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Man of the Year

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Man of the Year is a novel by Caroline Louise Walker. I received an early copy of this story to review. I really enjoyed parts of this book. I found some parts maddening. "The Man of the Year" is the main character and mostly told from his point of view, but there are a few chapters that are voiced by others.

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Oh, the webs we weave…Meet the Man of the Year, the man who has it all, prestige, respect, a trophy wife and a seemingly perfect life, but what happens when he begins to believe he is more than a mere man? What happens when his picture perfect concept of his world begins to unravel all around him, when all of the warts begin to grow, to show and his own ego works against him? Will he become like a paranoid Humpty Dumpty, shattering into a million pieces?

MAN OF THE YEAR by Caroline Louise Walker is the story of a man who believed he was above the rest, only to find he was wrong and his fall was ugly, very ugly and far too common for a man like him. Dr. Robert Hart, the man is not the Dr. Robert Hart, The Man of the Year. He is a hypocrite, an egomaniac, a man you love to hate on so many levels, a man with little love to give everyone left after giving it to the man in the mirror.

Caroline Louise Walker has created a magnetic read filled with characters that lack that necessary component that makes them truly likable, but they do feel real, and she has done an amazing feat in bringing their twisted story to life as we are witness to the implosion of a man, a family and the façade the world saw.

Gritty, dark and filled with lies, beware the truth when it is revealed.

I received a complimentary ARC edition from Gallery Books!

Publisher: Gallery Books (June 11, 2019)
Publication Date: June 11, 2019
Genre: Psychological Suspense
Print Length: 304 pages
Available from: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
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Out of control, jealous husband, beautiful wife and young summer house guest. Sounds good to me. In this suspend thriller I also experienced some twists and turns which made me read this story with a big curiosity. Good writing.

Thank you to NetGalley and publisher for a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Kind of a slow burner but very well written. This book shows someone on top of his game and life and how jealously can make even the "man of the year" go on a downward spiral. I feel that the book was better in the second half than the first. Bobby was so "over the top" that it was a tad silly at times to read but still for this book I feel that the author is really honing in on skills and will soon become really famous and will be writing much and much better. My only thing keeping this from 4 stars was as stated that this was a slow burn and that at times was over the top. Other than that charters were fun to read and the basic plot was nice.

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Started this and was pretty bored with the main character. The son seemed a bit interesting, but the book didn't seem worth reading. Too many other books out there.

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An intriguing and interesting story that was wonderfully written! I am excited to read more from Caroline Louise Walker.

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I loved this book! Way different than I expected, but written in such a terrific, engaging manner I found myself completely gripped by it! I think it’s a very riveting read, and is sure to capture many different genre lovers! I definitely recommend to those who tend to enjoy the same books as I do!
Will be recommending and using in a challenge in Chapter Chatter Pub!

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This was a different read from what I am used to. The main narrator is Dr. Robert Hart, for the most part of the book, who seems to be very paranoid and is spiraling out of control. Robert is married to the beautiful Elizabeth who he met when they were both married to different people, began an affair and broke up their marriages to be together. Robert has a son in college, Jonah who was basically raised by his ex-wife, but has returned to live with him and step-mother Elizabeth. Jonah's college roommate, Nick, has come to spend the summer in their guesthouse. I really enjoyed this book and I thought it was a really good read, but the characters were all very unlikeable. Lots of events happened that made me think the story was going to go in a certain way, but then it went a different way. This wasn't a thriller per se and I am not quire sure what I would classify it. I did not care for the ending and I felt there were a couple of loose ends that should have been tied up a little more. Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC of this very interesting book.

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Not really sure how I feel about this one. It took me a really long time to finish because I wasn't really feeling the main narrator. Dr. Robert Hart is paranoid that his second wife may be having an affair with his son's friend that's staying with them for the summer. His paranoia sets of a huge snowball of events that ultimately ends in tragedy. There were many twists and turns that I definitely didn't see coming, they just didn't really redeem the story for me unfortunately.

I just wasn't compelled to read this book every spare second. I didn't care what happened. But, the writing was wonderful and I can understand how many other reviewers would love it. Just wasn't really for me. I would try another book by this author though, for sure.

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Man if the Year is a riveting and shocking tale that takes you for a ride and doesn’t let up. Just when you think you know what is happening...bam! This book is an intricately woven plot from every angle.

**I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an unbiased review of this book.

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"You can measure people's privilege by how much shit they disturb for  fun."

This wonderfully written debut novel is told primarily from the point of view of Dr. Robert Hart, a physician, husband, and father, who is slowly broken down psychologically by suspicions, clues, and mis-direction about his family. Dr. Hart, who seems to have it all -- a successful career, a beautiful wife, the admiration of his community -- finds his brilliant mind slowly unraveling when truth, suspicions, and frank lies become indistinguishable, and he descends down the rabbit hole of bad decisions. Initially the story unfolds at a reasonable pace to allow the reader to become fully engrossed in these flawed but compelling characters. Then mid-way the pace begins to gather speed with the convolutions of Walker's plot until it is impossible to put down. The twists and turns are wonderfully orchestrated and the final ending is both surprising and gratifying to even the most discerning reader of mystery novels and psychological thrillers. I particularly enjoyed the insights Walker brings to the page as envy and revenge consume several of these cleverly written characters.

