Member Reviews

i never ended up downloading this, i've been reading other reviews on this and it sounds pretty good, so i might go get it~

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A very intriguing book that makes for an interesting read. Definitely keeps the readers amused and definitely a must when it comes to the genre and the novel quality. Highly recommend it.

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3.5⭐⭐⭐ I really enjoyed this one, it's been sitting on my shelf far too long and I'm glad I finally read it. I'm a big fan of sex in novels, but at times I wanted a bit more from this one, sometimes it felt like there wasn't much more between the two main characters than their chemistry.
I really liked Lark, but she could be judgemental where her mum was concerned, not even attempting to understand what she'd been through and why she made the decisions she did. I liked that she stood up to Charles and said enough was enough, that she knew her own worth.
Charles was certainly a piece of work and he got more out of control and unstable as the story progressed to the point I was very scared for Lark's safety.
I really liked Niall, there's something about an Irish hero that draws me in. He was so different to Charles, and I liked the way he treated Lark. There were times at the end I thought he was a bit possessive, but I could overlook because of how much he truly loved Lark.
Overall a good read and I'll be looking for more by this author.

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I could not get into this book and found myself skimming through most of it. I had a really hard time connecting with the characters, especially Lark, who I didn't find to be relatable.

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Yes this is a romance story, but it is a unique story. You will be pulled into Larks life and go on a ride through the pages. The story is one that will stick with you even after the last page is read.

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What happens when the man of your dreams becomes your reality? I absolutely loved Niall. He was everything a romance hero should be and his and Lark's chemistry was off the charts. The love scenes went on a little too long and I found myself skimming them just to get back to the action but I wasn't ready for the book to end. I would have loved an epilogue but it was a very satisfying story.

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Well written hot and steamy romance for adults. Likeable characters. Well developed storyline.
Interesting from start to finish.

My first time reading that author and it won't be the last.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me access to this book. This is my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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4 stars: Great book! This book had a different take on boy meets girl …Lark meets her man through her dreams! This novel had all the right elements of a good book …good plot line, good character development, hot steamy scenes! This is my first outing with this author and I would definitely check her out again!

I would like to thank the author, the publisher and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book in return for an honest and unbiased report

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Wow. Great story!! Family, romance, drama... all my favorites!! I need this book to be a series so I can follow Lark and Niall! Definitely recommend!!

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Oh my! when You Close Your Eyes captivated. With every page and with every chapter, I fell through the rabbit hole. This book was like a puzzle for me. I needed to break the code. But with every word, I was not getting closer to the truth.

About the book:
Lark is a woman on a mission. She has left her life...then she is warped back into time. Back to her roots. I will admit, Charles aka the fiance, never strike me as the hero of the story. And this because when Niall steps in, the world stops spinning.

When You Close Your Eyes will keep you on your toes!!! I loved the characters, well all of them except Charlie that is. I recommend this book! The only reason I gave this review a 4 is because of the ending. I won't spoil it, but I feel like there is unfinished business with Charlie. Other than that, I loved this book!

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Didn't understand this book. Not much of a storyline. The erotica parts were meh. It was like reading online porn. Definitely wouldn't buy it. But at least the writing wasn't bad.

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I love a good steamy romance and When You Close Your Eyes has it in spades. The best part, though, isn't the steamy scenes but the story itself. The steamy scene balance the drama and tension perfectly. This is my first book by Roxanne D. Howard but it won't be my last. Highly recommend!

My Rating: 5 stars

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This was an interesting read. I enjoyed the book.
I was happy when Lark kicked that loser Charles to the curb. Her and Niall’s relationship was funny and sweet and I enjoyed watching them connect

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I am rather middle of the road on When To Close Your Eyes. The premise intrigued me, but the final product didnt have enough to do with the premise. There was a plethora of erotic dreams, but that's all they were, dreams dropped into the story without context or follow through. The story just went nowhere for me. It was entertaining but not remarkable.
I received my copy Through NetGalley under no obligation.

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This review isn't going to be long. I'm not a huge fan of a review rehashing the entire plot and spoiling it for everyone.

This is the first book by Roxanne D. Howard that I have read. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Her style of writing. keeps you interested and waiting for more. I cannot wait to read more of her books.

I received an ARC of this book to read through NetGalley in exchange for a fair review.

