Member Reviews

Jess Michaels knocks it out of the park again with Stealing the Duke. Marianne and Alexander are both great characters and I was quickly rooting for them to get a Happily Ever After.

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I found this book more of a novella than a full length novel - racing to a climax , where a more measured approach might have made for a better story .

Marianne's father has died leaving the sisters destitute . Amongst his belongs is a broach ……….. one he has stolen .
Determined to return the broach to the rightful owners she finds herself caught , the only way out of her predicament is to become the mistress of the Duke of Avondale .
This is the story of how a young woman , determined to right the wrongs of her father , overcomes the cynical
Duke and proves that love is not a deterrent to happiness .

I was given an arc of this book by the Publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an noest review

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Lady Marianne, the daughter of the late Earl of Martingale, finds a beautiful brooch belonging to Anne the sister of the Duke of Avondale that her father has stolen. Marianne must bring it back to the Duke so she sneaks into his house. Unfortunately, Alexander Wittingham, the Duke of Avondale, catches her attempting to bring the brooch back. Alexander proposes a deal that if Marianne will give him anything he desires her virginity and her body without falling in love for an entire month. She can return the brooch without her being in trouble. Marianne agrees to what Alexander proposes. Of course the arrangement could be null and void because Marianne falls in love with Alexander anyway. What will Alexander do when Marianne reneges on her promise to him not to fall in love with him and be able to leave him without any repercussions?
What an enjoyable historical Regency romance! The story flows easily with simple plot twists and engaging characters. The story is a little short to really grow the relationship between the characters so it doesn’t feel believable besides the physical really true. Marianne the older chatty but feisty heroine is charming and lovely that she is easy to like. While Alexander on the other hand is harsh and mean; he doesn’t treat Marianne well and despite his fantastic love making skills is not a great person. Yes he is supposed to be this wonderful guy but isn’t really. The story needs to be a bit longer to really develop the characters, the relationship and because it really is a great story but is way too short. Still the is story a good one and it is well worth the read!

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The consensus of these books seems to be that they are short, and I agree. I think that the story wrapped up very quickly, and the climax hits you over the head with how quickly it comes. I did enjoy the story, and the characters, but with even 100 more pages, it could've been better without being so concise.

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The next instalment in the Scandal Sheet series and it does not disappoint, With Jess Michael's usual steamy flair she pits two emotionally vulnerable and passionate people against each other and the result is sizzling.
When Marianne's father dies leaving her and her sister destitute and shamed she has no choice but to take up the scandalous offer of the Earl of Martingdale to become his mistress.
Alexander is scarred on the inside and out. He knows he could never forgive himself for what he did to his beloved, departed sister. But Marianne's strength and beauty slow break down the walls around him and he begins to wonder if she can help bring his heart back to life.
The story is fast-paced and packed full of racy love scenes. I consumed the whole book in a couple of hours,
3.75 stars from me.

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This was a quick read about a great couple. Jess Michaels knows how to bring the steam! Another great story!

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Jess Micheal is amazing. This is the second book of her Scandal series. These books are novelas. These are great easy ready if you just want a quick romance on the go. If you like Historical romance/erotic this one is your girl.

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This was a very quick read. The characters were ok, they weren't really developed deeply due to the brevity of the story. Very much a standard novella.

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Absolutely brilliant!
Loved the plot, loved the writing and I loved the characters. Jess Michaels never fails to deliver a romantic story and this one doesnt disappoint. Great read.

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Reviewed by Barbara:
Marianne is in a dire situation and she has absolutely no idea how to rescue herself much less her sweet ten-year-old sister, Juliet. Their father, the Earl of Martingale has just died and left them destitute and scandal-ridden. Well, there wasn’t really a scandal until Marianne found a stash of things her father had stolen (kleptomania) and Marianne called the watch to have the items returned to their owners. She requested that it be handled discretely – it wasn’t – now the scandal is running rampant throughout the ton. To top it off, the cousin who inherited her father’s earldom has given them one month to be out of their home. Now, she has found yet one more stolen item that has to be returned. She can’t call the watch to return it, that would just add fuel to the scandal. No, she must return it herself. She’s sure the owner of the item isn’t in town, so it should be an easy enough matter to sneak into the townhouse and leave the item to be found by the owner.

