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Ignite is yet another stunning testament to the phenomenal perfection that is Donna Grant. This series with the Dragon Kings have captured my heart yet again with its wonder and excitement that continues to roll out on this incredible journey. Just when you think the tension and danger couldn’t get any more intense, in walks more danger and intrigue cloaked in mystery and confusion. Hope is a rare commodity at this point, but when any is found it is held tightly as it is savored and hoarded. Will the mounting danger prove to be the downfall of the kings once and for all, or will hope refuse to allow them to give up and show them a way through to the other side?
V is still awake and his growing relentlessness is getting worse. He wants to return to sleep since he can’t seem to face a problem that haunts him. Instead he is lead to Claire, a human that intrigues and captures his attention. Claire longs for a true and pure love, but she has not had any luck. Each man that has walked into her life has walked right out. She is ready to call it quits, when V catches her eye. She wants to know more, and before she knows it, she finds herself spellbound in his arms and her heart tripping over his eyes, his laps, and his beautiful heart. V knows that what he is found is very precious, and he is no longer sure of his future. With the hope of love growing between them, can Claire trust this with all her heart, or will V walk away in order to save her from what he knows awaits them?
I have fallen so hard for this series! Every character has ingrained themselves onto my heart, and I dream of returning to their world of pure magic and absolute love. I can’t help but adore the kings and their mates. My heart cheers on the struggle of each couple knowing how stronger and happy they will be on the other side of the pain. This series is a dream that I can’t wait to continue to experience and savor.
What a sizzling masterpiece! I can’t put into words just how much this series means to me. Paranormal romance is one of my absolute favorite genres, and this series just blows my mind with each new book. Grant has become the ultimate fantasy master, and I love cherishing each installment that her hands and heart have meticulously crafted. Nothing is any better than snuggling up to her one her books with a warm blanket and a hot drink.

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As much as I enjoy Donna Grant's Reapers, the Dragon Kings are my favorite. I was drawn to V, a Dragon King who has spent more time asleep in his cave than other Kings. He just seemed so lost. He doesn't feel like he belongs anywhere, has trouble keeping up with the changes that take place while he sleeps, and tends to keep to himself. Until he meets Claire.

Claire isn't supposed to be aware of the Dragon Kings; she knows more than she should but keeps their secrets. If they found out what she knew they would wipe her memory. Sophie, her best friend, is in a relationship with a Dragon King and when Sophie moved to Dreagon, where the Kings live, Claire followed.

Claire is the nicest, sweetest person but has trouble dating and starting a relationship. Once V and Claire hooked up, I was lost in their story. Neither of them is confident in the other one's feelings, which made them very easy to relate to,

A beautiful love story with two people who don't think they will ever be with the One, their forever love. Plus the dating failure blog was so much fun to follow, wondering who was writing the blog.

A received an copy of this book from NetGalley and this is my review.

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Oh how I love this series!

This one I feel is finally picking back up into battle mode.

This one is about V, or Vlad if you will, and Claire. Claire is Sophie's best friend (she is mated to Darius) and has followed her to the tiny town outside of Dreagan because while no one knows it, she knows their secret. She and Sophie were once attacked by Dark Fae and the Dragon Kings saved them. She pretended that she didn't remember because she was afraid that her memories would be taken from her. So for years she has had this secret.

V has recently reacquired his sword that was stolen. He feels like he doesn't belong in this world and wants to go back to sleep. He has told Con this and no one wants him to go back to sleep. He has missed out on so many things and they want him around. He is the only one who was encouraged to sleep because of what would happen when he was awake but now is different. Ulrik takes it upon himself to play matchmaker because he has seen V looking at Claire and feels like this can keep him around.

Sparks fly between the two and Claire knows it's too good to be true so she is going to take what she can get. What she doesn't realize is that V is going to keep her and he is going to make that very clear to her.

