Member Reviews

The author has done an amazing job in this historical romance novel.

The Laird when you are reading makes you imagine yourself right there alongside the characters. Very well done and one I highly recommend to readers.

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what an amazing book!! The author is a master of creating stories and characters. I will definitively be reading books of this author!! Great job.

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This was my first book by this author, It was pretty enjoyable. I would give this book a 3.5 star rating! It was a pretty Quick and easy read!

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The Laird was an unexpected delight to read, the characters are complex and genuine. Virginia Brown does an excellent job describing the Scottish history and landscape leaving the reader dreaming about life in the highlands but Although I enjoyed reading this engaging, well written story with its appealing hero and heroine, and its well-developed supporting characters, I found the unrelenting conflict numbing, and wished for less.

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I tried more times than I can count to finish this book and unfortunately in was a dud for me :/ I may have outgrown my highlander faze.

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I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
The Laird by Virginia Brown is an authentic historical Scottish vs English story.
There is so much description and imagery that you really can feel yourself in the book.
I couldn't put it down.

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This book is an absolutely awesome read! If my friends ever asked me why I love historical romances so much, especially the Scottish Highlands ones, I'd tell them to read this book and then they'd know!!

This story takes place in the 1300's when the Scots and the English are enemies, clan feuds are a norm and loyalties are divided. I especially love it that parts of the story are based on actual historical people and places. I was forever on Google Earth checking the places and it made me feel like I was right there!

Judith Lindsay and Robert Campbell's story is filled with heartbreak, danger, secrets, etc, but it's also filled with a wonderful passion and love that overcomes all that is thrown at them. I fell in love with both of them, so strong and loyal to each other! Oh and can't forget the old hound, Caesar:) All in all, an absolutely delightful book to read and one that I definitely recommend.

I was given an ARC of this book via NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

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The Laird made me feel like I was living in that moment in time. The use of imagery and descriptive details had me from the beginning. Laird Robert Campbell and Lady Judith's relationship was full of war, honor, love and betrayal from their families. You could feel their emotions at every turn. There is so much passion and drama, that it made it hard to put this book down. It kept me turning page after page. It is a wonderful read and I highly recommend it. I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving a review.

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I loved this book! I love reading anything about Scotland and historical fiction! This one was excellent. Battles, love, more battles, love, and more love. It takes the reader on an emotional journey through the eyes of two characters.

While reading, I wanted to jump into the book and see the scenery for myself. I could almost smell and see the Heather as mentioned. It was a powerful story of love and acceptance. I will treasure this one for a long while. I highly recommend it to anyone who loves romance and historical fiction!

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This is my first Virginia Brown novel and I was pleasantly surprised at how well it was written. It is evident that Ms. Brown is an accomplished writer and does her research for her novels. This has a deep and complex storyline, there were several times in the beginning where I had to re-read pages to get the full idea of what was happening. But once into the storyline it flowed along quite nicely. Judith is not written as a weak, romantic female in fact quite opposite which I enjoyed. I also liked that the main characters love and passion builds rather than is just implied and happens quickly. Lots of drama and action in this book. I highly recommend it and cannot wait to explore Ms. Brown’s other novels. I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving a review.

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I received and ARC from NetGalley and Bell Bridge Books for an honest review. I really enjoyed reading this story of Judith and Rob and their journey to love.
The writing was descriptive and suspenseful enough to keep me interested in the plot. Judith and Rob have a very intimate and steamy connection, which was entertaining to read.
I love Judith’s character. She’s very strong-willed, independent, and at times, defiant. I liked how she challenged Rob and his father at every turn to defeat and protect herself until she realized she had Rob as an ally.
I would recommend this book if you like reading romance in this historical setting, then this book would be perfect for you!

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Lady Judith Lindsay is the English widow of a Scottish baron and thus caught between two worlds but truly belonging to neither. Her husband's family cares for Mairi, a young girl promised in marriage to the son of the ruthless Earl of Argyll, overlord of Clan Campbell. Laird Robert Campbell has been awarded the holdings and title of Glenlyon for his skill in fighting for Robert the Bruce. The two are brought together when Robert's reckless father, Angus, laird of Clan Campbell, abducts both Judith and Mairi on orders from Argyll, whom Rob loathes for betraying him, resulting in the deaths of all seven of Rob's brothers. Rob sets out to loathe Judith as well for her association in the loss of his brothers, until he spends more time with her, serving as a barrier between her and his father, who wants to set all the blame for the death of his sons at her feet, and begins to struggle against a fierce desire for her. With danger threatening them both, Rob questions his father's decisions and establishes his own definition of honor, though it may not be enough to save him or his lady.

