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Storm and Fury

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Storm and Fury by Jennifer L. Armentrout 2 Stars

I don’t know if this book just wasn’t for me or if anyone else felt like this was a good idea, poorly executed. There were some great ideas and I loved the originality (as far as I know) of using gargoyles as shape-shifters in a somewhat spiritual war against demons. However, the typical YA tropes reared their ugly heads and the main character’s constant immaturity made this book unreadable.

I feel like the characters didn’t develop well and I expected some of Trinity’s immaturity to resolve itself over the course of the story, but sadly that wasn’t the case. She refuses to accept any sort of help and is too independent for her own good. Maybe it was just me that was annoyed with her, but either way, I could not deal with her personality, or lack of.
The writing felt clunky to me and the plot flow was basically non-existent. It’s a huge pet peeve of mine when scene transitions are not thought out well. I love cliff hangers and smooth movements between days, weeks, scenes, what have you. However, this book didn’t do those well. And don’t get me started on the lack of descriptions, but unfortunately I’ve come to expect a lack of character, scene, and any other type of descriptions from YA books.

Like I said, maybe this book isn't to my taste, but I was deeply disappointed after really liking the synopsis.

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I received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Storm and Fury is, and was, one of those books that I just had to have! I was so happy when I got the approval email from NetGalley but I did end up hesitating diving into it. As to why? Well, I had a crap ton of other ARCs I needed to dive into because I was definitely slacking in that department. Luckily for me, I have definitely stopped slacking and have been pretty good at reading ARCs now. Woohoo!!

In this book, you will meet Trinity Marrow. She has a pretty unique gift because she can talk to ghosts and spirits. So in a way, she's kind of like a medium. I have no idea how she kept this whole thing a secret for so long because I can barely keep one for a few minutes - well, I guess it depends on how juicy the secret is and who is actually telling me it.

Now I loved the whole demons, angels, ghosts, and basically everything else that was thrown at me in this book. However, I definitely did not approve the whole insta thing that was happening. Sorry, but I'm definitely not sorry, because I hate insta anything. Oh, and love triangles - so those two things are very hard for me to fall in like with. Not love, like.

After finishing this amazing book, I am super pumped to dive into the next one. Ya know, whenever that beautiful thing comes out. I should probably also dive into the dark elements series because I haven't and didn't even know it existed. Oops.

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Storm and Fury is the first book in a new series. It is a spin off of the Dark Elements Series. It is a mature YA paranormal book.

Do you need to have read the Dark Elements series to read Storm and Fury? IMO, this series is meant to be read after the Dark Elements series. Characters from that series appear in this book. One of the main characters from that series is the lead in this book. The story will definitely make much more sense if you are already familiar with the characters and the world. However, the author does summarize a lot of what happened in the Dark Elements series. So if you are never planning to read those books then I think that you would be able to follow the story here. But I would definitely recommend reading the other series first.

As long as you remember the basics of what happened between Layla, Roth and Zayne then it should be pretty easy for readers of the Dark Elements series to pick up right where they left off. I have not read those books in quite a while. And I had no problem getting back in the story.

The narrator of this book is 18 year old Trinity (1st person POV). She lives with Wardens in their community in West Virginia. I really liked Trinity. She is a kick-ass heroine. But I also loved reading her story because she has the same eye disease as the author. So I was fascinated by this part of the story. I also really liked the whole "I can see ghosts" aspect of her character. This added so much to the story.

This book has gargoyle/Wardens and demons. And both groups play a big part in this story. I really enjoyed the new Wardens that we got to meet in this book: Thierry, Matthew, Misha, Jada and Ty. And I loved the character of Peanut (such a great addition to this world).

When starting this new series I was very curious how much we would get to see the characters from the previous books. I was actually sort of shocked at how big a part the Washington DC gang played in this new series. I liked it. But it really made this new series very connected to the previous series.

This story has action, but it also has romance. I really liked the romance in this book.

There were definitely some intriguing twists at the end. And the story ended in a very interesting place. I really enjoyed this book!

