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Shot in the Dark

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Apologies for the late notice, but I have decided not to review this title. While I am certain it's obvious by now, I wanted to also clear this off NetGalley, so it's not showing as open for either of us.

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Dr. Josslyn Benoit had a mission to save animals from poachers. Her head strong attitude would throw her into countless situations where he was life was endangered. Coming home and being assigned the one man who changed her life two years ago was something she had not expected. He would stay by her side ensuring she was protected no matter her complaints. Both characters are strong and neither is willing to concede to the other. Great continuation of the series.

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Alexander Hamilton said, “If you stand for nothing, then what will you fall for?” This quote was repeated over and over in my mind, as I was reading Tracy Solheim’s Shot in the Dark. Dr. Josslyn Benoit, the US President’s twenty-eight-year-old sister-in-law, believes in protecting animals who can not protect themselves. Josslyn is a zoologist who would give her life in her quest to help wildlife and bring those who harm the animals to justice. For that, she is to be admired.

Shot in the Dark finds Josslyn and her team in Zimbabwe under the premise of filming a documentary. In actuality, she and her team are there to get the names of poachers and try to stop them. When things go south, Josslyn does the only thing she can. She calls in reinforcements in the form of the US Marines. Josslyn, known as Dolittle by the Secret Service, has something of a reputation with the service and the Marines who always come to her rescue.

Adam Lockett is the number one sharpshooter in the world and head of the Secret Service CAT team. Adam hasn’t had the best life and he's pretty guarded. Even his best friends Griffin Keller (Recipe for Disaster) and Ben Segar (Between Love and Honor) don’t know all of his secrets. After suffering a concussion while saving the President, Adam is reduced to babysitting Josslyn. While he isn’t foolish enough to think Josslyn won’t recognize him as the man who saved her years previously, he just hopes he can keep his attraction to her in check.

What should be an easy assignment gets complicated daily when Josslyn insists on continuing to identify the poachers. Josslyn’s blasé attitude puts her and her Secret Service detail in danger more times than I can count. Honestly, Josslyn is maddening! She makes it so hard to like her at times. She’s misunderstood often by a lot of people, however, she’s truly a dedicated scientist with a heart of gold.

Tracy has written an incredible cat and mouse romantic suspense. The intrigue she’s created with Shot in the Dark will keep you glued to the book. Just when you think you have things figured out, think again. I loved that she added humor to offset some of the intense moments. The romance between Josslyn and Adam is passionate. They were able to truly see each other on a deeper level than they each show the world. I was surprised to discover that these two who seem to have nothing in common actually have a lot in common. These surprising commonalities really helped to forge their relationship.

Shot in the Dark is already a long book, at 342 pages. However, I would have really liked to see how the future played out for Josslyn and Adam. I mean he is after all head of the Secret Service CAT team and his job is to protect the President of the United States. Josslyn is always going to need protection since she isn’t going to change what she believes in. How does Adam continue to work for the family?

Shot in the Dark was truly an enjoyable read. I should note that one scene, in particular, can be a little traumatic for some readers. I know it was for me. I loved that Tracy included an author’s note talking about elephants and the efforts to save them while banning the sale of their tusks. I loved that she gave names and links of organizations to donate to, in order to further the cause. I wish ALL authors and publishers would do this with controversial matters.


“Saving animals was her passion, her cause, her reason for getting up in the morning.”

“That girl is like Joan of Arc, singularly focused on saving animals from extinction no matter what the consequences.”

“You know what they say; there's a fine line between love and hate.”

“He's a decent man. But I've often sensed he's lonely. Just like you. It's nice when two kindred souls find one another.”

“Life is too short to hold back on love. You should always let the people you love know it.”

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I loved the story of Adam and Joss. Both are strong, independent, headstrong, determined, passionate, loving characters with some trauma from their past.. Both believing strongly in the cause they work for.
A wonderful read for all those who love a good mystery and romance

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SHOT IN THE DARK is the second story in Tracy Solheim’s Men of the Secret Service series, and while I will always recommend starting from the beginning on any series this one could be read without having read the first story. Any details or explanations of characters and events are easily found within the dialogue or narrative of this story.

For a Romantic Suspense to work for me I have to believe the events are or could be happening in the real world… and what is more real than the horrific murders of wildlife by poachers for their tusks or skin or whatever body part is needed for gruesome alchemy by rich, privileged people who care nothing for the life of an animal. Yes, you could say I’m passionate about this subject and SHOT IN THE DARK reads true to life with Joss and Adam as opposites attract romantic couple, political touches, real-life health issues and the grisly underworld of animal poaching or trafficking.

