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Make Me Yours

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Normally this type of book would not hold my interest. I don't usually enjoy a story about pregnancy bringing people together, especially a romance about that. However, this book changed my mind. I enjoyed seeing the love story between the two main characters blossom, and while I definitely felt like I would have understood a little more had I read the previous books, this can completely be read as a standalone.

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So I have read the first in the series but not the second (not really sure why), but I do not think it is necessary to read the others before starting in on this one... perhaps the characters have a bit more back story but it was an enjoyable read without that.

This may hit a few of the clichés from the genre, opposites attract, one night stand, oops baby but it also proves why that is so... they make a good story when written well!

I might have to go back and read number 2 in the series now...

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Katee Robert was always one of my go-to authors when I wanted a sharp, sexy read and whilst we’ve had a bit of a break in more recent years, Make Me Yours reminded me just why her writing worked so well for me when I picked up my first book by her back in 2012.

“Funny story. Remember when the condom broke?”

Wasting no time in getting up close and personal, Becka and Aaron bring a little bit of everything to the table as they navigate their way through coming to terms with the little surprise their one night of passion left them. For Becka—prickly, fiercely independent and carrying a bit of baggage—it’s fight or flight, but with his level head, patience and just the right smattering of alpha, for Aaron it’s game on in showing her he’s here for the long haul.

“I’ll be there every step of the way. Never doubt that.”

There’s plenty of swooning to be had courtesy of Aaron and although Becka could easily have been a difficult character to warm to, Katee pitched her well and I appreciated how she softened as she slowly lowered her defences. And goes without saying that together she and Aaron burn the pages whilst injecting a good old dose of the heartfelt. I haven’t read the previous books in this series, but that’s something I’ll be rectifying in the near future for sure.

“Let me keep you, Becka. Let me keep both of you.”

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This was a cute quick read, the heroine Becka was a bit irritating at times but it made her progress in their relationship all the more beautiful.

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I enjoyed this story. It was a bit predictable but in a good way. Aaron was a loveable character and I felt compelled to root for him to win her over.

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Beautifully written story that has drama, and a possessive alpha male who will do just about anything to be with the one he truly craves and loves.

The only downside for me was the attitude of the female main character. She seemed kind of snarky and beyond annoying at times, but overall I had a good time reading it.

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Make Me Yours is the third novella in Katee Robert's Make Me series. It can be read as a standalone but it does have intersecting characters from the previous books. Ms. Robert never goes wrong with hot and sexy shorts but Make Me Yours also delivers in the emotional and trying to build a relationship aspect. I do love the accidental pregnancy trope but I simply adore it when its done right and here its done quite well. Both Becka and Aaron are independent and head strong characters and when they both realized that they were going to be responsible life they have to adult up and start compromising. I love the relationship dynamics and how it was developed, Make Me Yours is sexy and insightful and a worthwhile read!

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Make Me Yours was a quick, easy, and super steamy read. I read it in less than 24 hours because I was completely captured by the story. The characters are so compatible and there's a connection that screams keep reading.
Katee's writing is seriously addictive.

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Aaron and Becka met in the most cliched way possible, at a wedding, and had what Becka insisted was only a one-night stand. Well, the condom broke, and the pill failed, won three months later, Becka was calling Aaron to let him know that she was pregnant. Aaron grew up with two younger sisters and two loving parents in a close-knit family. However, Becka and her older sister grew upmwith divorced parents who made no secret of the fact that they hadn’t wanted children. As a result, Becca has more than a few issues with trust and has built up some pretty strong walls around herself.

Aaron has struggled to forget about Becka, and while surprised about the pregnancy, os more than happy to have a second chance with Becca. Aaron tries to make inroads without pushing and is making progress, until a doctor’s appointment scares them both. Aaron pushes harder than he intended, and Becka’s walls go back up as a major fight takes place. They both afraid that they lost the other without putting up a fight, so they both decide to fight for love. Needless to say, they get back together and have a healthy baby girl.

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Decent story. Well-written. I can't say I particularly liked Becka. Aaron was a sweetheart and probably too nice, especially since Becka kept shutting him down. All in all, not a bad story. not worth a re-read, though.

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Make Me Yours get 4 steamy stars

Aaron and Becka capture you from the start. For such a short read it packs a punch. I’m not usually a fan on the unplanned pregnancy trope, but here it was done well.

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Make Me Yours is my favourite book in the series so far!

It's super sexy and sadly too short but I enjoyed Aaron and Becka's journey to HEA.

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Thanks for the opportunity to read the ARC. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Looking forward to more from this author.

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Make Me Yours is a hot and steamy read. I loved it. I think it's my fave book of the series. I thoroughly enjoyed this quick read and hope that there will be another book in the series, namely Cameron's. I definitely recommend it.

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This is the 3rd book in the Make Me series. I hadn’t read the first two, but I would still consider this a standalone. I was able to piece together the information about the other couples mentioned throughout the book. I did feel like I was missing some crucial information on Becka’s mom. I’m wondering if some of that may have come in the first book about Becka’s sister, Lucy.

We start off the book at Lucy and Gideon’s wedding, where our hero and heroine meet. It was a little too instalove for me. But, mostly, I struggled with liking either of the main characters. Becka was really bitter, and nasty a lot of the time, and so hard to like. Aaron was more commanding, and controlling; a typical alpha. I thought the two characters were really similar and so they fought a ton about doing things their way. I liked the one night stand ending in unplanned pregnancy trope and them handling that. It was entertaining. There was a great ending too. I think if you enjoy that trope, you’re going to like this one.

* ARC provided by NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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Stick with this book, it’s GREAT. Aaron, I find likeable from the first chapter, Becka, not so much. She has serious reservations about relationships and came across as quite cold. However, after a few months of no contact, these two get together in a semi permanent way and we start to learn more about Becka’s background. She softens, he becomes even more loveable.
A very sexy tale with angst, insecurities, passion and love with a lovely, happy, tear jerking ending

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I loved the premise of this and I really loved Aaron’s character other than he stuck with Becka and let her treat him badly. I think Becka was behaving like a child from the word go. She made excuses for treating Aaron badly by using her parent’s relationship as a reason not to grow up. Well most of us in this day and age have parental issues but we choose to either let it define us and sabotage all of our relationships or we choose to be better. I would have loved to see her grow up in this book....but alas...she did not.

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This book started out intriguing with some interesting dialogue but sizzled after the protagonists had their romp,and continued to lose luster for me the further I got into it.Tried to stay engaged and finish the story,but could only make it to the 40% mark and decided to give it up fully.Have read prior works by this author and am very familiar with her work,but this one missed the mark.Would recommend the author but not this book.

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A big thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin for the ARC. I am voluntarily reviewing this book. I am not sure if this is part of a series, but it could be. It reads well as a stand alone. I enjoyed this book. I found the characters although flawed, we're interesting. I loved Becka's attitude, and that she acknowledges that she has issues. Aaron .just seemed nice. Cute story. I think most Romance readers would enjoy. I give this a 4.

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"Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the advance copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review."

Loved this book very much. It had just enough sweet, sexy romance and the storyline was great! I highly recommend!

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