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Storm and Fury is the first book in The Harbinger series and a spinoff to The Dark Elements series. While this is supposed to be a stand-alone series, you technically don’t have to read Dark Elements. But, the characters and back story affect what happens in Storm and Fury. It also changes everything, so if you decide you want to read it after, major spoilers if you begin with The Harbinger series first. You have been warned.

Now that all disclaimers are out of the way, I can finally say this. Holy Moly! What! OMG! What!!!!? …cough…I’m fine now. I loved the Elemental series and didn’t know that she was writing a follow up series so when I realized it, it was like Christmas had come early. I get a Zayne book? Happy happy joy joy.

“Oh my God. I hit a Defcon level of WTFery.” <- FYI, I will now be quoting this for everything in my life even remotely difficult. Get a papercut? I’m using this quote.

Trinity Marrow has been living among the Wardens, protected because of her ability to communicate with ghosts. Wardens are gargoyle shifters that protect humans from demons. If the demons find out that Trinity has this power, shit, meet fan. So when Zayne and his father come from a neighboring clan to warn them about attacks against other Wardens, Trinity’s life is about to get even more complicated and dangerous.

“I’m a special snowflake, unique and beautiful.”
He snorted. “You’re something.”

Can I say how much I loved Trinity? Even with a degenerative eye disease that is slowly making her go blind, she is a badass chick who doesn’t take anyone’s crap. She doesn’t want anyone to feel sorry for her and doesn’t allow her disability to define her. Plus, she’s got Peanut the ghost as a friend and you can’t not love Peanut and his mischievous ways. Trinity tries to keep him in check but he’s not having it.

“You want to kiss me again, don’t you?”
Every muscle in my body went tense. “Yes. I want—”
Zayne kissed me. It was such a soft, beautiful kiss at first, his lips brushing across mine once, and then twice, and then the kiss deepened and there was nothing questioning or tentative about it. The kiss felt scorching, demanding and soul burning, a raw combination of pent-up need and explosive want.

Swoon. Zayne, oh how I love thee. I loved him in the Dark Elemental series and I love him even more now. While Trinity and Zayne may clash heads at first, Zayne is hard to resist and a slow trust forms between the two of them. They both have major baggage and secrets but have to put everything aside to save their friends.

I may not have slept reading this in to the wee hours of the morning. Jennifer Armentrout does not build a small world and this bad boy was 512 pages of amazing to the point, I didn’t realize how big it was until I was done. I’m fairly certain I forgot to eat too. I can not wait for more books in this world! I need them ASAP.

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Here’s a little back story before I get into this:

Years ago, before I was really into reading, I picked up a paranormal romance novel at the recommendation of a friend and was immediately HOOKED! It was like I had found something that I had lost. I just could not get enough and I rememberblowing through the series and frantically looking for more along those lines. *Sigh* the beginning of a new era.

Now paranormal romances, and even urban fantasy, are not books that I flock to anymore. As I get older and read more my tastes are obviously changing but I still remember that feeling I got when I picked up that book – that feeling of awhole new world sucking me in and not wanting to let go. Though Storm and Fury is far from the genres I originally fell in love with, Jennifer L. Armentrout gave me that feeling again. I was immediately swept away into this supernatural scene and did NOT want to come out. I didn't even know I had missed it.

I absolutely LOVED reading this book. The story was great, the characters were amazing (Peanut!!) and it was so much fun to read. All my favorite supernatural beings were there; ghosts, spirits, demons, *spoiler, spoiler, spoiler characters*but MORE importantly – gargoyles!! You know, there is a serious lack of gargoyle literature in the market and that needs to be addressed. Gargoyles have always been one of my favorite supernatural beings; right from childhood (yes…I watched the cartoon religiously!).For them to be such a large focal point in this book, and to be done incredibly well I might add, made me so happy. Hell, it made my inner child, my teenage self AND my young-adult-trying-to-get-out absolutely thrilled!

