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Ever Alice

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This book was an advanced reader copy from NetGalley

This book is a re-telling of Alice in Wonderland set after her previous adventure. Her family think she's mad with all her stories of white rabbits and Mad Hatters

I struggled to get into the book at first as it starts slowly but once it got going it flowed really well so I'd recommend people giving it more of a chance if they beginning isn't quite for them

The two main character POVs are Alice and the Queen. Even though the queen is a 'bad' character I thought she was my favourite

I found all the mixed up phrases very annoying and jarring to read. I think they were to highlight how similar but different everything is in Wonderland but they just interrupted my immersion

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#EverAlice is a sequel to Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. Now 15, Alice is in an asylum as her family have had her committed for her tales of Wonderland & the white rabbit. Desperate to leave she agrees to have an experimental procedure to ‘cure’ her so she can go home. Just before it takes place, she changes her mind and the white rabbit helps her escape back to Wonderland; in exchange for becoming an assassin and killing the Queen of Hearts.

I loved reading more about the mad Queen & her court, the descriptions are brilliant and there was tension throughout because of Alice’s mission. The ending wasn’t quite how I expected it to be, but I’m left satisfied that it was mad enough! I think this dark version of Wonderland will stick with me for a long time.

Thanks to #NetGalley and the publisher for my free advance copy of the book in exchange for an unbiased review.

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Ever Alice was an interesting read, there were ups and down but all in all it was a good solid retelling and expansion on the Lewis Carroll classic, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. It approaches the theme that Alice is deemed insane by those in her “real” world, introducing a Victorian asylum with stereotypical barbaric methods. It was this beginning to the novel where I struggled to connect with the character of Alice, not only Alice but the occasional interlude from Rosamund, the Queen of Hearts was jarring. As time went on and both characters were in the same world, the differing points of view became a lot smoother.

On returning to Wonderland, the authors dedication to everything being wrong and upside down was admirable, but for me it tried a little too hard and nothing really stuck with me.

The second half of the book gained pace and as plots came together I found myself enjoying it more. Overall, I’m left with more questions and unfinished storylines than I’d like, but it was an enjoyable read.

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Ever Alice by H.J Ramsay is an original novel that I enjoyed from start to finish. I had never read a book by this author before but I was pleasantly surprised. Ramsay has a lovely way with words and has created strong and memorable characters. The plot line moves at a good pace and maintains the readers attention. I look forward to reading more from the author in the future.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for this ARC.

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I received this advanced reader copy to provide an honest review of the book.

Ever Alice by H.J Ramsay is a really good read. As a fan of retellings and Alice in Wonderland in particular, this booked ticked a lot of boxes. Ramsay is a great writer and I really enjoyed her writing style. If you’re like myself, a fan of Lewis Carroll’s masterpiece, then this will not disappoint.

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I voluntarily read and reviewed and advanced copy of this book, received through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Alice in Wonderland has always been one of my favourite stories, which is why I read any kind of story about her that falls into my hands. Although at first it was difficult for me to connect with this story, the darkness that surrounds <k>Ever Alice</k> is especially interesting.

The narrative style is good, and the structure makes it easy to read, which encourages you to read and become more engaged in the story. The use of the typical lack of logic of Wonderland can result in confusing phrases for non-native readers in some occasions, but it is not an impossible challenge.

The story begins with Alice in a rather precarious situation, an asylum from which the white rabbit rescues her just in time. However, once in Wonderland, she is involved in a plot to assassinate the Queen of Hearts and must integrate herself into her court, where she faces bizarre and surprising situations. The appearance of many of the traditional characters of Alice in Wonderland is also very enjoyable. It's nice to be able to see them again and 'know' how they have grown.

It is especially interesting to be able to experience history from various points of view, including that of the queen. This makes the reader have a greater understanding of what happens in the minds of the characters and connect better with them, coming to understand what motivates their decisions.

I really enjoyed the end, but there is not much that can be said without spoiling it for those who have not read it yet.

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When you read the synopsis of this book it sounds like a sequel to the original Alice's story set 15 years in the future. I liked the way the author imagined that future and the way she wrote it, it was like reading a fairy tale but a little bit darker. I liked the writing and it also had some good plot twists that I enjoyed.
One thing that confused me a little was the ending of the book because I felt it a little bit rushed.

Overall I think that if you are a fan of Lewis Carroll's story , you will enjoy this one.

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I feel really bad about this.
I know a lot of people will enjoy this. But I am not a big alive in wonderland fan as it is and I just couldn't keep reading this. I'm still going to give it 3 stars because like I said if you are a fan you will enjoy it.

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Unfortunately, I was unable to finish this book. Creating a plot seemed to take forever and as I got a third of the way through, I think there was a plot of assassination but it seemed like it was about to be a romance novel. The craziness aspect was less fun and more confusing.

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DNF. I could NOT get into this book. I love retellings and Alice in Wonderland is MY FAVORITE of all of them. I have read countless Alice retellings and this one just fell way short. There is no character development. Wonderland is just not...Wonderland-y enough. The writing wasn't good compared to other retellings I have read. Disappointed.