I had a really hard time getting into this one. This is definitely not the typical romance, but rather it is grounded much in history, battles and rich descriptions. The pacing for the first half was a bit slow and lost me for awhile, but at about 60% it became one of the most romantic books I've read (in an actiony way) and I couldn't put it down then. The story was extremely well-written and well-researched, fraught with danger and suspense and a hard won happily ever after for our main characters.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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The Laird is a real standout from much of the other historical fiction I've read, and here's why. Virginia Brown has done her homework on the period and historical events she based this book on. The descriptions of topography, life in a castle, the way people spoke and the clothes they wore, and the dangerous, difficult circumstances that were the reality of the conflict between Scotland and England are remarkably authentic. This is some next level writing. You don't need to know the actual history, but you will feel its weight, and appreciate the dimension added to the story as a result of Ms. Brown's research.

I would not describe The Laird as light-hearted or fun. The story is intense, and there are some dark, raw aspects to the tale, like kidnapping and tragic loss of life. That said, I loved the richness of detail, how the story builds, and how it unfolds. I was banking on a happily ever after for Robert and Judith, but I had no idea how they'd get there! (Pssst, pssst...they do get their HEA. Don't despair.)

Judith's vulnerability, largely because she's an English woman who inherited land and is therefore used as a pawn, made my heart ache. Despite never being seen as a person with aspirations of her own, she is kind and plucky. Judith is brave, loving, and principled. I appreciated her strength of character and selflessness, and can see why Robert Campbell can't resist her. There is no insta-love here...the intimacy builds, and is pretty dang hot.

This is an exciting adventure, and I recommend you let Virginia Brown transport you back in time.

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This is the first book I've read by Virginia Brown
I liked this book and glad things turned out good for Judith and Rob. Judith definitely deserved to be happy

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This is a book that I would call "a movie for the mind". There is so much description and imagery that one can see what the author intended e.g. the landscapes, the clothing, the feeling of camaraderie, the love for family, feelings of devotion and loyalty, fear, longing and regret. In those days loyalty right or wrong was expected under the banner of unity. It was tradition. However, for our hero, Laird Robert (Rob) Campbell of Glenlyon, it was different. Having been betrayed by his chief, he one day would reap retribution. Against his best judgement, his father, Laird Angus Campbell of Lochawe and his seven brothers went on a kidnapping mission for their chief Argyll. Rob vehemently tried to stop them, but pride and loyalty would not dissuade Angus or his brothers. After a tragic battle, Angus returns with Lady Judith and the child heiress Mairi. Mairi is betrothed to Argyll's son. Argyll wanted the alliance between his clan and Mairi's clan more than anything. Angus paid a tragic and severe cost for it. He spiraled into drink and tried to pawn the blame off onto Rob and even Lady Judith. When Angus threatens Judith's life, Rob defies his father and whisks Judith to his keep Glenlyon. From their beginning moments that Rob interacted with Judith, he find her beautiful, challenging, stimulating and surprising. She is a mix of intelligent, hardworking, gifted and structured. She began to take on the duties of the Lady of the manor and proved her mettle. The way the author wrote about the romance between Judith and Rob was so realistic. You could feel their emotions at every turn and when they finally came together after their handfasting there was no turning back for either of them. The passion the author wrote into the scenes were tender, gentle and loving. Although Rob did not realize he loved Judith, Judith knew she loved Rob. Judith had never known love before nor respect. Rob treated her with honor and adored her. I felt sorry for Judith. She felt unloved by her English father and unwanted by her Scottish in laws. But Rob opened up a new world for her that she was unwilling to surrender itr. But surrender she did. Angus came to raze Glenlyon to the ground if Rob did not turn over Judith. With Judith a prisoner again, Rob came after her and they both became prisoners. After mixed up loyalties, brave attempts for peace Argyll thought he was going to get his way. But Rob put his faith in his father. Although Angus was loyal to Argyll, Rob placed his life in Angus' hands that he would see Argyll's treachery. Judith was ransomed to her father but escaped her brother when taking her back to England. She was headed back to Glenlyon to wait for Rob. There is so much emotion is this story, a lot of action and drama that it made it hard to put this book down. It kept me turning page after page. It is a wonderful read and I highly recommend it. I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving a review.