The characters were spot on for me as well. Trinity definitely had that strong, badass chick vibe going for her but it was paired with a vulnerable side that can quite frequently get annoying pretty fast. She didn't get on my nerves. In fact, I wanted her on my side! This is a girl who has been through the ringer and still wants to keep going. Plus....she has a pervy, 80's sidekick ghost and a quick mouth....who wouldn't love her? I think her and Zayne work really well together and I loved seeing the contrast in relationships between them and her and Misha.

This book was just so refreshing for me to read and I am completely addicted to Armentrout's world. I think the only thing that I didn't care for was the fact that Trinity's reveal took so long. I know there were a lot of clues leading up to it and the end result was fantastically done but I there is a part of me that wishes I didn't have to wait so long. No matter how much I was enjoying the story, the breadcrumbs weren't enough for me and I know much longer and this would be a different review. At the end of the day, it worked out beautifully and I was NOT disappointed one bit! Also - the Supernatural nods.....nice touch. All the thumbs up for that one!

I would absolutely recommend this book. I think this is a great read for those who enjoy both YA and adult books. I know this is one I could definitely read again and I can't wait for the next book.

Now, I need to run and get The Darkest Elements series. I am SO not done with this world yet.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Teen for providing me with a copy of this book to read and give my honest opinion.

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I have long been a fan of Jennifer L. Armentrout. I simply can't get enough of her books.

This is another example of why I can't get enough. She is amazing at crafting a completely believable story that makes you want to look up the characters and get to know them. Despite the fact that they are fake.

Storm and Fury is no different than all of her other amazing books in that I loved it. There was a lot of diversity that felt seamless as well as action and romance. Trinity was the cutest little character ever and I was rooting for her from start to finish. It was the greatest thing ever to see how she would react to being put in various situations.

It was also a ton of fun to see Roth and Layla and Zayne and Cayman from White Hot Kiss. I started reading Jennifer L. Armentrout because of White Hot Kiss and it was really cool to see her return to the world that, for me, started it all.

With the return to White Hot Kiss and gargoyles, there was the insight into Zayne and his feelings towards Layla and Roth and exactly what happened after the events of Every Last Breath. From Zayne's side of the story. We also get a look into Roth and how he views all the events. Not only that but the reader gets an outsider's view into the whole situation.

OK. Enough fangirling over Roth. Trinity, in Storm and Fury, deals with trying to find out what she is and how she fits into this world, at the same time as trying to fight demons and wanting to be wanted.

You see, Trinity, the poor girl, is completely different than Layla, different than demons, different even than the Wardens. She's something else. She's heavenly. And because of that, demons will stop at nothing to get her.

Throughout the course of the book, she learns to fight for herself and that you can never really truly know anyone. Instead of being angry at the betrayal she suffers at the hands of a friend, she mourns the loss of that friendship and I loved that part. The stubbornness and recklessness she are endearing qualities. Especially when you find out that soon, she won't be able to see the stars at night.

It's honestly more tragic than you would think. We take so much for granted and there are so many people with this disease that aren't taking those things for granted. We take for granted we can see, and walk and talk and we pity those that don't.

But we shouldn't pity. We should lift them up and help them, the way that Zayne helps Trinity.

In total, the book was extremely well written with twists and turns I definitely didn't see coming. The ending is making me salivate for more.

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***May contain spoilers for The Dark Elements trilogy.***

***Actual Rating: 5/5 Rewriting Stars***

”I’m guessing the sky is full of stars?”
“It is, but the only ones that matter are the ones you see.”

Awww, my HEART! *trying very hard to calm down right now*

To begin with, The Harbinger series is the spin-off series of The Dark Elements trilogy, published almost five years ago, and Storm and Fury is its first instalment. Before we dive right into the this book, let me present you with a recap of The Dark Elements:
★ White Hot Kiss: There are three main characters: Layla (half-Warden, half-Demon), Roth (the Crown Prince of Hell, a.k.a. the most powerful Demon), and Zayne (a Warden who gave up the chance to become the clan leader in his hometown, Washington, D.C.)

