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You've Been Volunteered

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Member Reviews

To start, thank you to Netgalley and Henry Holt & Co for this read! To start, I LOVED this book! I literally laughed out loud through this whole read. It felt like you were reading your best friend telling you stories about their life. I highly recommend this book for a light hearted, laugh out loud book!

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So so good! I was so sad when it was over! This book is like hanging out with your best friend and hearing her stories. So many laugh out loud moments! So many moments that I definitely could relate to and some that I couldn't but could definitely imagine my friend telling me about it while we drank coffee. Lots of coffee! I tried to give that up once too and it didn't's funnier to hear about it when it's happening to Jen! Thanks to #netgalley for the ARC!

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I absolutely loved this book!! I became a huge fan of this author after reading the first Class Mom book and this sequel did not disappoint! The content was hysterical (literally laugh out loud at times!) and I really enjoyed the pace and flow of the story. I highly, highly recommend this book! If only we could all be as funny and irreverent as this awesome class mom!!

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I enjoyed this book as much as I did Laurie Gelman’s first book, Class Mom. If you’re looking for a very humorous, lite read this is the perfect book for you.

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Laugh out loud funny! Gelman upped her game with this sequel to Class Mom! You will cheer for our heroine Jen and laugh with her through her foibles. #realmomswin

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All the heart eye emojis for this Class Mom sequel! Jen is back and reinstated as Class Mom for the third grade. In addition, she's been volun-told to run the newly instated safety patrol program and hilarity ensues. This sequel presents a bit of a "softer" Jen - less abrasive and more thoughtful in her interactions with her friends (and enemies). I read this book in one day. Can't wait for the next one!!

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I absolutely adore this author! I loved Class Mom so I was very excited to read her second novel You’ve Been Volunteered.

Jen Dixon is just as fun and snarky as ever. She is clearly a very loving mother, even though her children drive her crazy.

I don’t even have kids and I can’t wait to tell people to check out yet another fun story about the comeback-class-mom!

I was given an advanced copy of this book from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

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I was excited to get an advanced copy of You've Been Volunteered as I heard that Class Moms was great. Luckily I was able to get a copy of Class Moms from the library and read both in one weekend!

I enjoyed the sassy and sarcastic humor of Jen Dixon and even though I don't have kids, the book was enjoyable and it made me laugh. I enjoyed seeing the women's friendships evolve and how life can get messy sometimes.

A fun & easy read for a gross winter weekend or a beach afternoon!

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Holy crap. I cannot believe how lucky I was to be granted an ARC of the sequel to the much loved Class Mom, You've Been Volunteered! I must have done a good deed in a past life or something because this was like winning a lottery to me. I loved Class Mom and You've Been Volunteered is every bit as fun and engaging as the first book. If you're currently in the midst of the precious school years, or have already survived them, you will relate to everything about this story.Jen is absolutely ah-dorable. My only regret is that I'm not fortunate enough to know her in real life as I think she would be a delightful addition to my current Mom Squad. Thanks Netgalley for making my weekend a bazillion times more wonderful!

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My favorite sassy mom is back! This was the follow up to last year's hilarious Class Mom and did not disappoint. If you enjoyed Class Mom this is the same old Jen with her witty, sarcastic, humor with a now third grader. This is the perfect vacation or beach read. I have a vacation coming up but could not wait to start reading this and instead read it during a lazy winter weekend. Reading one of Laurie Gelman's books is akin to having a class of wine and listening to my friend discuss her crazy life. Light, fun book with lots of laugh out moments. Another winner. #YouveBeenVolunteered #NetGalley

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I was so excited to read this book, so thank you NetGalley for giving it to me for my honest opinion! When I read Class Mom last year I absolutely devoured it, it was hilarious, sweet and even made me tear up. My first thought was, “I really hope she writes a sequel.” I’m so thrilled she did! This book was just as great as the first and just like Class Mom I was sad when this book came to an end and I do hope she keeps writing about these awesome characters. Wonderful job Laurie!

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I adore dry wit and sarcasm and this had it in spades.A trilogy perhaps but Rolly and Jeanine fall off the wagon? Simply hilarious and I would read it again!

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Jen Dixon is back as class mom in You've Been Volunteered and it is just like reuniting with a favorite snarky friend. I enjoyed catching up with Jen and her family, as well as her friends and foes. The story was as funny and as engaging as Class Mom and made me want to reread it, as I was reminded of how much I loved it. I hope Laurie Gelman treats us to another installment, as there are interesting developments that I cannot wait to read about.

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I was very excited when I found out this was available as an advance reader copy. I was truly not disappointed. As an elementary teacher, I wish I had a “Class Mom” just like Jen Dixon that ‘has been volunteered.” I hope there is a 3rd book!

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Laurie Gelman did it again! You’ve Been Volunteered is hysterically funny and follows Jen Dixon during another year as class mom. Laurie’s writing is so relatable that you forget this book isn’t a memoir about her life. If you liked Class Mom you will love this 2nd installment into Jen’s hilarious and crazy world.

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Jen Dixon, Class Mom is back and still sending inappropriate emails to the class parents. Sit back, relax and enjoy the ride through life as Mom to a 3rd grader and 2 adult daughters that at times are too much like Mom. Nothing is as expected but in the end it is about family and living the best life for you.

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I was fortunate to receive one of the advanced copies of this book and was very excited to read it. I had enjoyed the authors previous book, “Class Mom” so much and was anxious to dive back into her world. I was not disappointed. Older, wiser, and with the same cast of characters as Jen navigates third grade as the class mom once again have me the same chuckles, cringes, and all the other emotions I remember so well from my own time in the trenches as a class mom and in PTA. Very timely and relatable, this was a fun, easy read that is a perfect, light hearted peek into a life I simultaneously miss and feel relief to be past!

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3.5 stars. I woke up my napping baby when I belly-laughed reading this book (#worthit). After getting to know Jen Dixon in Class Mom, I eased right back into her snark and can only hope my son’s future class moms have a great sense of humor (because let’s be honest, I don’t want to get stuck with the job)! Gelman delivered another lighthearted read while touching on some real life issues with the same wit she brought to the first book. Fans will not be disappointed. After months of being sucked into intense thrillers, it was a treat to escape into Jen’s sassy emails once again! I will say that some of the jokes fell quite flat for me, as she seemed to make light of the #metoo movement a couple times for no apparent reason and came across a bit callous in that regard. Other than that, I was highly entertained!

I received an advanced copy of this book via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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First -I loved this book. Jen is so relatable, if you’ve ever been volunteer-told to do something, you will love her!
Second- I didn’t read the first one first. Guess what? It’s ok! This book stood on its own. I never felt I was missing out. Of course I’ll go read the first one now.

Laurie’s writing is so enjoyable. Super witty and down right hilarious at times.

I highly recommend this book. Get yourself on the library list or preorder it ASAP!

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I received an advanced reader’s copy in exchange for an honest review

We are so desperate for irreverent parenting representation that we settle for bad writing again and again. Who truly thinks these books are funny? Who truly sees themselves in these women? Don’t we want more nuanced takes on parenting in 2019?

But you might like it.

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