Adam and Joss had a short history, but now their lives are about to become entangled in so many ways. Each is strong, intelligent, stubborn, determined and always certain that their way is the right and only way. So where’s the opposite? Joss is often seen as a wild card, she’s passionate about the causes she believes in and will stop at nothing to bring those responsible for wrongdoings to justice… in any manner she deems necessary. Adam is also passionate about doing the right thing and finding justice… but he is as by the book as it’s possible to be. How these two find a middle ground to build their growing love on is fascinating and an enjoyable journey.

As with any Mystery or Romantic Suspense, I won’t go into any major details as I don’t willingly do spoilers. Yet if you love a good Suspense story with Romance, Mystery and seeing justice done by the ending then you’ll love SHOT IN THE DARK. I loved watching two stubborn people fall in love and find a way to merge their differences in opinion. The small details make this story even more enjoyable and I learned almost as much as I simply enjoyed this one. I’d not hesitate to recommend this story or the series to any reader who enjoys a good love story likes to put the puzzle pieces together and adores wildlife in any form.

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

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I have to be honest and the premise/blurb sounded a bit better than I thought the story was. The heroine, Josslyn, got on my nerves. A lot. I did like her relationship with her family though and the developing relationship with hero made it interesting.

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i enjoyed this book. i really liked the relationship between the hero and heroine and how it unfolded. i really appreciated her strength and convictions. the bad guys were a bit convoluted but it was a nice emphasis on an issue that isnt really brought up in books. i look forward to the next book in the series

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WOW! what a great story and romance. Josslyn and Adam were a perfect pair and their characters were nicely developed. I really liked this story and hope to read more by this talented author.

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WOW! I loved, loved, loved Adam and Josslyn’s love story in Shot in the Dark by Tracy Solheim, book twos in her Men of the Secret Service series. The title is fitting since our hero, Adam, is a sniper who was recently injured while on duty. He has been assigned what he considers a boring detail, guarding the First Lady’s wild-child younger sister, who’s hell-bent on ditching her detail. Zoologist Josslyn Benoit is on a mission to stop wildlife poachers, especially in Africa. When an African “fact-finding” mission with a wildlife conservationist group goes horribly wrong, Josslyn and her team must flee for their lives; with Josslyn calling in a favor from her older half-sister, the First Lady. Joss pursues a major importer of illegal animal products while trying to lose her protective detail. The fact that Adam had saved Joss before while on a “mission” only added to the attraction between these two opposites.

I loved the fun code names Adam was coming up with for Joss, besides the Dr. Doolittle assigned name. Another great aspect of this story was the behind the scenes look at the National Zoo and especially the Elephant habitat. This story not only kept me on my toes trying to figure out who was really the one behind the illegal importation, but also did an excellent job of bringing awareness to the problems it caused. I also loved learning about all the rooms and grounds of the White House.

Ms. Solheim wrote a wonderful, sexy and suspenseful story that is definitely not to be missed. She provided a tale rich with sexual chemistry, amusing banter, and endearing characters giving Adam and Joss a chance to discover they were really meant for each other. I highly recommend Shot in the Dark to other readers and look forward to the next book in this series.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.

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The Tower of Testosterone and the She-Devil. I loved getting to know Josslyn and Adam and watching these two stubborn and independent people dance around their attraction while still trying to be true to themselves. Josslyn is passionate about her career and protecting endangered animals, even if it put her in precarious situations and at odds with her family. When her latest job brings her back to the US and living with her sister, the First Lady, in the White House, she gets her own Secret Service detail, led by Adam. Adam is recovering from an on-the-job injury and is assigned to “light” duty guarding Josslyn. When the last job appears to have followed Josslyn home, she and Adam have to work together to figure out who is behind it.
With a mix of humor, a bit of suspense, and sizzling attraction, Tracy Solheim has created a well-written story with fun characters and a story line that is both interesting and informative.
Put aside a few hours for this one, you will want to curl up and keep reading until the very end!
#ShotintheDark #MenoftheSecretService #ReadzTule @TracySolheimBooks

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Intrigue, tension and danger await on the pages of Shot in the Dark. Throw in some sizzling, fiery love scenes and you have a book just dying to combust in your hands (or to blow up your device.)
This is a fast paced, page turner with questions of “Who Done It” in so many dangerous scenarios. It is a great blend of sexy romance and suspense.

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Joss is a on a mission to stop all animal poaching around the world especially elephants. Her activism runs counter to her brother in law white house. Adam is coming back from a severe concussion so no sniper duties for him, instead he is assign guard duty over Dr. Doolittle. Joss and Adam have a one night history that bonds them as the try to stop a poaching ring that leads to DC.

Solheim men of the secret service series is layered with intrigue with forbidden romance thrown in. All the characters are well developed and have emotional depth that will take the reader on an emotional roller coaster ride. I can't wait for Ben story next.