★Stone Cold Touch: There is a love triangle: due to Layla’s demon heritage, she can’t kiss anything with a soul (for example, Wardens), or else she will feed on it and take that person’s life. Layla is torn between her childhood bestie, Zayne, and the new handsome guy, Roth. If memory serves, she accidentally takes a part of Zayne’s soul when kissing him, almost getting her killed by Zayne’s clan.

★Every Last Breath: In the finale, Layla chooses Roth because even though she loves Zayne a lot and truly cares about him, she loves Roth more. As a result, Layla and Roth live happily ever after whereas Zayne’s broken-hearted and isolated from others.

Without doubts, Storm and Fury picks up shortly after what happens at the end of Every Last Breath, and this time, enter Trinity, a super badass 18-year-old Trueborn (some may call her a Nephilim, who’s a half-human, half-angel). Since Trinity is also the last of her kind, she’s quite a precious gem in the story.

We didn’t get lots of insight into Zayne’s world or his mind from the Dark Elements trilogy but thankfully, this spin-off series will revolve around his and Trinity’s history. Just like most of Jennifer’s books, Storm and Fury also contains tons of epic fighting scenes and indestructible battlefields. As intriguing as all of these may sound, I personally am more fond of the character development (especially that of Trinity) in this book.

The first thing that catches my eye about Trinity is her flaws. To my astonishment, among the most perfect world buildings in the genre of paranormal, it isn’t easy to find a flawed protagonist. Hence, Trinity’s presence surprises me most since she has an eye disease which will deteriorate her eye sight with the passing of time called retinitis pigmentosa . Not-too-interestingly, it is also what Jennifer has to endure every day in her real life.

Jennifer manages to give us readers more ideas about what it’s like for her to experience the failing eye sight through Trinity’s eyes, which is by far the most creative, thought-provoking way I’ve ever seen. The unique writing technique also requires a great amount of scientific/medical research, totally elevating the entire book to an unreachable territory.
”At my last appointment, about a year ago, my eye doctor asked if I could still see the stars at night. It was weird when he asked, because I had to think about it and I realized I couldn’t answer the question,” I admitted. “I hadn’t looked up at the stars in, like, forever, and it sort of hit me, you know? That one day I would look up and I wouldn’t see a star, and that would be it. I’d never be able to see something so…beautiful and simple again. Up until that moment, I’d taken that for granted. So, every night, I look up to see if I can see the stars.”

That being said, I truly appreciate the depth and profound concepts expressed in this book. Not only does Trinity serve as a formidable enemy in the Warden/Gargoyle’s world, she is also a respectable heroine whom many people look up to. She makes me realize even something trivial could mean the world to someone else.

Before I wrap up my review, I’d like to share one of the most swoon-worthy moments between Zayne and Trinity, when they barely survive by the end of the book. I’ve always considered Zayne to be a sweetheart but never would I ever picture him to be as sweet as he seems…
”You want to see the stars?” Zayne asked, and I nodded emphatically, knowing what he meant, and when he took my hand, I folded my fingers over his like I had the day I’d left the community. I felt him begin to shift, his skin hardening under mine. “Then hold on tight, Trin. I’m going to get us as close as we can go.”

All in all, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND Storm and Fury, as well as the Dark Elements trilogy by Jennifer L. Armentrout. I think everyone should know one thing or two about retinitis pigmentosa since it’s no longer a rare disease. Besides, what’s not to love when Trinity’s exact problem actually brings her much closer to Zayne throughout the book? Trust me, the story only gets better and better with its promising cliffhanger so you wouldn’t want to miss it!

***Massive thanks to Inkyard Press/Harlequin Teen for sending me an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.***

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I was so, so excited when I stumbled across Storm and Fury by JLA. I've really enjoyed her books in the past, and this one was no different. However, after reflecting on the story and my feelings, my initial rating of four stars dropped down to a three. I don't do half-star ratings, but if I did, this one would be a solid 3.5.