I highly recommend Walker's Man of the Year and thank NetGalley and Gallery Books for providing me with ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Caroline Louise Walker's writing is like a magician's sleight of hand trick. You see what she leads you to see until twist after twist is revealed and you realize all you think you have seen (or read) was just an illusion.
While the writing is clever, I did not find the story to be gripping. I never felt invested in the characters or in discovering the truth behind this thriller debut novel.

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3-3.5 STARS

Man of the Year is a character study of one really unlikable fellow and his erratic response to the assumption that his wife is connecting in a sensual way with their son's best friend, Nick. This will be a hit or miss for some folks, as Bobby is a SUPER unlikable character, but I found it kind of fun following along with his over-the-top narrative. Make no mistake, this is most definitely a character study, and not a thriller, but there is a vein of suspense that builds very slowly over the course of the novel. A fun read, and a nice debut from an author we are sure to hear more from in the coming years.

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This is one of those kinds of books where you know someone is lying, but you don't know quite who or about which thing. Overall, an entertaining read, but not one that is going to stick with me for long.

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Dr. Robert Hart is a prominent physician who has recently been named Sag Harbor Man of the Year, due in large part to his generous philanthropy efforts. He is married to his second wife Elizabeth and has a college aged son, Jonah from his first marriage. Robert’s life takes a turn for the worse when his wife and Jonah invite Jonah’s college roommate Nick to spend the summer in their guest house. Soon after Nick moves in, Robert begins to resent how enamored Jonah, Elizabeth and the other townspeople seem to be with Nick. Rather than having his ego stroked over his recent Man of the Year accolade, Robert finds all attention going to the new tenant instead. As Robert’s jealous fury intensifies, he begins to suspect Nick of infidelity with Elizabeth, and plots to remove Nick from their lives. Robert soon learns that every action leads to further consequences, and soon he is in over his head. As the story unfolds, this suspense-filled novel demonstrates that there is often much more than meets the eye and one secret can lead to countless more. Readers will enjoy removing layer after layer of this intricate story with dizzying fervor, until finally they land upon the truth.

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Caroline Louise Walker is to be congratulated on her debut psychological thriller. It was certainly well written in that it kept me turning pages and was told in a straight time line.

The story started on a positive note, but quickly drew the reader in with foreboding about the relationship between the Man of the Year’s wife and his soon-to-be house guest. The telling continued with this strain and also with various other sidelines brought in to muddy up the waters, so to say.

Our protagonist, the Man of the Year, starts out being a sterling character, unwilling to believe what’s right before his eyes. Then this sterling character exhibits not just naiveté, but extreme stupidity! There were a lot of inconsistencies in character which were detrimental to the flow of the story. Another was the wife who was initially shown to be something of a “blonde” but later in the book was shown to be someone of real intellect and ability.

There were lots of red herrings, some of which were resolved and some of which were left hanging. My real problem with the novel was all the lies. I know that’s hot right now in pop literature, but that doesn’t make me like it. It was not just one or two characters who made up wild and implausible stories, but it seemed that absolutely no one was capable of simply telling the truth – main characters, secondary characters, characters who just wandered through! Consequently it was quite difficult for this reader to sort through all of that and come to a reasonable conclusion. And the ending was the pits. Or maybe it wasn’t. Maybe it was just that I was so caught up in trying to ferret out the truth, I missed it.

Even for those who relish books rife with lies, I would recommend having a whole notebook to keep the characters and their lies straight!

I appreciate receiving this ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, Gallery Books, in exchange for an honest review.

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First, Do No Harm.....right.

Recognized as MAN OF THE YEAR Dr. Robert Hart lives the good life, has a hot wife....who flaunts her stuff, a 20 year old son Jonah from his first marriage who is presently staying with them as well as his friend Nick who resides in the guest house.

But, MAN OF THE YEAR, Dr. Hart is not perfect by any means, nor is his family or any of his friends; not even his office manager.

MAN OF THE YEAR is made up of cheaters, liars, blackmailers and jealous suspicious minds that can be deadly.

Good debut for Caroline Louise Walker!

***Arc provided by Gallery, Pocket Books via NetGalley in exchange for review***

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This solid thriller is a first buy for collections where the genre is popular. An easy hand sell to fans of Shari Lapena, B.A. Paris and the like.

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Yes, Robert is the man of the year. Lives in the Hamptons, is a doctor, has a college age son, and a 2nd wife. To most he would seem to have it all. Yet he is never secure. In his life or his own mind. He sees conspiracies, he sees his wife being seduced by a sexy young man, he sees his friends turn against him, he sees his son pull away. But is what he sees true? What goes on in Robert’s mind is truly something from the rabbit hole. Thankfully you get to hear from the significant others in his life to learn the truth. A haunting story that you need to stick with until the very last page. Just read it already!

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What to say about this book?? If you like psychological thrillers that truly have you 'playing in the attic' then this is a book you will want to climb into. The writing style was interesting although climbing into these characters 'heads was a scary place! A little slow and overly detailed in parts, it moves quickly and covers only a short time period toward the ending. And what an ending..bordering toward the classic Alfred Hitchcock style. These characters have so many facets and have lied to each other and themselves so much, it's a long shot to draw a conclusion. No book report, no spoilers from this peanut gallery. Use your imagination and delve into the conundrum.!
Thanks to the author and publishers for an ARC. I received this book as a complimentary copy for an honest opinion. The opinions expressed are my own.

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