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This is a voluntary review of an advanced copy.

Lots of drama, intrigue, and romance throughout this book! As Josslyn returns from Africa, she is attacked and chased while they try to find out who is the mastermind behind the animal trafficking ring.

Some red herrings in the book so just when you think that you know whodunit, you find out a new clue and are back to figuring the clues out.

Adam fights his attraction to Josslyn and she still tries to reach him. Add in Adam's father getting out of jail, and you have more drama!

Some parts were kind of sad when you see Josslyn with her dad who has Alzheimers and does not remember who she is. So, lots of emotions going on in this book.

Nice wrap up and HEA!

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Second in a series, but it can easily be read as a standalone. There are some cameos from the characters in the first book, but nothing that would confuse anyone who hadn't read the first.

As with the first book, I was very impressed with the "insider" details about the White House and Secret Service that were included. I spent a lot of time on the White House Museum web site looking at pictures of the rooms that were mentioned - that's usually a good sign of a book for me because it means I'm interested.

I like a good enemies-to-lovers story and there was definitely some of that going on here, but I will say that at times it felt like Joss and Adam were acting more like teenagers than adults. There was good chemistry and they did have a bit of history, but the way it was introduced almost made it feel as though I'd missed something until it was expounded upon later on in the book. I liked that Joss was not just some "wild child animal rights protester" but actually had a doctorate and worked in animal conservation. Adam came with some serious baggage which contributed to the "everyone leaves me, eventually" angle (which sometimes seems overly played-out in the romance genre, but I digress).

Similar to the first book, there are red herrings everywhere but it was an interesting story idea and it highlighted the important issue of animal poaching. I look forward to reading the future books in the series. Based on the series name, I'm guessing we're getting a book about the final roommate, but they highlighted a female secret service agent quite a bit in this book so I'm curious to see if she's the love interest in that book or maybe she gets her own…

*Advance copy provided by the author/publisher. All opinions are my own.*

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It is real fun to watch how Adam 'The Sniper' Lockett goes from viewing Josslyn 'Dolittle' Benoit as a tree hugger to a passionate activist. Her compassion encompasses everyone in her orbit, while she asks for nothing more for herself. There is history between them albeit a short one, but the few hours they spent together is the foundation for how the story goes. Both have issues of abandonment and are all in when it comes to their jobs. And together their chemistry is undeniable explosive.

This book is chock full of thrills, conspiracy and yes a lot of steamy romance. And it also address a very grave issue out there IRL, wildlife preservation. So settle in an action packed adventure with the Men of the Secret Service.

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Loved this book, full of action, romance and suspense that will keep you turning the pages. Opposites that attract, Adam, from the Secret Service is guarding the First Lady's younger sister, animal activist, Josslyn, aka she devil. Soon there is more than protecting Josslyn, as they can longer deny the chemistry between them.

Great characters, loved the chemistry between them. The banter between them will have you laughing out loud. My favorite line, "But it's just chemistry. And we're not ever acting on it because women like you always confuse it with something more." I think that line sums up the story. This is the second story in the series but can be read as a stand alone. I highly recommend.

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Shot in the Dark is book two in the Men of the Secret Service by Tracy Solheim. I was pleasantly surprised that the setting of this story is different from the first where much happened in kitchen of the White House. While I had hoped that the setting would be Africa, the Washington setting is expanded from the first book. There is also a plot line that I found very interesting.

Josslyn is the sister to the First Lady but very much her own person. Within the story, the family and the relationships are complex, not just with politics but also with dealing with Alzheimer’s. Seeing the family dealing with that reminds us that the First Family is still people who have many of the same issues and struggles that we do. They are not suddenly immune to those negative things that happen in life.

This is easily an “opposites attraction” story with Josslyn’s impulsiveness and Adam’s straight by the book attitude. Josslyn finds herself in over her head with shady characters, blackmail and endangered animals, so it is a good thing that Adam is on her protective detail. They had a small past together but the attraction between them is not fully developed until this story. Love wins in the end, no surprise there.

It also read as a stand-alone. Interesting, being the kind of story that you could believe happens in Washington but never makes the news.

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Ms Solheim is such a fabulous author who creates stories and characters that grab reader’s attentions throughout the novel. A top pick in reading.
Review copy received from Tule Publishing via Netgalley

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A big thank you to NetGalley and Tule Publishing for the ARC. I am voluntarily reviewing this book. I liked this alot. It has a pretty complicated plot, and keeping the cast of characters straight. Never thought about the presidents sister in law before. A little different perspective. The chemistry between Adam and Josslyn was fun! I loved her job. 4 stars. I think most Romance readers will enjoy.

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