Okay, so to start... the dry-humping. I don't like it when a character is overly concerned with someone's virginity. Trinity mentions that it wouldn't have been a big deal, because she'd assumed Zayne had been with other people before, but she liked him more when she discovered he was still unfucked. I don't think that should matter, if you really want to be with someone. It's fine when people want to be handsy and take things slow, but they had no intention of taking things slow. They simply wanted to swim without diving into the deep end. Really, that's fine, but it was weird to read about. Honestly, at one point I thought they'd decided to just go ahead and do it, but no, it was just excessive grinding in all the right places. I think it would have been more realistic for them to just boink.

Secondly, Trinity is a really confident character, but she puts herself down a lot. She thinks she looks like a bug being squeezed whenever she's surprised and her eyes get large (something that's mentioned more than once). She claims her friend looks like a goddess while she looks like a dirty dryad, and it was frustrating to read about. I wish she'd been happier with herself and her appearance.

Thirdly, there's a lot of repeated information, but that could change before this is published. Trinity would look at the stars and claim she could only see four, but then she would close one eye and see three (she does this a few times). Also, Trinity is 18 and Zayne is in his twenties, but the language didn't reflect that.

A few examples:

1. "That was utter crazy pants with a side of dangerous sauce."
2. "...that flipped my bitch switch into power on like a mofo mode."
3. "Holy crap on a cracker the size of Texas..."

Additionally, Trinity's blood is supposed to attract demons, and the clan has gone to great lengths to make sure that doesn't happen. However, she's an adult female, so she's going to have a monthly period. What do they do then? It's not like they can stop that from happening. No one mentioned monthly demon attacks, and very few people know what she is, so I'm assuming that detail was overlooked. But then... "I bit down on my lip until I tasted blood..." Why would she do that knowing it would bring a horde of crazy demons to her location? At least, that's what I assumed would happen since her blood has been such a big issue from the start (nothing actually happened). Yes, she could have been on birth control, but that wasn't mentioned, and swallowing the blood from her lip may have negated the effects, but it wasn't clarified.

Everything surrounding Misha was anticlimactic. I was expecting something... more from the story. It's hard to elaborate on without being spoilery, but I was disappointed with how certain issues where resolved.

Gargoyles! Storm and Fury is about gargoyles! Did anyone else watch that 80's cartoon? I really liked JLA's spin on them, and how they were actually living creatures made to fight demons. The angels and demons trope isn't usually my thing, but this was mostly about gargoyles and demons with a dash of angels. Of course, all of the gargoyles are sinfully attractive, but it was interesting that they could shift forms whenever they wanted to. I think they all had red hair, but I don't know if that was intentional. Wait... maybe Zayne was blond... hmm.

The book mainly focuses on Trinity, and there aren't any secondary characters worth mentioning, besides Zayne the love interest and Misha the best friend. I wish Zayne had been more honest with his feelings and whatnot from the start, but he isn't, which causes a lot of unnecessary drama between the two. I did like him as a character, and thought he had an interesting backstory, but wish that had been elaborated on.

Roth was awesome, and I loved his familiars, but he's just there in the background to help the story along. Someone else mentioned that he was in another series, but I haven't read it. Maybe I would have felt differently if I had?

I'm curious what's out there killing both Wardens (the gargoyles) and demons, and what role Trinity is supposed to play. She and Zayne have a complicated relationship, which only gets worse as the story progresses. I hate that they fought their feelings the entire book, briefly gave in to what appeared to be a glorious grinding session, and then went back to not touching one another (because of his perceived feelings and the fact that it's maybe forbidden).

It was an enjoyable read overall, and I read it in a single day, but it was also ugh. I was so frustrated with the characters and how they handled their feelings, but also with how disappointing the ending was. At the end JLA mentions that she shares the same degenerative eye disease that Trinity has. It was interesting to read about something the author similarly struggles with. I cannot imagine what it would feel like to have limited eyesight, and to know that one day you might lose it altogether.

Storm and Fury wasn't the epic adventure I was expecting, but I did have a lot of fun with the story.

