this book, due out in June (2019) from NetGalley.

This book is about a household with four very complex characters. The father is a doctor, very successful and just named Citizen of the Year by his community. He is on his second marriage, as both he and his new wife dumped their first partners for each other about a decade ago. The doctor’s son from the first marriage, now college age, has moved back in with him. And one of the boy’s friends makes it a foursome, moving into the guest house.

All of these characters are very flawed. Trouble brews and tragedy ensues. A book that begins as a study of complex characters now turns into a mystery. What really happened? Who was responsible?

This is the kind of book where you can’t trust the narrators, as they are all somewhat slimy. The principal narrator is the doctor, who above everything else is paranoid. His wife loves her alcohol and (perhaps) younger men. The college kids are, well, college kids.

A solid book with good pace, rapid-moving dialogue.

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