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The Unhoneymooners

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Christina Lauren books are sort of a hit or miss with me. I LOVE some of their books and some are just okay. I do think they are romance novel queens and love that they write so quickly.

The Unhoneymooners was a HIT with me. I had so much fun reading this novel and was laughing out loud during parts of this. I seriously hope this becomes a movie because this would be the perfect romantic comedy. I could not stop smiling while I was reading this and that alone should make you pick it up (if you like romance novels) once it comes out.

I loved (almost) all of Olive and Ethan’s interactions and was dying at some of their exchanges. The variety in family plots was enjoyable to read about as well. It was nice seeing Christina Lauren write about a Mexican American family and I believe they did their research. I am not Mexican American, so I can not speak on the authenticity of the representation. But, I love diversity in romance novels and want more (publishers take note please).

I loved both Olive and Ethan as characters. They both are a little flawed, but have hearts of gold. I loved Olive’s journey with her job and Ethan being a bookworm was precious. Him making the Harry Potter reference was the best thing ever. I just loved their dynamic.

In m/f romance novels I typically only like seeing the woman’s POV and in general only like seeing one of the protagonist’s side of the story, but in this one I really wanted to see Ethan’s side of the story. I wanted to know why he didn’t like Olive (or if he really did dislike her).

Honestly, I only had a few issues with how certain plot points got wrapped up at the end. Some of the resolutions were dragged out . But, the epilogue made my heart drop so I was still satisfied with the ending.

Overall, this is one of my favorite Christina Lauren books and I can’t wait to recommend it to everyone.

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OMG!!! Just when I thought Christina Lauren produced their best work (Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating is my personal favorite), they write THIS one. I absolutely LOVED IT. I love books that center around weddings, I love books that take place while on vacation, and I ADORE enemies-to-lovers novels. This book has it all! I didn't think they could top Josh and Hazel but they sure are giving them a run for their money!

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I received an advance copy of this book from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. I really really enjoyed The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren. This was a delightful romance with a great story. This book does not include explicit scenes. Olive and her twin sister are complete opposites. Olive is a walking disaster. Her twin is lucky and seems to be on top of the world. Until the wedding buffet. Everyone except Olive and Ethan get a virulent strain of food poisoning. Because Ami had won a non transferable honeymoon, Ami and her husband insisted that Olive and Ethan go on the “honeymoon” even though they couldn’t stand each other. It is a great story showing how things work out for everyone. Thank you Net Galley.

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I absolutely loved this book but I love the duo that is Christina Lauren so this is of no surprise to me. Two twins. One has amazingly good luck and the other has awful luck until Ami gets married. From the reception on it seems that Olive’s luck has turned into something amazing. This book is just heart warning. I fell in love with the characters. I felt disdain for one of them. Without giving away any spoilers I’ll just say 5 stars right here. Definitely a must read

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Another good romance by Christina Lauren. The enemies-turned-lovers provides just the right amount of angst and passion, and Lauren does it well. While the characters weren't as developed as some in her other books, I think readers will enjoy the tension, drama, and love-square of the characters. The reader will feel for unlucky Olive, especially when it seems that no one will believe her.

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I was so excited to start this newest book by the talented duo Christina Lauren. I wouldn't call myself a huge lover of the romance genre but their books are so much more than that. They have the Rom-Com feeling but they have imperfect characters and not everything always goes as planned which I think makes these books so much more powerful and enjoyable.

The Unhoneymooners was another wonderful addition to their growing collection. I enjoyed the laugh out loud wedding drama and the tumultuous rollercoaster rider of a relationship between Ethan and Olive. It has plenty of emotions and misunderstandings as well as some steamy moments which you can always count on with these authors.

I also loved learning more about Olive's tight-knit Mexican family. You could see how her close relationship with her twin sister Ami, caused her to second guess herself and ultimately have to decide what was more important, keeping her happy or the truth.