This book is quite unlike the others in my opinion. They usually focus a lot on the couple and have little back splashes of other characters interspersed. This one has less of the couple and a lot more of the other characters. It makes sense because so much is happening and these other characters are major players. Everything is tying together and then exploding. Usaeil is someone who needs to be stopped and Rhi is extremely ready to end her. This just might cost her her light and no one wants that but Usaeil has done a few things in this book that will break the Kings and the mates. This is something she can't come back from. I'm hoping this battle comes up in the next book because I don't think I can wait much longer!

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Wow! I loved this book so much... I think it just might be my favorite of the series. First, I really couldn't wait to get V (Vlad's) story ever since he first woke and we found he had taken off.

Then his mate was another favorite of mine (I can't give any spoilers). But the two of them together were definitely a heated pairing.

I also liked how DG allowed a slight difference in the way the mates came together in the steaminess aspect.

And Rhi... I think I will have a coronary if we don't get some happiness for this amazing Fae. Con's love life also gets touched on several times in this story and I'm dying to get to the last book so we can find our mercurial leader happiness as well.

All in all, this was a definite 5 star read for me and I am waiting with baited breath for the next installment of this saga!

*I received an ARCof this book from netgally in exchange for an honest review*

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Another great story in the Dragon Kings series. This one is about Vlad (V) and Claire. What is not to like about this one?? I loved everything and really can't get enough of the Dragon Kings and the mates. I loved the matchmaking that took place in this story and the sexy sex scenes, in each book there is something different.
I have now read the whole Reaper series and are currently up to date with the Dragon King series and am glad that things with Usaeil will be sorted soon. Donna Grant is a great writer and knows how to keep the reader hooked. I love the cover!!!
I would recommend this book to all lovers of fantasy as well as Dragons.

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Intriguing storyline. Dragons as protectors of humans, battling against the Queen of the Light Fae and the Others. This is the 15th installment of the Dark Kings series by Donna Grant. I don't usually like jumping into a series this far into the game, but this is a standalone romance and I was able to follow along without feeling lost for not having read the previous books. While Ignite is a good concluison for Claire and V, it is not the end of the Dark Kings story. With that being said, the remainder of the series is going on my tbr list.

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Ignite finds love between Vlad and Claire. V found his sword but is feeling lost in this modern world. He is contemplating sleeping for another few hundred years when sweet, irresistible Claire is thrown his way. Claire has been so unlucky in love, she secretly writes a blog on her dating failures. She knows the secret of the Dragon Kings and is obsessively drawn to V. The continuing story of the Dragon Kings takes a back seat for much of the first half of this book as V and Claire work past issues to find the "one" they have both longed for. The second half of the book delves into the excitement of the war between the Kings and the light fae and amps up towards a future explosive confrontation. The dating blog adds a dash of humor that lightens the intensity of V and Claire's relationship. I was feeling like a starving child by the time the serial story from the series was brought back to light. The characters always feel like family and the story always draws me in.The suspense builds impatience for the next story in the series. My voluntary, unbiased review is based upon a review copy from Netgalley.

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Fasten your seatbelts folks - there is a LOT that happens in this book. The focus couple in the book are V and Claire. I have always liked Claire and V had such an intriguing back story. Though - with this book - I feel like I need to give an X-Files style warning of TRUST NO ONE! Except for Claire and V - they are awesome.

This series has been going forward for a while. The first peak came with a resolution of the Ulrik storyline - and wasn't that part amazing???? But this book is clearly the turning point towards the final confrontations and reveals. Even though there are at least five more books to come - you can see that this book is the start of that final arc.

Things I loved...
- everything about V
- Claire's personality and overall toughness
- All of the amazing information we get about the overall story-arc - Donna Grant is clearly gearing up to move us towards the big finish.

Things I didn't love...
- The book felt like I was treading water - learning a lot fo important information in the overall story arc - but not really going anywehere
- Clair and V were tightly involved in each other - but not in the overall storyline. In most of the other books the heroine is deeply involved in everything that is happening. Here Claire and V falling in love is really the backdrop - most of Claire's time seems o happen separately from the overall story.