Alexander Wittingham, the Duke of Avondale, considers himself a monster. He’s scarred both inside and out. He’s lived isolated for the last five years – completely shut off from society. When he apprehends what he thinks is a thief stealing into his study, he is ready to fully punish them. Then, he realizes it is a female – and a lovely one at that. He allows her to explain why she’s there and what her circumstances are, he makes her an offer she can hardly refuse. Well – she could refuse, but then what would she and Juliet do?

I really liked Marianne. She made the best of the hand she was dealt and remained cheerful and caring. Alexander – well – it wasn’t that I disliked him, I just didn’t understand him. To me, his big secret was no big deal – at least not enough to cause him to act as he did.

This short novella is well written and the characters are both likable and I think you’ll like it.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Jess Michaels never writes a dull book and Stealing the Duke ranks among her best. I enjoyed this romance. I loved the hero and I found the plot and story to be both entertaining and engrossing. And who could forget the romance? Hot as always. Loved this one.

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Stealing the Duke is the second book in the Scandal Sheets series by Jess Michaels. I have not read the previous book in the series, but found no lack of enjoyment or understanding the story.

When the Earl of Martingale died, his daughter Marianne discovered he had been stealing. When she tried to return the items, it only created a scandal that could destroy her and her beloved younger sister. Now she's found one more item and decides to just sneak it back to the victim in the hopes to keep her disgrace from growing. Alexander Wittingham, the Duke of Avondale, has isolated himself since his sister died. But when he catches the fetching Marianne trying to return his sister's stolen broach, her presence awakens desires in him, longings he hasn't allowed himself to feel in years. When he realizes her dire straits, he makes her a shocking offer that could save her, f she's willing to surrender her body. Their affair draws them close physically and emotionally. But will Alexander ever accept Marianne to be more than his lover? If he does, will it be too late?

Stealing the Duke is a historical romance that gets to the steam pretty quickly. I like that Marianne and Alex are generally very honest with each other about how they feel and what they want. Alex is much more closed off, but even when he is hiding behind his work and a gruff attitude he is generally honest and rarely cruel, even when he is trying to push Mari away. I liked the reality of how few choices women had in the past, and how others often viewed people forced to make those choices- even though it was not nearly as stark as it could have been. There were a few moments that did not work as well as others but I really enjoyed some of the conversation and character development that kept the story moving forward. It was a nice diversion on a weekend of rain, and I was fully engaged and content through the read.

Stealing the Duke is an entertaining and engaging read. I enjoyed the characters and the set up for the story. I think fans of Michaels will be more than please by this book, and new readers will enjoy it as well.

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This is Jess Michaels second book in the series and although I had not read the first instalment, I could easily pick up the plot and was not disappointed. JM weaves a great story with well-developed characters, great banter and plenty of romance.

I received this ARC from NetGalley for an honest review. All views are my own.

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This book brought me back to the times when I started reading Jess Michaels' books like Everything Forbidden and Taken By the Duke which were the best times. I love the whole let's make a deal situation and then the feelings just surface when both characters are trying not to fall for each other. Where there is guilt and secrets but they learn to face these obstacles together. The broken hero who needs love, someone to share in their pain and just be with them. Such an amazing book! I love this book and can't wait for the next one.

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despicable dukes!