Thank you to NetGalley and Gallery Books for a copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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I love this book, just as I expected to, as it's from Christina Lauren.

I'm trying to decide what I love so much about novels from this duo, and I think it's two things. One, that the characters are flawed, they're human, they're absolutely relatable. You want to be them, you want to be friends with them.

Two, that reading these books makes my heart skip a beat. Or I get butterflies in my stomach, whichever concept you prefer. I know that I'll get those feelings when I open the book, so I try to make sure I'm going to have a block of a couple of hours to read it in one setting.

I finished about an hour ago, and my heart is still racing. I can't wait for the next one.

Thank you to NetGalley and Gallery, Threshold, Pocket books for the advanced reader copy. You've made me a happy reader today.

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Olive Torres, forever unlucky, lucks out by avoiding food poisoning from the buffet at her twin sister's wedding. Unfortunately for her, the only other person to avoid the buffet is Ethan Thomas, the groom's brother and a man she hates. As the only two who were unaffected, the bride and groom insist that Olive and Ethan take their all expenses paid honeymoon to Maui. Since the honeymoon was won in a contest with strict rules, Olive and Ethan may be forced to pretend to like each other in order to enjoy this dream vacation.

I really enjoyed this book. I read like a really great rom com. Olive and Ethan were both easy to fall in love with. They had excellent chemistry throughout the book. I laughed out loud several times (which I rarely do) at the banter between the two main characters and at some of the situations they found themselves in. The plot moved at a great pace and did not feel rushed at all to me. I also quite liked the supporting cast of characters, especially Olive's large, crazy family.

It is one of the better romance novels that I've read recently. It was a quick and easy read, especially because I was sucked into the story and did not want to put it down. I would definitely recommend this.

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There are very few authors that can write chemistry between characters better than Christina Lauren! I think this book, The Unhoneymooners, is them at their absolute best! Olive and Ethan are such likable, yet flawed, characters; I sincerely hope there’s a sequel coming for them! I need to know more!

The situations the duo ended up in we’re both laugh out loud funny and cringeworthy. I can’t magic be faking a honeymoon with my mortal enemy. The book takes a serious turn during the last 1/3, so this goes from romance to women’s fiction in a seamless transition. I felt so bad for Olive but felt she was vindicated in the end.

The witty back and forth exchanges between Olive and Ethan when they first arrive in Hawaii had me belly laughing. Oh, and word to the wise? Don’t eat while reading the first five chapters ;)

Many thanks to Gallery for my ARC. All thoughts are my own.

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Another wonderful book by Christina Lauren! This one just might be my favorite. The characters are so full and the romance and comedy are a perfect blend.

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Olive and Ethan are enemies, Olive thinks she only has to tolerate him for 24 hours during the wedding of her identical twin sister to his brother. But after food poisoning from the shellfish dinner at the wedding causes every single person to become sick, except Olive and Ethan, a non-refundable Hawaiian honeymoon is up for grabs. The only catch? Olive and Ethan have to pretend to be happily married newlyweds. ⁣

Y’all, I LOVED this! This is exactly the type of rom-com I love reading. I devoured it in a couple of sittings and I was so sad when it was over! Christina Lauren really nailed this delightful enemies-to-lovers story. I’m new to learning all the romance tropes, but I think it also classified as forced proximity? The banter between Olive and Ethan while they put on a show of being married is great, and there’s definitely a few times it felt like an old screwball romantic comedy. But hands down my favorite part of the story was her giant close-knit Mexican family! I loved seeing each of the characters from her family pop up in the book. ⁣

I will say the end felt like there were some things that should have been addressed more regarding the conflict that occurs. The more I think about the last few chapters (not including the epilogue), I feel a little iffy about how quickly Olive forgave some not great behavior. Because of that, this was a 4.5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 for me (rounded up to 5 for Netgalley and Goodreads). ⁣