Originally posted at Do You Dog-ear? on May 30, 2019.

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I was on the hunt for a good paranormal romance and I came across this book. It sounded like just the kind of story I was looking for.

The good:
This author really knows how to write an engaging story! I was caught up right from the beginning. The characters are distinct, strong and I really liked them. There is a definite growing chemistry between Trinity and Zayne that I could feel. Trinity's personal growth as she gains information was satisfying. The author really gave a piece of herself to this story as she gave Trinity a degenerative eye disorder. It is always awesome as a reader to have something so personal to an author represented in their stories. It makes it human, relatable and I even learned something!

The hard:
I am more of a conservative reader so the excessive swearing was hard for me to swallow. This is, I realize, a personal preference and not one everyone shares. But for me, the swearing was just too much. The other was the descriptive, might as well have been, sex scene. Again, personal preference.

I will not be coming back to this series for the hard reasons mentioned above but aside from those things, I really enjoyed the story. It has an open ending so for those reading it, get ready for a wait before you get more of the story! Oh, and I love the cover.

Content: frequent swearing (including the F word, many times), profanity, descriptive sexual scene, kissing, innuendo

- I received a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Everyone knows I am a huge fan of JLA books, The Dark Elements is just amazing, so this is the spin off of that series, also if you haven't read them it's totally fine you can catch up afterwards. Storm and Fury was everything I always wanted and never thought I did. I liked Zayne a lot and now seeing his story is more than I could ever asked for. Trinity, well as a fan of JLA I also know about her eyesight and giving it to Trinity to raise up awareness for it and to explain how she sees and projecting part of her feeling into the character got to me. I can only give this book 5 stars but for me it will always be infinity, now everyday I look up at the sky and count stars.

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In this first installment to author Jennifer Armentrout's Dark Elements series, ""Storm and Fury" brings us Zayne's story at long last. It's a slow-burning romance that has this broken-hearted Warden going toe-to-toe with the bad-ass Trinity.

I loved this couple's fun banter, the excitement and uniqueness of the story, and re-visiting the Warden world, as well as "old friends." While this book is promoted as a stand-alone, I would highly recommend reading the Dark Elements series first, in order to fully appreciate this brand new paranormal romance series..

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Talk about a book hangover. Storm and fury definitely left me with one.
I loved how this story jumped right in and just kept going until the end. There is a lot of action mixed in with an interesting world. The author does a great job of bringing up the past events in a way that refreshes readers who read the dark elements series and also introduces new readers to the events and characters of the previous series. Personally I recommend reading the dark elements series first so you will not have the events from the first series spoiled while reading storm and fury. However, you can enjoy it just as much without reading the dark elements series.

This spin off is aimed at mid to older teens which is great for a different style of fantasy books. Gargoyles are not one of the most common type of character used in fantasy books and I liked the change. I loved how the action and romance were mixed with the right amount of humor. There are also just the perfect amount of twists to keep you on your toes. I found this whole novel enjoyable and I couldn't put it down.
Jennifer put a lot of her heart into this book and her main character Trinity. You can definitely feel it when reading her story and it adds that much more to storm and fury.
I highly recommend this for young adult fantasy lovers and fantasy novels in general.

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While this is the first in a new spin-off series and can be read as a stand-alone, it's more enjoyable if you've previously read The Darkest Elements series, as it has characters previously introduced in those books. Storm and Fury is the perfect Sci-Fi escape that you'll want to shut the whole world out until you've reached the end (and be begging for more!). Jennifer Armentrout has an uncanny way of writing, that draws you in to the story and captivates you with a world you can only imagine truly exists.

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Ahhhh!! Whenever I read Jennifer Armentrout I am addicted to the amazing world building and storylines that consume me. I completely fell in love with Trinity. She was so sassy and I intriguing. I loved her connection to Zayne and their dynamic! I am looking forward to more from this author in the future!

I would like to thank Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book for an advanced copy! 4 stars! ~Ratula

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Talk about a book that keeps your attention! Every time I thought the story was going to calm down...BOOM...I was hit with something new. I will preface this review by saying I was not aware this was a companion book to a series. I have not read that series but I can say that this novel reads fine as a stand-alone.