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Book Title: The Laird
Author: Virginia Brown
Pub Date: September 10, 2018

***ARC was provided to me by NetGalley and the publisher for a fair and honest review***

Overall rating: 4/5 A new Laird with an uncertain future falls for a girl with a difficult past.

Heroine (Judith Lindsay): 4/5 Judith is a very strong woman who has been used as a bargaining chip one too many times. Her father forced her into a marriage with her now dead husband for more land. When she is taken hostage it is to keep her niece quiet with the plan to just ransom her father later.

Hero (Robert Campbell): 4/5 ‘The Devil’s Cub’ is a title Rob earned by being brutal on the battlefield. His fierceness even earned him the title of Laird of Glenlyon.

Plot: 4/5 Rob journeys to his father’s land to try to stop him and Rob’s seven brothers from fulfilling a mission to kidnap and hold hostage a young girl that was promised to their overlord. He is unsuccessful in stopping his kin and is too weak to travel due to a leg injury he incurred before the book’s start. Rob’s siblings sacrifice themselves to allow their father to continue on with the two hostages, one being the girl they set out for and the other being her aunt Judith. After Judith and Rob meet they are both attracted to the other but try to keep apart. Judith trusts Rob to get her out of the keep when she is accused of witchcraft and they journey to his land of Glenlyon. Rob vows to protect her but can he come to love her as well?

Personal Review: While I read a lot of historical fiction, this was one of the more accurate books in regards to dialogue. While I applaud Brown for the effort, it did make the story just a bit harder to keep track of.

I liked that there was no big miscommunication between the two main characters and instead they come together despite their difficult and painful pasts. They accept each other for who they are and support each other going forward. The tension comes from outside forces rather than a communication problem.

I do wish Argyll was introduced earlier on in person. He was more of a menacing off stage presence rather than a tangible threat for most of the story.

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Wonderful, well written highlander romance, that deftly sidestepped lots of pitfalls of this sub genre. The heroine was truly brave and determined, rather than wilful or TSTL. Judith Lennox has been widowed and lives on sufferance at Caddel Castle, as one of the hated English, her father has refused to pay for her return, so she is living on sufferance, barely tolerated at the castle. Her only solace is Mairi, and orphaned heiress who lives at the castle. She is out one day playing with Mairi when they are both abducted by Laird Campbell and 7 of his eight sons, at the direction of Laird Argylle. The sons are all killed when they stop to fight the men who come to rescue Mairi and Judith.

Rob Campbell is the lairds 4 th son, he has spent 3 years in prison due to the betrayal of Lord Argyll, and he has some incriminating evidence against him. He has also been injured and his leg is not healing properly, he was unable to ride after his brothers to stop them.

Rob and Judith are immediately drawn to each other, although they are also wary of each other. Laird Campbell blames Rob and Judith for his son’s deaths, and abuses Judith constantly, Rob eventually has to protect Judith, he takes her to his holding, where they grow closer, and finally overcome their painful pasts to fall in love with each other. Rob and Judith’s family try to interfere to put aside the match, but Judith and Rob will not let each other go.

This was a well written and deftly plotted Scottish romance, that was a cut above most of the recent ones, I will read more by this author.

I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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Virginia Brown has outdone herself.

There are no whiney virgins. The hero is not an enormous jerk who must prove how manly he is. There is no ridiculous misunderstanding. Instead, there are two people who fall in love despite their difficult and painful pasts. The moments of realization, fear and joy are conveyed with realism that manages to be beautiful and romanitic.

For most romance novels this is enough, but this one digs deeper and touches on the relationship between a father and a son. It explores how a woman's worth is decided--by her or the family that abandoned her.

I was given an advance copy of this book by the publisher and these opinions are my own.

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If I had to pick up books that I would always read - that would be Highlander's books.
I want to read every one of them and most likely I would not regret it!
The Laird by Virginia Brown is the first book that I have chance to read by this author.
The story was good, the writing was also good, and of course the romance (first and secondary characters) was also good!
I definitely have to read more book written by this author!

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Judith is my kind of heroine...she fights for what she thinks is right. Rob has been betrayed...more than once, and Judith becomes his light! Very good story, great secondary characters. You will love this story.

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