Member Reviews

This was a fun book to read, I am a gardener with a slight interest in trying to grow lemon trees, so I enjoyed reading this book with the thought that if I could grow my own lemons there are many uses for lemons and it would be a great addition to my garden. I would love to find more books like this of other things I grow in my garden to see this side of my garden.

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A great guide for home remedies, beauty and health tips. The Natural Apothecary: Lemons is another one of this author's great resource books.

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Thank you Nourish and Netgalley for this ARC.

I love the flavour and aroma of lemons so this book was right up my alley.

There were old and true uses and new to me hints on how to optimise the lemons that always linger in our kitchen, whether for cleaning, beauty or cooking

A lovely accompliment to any home.

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Informative, easy to read, and full of excellent information. Love this one! It's well researched and a great reference.

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Who knew you could do so much with lemons!! First came across this book in a GoodReads giveaway and knew i just had the read it! Great, useful read.

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THE book about lemons!

WOW, I didn't expect to learn SO much about lemons. Besides what the description claims, there is so much more in this book. It talks about kinds of lemons, where they grow best, how to select the best lemons at the store. Just so much info. Even at what temperature and climate lemon trees grow best.
The book says that one single tree could potentially produce 500 to 600 fruits a year, and the peak months for harvesting lemons in the Northen Hemisphere is between May and August.
So, this is more than a book of recipes and benefits, is a crash course in lemons! And encyclopedia of lemons if you will.

Everything you wanted to know about lemons, and even things you didn't even know if you wanted (or didn't want) to know about lemons. Seriously, this book is Lemons, lemons, lemons. Did I mention lemons?
The recipes and suggestions are very useful, as the suggestion for daily intake of lemon juice and zest for the purpose of preventing illnesses, and as a healthy practice.

Hippocrates said: "Nature is the best medicine", and we all know the benefits of vitamin C that is found in lemons and other citrus fruits, but I didn't know that lemons were half the pharmacy!
With so many benefits, I want my own lemon tree, so bad I'm living in Alaska.
I highly recommend this book. We can all use some natural healing sources.

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The tagline for this book should be: When life gives you lemons, you will have everything you need. The Natural Apothecary: Lemons was very informative and detailed. It was almost too detailed for me. The writing can be very scientific, including all of the chemical properties of a lemon and exactly what they do. That may be interesting to some readers, but I was looking for something more usable in day to day life. There are a few handy recipes, especially in the chapter about beauty. But I was expecting more of that type of insight. The natural remedies chapter bothered me a little bit. The book states that lemons can help with everything from insect bites to cancer, stroke, and Alzheimer's disease. I feel a better use of this chapter would be to say that lemons can help your overall health in many ways, and then list ways to help you incorporate lemons into your daily life. I will definitely try out some of the skin care and aromatherapy tips from the book, but overall it wasn't what I was looking for.

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Now a days we are all looking for more natural products. This book talks about all of the ways you can use lemons in you household products. The areas covered are the benefits that lemons bring, uses in your diet, beauty products, cleaning products, and more. I found the beauty and cleaning options interesting and got some good ideas on places where I might use lemons going forward. If you want some basic natural ideas pick this one up.

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Easy to read, practical guide in using and incorporating lemons into my diet, cleaning products and skincare - love it! Thanks for the opportunity to read and review.

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The third book in the Natural Apothecary series is about lemons. It is stuffed with information on the properties and benefits of lemons. There are a lot of recipes for drinks and external use. My favourite, the herby lemon steam cleanser.

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This is an encyclopedia of knowledge on LEMONS!
The book describes everything about the subject! It is well written. Very interesting facts that will shock you! It gives a lot of advice and good recipes. Uses and history. Recipes that are easy to prepare and tips you have never knew existed!...I read all that in about 4 hours and I will refer this book to a lot of my friend. Amazing read!! I loved it and I learn a lot from it!