I was not greatly enamored by Alexander Wittingham, the Duke of Avondale. Nor did I feel comfortable with the premise of said Duke using blackmail for his amorous designs. When the Earl of Martingale dies leaving his eldest daughter Marianne to discover his guilty secret and the artifacts he'd stolen from various ton associates she calls the police to have them returned. Arrk! Social ruin now in place! Alas she finds one more piece so tries to sneak into Avondale's home and return it. Foolishly empty headed or desperate? I can't decide. Of course she's going to be caught! Unfortunately when this innocent young woman, without protection tries to set things to rights she becomes ensnared in a larger game. And so, Alexander Wittingham shot straight to the top of my blackguards list.
I know all turns out well after some harrowing times but I just plain dislike the Duke! I'm also not relating too well to our heroine victim Marianne.
I must declare this Jess Michaels' Duke was not for me. I can understand Marianne's struggles to protect her sister and her need to go ahead with the transaction, but I was just plain cross with our ducally preditor.
Definitely a story with a different twist before reaching its HEA. And of course this series is The Scandal Sheet!

A NetGalley ARC

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Overall the writing was good but the story felt a little flat. Not as good as Jess Michaels other books but it was worth the read.

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I had high hopes for this novella, but unfortunately this short story just fell flat. I really didn't like either of the two main characters, not did I enjoy their romance. Pity, since I really enjoyed the previous instalment.

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I have become a fan of Jess Michaels ...the more i read her books the more i crave for...My 1st book by Jess was " The Other Duke " ...i loved her story so much that i started following her...Stealing the Duke by Jess Michaels is book Two in The Scandal Sheet Series. This is the story of Alexander Wittingham, the Duke of Avondale and Lady Marianne.

Alexander Wittingham, the Duke of Avondale, has completely shut off from society... he has lived in isolation for the last five years because of his scars physically .mentally ...He considers himself a monster .... Lady Marianne is the daughter of the Earl of Martingale who has died leaving a hard task for Marianne to complete as he had a habit of stealing things from members of the ton... ... she wants to return all the things stolen by him discreetly so there is no scandal to there name as she has a younger sister Juliet to be settled & married off...

When she finds a brooch that belongs to the sister of the Duke of Avondale, she decides to return it herself....She expects nobody residing in the duke's London home but is apprehended by Alex who thinks a thief is stealing from him...Alex realizes it is a lovely female allows her to explain her circumstances... a bargain is struck between the two.... from here the story of how romance blooms between Alex & Marianne & ultimately they fall in love...

It is a very smooth story ...the chemistry between Alex & Marianne is sizzling ... both are mature characters , strong , sensible , with deep feelings, emotions,,,Jess has dealt with the story very brilliantly...the progress of there relationship is defined beautifully... a very well written & presented book ... the plot was fast paced not boring or a stereotype ... overall a cozy ,steamy & a romantic read ..

Thank you for a delightful book Jess ... I would highly recommend it ...please do not miss it

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I hated the Hero and Heroine. Like, honestly just didn't want them to have a happier ever after because I found them so abrasive. Which was really unfortunate because the writing style was lovely.

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A steamy short novella with an engaging heroine and a great story - I wish it had been longer.

Marianne is in trouble, her father, the Earl of Martingale has died, and she has discovered he was a kleptomaniac, she calls in the runners to return things discreetly, but her sercret is leaked to the ton by one of the runners, out to make his name, ostracised by the ton, and cast out by her father’s heir because of the scandal, she is worried about how she will be able to support herself and her 10 year old sister Juliet.

She discovers a brooch belonging or Alexander, Duke of Whittingdale, whose sister Anne has recently died in tragic circumstances. She decides to break into his house to return the brooch, however he catches her in the act. Alexander, scarred and reclusive, is instantly attracted to Marianne, so bargains with her to spend a month as his lover, in return for a Cottage and a dowry for her sister. She accepts. She will have a month, and then she will be able to provide for her sister, and Alexander will be able to get this attraction to her out of his system.

This Beauty and the Beast style tale is really well handled. Marianne is a lovely character, who soon falls for Alexander, but can he get over his scars, both mental and physical, and own his heart to her.

Jess Michaels always delivers a solid plot, and believable characters. I really enjoyed this, and only wish it had been a full length novel. However Jess does deliver a full story convincingly, nothing feels rushed or misspaced.

I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book. Alll opinions are my own.

Also posted on good reads,

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