I still highly recommend The Unhoneymooners! I’m all about romantic comedies with witty banter and some steam🔥 this will definitely be going in my reread pile. The Unhoneymooners releases May 14th, 2019!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing this digital ARC in exchange for an honest review!
There's only a handful of authors who can consistently write multiple books and not disappoint me. Christina Lauren is at the top of the list. Not only have I loved every story they've written, I've devoured them. It takes a special kind of writing skill when you can pump out multiple books throughout the year, give the reader fresh takes on classic tropes, and make them wanting more.
This was a fantastic book! We have two of some of the best tropes in this book, fake marriage and enemies-t0-lovers. I don't think it could have been executed any better and I loved the premise.

After Olive's sister Amy and Ethan's brother Dane come down with food poisoning at their own wedding, they're offered a trip to Hawaii. Not wanting to miss out, they agree to go together even though they have never gotten along. What happens on the trip is pretty much what one would expect but it's still so great every time. I loved the banter between Olive and Ethan, especially every time they called each other a different name. The build-up and transition from enemies to friends to more is so smooth and perfect. Of course, there's always a problem that prevents these characters from really settling down until the very end. It's quite a doozy in this one. I really only couldn't stand Dane (though the reader isn't supposed to like him) and the two MCs definitely have their faults. Thankfully, they work better with each other rather than against. The honeymoon vacation was also so nice! I could picture it so well!
This is another A+ from Christina Lauren and I can't wait to read what comes out next!

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Without a doubt, Christina Lauren is one of those authors that once they come out with a book, I devour it and then sit impatiently, waiting for their next book and filling my time with authors who I wish could be them.

The Unhoneymooners just reaffirmed my own love affair with this dynamic writing duo.

Compared to her sister Ami, Olive considers herself to be the “unlucky” twin: always finding mishaps and misfortune at every turn. Her luck changes when a case of food poisoning hits newly married Ami and the entire wedding party, forcing Olive to take her reservation for a free honeymoon in paradise. The only catch? She’s accompanied by her arch nemesis, Ethan. A free Hawaiian vacation with a man you loathe but who looks hot in board shorts? Beach, please.

Fans of Christina Lauren will fall in love with Olive and Ethan, especially their love-hate banter. Quite honestly, their jabs where just as exciting as their sweet talk. Although we don’t get those sex scenes that made us salivate for more Christina Lauren books, we are left with a couple that we cheer for and hope to read more about in the future.

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<p>Deciding on a rating for The Unhoneymooners was tough. I really enjoyed the first 75% of the book. It was a trope I love (forced proximity), the main characters were endearing and it was lighthearted fun. That's pretty much everything I could ask for from a romantic comedy. </p>
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<p> If you don't want spoilers you will want to skip what's left of this review. What happened in the last 25% of this book you may ask? Major gaslighting by the people closest to Olive, the heroine in this book. You see, Olive found out that her new brother-in-law has been cheating on her sister for years from his brother who is the hero in this book. He pressured her not to say anything to her sister and Olive intended to honor that request after convincing herself she might not know everything about their relationship. Olive didn't one want to embarrass her sister or strain the relationships of those she cared the most about so regardless of all of her misgivings she was going to keep her mouth shut. </p>
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<p>Here is where my entire opinion of this book changes. We keep getting glimpses into how Dane (the brother-in-law) has been making comments to everyone about how negative Olive is. He has convinced her twin sister and Ethan that she is always looking for problems even where there are none. I am sure you can see where this is going, but it's worse than you imagine. Dane is so confidence that nobody will believe Olive that he not only pretends there is no issue, but he propositions Olive. At this point Olive realizes that she has to say something to her Ami (her sister). She tells both Ethan and Ami everything and NEITHER OF THEM BELIEVE HER. I wanted to launch my kindle at the wall.</p>
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<p>In the end of course, both Ethan and Ami discover that Dane was in fact a scumbag and apologize profusely but you know what? I DON'T CARE! When I look back on the last couple of years and all of the stories of gaslighting that were in the news I just don't want it in my romance unless it involves a character that you don't expect me to see as redeemed. Obviously other readers could feel completely differently, but for me reality is hard enough right now. I don't want to deal with all of it in the same place I am going to find a guaranteed HEA.</p>
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<p>The bottom line is, I wish The Unhoneymooners was a choose your own adventure book where I could pick an alternate ending. If the resolution had been handled differently I think I would have loved it.</p>
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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher, for this free eARC.