Trinity was a great character, a strong woman. She did get on my nerves at times but overall, I enjoyed her. Zayne initially struck me as a stuck up character, the jock type. I was relieved to find out that he was sweet and caring when he wanted to be. I love characters with depth to them. The romance between Zayne and Trinity was great but it felt overwhelming and just unrealistic at times. The romance became too much at one point and it really felt like they were in a bubble, ignoring the other events happening around them.

Peanut was a great addition and I loved the humor he brought to the story. It lightened the sometimes heavy mood.

I really loved that gargoyles were in this book! How often do you see that? Not only were they amazing protectors called Wardens, but they also had human sides. I like that they could transform or shift into their stony Warden form when danger was around but could appear human when they wanted.

As I said above, this is a companion to a series. This might be why there was no real background information about the Wardens or how they came to be, but I really wanted that.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book.

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It seems like Jennifer L. Armentrout has a never ending supply of ideas. Storm and Fury is the start of her newest series, The Harbinger. It fits well into the worlds that she has already created, so fans of her other series will love this one!
Storm and Fury follows Trinity Marrow. Trinity is special, but maybe not for the reasons you might guess. She's the last of her kind, and she's protected by and from Wardens because of it. It makes for a difficult life, to put it mildly. Throw her genetic condition into the mix...and it's no wonder Trinity is so willing to take risks and keep herself busy and entertained.
I truly enjoyed Storm and Fury – and I can honestly tell you that you don't have to be up to date in any of her other series to understand and follow this one. So if you've been meaning to try some of her work, this isn't a bad starting point.

Storm and Fury was as action packed as it was compelling. Trinity was a brilliant main character – the sort that gets into plenty of trouble and keeps us entertained from start to finish. Everything about this novel kept my focus – I hated having to take breaks (stupid real world making me deal with it).
I'll confess that I don't normally love the whole angels and demons plot device, but I really enjoyed it here. Maybe it was the addition of the Wardens that helped balance it out. Maybe it's because the characters were human. Or more likely, it was a combination of the two. I will say that it was really well done, so if you find yourself wavering because of this point, I'd suggest giving it a go.
I think part of the reason I enjoyed everything about Trinity is because her abilities didn't come without a cost. There are immediate consequences for using her abilities. But there are also other issues in her life as well. It made her come off as more human and less overpowered, which I appreciated.
The Warden system was fascinating, and I sincerely couldn't get enough of it. I loved seeing how Trinity fit into the scheme of things, and how they interacted and dealt with her. I don't know what is going to happen with the rest of the Wardens, especially not in the long run. But I'm looking forward to finding out.
The romantic subplot really sold the whole premise, if I'm being honest. It was cute, it was endearing, and I really adored how much they frustrated each other. It's the best form of hate to love out there. Of course, now that I've finished the novel, I'm dying to know what is going to happen to them in the long run. Because I have so many questions.
I'm so happy that I gave Storm and Fury a try. But sadly now I have to desperately wait for any news on the rest of the series...and I'm not exactly known for being patient. Oh well, I have no doubt that it'll be worth the wait!

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4.5 Stars!
Trinity Marrow is an 18 yr. old girl who has unique gifts and has been kept separate from the outside world for her protection. She's lived sheltered in a compound since she was a young child where she's been raised by Wardens, who are shape shifting gargoyles that were trained to protect humans and fight demons. They were practically indestructible, and were bred to withstand the fiercest of battles. Most had no clue what they were hiding, and were willing to lay down their lives for her. Even though they did their best to keep her safe, Trinity had never been that great at following rules, and was a bit reckless and impulsive. She was often too curious for her own good, which leads to her meeting a mindblowingly beautiful, big, blond Warden from another clan.