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Who doesn't like the fresh clean scent of lemon?
Lemon has so many purposes beyond smelling great! Presented in a clear easy to follow guide this has everything you could possibly want to know about lemon and a few things you didn't yet know you wanted to know. :)
The book suggests the juice and zest of lemon daily for many health healing and preventive matters. According to this book a lot of our illnesses and diseases are caused by poor eating which lemon juice can cure or prevent. Need to clean your home naturally without added chemicals and poisonous fumes. Lemon cuts the grease naturally on stove tops,dishes,glass shower doors and more. Old time cleaners like vinegar and baking soda are mentioned as well for an excellent cleaning job.
Not only for cleaning lemon also cuts the grease in the body after eating for easier digestion and a relief for those with low stomach acid.
Lemon has so many uses another natural thing it is used for is healing of the body not only on the inside but outside as well. Massages,deodorant,face washes to clear acne and more. I think you will find this old fashioned back to basics book as fascinating as I do!
Published March 19th 2019 by Nourish
I was provided a complimentary copy of this book from Nourish through NetGalley. Thank you. All opinions expressed are my own.

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In the past few years I've discovered so many uses with natural things instead of chemicals, often they even work better. Very informative!

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I would’ve called this book “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Lemons But Didn’t Know What to Ask!” There is so much information in this book about everything from how to grow lemons, to how to use lemons for health issues and beauty treatments and so much more. I didn’t know how powerful lemons are and will be using the, a lot more in my daily diet. Includes many recipes as well, for ways to ingest lemon internally as well as ways to use lemons externally.

Thanks to NetGalley, the author and publisher for an advanced reading copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Here is the third book I have reviewed in the Natural Apothecary series and this time the subject is Lemons.

We all know that lemons contain Vitamin C which is good to ward off coughs and colds. However, this book shows that there is so much more to this small citrus fruit.

There is a chapter which tells you how to grow lemons and which ones to buy. There are some handy recipes and lots of natural remedies for a whole host of medical problems. The next chapters focus on Beauty and Cleaning which I found really helpful.
Like the other two books, Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda, there is a detailed index at the back of the book. This make them handy reference books, available anytime to pick up and find a solution to common ailments and household problems.

The three books are highly recommended for anyone who wants to introduce organic natural sources to their lifestyles. Also, anyone who wants to save money on health, beauty and cleaning products would benefit too.

I’m sure I will be returning to these books often in the future and look forward to more books by Dr Stanway.

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This is one of the three books from The Natural Apothecary collection. This collection teach us how to produce natural products as cleaners, as beauty products and as others recipes. Over 40 simple recipes for all-natural home-made products with lemons. My favorite recipe is the Microwave deodorizer. The recipes are easy to reproduce and the results are amazing.

#TheNaturalApothecaryAppleCiderVinegar #TheNaturalApothecaryBakingSoda #TheNaturalApothecaryLemons #NetGalley

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Very enlightening read on the health benefits of lemons whether for the home or for your body.
Book delves into the efficacy of using lemons daily; repeats the mantra of “Include the zest and juice of a lemon in your daily diet.” at the end of each subject. Author includes recipes for things from massage oil to beverages to beauty treatments to household cleaning - and everything in between. Many of these same ideas are easily found on Pinterest.
Even though I learned much from this book, I remain a skeptic that any one thing (whether fruit or vegetable) is a cure-all for illnesses plagued by people. One could only hope it were so.
I received an arc from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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Gives some reader friendly health information. no real conclusion or cut off. If wanting a focus of things to do with lemons, this can be one to have a look at for reference. does give some resources in different areas in the world. And has some recipes.

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This book is a great resource if you are interested in natural remedies. There are tips and recipes and as well as information on how to pick or grow lemons. The tips run from beauty and help to cleaning. The book is just straight forward information about lemons and the different types of uses for them.

I voluntarily agreed to read a copy of this book supplied by NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own and in no way have been influenced.

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An informative and interesting book, full of ideas and hints.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC

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