Christina Lauren is one of my favorite authors. Their books are always a quick read for me, and I really enjoy them. Dare I say this is my favorite one, so far? I am glad I still have some of their older ones to read, until they put out a new one! 😉

Without giving too much away, seeing that this book does not come out until May, I really enjoyed this book and loved almost all of the characters. Because who is going to like Dane? Not I.

There were so many times I was laughing out loud while reading! Olive was the absolute best. I absolutely loved Olive and Ami's family, as they all stuck together when things got tough, and they needed somebody. The ending tied everything up just perfectly.

This will be one of those books that I have to pre-order, as it will have a permanent place on my shelf. Can't wait to see what they think of next!

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There are a handful of authors whose books I'll pick up as soon as they publish (or, hopefully, before!) Christina Lauren definitely make that list. These books are the kind of sweet escapism I truly crave and (not so) secretly adore. Everything about them scream fun and sweet and I devour them like candy.

The Unhoneymooners is no different. Adorable, slightly misguided Olive goes on her twin sister's honeymoon with the arch-nemisis (and the groom's brother!) Ethan after the entire wedding party comes down with terrible food poisoning. Over the course of 10 days in paradise, they unravel a few misunderstandings and fall in love.

I'll admit, Ethan wasn't my favorite male protagonist from a Christina Lauren book. He was a little milquetoast for my liking and the plot was a little light on the tension I've come to love in these books but either way, I'll read anything and everything these authors put in front of me.

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This was my first Christina Lauren read and I was so impressed. It was everything great romantic comedy should be! The characters all had distinctive personalities that felt real and not overdone. The dialogue made me actually laugh over and over. The storyline and pacing were superb. I will definitely be reading more by Christina Lauren! What a fun read.

Thank you to Netgalley for a free advanced copy in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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The Unhoneymooners shows that the duo that is Christina Lauren can do no wrong. Once again they have produced an amazing, funny, and heartwarming tale. But now they have set their newest novel among the most beautiful beaches and landscape in the world, we're in Maui baby! Olive's sister wins everything. So when she wins a free wedding and a dream honeymoon, Olive isn't surprised. But then disaster strikes and her sister can no longer go on the dream honeymoon, Olive takes one for the team. But she didn't realize she would have to share her vacation in Maui with her arch enemy, her brother in law. Sparks fly, Lies are told, and things get crazy.

If you love Christina Lauren this book will not disappoint you.

ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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At this point, these romances are becoming a bit formulaic for me. While I find them to be fun entertainment normally, the last few, including this one, have become too predictable. The premise, characters, and situations were all just ok, so for someone who hasn't read all this authors previous titles, it would be great.

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The UnHoneymooners by Christina Lauren is the perfect romantic comedy. It’s hilarious, filled with intense chemistry, and my klutzy heart loved Olive’s character with her tendency for unlucky situations that end in disaster.

Once I started this book I literally could not put it down until I finished. Christina Lauren’s dialogue between Olive and Ethan pulled me in immediately. While Olive’s life is a bit of a mess as the book begins she is smart, independent and cares more for her family than anything else. Ethan can drive her crazy with nothing more than a look and their barbs and enjoyment of driving one another crazy was hysterical and highly entertaining. This was a fun and easy read that makes you ask whether a person’s life it truly ruled by luck or choice. I’d recommend this book to anyone who loves romance, misunderstandings, snarky retorts and a good laugh.

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