Trinity is intrigued and completely fascinated with Zayne from the moment she lays eyes on him. Then he opens his mouth and she finds him extremely annoying and judgmental. They clash at every turn, but that only serves to ignite the attraction between them. They both feel a connection they can't explain, and things get complicated when Trinity slowly begins to realize she really isn't safe anywhere. Soon Trinity and Zayne must learn to trust one another in order to work together to fight demons when they breach the walls of the fortress she calls home.

Storm and Fury is book one in Jennifer L. Armentrout's new Harbinger series. It's a spin-off of the Dark Elements series full of action, amazing chemistry, secrets and mystery. It's a young adult, slow burn paranormal romance with ghosts, demons, angels, witches, and gargoyles. It has hilarious banter, and will captivate you throughout. I really enjoyed this book, and can't wait for the next installment to get more of this couple.

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I have mixed feelings about this book. I did not realize that it was a companion book to a previous series. I can attest that you don’t have to have read the other books in order to understand this one, or to enjoy it for that matter. But I might have enjoyed it more with some background to the world and characters.

What I liked about the book:
The concept of the gargoyles being protectors and having a human side to them.
Trinity was a character that I liked for the most part. She did get on my nerves sometimes though.
Zayne was also a good character. He was a bit of an emotional wreck, but he would own up to his issues. He was also very sweet and kind when he wanted to be.
The romance between Zayne and Trinity, was a bit overdone, but I liked the two of them together
Roth, an upper level demon, who helped out our heroes. He was amusing and often added some lightness to the dark.
The overall plot of the story which was predictable, but still well done.
Although I was confused about her blindness for most of the book (it is not explained until 400ish pages in), I liked that it was there.
What I didn’t like about the book:
The lack of world building. It is urban fantasy, but still I wanted more information about the gargoyles and how they came to be. Perhaps that is explained in the first series, but it would have been nice to have a recap for those of us that haven’t read the other books.
What Trinity is and her purpose are never really well explained.
The romance was a bit overdone for me, in fact it seemed at times that it was the only focus of the book and characters. Forget all of the other stuff going on, let’s talk about how hot and gorgeous Zayne is.
The length. It was way too long and slow at times.
The story was too predictable, I knew what the outcome was going to be with Misha from the start.
But like I said some mixed emotions. I keep changing my star rating on Goodreads from a 4 to a 3 and back again. If I could do half stars I would give it 3.5 and be happy with that. It wasn’t a bad book, but I think it could have been better with less emphasis on the romance and more on the gargoyles.

If you love a good romance with some supernatural stuff and a lot of demon killing in the background, then I would highly recommend this book. I will probably pick up the next book in the series, just because I am interested in finding out how it all ends.

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I have never really been a big paranormal or fantasy reader. I gave the series that serves as a prequel to Storm and Fury a try purely because I love Jennifer L Armentrouts writing. Only she could get me to love a series about gargoyles and demons. I did like that this series focused on Zaynes story. Witty and cocky men seem to be the usual for JLA's teen series, but it was nice to get someone a little more down to earth. The sass was not missing at all with the addition of Peanut and the reappearance of Roth and Cayman -- who I loved revisiting. My only complaint was that even though there was a lot happening plot wise, the story still felt a little slow moving and overly long. That being said, I cannot wait for the next one in the series! 3.5/5 stars

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Storm and Fury by Jennifer Armentrout was absolutely amazing!! It is the first book in her spinoff series ofThe Dark Elements, you don’t have to read this series first, but I highly recommend reading it at some point, it was phenomenal!

Storm and Fury is a YA paranormal story centered around 18 year old Trinity Marrow. She has been living inside a gated community with heavy protection since the death of her mother. Trinity has a secret, that only she and those closest to her know about. Trinity has been watched over, trained and sheltered from the outside world most of her life. She longs to do more, see more and live more, before her progressive eye disorder makes her completely blind.
Trinity is such a strong, brave and determined heroine,. She is willing to sacrifice herself for those she loves!!
This book was absolutely amazing, it pulled me into this world of shapeshifters, demons, angels, vampires, witches and so much more!!
I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves paranormal books with a lot of twist and turns!!

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