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The book was a good read. The story sparked my interest near the start. A strong woman with dreams many women would like to have. But meeting her dream man in the flesh felt a little reaching for me. I like a story to be highly improbable but still slightly possible, and not sure I have ever heard of that happening. But that aside, it does make for good conflict in Lark's thoughts that add good interest in the story. The guilt Lark carried was too much at times. I just wanted to yell at her to get over it.
The book was written well and held my interest most of the time. My biggest issue with it was the end. As most books like this, there is a conflict or confrontation that changes the course you think the story is heading. That came near the end and was quick but only partly resolved. It has me wondering if this book was left open to be a series? There are several questions I wish were resolved, including one of Lark's dreams that I wonder about. Neither the cover or description lead you to believe this is a series, but the open questions at the end make it fell like there is more to come.
I would recommend this book if you want a nice romance to read. I rate it in the middle of the list of book I read, it was good but not great. It did not make me stay up reading because I would not put it down.

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I received this book as an arc from Netgalley.

The one thing I found odd was that Lark, the savvy and strong business woman, was such a pushover when it came to her cheating fiance. Why was he still in her childhood home after their confrontation of his infidelity? The idea of the dreams relating to the story was interesting though.

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Roxanne Howard is a new to me author and I found this book while poking around on NetGalley. The title caught my attention at first - it's very close to a song lyric I'd been listening to recently - and the blurb sounded fantastic. Who wouldn't be intrigued by a dream lover that you actually meet in person? That sounds so fated and romantic and even a little paranormal. I excitedly requested a copy and was delighted to receive an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

And, honestly, as the two stars indicate - it was ok. But, if I'm honest, it fell short of my hopes. First off, this book deserved a better editor. There are so many repeating words, every thought and action for the entire book is written out, the POV jumps all over the place and is difficult to follow, and the book has a horrible case of telling, not showing, but it's done through dialogue. Read some of the in person (not dream) sex scenes aloud. NO ONE talks that much about what they think and feel during sex - especially at the passionate beginning of a relationship. It felt like a first-time author with a first-time editor

The story itself felt very dated and not 2019 at all. This was most obvious with the technology mentioned - flip phones, blackberries, and ipods - but also cropped up with the clothing choices, Toastmaster references, the use of the old Jerry MaGuire catchphrase "you complete me," and dozens of other little things that pulled me out of the story.

The biggest issue I had was with Lark, the heroine. I never felt that I understood or connected with her. She says she loves her family, but was able to walk away - not just from her father - and not show up again for six years. Her mother didn't have her address and her brother didn't have her phone number. Then two days later they're all "I love you" and playing happy family. Her weight issues bordered on fat shaming, too, so if that's an issue for you, I'd skip this book. Plus, what's the deal with LITERALLY everyone in the book (her mother, Niall, and Charles) wanting to control how she wears her hair? Up for work, down for the funeral, unbraided or braided. SO many controlling comments about her hair. That, with the heavy-handed no smoking message, I found myself skimming most of this book.

The nail that really sealed her fate for me as a TSTL heroine, though, is the way she left Oregon. She's "in love" with a lawyer and didn't ask him if any of Charles's accusations were true, or if his threats would hold up in court, etc. Instead, we find out about her father's business partner (Should've mentioned him earlier to set this up! Bad editing!) and have a long message from Lark's assistant/best friend about Charles. So, someone else solves all her problems and she's able to go on with the happy life she wants. At least, that's what we're left to assume since there wasn't an epilogue to tell us if she and Niall stay in London or return to Oregon. Does she ever sign the house over to her mother? Does she help run the family business? And, when her brother isn't at the ranch, who takes care of the horses? So. Many. Unresolved. Questions.

In general, I loved the premise of this book - a dream lover that turns into reality - and if you're someone who has experienced the recent loss of a parent and wish you could've hooked up with your family's estate lawyer, this might be the book for you.

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This author is new to me and I enjoyed the story very much, her writing style is good kept my interest and I quite liked the characters.

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This book is listed as a paranormal romance, and while the description fits, the actual book has nothing paranormal about it at all. The two main characters are suppose to have had multiple erotic dreams about one another, but there is never any follow-through. So while the reader is promised an intriguing plot, it is simply ignored in the book. Quite frankly, it seemed to me it was just a reason to insert more erotic moments into the book. I wasn’t very thrilled with the rest of the book, either. There was just too much that didn’t make sense to me. The heroine has left her family to move to another country and hasn’t had contact with them in years. Yet she races home when she learns her father, a man she hated, has passed away. And the inconsistencies continue from there. I just couldn’t connect with the characters either, especially the heroine. Plus, she was a smoker, something that I find really awful. I wouldn’t recommend this book, and will not be reading more from this author.
Note: I received a copy of this book in return for an honest review.

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