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I'm not normally a fan of reimaginings or reinterpretations, and it seems this book really didn't do much to dissuade that feeling.

I was intrigued by the "mental instability in the real world" but that part of the plot is nothing more than a footnote.

Alice, almost immediately, returns to Wonderland, where some remember her, some don't (or do but don't care? I'm not sure, that part was tenuous).

Anyway, Alice is co-opted into participating in a plot against the Queen of Hearts. Sounds pretty straightforward... Except there's also a cast of characters all revealed to also be plotting against the queen themselves, but also against Alice sometimes? It's a bit of a mess.

There are needless hook-ups, headless ghosts that mess with the queen but do nothing important, proper names given to classic characters like the Cheshire Cat and White Rabbit (who don't need proper names). And of course a handsome (loathsome and useless in my opinion) Prince that OF COURSE must be in love with Alice on first sight, and she MUST be infatuated with him before they even meet solely because he's a prince. Look, I can accept the whole Disney princess, love at first sight thing, but this relationship was just terrible and added nothing to the plot.

There were also characters dropped into this story that had no place in existing in this world, like Marco Polo (why?) and a rip-off of Marilyn Monroe that's also named Marilyn and sings "Happy Birthday, Mister President" except to the Prince? Ugh, awful. It felt like middle school fan fiction that didn't understand the rules of its own universe.

Honestly, there were SOME ideas that were brought forward in the very end (Alice's hair colour changing as she herself changed) that were interesting and noteworthy, but ultimately didn't make it worth reading this book.

Unfortunately, this just wasn't the book for me. I wouldn't even recommend it to a younger audience as there's much better things out there for young readers.

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This was the first book I've read from this author and I enjoyed it very much. It was very well written and the characters were well thought out.

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Thank you netgalley for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

I honestly really enjoyed this, I'm going to start off by saying I've never read Alice in Wonderland but I have seen the film.

There we some aspects I really enjoyed; I mean it's Alice returning home?! What is there not to enjoy!
The writing was just so delightful, and just kind of weird (but you have to expect this)

There were a few things that I found a bit hmmm, and the ending left me feeling a bit unsatisfied. However I still really enjoyed this!

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Ever Alice by H.J. Ramsay was another retelling of Alice in Wonderland, except this time she was a teenager and her parents believed her to be insane.

I want to say upfront though I enjoyed the author's writing style, I couldn't make it through this whole book. I tried, again and again.

I would suggest this book to anyone who is a fan of Alice and her wonderland friends.

Thank you to NetGalley for my ARC. :)

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I received a free copy of this book though NetGalley in return for an honest review, this doesn't influence my review in any way.

You know what, for never having read Alice in Wonderland (I did see the movie) I loved this book so much.
It probably would've been handy having read the book before, but in all honestly it wasn't necessary and I enjoyed it a lot. I didn't have a lot of time in the beginning so I took a long time reading it but once I got the time I raced through it.

I would've maybe liked more links to the asylum but maybe that would've made me overanalyse every scene like I did when they eventually switched back.
Loved the diversity in characters and how human the characters were (even though not all of them were humans if you know what I mean). Sabrina, Alice and Thomas were undoubtedly interesting, flawed but real characters.

I'm definitely going to recommend this one to others once it's published! Amazing for a debut novel, although I saw in her author's note that it wasn't her first novel she worked on and you can see she has some experience! I was sucked into the story immediately.

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Thanks go to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Let me begin by saying I’m a sucker for books that are a twist on a classic tale. Combine that with the fact that books told from multiple PsOV also rate high on my list of likes, and you can bet that I was anticipating Ever Alice being a 5 star read for me.

Alas, it was not to be. I loved the idea of Alice being in an asylum and recalled to Wonderland to vanquish the evil queen once and for all. If the Alice vs Queen had been the focus, it would have rated higher. The thing that made the book less successful for me was the “love” between Alice and the prince. It just felt far-fetched, even for Wonderland. The other issue that led to this being a 3 instead of a 5 for me was the ending. No spoilers, but I wish the book had ended a few pages earlier.

For my ratings, a 3 is a book I don’t regret reading and that I believe there is an audience for, but a book that missed the mark for me.

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When I read that Ever Alice was a retelling of the famous Alice in Wonderland, I was excited to read it; and more so because I hadn't really read an Alice retelling before. But Ever Alice isn't exactly a retelling, it is more of a continuation of Alice's story after returning from Wonderland. It is almost like a sequel.

When Alice lands up in a psychiatric ward after her detour in Wonderland, everyone thinks she's crazy. Even her own parents. But she cannot take the image of the talking White Rabbit out of her head because she knows it was all too real. Now the White Rabbit returns to take her back to Wonderland with a task - to kill the Queen of Hearts.

The plot is very interesting, I'll give that. The whole idea of a sequel to the original story is unique in itself. While I did enjoy the book, there were many elements that did not work for me.

