Member Reviews

3.5-ish stars. I finished this months ago so the details are a little fuzzy at this point. Like any collection with multiple authors, some poems and essays were better than others, but overall it was a good read. It approaches the realities of a feminine life from many different aspects, exploring an endless number of topics in a realistic and endearing way. Because of the vast topics and viewpoints, it's not a collection that should be rushed through. Take your time with this one, let each essay or poem marinade a bit.

Wow - some of these stories were phenomenal. I had to keep picking it up and putting it back down again as I digested so emotionally much from it.
Some of the chapters were less appealing to me than others so I rate this 4 star.

Amazing. Simply amazing. From the introduction to the collection to the stories, I just loved this book so much. I couldn't read many of the stories but I'd love to finish the book in the future, so I'll definitely be purchasing it!
If you are interested in gender (in)equality, feminism, and just good stories in general, this is the book for you.

I have been on a poetry kick this spring, so when I saw this title I had to jump on reading this. There are some absolutely fantastic works in this collection. There were some works that really engaged me, but there were also works that I just didn’t connect with, I do have some new writers to look out for, which is always great.

A powerful collection. I truly recommend this to anyone who wants to read essays and poetry by female authors. There were so many things I could relate to.

Feminine Rising is a collection of poetry and stories that explore the power and the lack of power that comes with being female. The collection features a wide range of writers and styles that come together under the banner of specific topics.
This is a collection that readers should take their time with. Because there are so many different ideas and images, it isn't something you should skim over in a day. That being said, it can be hard to stick with at times, mostly because there aren't a lot of stories that contain that bit of redemption where the female is seen, the female regains the power, unless you consider the idea that the words even being written is taking the power and wielding it. About two thirds of the book is like this, though there are some stories and poems later on that bring more light onto bad situations, rather than feeling like you're doing nothing but sitting in the middle of it with the author. Overall, this is a collection to think about and provides different vantage points of the female experience.

This book was provided to me by NetGalley for a fair and honest review.
To be fair, and honest...I loved this collection. I often find anthologies difficult to make it through—I like longer works. Imagine my surprise when I whipped through it in 24 hours and went back to read it again.
What I loved: Let’s start with the diversity of women’s voices in this book, both in ethnicity and age. This lends to the ability to see feminism through different eyes and different perspectives. I found myself intrigued by poetry written by women, some with the lyrical mysticism I usually eschew.
And the diversity of topics—the anthology is divided into topics, and I can’t decide which is my favorite. One of the short stories had a tone that reminded me of The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros, which was one of my earliest introductions to stories written by anyone other than white men (or white women who were told to hide their names to be published, a la The Outsiders’ S.E. Hinton.)
If you love women’s diverse voices, and all the different meanings of the word “feminism,” you’ll love this anthology. Fekete and Lillibridge have done an incredible job of compiling voices that have something to say—some I wish had said more, in fact, so entranced was I by their contributions.

I was enthusiastic about this collection but am unable to download this book. It was a title of special interest to me. I have heard and read great things about this. I know I will rest it one day!

This book right here is a conversation.
It's everything woman, it has insights on love, resistance and struggles, awakening, violence and survival and it's pretty much what a foodie would call an 'all-you-can-have-buffet."
Thanks Netgalley for the eARC.

Feminism womanhood essays poems open honest real.A perfect read for all women young old older would make great material for discussions.#netgalley #femininerising #cynrenpress

Reading this collection of essays and poetry gave me goosebumps.
The anthology is organized into 7 sections:
On Resistance & Roles
On the Body & Sex
On Love & Leaving
On Family & Heirlooms
On Violence & Survival
On Silence & Subversion
On Pregnancy & Birth
Each with both poems and essays by a variety of women from all walks of life.
This book is great for anyone who enjoys women's writing, as well as academics. The words will linger with you long after you read the final page.

A collection of poetry and essays about all different aspects of the feminine, woman and female life. Thought provoking, this is the meaning of awe inspiring. A recommended read to all women and definitely to men , this should be a book for all.
Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion