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3.5 stars, rounded up to 4.
I love Courtney Cole's writing. She's been one of... Possibly 3 to 4 authors that have made me ugly cry and sob with a story so I was really looking forward to this!

I have to say, I was surprised by how the story unraveled. Part of me had a feeling it would happen how it happened, but it was still very good! Here was Tessa, loving the successful life with her own company, living the mom life with her three kids, and completely in love with her husband. She had no idea her husband was cheating on her. When she finds out, she invites Lindsey into her home, making Lindsey believe the invitation came from Ethan. All Tessa wants are answers, but she's also enraged with what's been going on so things get a little out of hand.

I have to say, I liked Tessa. She's so strong despite what's going on and she confronts Lindsey head on. Lindsey was another character that, while she's the mistress, I couldn't help but sympathize for her. Honestly, I was sympathizing for both women. I mean, Tessa has been married for over 20 years and she's completely blindsided. She thinks she's the devoted wife, but now she's questioning everything. Meanwhile, Lindsey is just a student and accountant, trying to save enough money to get a better place to live and be able to provide for her son. She's also never felt good enough so when she meets a man who makes her feel worthy, she can't help but enjoy the ride.

I don't want to say much since you should go in completely blind. I will say that the story was predictable, but it was still very enjoyable, to the point I couldn't put it down. Because the suspense wasn't really there, it made for a quick and light read on a rainy morning.

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5 huge stars! What a just enthralling psychological thriller! I ate it up as fast as I could. Read it in two big chunks. I haven’t devoured a thriller like this since No Exit.

I didn’t know what would happen next. I didn’t know how it would end. And, overall, I enjoyed the ending! I loved all of the cliffhangers at the end of Tessa’s chapters. I didn’t mind the flip flopping from current day (Tess) to past (Lindsey). It worked quite well.

Loved this book! Highly recommend!

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"I trail my finger along the spines as I pace, and it's so hard to take everything in. My mind is a rubber band, expanding and expanding, until it snaps back, unable to fathom everything, unable to understand. Is adultery an inevitability of life? Do men just get tired of their wives and cheat? The thought weighs my heart down. Like jagged rocks on the bottom of the ocean, with each pull of the tide, the rocks rake over my lungs, making it harder and harder to breathe."...…...

Tessa and Ethan. The couple and their children live an upscale life in Florida. A hurricane is headed their way, and Ethan can’t make it back home in time. The kids are away for the weekend, and Tessa finds something that proves Ethan has been cheating. Tessa’s whole world is about to crash down around her. If the hurricane doesn’t take everything from her, perhaps the girlfriend will.

Tessa makes a wild decision to lure the woman, Lindsey, to her home. Now trapped together, they’re about to face everything that has been kept secret. Not to mention the hurricane, that may solve everything for both of them. Tessa's rage is frightening.

The story is told back and forth between the women’s point of view. The betrayal so heartbreaking for Tessa that you can feel it. What about the “other woman?” Is she sorry? Can you possibly feel sorry for Lindsey? Is Lindsey heartbroken? Lindsey appears to be the typical stereotype of a gold digger whose doesn't mind waiting for Ethan to leave his wife.

Will Ethan make it back home and what will he find when the storm passes? Either woman would say that Ethan is “Mine.” Will they still feel that way when the storm is over? I don’t think if I’ve ever read a more truthful work of fiction. What an exceptional story of one of the most painful things a married woman can endure.

Thank you Courtney Cole, Netgalley, Gallery, Pocket, Threshold Books

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This was an interesting and captivating story.I was mesmerized and I couldn't put it down, I find the story brilliant!I loved most of it, it has suspense, it's intense and dramatic.

The story is told in alternating POVs with Tessa's story taking place in the present and Lindsey's taking place in the past with her own version of events of how she met Tessa's husband, Ethan.From the first pages I felt I was a part of this story.

This is a quick read that will keep your interest till the end!

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**2.5 stars rounded up**

When Tessa discovers that her husband is having an affair with Lindsey, she takes matters into her own hands.

As soon as I saw that the author wrote this after her own husband was unfaithful, I knew I couldn’t pass it up. This was a fast-paced thriller that I read in two sittings. There was one point during the story where my jaw actually dropped - twist!

While this was a fun, fast read, it was also incredibly unbelievable. The dialogue and interactions between Tessa and Lindsey read a lot like a Lifetime movie - over the top in every way. I did appreciate the author switching back and forth between the wife and mistress’ POVs so we could hear both sides of the story. I was a little disappointed by the lack of character development for Tessa. It was hard to believe that her character would go from a successful business woman to revenge-seeking lunatic with no middle ground.

After so much drama and buildup, I was surprised to see how quickly (and neatly) the ending wrapped up.

While I didn’t love this one, I have no doubt that this could be the right book for the right reader!

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OMG that was intense. I finished MINE in one sitting... I couldn't turn the pages fast enough.

I love Courtney Cole and this book kept me on the edge of my seat in suspense, heart racing and wondering how it would all turn out.

Tessa has just realized the imaginable... her beloved husband and father to her three beautiful children has been cheating on her for months with Lindsay, a twenty-something beautiful woman that gives his ego the much-needed boost it needs. There is a category 4 hurricane headed her way and what better than to lure the cheater to her home to get the answers she is seeking.

But at what cost?

How this all went down was INSANE and total 360 to Tessa's normal character. But who could blame her?! My emotions ran the gamut... I was livid, sad, pissed, hopeful... hopeful that Ethan had SOME DAMN GOOD reason for his indiscretions other than being selfish.

Unfortunately marriage is hard... navigating life with children and work and being busy and tired is something that happens in all marriages. It's how you weather the storm and deal with those minor blips that will show your true character, your true heart and how deserving you are of your spouse.

I would have loved an epilogue... the end felt unfinished and rushed. I am a true romantic and if Ethan had shown his sorrow and some kind of redeeming quality, I would have wanted them to end up together, working on their marriage and love for themselves and their children. So I feel slightly cheated that we got nothing... In my heart, I am hoping and imagining the best outcome for them because these situations DO happen, they aren't ideal but I always want love to win. <3

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Intense. Shocking. Superbly well written. Twisty and dark. Completely unputdownable. I really enjoyed this story, the whole premise was intriguing and it held me ensnared the whole way through.

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What a whirlwind of a story! I think I experienced every emotion in this one.

**skip this part if you aren’t going to read the blurb!**

Tessa finds out her husbands cheating, and a category 4 hurricane is about to hit her house. What a shit turn of events, right? Well it gets better.

I’ve never been a woman scorned in this capacity. But I wholeheartedly believe I would react in the way Tessa does. I won’t give specifics because that would be rude, but I loved Tessa and all her angst and anger.

But in the same breath that I love Tessa with, I feel for Lindsey. I see a lot of myself in her. (No, I’ve never been with a married man!) I feel her insecurities, and her struggles. Maybe we’ve all been there, or maybe it’s just me.

Courtney Cole does a bang up job of bringing this gut wrenching story to life. The characters are real, and the whole story just comes to life with her words.

I’ve never lived through a hurricane (duh, Wisconsin doesn’t get them) but I felt as though more damage would have been done to the house? That kinda bothered me a little. As well as the fact that Tessa supposedly got all the shudders up and latched, but later in the book they’re looking out the window? Again, I don’t know anything about hurricanes, or boarding up windows but I thought that strange.

If it’s not already obvious, I thoroughly enjoyed this messed up tale. I never want to be Tessa in marriage, but I’d love to be Tessa in personality and strength.
I hope to have a follow up story, as well. Because I still have questions.
Courtney Cole, if you see this, bravo! You’ve outdone yourself with this one.

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Book Review: Mine by Courtney Cole

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Isn't that the truth?

Revenge for the Masses

I love me a good revenge story. Call me a bitter bitch, but it's true! Think Deathwish, Cape Fear, The Count of Monte Cristo. They are all revenge stories and they are all awesome. Even the worst of the revenge stories are still satisfying to me on a spiritual level.

Let's take Peppermint, shall we? It's not winning any Oscars or getting a sequel. But let me tell you, we watched it opening night. The audience was roaring, clapping, & cheering on the vigilante justice. Nothing says sticking it to the man like a revenge-filled murder spree. 

Woman on Woman Crime

The whole setting for Courtney Cole's Mine is atmospheric. Heading home before a hurricane, Tessa's husband is grounded in NYC. His iPad dings & she uncovers loads of texts to his mistress. She does what any hot-headed woman would do, right? She invites the bitch over under false pretenses. Better yet, the mistress falls for it. Just kidding. I wouldn't do that. Maybe. I don't know. 

That's what makes this story a hell of a lot of fun. It's the what-if scenarios. What if your spouse is cheating? What will you say if you confront "the other woman"? Will you leave him/her? Can you move past this or will it ruin your relationship forever? 

I just want to say this. Women, please remember to go after your man too! I've watched a lot of Maury in my day. Do not blame everything on the other woman because your man is a low down dog. 


I am Into This book. Mine is the perfect book to read poolside & then pass along to your friends so you can chat about it over drinks. It's a wild & decadent guilty pleasure. 

Special thanks to Courtney Cole, Gallery Books & NetGalley for providing my copy in exchange for an honest & fair review.

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Do you enjoy your drama served up with a side of drama? If so - this might be a read for you.

Tessa has dropped her kids off with her parents for the weekend and is heading back home to meet her husband Ethan when he returns from a business trip. Ethan calls to let her know he’s going to be stuck for a few more days because of meetings. Tessa is upset - both about not seeing him and because a hurricane is headed in her direction and now she’ll be facing it alone. When circumstances have her picking up her husband’s iPad - she’s suddenly seeing proof that he’s been having an affair. Before she can think rationally - she’s sent a text to the other woman - Lindsey - asking her to come over.

The wife and the other woman stuck in a house together during a hurricane - intense setup, right? We end up learning a lot about both women and their relationships with Ethan. This was a really quick read and I wanted to see how things would end. The ending was a little unsatisfying to me but it wasn’t a bad way to spend a couple hours. I would compare this to a movie you’re flipping past on a Sunday afternoon, pause to watch for a moment and then realize 2 hours have passed and you watched the whole thing.

Thank you very much to Netgalley and the publisher for the advance reading copy.

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This was such as good thriller that I read in one sitting. I love the authors note that she mentioned on Goodreads why she wrote this book and I can see it in her character development.

I am recommending this book in the Summer Reading Guide for Thrillers this week in What to Read Next Blog.

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Oh man I have to say this was good! What happens when the wife finds out her husband is cheating well things take on a whole new world.

Tess can't believe Ethan cheated on her with this young woman but she will get answers one way or another. I was amazed at how Tess took no prisoners and was I would like to think I could be like Tess if ever put in that situation but then I would be the one that backs down. I liked how Tess struggled with it all as far as trying to get answers but also knowing what she was doing was wrong.

This probably hits home to some people as their significant other has cheated on them but don't get any ideas. Tess is a strong woman one that even when things are going sour she still has class. I have to say the spider incident was one of my favorites and had me giggling. Answers will be given but what will be the truth?

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In the middle of a hurricane we witness the ultimate confrontation: wife vs. mistress. Tessa discovers texts from Lindsey on Ethan's iPad. She lures Lindsey to the house and we have a front row seat for the big reveal. Told in dual timelines with Tessa's story taking place in the present and Lindsey's filling in the backstory of the affair. I found this to be an enjoyable read, but things just didn't add up. Maybe I should just chalk it up to Ethan being a total dirtbag? The character development was just not believable for me. There are more compelling books out there, but this might make a worthwhile beach/vacation read for some.

Thank you to Gallery Books and NetGalley for a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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It goes on...

Or does it?

Mine is a non-stop, action packed, emotional roller coaster. Told from two points of view--Tessa's in the present day, and Lindsey's in the past--it's a quick, mostly satisfying read. I enjoyed the emotional spectrum these two women were subjected to throughout this novel. I think any woman with a well-loved partner can identify and empathize. Putting myself in Tessa's shoes, especially, made my heart hurt. Plus, it's just fun to imagine doing what Tessa ultimately did.

Having said that, the dialogue was terrible.
"You're a whore!"
"No, I'm not, you just couldn't satisfy your husband!"
This...over and over and over again. Thankfully, this is a relatively short story...otherwise I'm not sure I could have stood the repetition. I would also say that several events are pretty implausible, and a few don't really make sense. There were also a few loose ties which were never really answered, and I was kind of hoping for a more dynamic, satisfying conclusion...something really wicked. But that's just me. I wholeheartedly agree with another reviewer who mentioned it's very much like a Lifetime movie. 'Tis true.

Overall, I think this would be a perfect beach's quick and fun, though not overly thought-provoking.

**Thanks to NetGalley, Gallery Books, and Courtney Cole for the ARC. I appreciate the opportunity to review this decadent little novel.

Publication date: May 28, 2019
Goodreads Review Published: May 21, 2019

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What would you do if you were in the middle of a major hurricane and had just found out that your husband, that you have been with for over two decades, has been cheating on you? You are alone, while he is in another state and you have contacted his mistress.

This was an intense account of the relationship between a mistress and her lover and the mistress and the wife. Throw in a battle of wills and a desperate attempt to save a life and you have an excellent domestic thriller. The descriptive, slightly sexual language that was used to describe the affair might be a bit much for some but it wasn’t a complete turn off from the story.

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A good, twisted story about two women who find they love the same man.....the wife and the young mistress. The story was well written and kept me guessing on which story the mistress was telling was true and what were lies. I guess I was looking for a little more confrontation in the end, and was a little disappointed how the wife and mistress ended it. All in all well written and an easy read.

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Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. In this domestic suspense novel, Tessa and Ethan are a power couple who seem to have it all: successful businesses, beautiful children, and a multi-million dollar home on the beach. Life is perfect...until one night while Ethan is out of town on business, Tessa stumbles upon his iPad and discovers that her husband is having an affair with Lindsey, a 26 year old nursing student.

Enraged, Tessa pretends to be Ethan and lures Lindsey to their home and holds her captive. The stand off that ensues is suspenseful and thoroughly entertaining. I couldn’t wait to find out what Tessa was going to do next. Told from both Tessa’s and Lindsey’s viewpoints, Mine is the ultimate tale of revenge and betrayal. If you’re looking for a quick beach read this summer, I recommend this!

Thank you to Courtney Cole, Gallery Books, and Netgalley for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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You know that feeling when your mind wanders and you have crazy ridiculous thoughts, but you remind yourself, "Oh, those are just thoughts. I would never do that"? Well... all of those crazy thoughts come out in this book. Tessa finds out her husband is cheating on her so she decides to harness those evil thoughts and unleash them on the mistress. Yall, this book is so crazy and psychotic but so amazing. I literally felt like it was every girls worst nightmare, but also exactly what they would be wishing they could do if they were in the same circumstances.

This novel was addicting, entertaining, and flat out crazy. I think I loved it the most because it is exactly what every girl would fantasize about doing if her husband ever cheated on them. Maybe I wouldn't actually do what Tessa did... but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't at least think about it! This was a great read and I would highly recommend it to readers who enjoy suspense novels. Thank you to Gallery and NetGalley for sending a copy in exchange for an honest review.

Rating 3/5

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Mine was disturbing but powerful. I'd never read a Cole book but was intrigued when this was offered. I can't say I "like" the books but I can tell you I read it in less than 24 hours (which isn't the norm for me). From the beginning, Cole's writing, especially the raw emotion of the characters, had me engrossed.

Poor Tessa is blind-sided by her otherwise loving husband's inappropriate texting with another woman. The discovery starts a series of events that Tessa would have never thought possible.

Mine takes us on a hard emotional journey where Tessa and Linsdey must reflect on their lives, their decisions and the man they share. The two women couldn't be much different and yet after a long, sometimes even physical, journey they find some common ground.

This book is a study in betrayal, unrealistic expectations, lack of self-awareness, families and their dysfunction and failure to understand one's own actions and motivations.

Many women will identify a little too closely with either Tessa or Lindsey. If your looking for an intense, emotional read this book is perfect.

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Giving this one star isn't really fair because I did like it - even if I liked it for the wrong reasons. I finished this in one afternoon because I was dumbfounded by the portrayal of Tessa the "wronged" woman (i.e. Tessa discovers her hubby is having an affair) and the actions and emotions of Tessa.

When Tessa, in a fit of rage, runs into the bathroom to grab her red lipstick to scrawl "whore" across the chest of the jezebel who is carrying on with Tessa's hubby and, by the way, is being held captive and handcuffed in Tessa's bedroom - it was all too much for me.

Thank you NetGalley and Gallery Books for the digital ARC!

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