For starters, Alice clearly did not act her age. She was only fifteen in the book but it seemed as though she could well pass off as eighteen. What all she did, the emotions she expressed - it was a little too hard for me to believe a fifteen year old could do.

The romance between Alice and the Prince of Hearts was just - well, unnecessary. I saw no sparks or chemistry between them and it was just too abrupt. And again, Alice was fifteen. She could possibly not think of love after just looking at a Prince's picture now, could she? And personally, I thought the Prince was also just bland. He had no concrete character or personality, no strong stand. He was just . . . there.

The book seemed like a mess. The plot tended to deviate a lot from the actual mission, and while sub-plots are good and fun addition, it clearly did not work in this book. There were instances of the Queen going crazy, conspiracies surrounding her that I did not bother to care about.

The dialogues weren't my favorite. Certain elements like the Queen going on a summer vacation seemed just very stupid. However, I do think all these brought out the crazy side of the Queen of Hearts.

In the end, I think this book could've gone a whole different way with much more revision. I did enjoy reading it but at the same time, it bored me too. I just wanted to get to the end of the book, wanting to know if they managed to kill the Queen or not.

The ending was, well, not my favorite. It was rushed and confused.

In all, this wasn't a bad book. It had an interesting plot but lack of good character building.

*Thanks to netgalley for providing me with an e-arc of this book. All views expressed are completely mine.*

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*ARC kindly provided by Netgalley for an honest review*
It’s a full 5 out of 5 stars!
This novel was such a fun and intense journey at the same time.
"Ever Alice" takes place after Alice comes back from Wonderland, back to the real world. She is very excited to tell her parents everything about Wonderland, but their reaction is not what she was expecting: they send her to an asylum, where she is being “treated” for talking about a place that does not exist.
Since the novel is set in the same historical period of "Alice in Wonderland", it’s no surprise that the medical treatments were extremely dangerous and violent and maybe this requires a trigger warning, although it wasn’t too graphic.
Right when everything seems to be lost the White Rabbit appears out of nowhere, asking Alice to follow him to Wonderland, because she’s the only one, "unimportant" enough, who could save them all from the madness of the Queen of Hearts.

I loved everything about this novel, but the writing was probably my favourite part.
I am a sucker for puns so I had high expectations on that front when I picked this book up and, let me tell you, I was not let down. The nonsensical dialogues were hilarious, but not too exaggerated to the point that it was incomprehensible, which is something I greatly appreciated, because it kept the writing fluid and simple.
The story is narrated from two different POVs: Alice’s and the Queen’s.
They had very distinct voices and I really loved seeing how after a while I started getting used to the Queen’s illogical thoughts.

I have to admit that among all the characters at the beginning my favourite one was the Queen of Hearts. I know that she was supposed to be the villain, but somehow, illogical as she was, I still felt some kind of relatability to her.

I think the only thing that I didn’t fully love was the instalove type of relationship, so “insta” that she fell in love even before meeting her love interest. But it’s Wonderland, nothing really makes sense so I’m not surprised. Maybe this was done on purpose to show how even relationships follow no logic at all in Wonderland. Moreover, this wasn’t exactly the main focus of the novel so it didn’t take too much away from the story, in my opinion.

The story had a few major plot twists, the kind that had me in tears one second and sighing in relief, that I surely was not expecting at all.
The ending had me crying and laughing at the same time and I loved that.
In conclusion, I loved this book and once it’s out I’m going to force all of my friends to read it.

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Ever Alice is this authors thoughts on what possibly could have happened after the story we all know and love. Essentially we have Alice still enamoured by Wonderland and her belief and borderline obsession worries her family so much they are constantly seeking help and medical attention which leads them to place Alice temporarily in an asylum. All is not well though and Alice faces medical intervention that she realises too late will alter her permanently. Is it possible that Ralph the White Rabbit will reappear and once again whisk her off to Wonderland ?
The author takes the reader on an adventure that seemed to fit quite well within the original framework of Lewis Carrol’s acclaimed work. At once this is a beguiling story that is both dark and twisted whilst having eccentricity, oddities and even a touch of romance. Told primarily from two points of view we have the adventure that Alice goes on set amidst the downward spiral that Rosamund the Queen of Hearts is going through. Initially all the readers sympathy lies firmly with Alice as Rosamund clearly has stopped battling to hold on to sanity and her actions are truly heinous. However as the story drew to a close it appeared to this reader that Rosamund became much more self aware but alas I can say no more about the plot as it would ruin the surprises.
The characters most famous from the original story appear with one or two new additions to add extra interest. I enjoyed the poetic license used as the plot unraveled and the most obvious question of what actually was real and what imagined was handled in superb style that made this very believable although perhaps a little distressing for some readers. Bottom line this expanded the original story and should appeal to fans of Alice .

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Thank you to Netgalley and Red Rogue Press for an advanced reading copy in exchange for an honest review and feedback.
This was my first time reading a retelling of a classic fairytale and I was some what apprehensive. There was absolutely no need. this retelling was fun, quirky and engaging.

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