I'll leave you with this - the story ends on a bit of a cliffhanger - a lot of things are up in the air and I know we will get answers soon enough.

Plus <spoiler> it seems like everything is pointing more and more towards Con being Rhi's dragon king - but maybe I'm wrong. There is a whole lot of discussion of Con giving up everything and one comment in particular regarding whether it had been Usaeil inside Draegen for all these months or Rhi - where they remarked that they had observed Con and Rhi together for all these months and that "not even Usaeil was that good of an actress" </spoiler>

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A blogger details her perils with dating which has taken the community by storm. It almost feels like two books. The blogging and modern aspects run parallel with the history of the dragons and various paranormal beings. The combination works to create a saga that leaves room for many more books. I enjoyed the friendships and varied aspects of the character’s personalities.

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In Ignite, I enjoyed reading about how Claire and V’s relationship grows in closeness and intensity. V is very worried about the fact that his sword is not working as it should be and also that he has missed out on so much over the years while he was asleep in his mountain. Claire has her own concerns. They find that once they start sharing their thoughts, their romance takes off.

There are many issues that are rising to a boiling point in the lives of Con, the Kings, Rhi, Balladyn, Usaeil and the Others. Usaeil is up to her old tricks of trying to interfere with the Kings and their mates. Tension continues to build in anticipation of the inevitable battle with Usaeil, yet there are some aspects that I expected to learn more about that I felt were missing from this novel, to wit: (1) Claire's special ability. (2) Gemma and Cináed (3) Sabina, Xaneth, or new information about the missing weapon. (4) Henry’s role as the JusticeBringer

Ultimately, my biggest grievance about Ignite is that there is a lot of talk about the upcoming battle (the biggest of which is Con’s decision to confront Usaeil), but not a lot of movement in that direction. It just seems to conclude with V and Claire’s love for each other. The Epilogue does provide some interesting hitherto unknown information about Rhi, some additional details about the Others, and further insight into Usaeil’s egomania. In my opinion, however, this novel did not sufficiently advance the ongoing storyline as much as did previous books in this series. Despite all that, I look forward to reading upcoming novels about the Dragon Kings and the Reapers. I'm eager to find out how everything is finally resolved.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Donna Grant is at it again. Creating characters you love and bringing them together even as she is setting up for the big battle against Usaeil and The Others. This is the latest book in the Dark Kings Series.
Claire has a secret: she knows all about the Dragon Kings. She’s kept that little tidbit to herself all this time since her run-in with the Dark Fae in Edinburgh and the Dragon Kings came to her rescue. Claire knew if they realized she remembered, they would take those memories and she didn’t want that. V, recently back after retrieving his sword which is not working for him for some unknown reason, is set up by his brethren with Claire. V finds after spending time with Claire his sword begins to respond to him, later even responding to Claire. He’s afraid to use it, though, not sure what he might find out about the dragons that were sent away.

As Claire and V grow closer, we get glimpses of what’s going on in the bigger picture as Usaeil continues with her deceptions and Rhi prepares to go after her with a little help from her friends whether she wants it or not.
Usaeil, using glamour disguised as Rhi, befriends Claire and sets in motion a little surprise for her and V. And just where is Con????

The (Mis)Adventures of a Dating Failure Blog is good for a laugh sprinkled throughout the book.

Now, to sit back and wait for more…

I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley to review and enjoy.

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I received for an honest review from Netgalley

Omg a must read the story is a quick fantastic well written read I loved it the characters were so personable and everything I love in a read I just couldn’t put it down a must have

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Oh my goodness.
V and Claire. Then Rhi and Usael. then I see my old friends Hall and a couple others.
I laughed, I cheered, I was stunned, I cried tears of sadness then ended with a big OHHH.

My opinion is that if you have never read any of this series you can still read this one. It gives you some background on what has happened. I think you will definitely go back and fins some of the others in the "Dark World". The list is at

This book answered a couple of questions if you have been following the series. Then it goes and tries to blow up some things you "Think" you had figured out.
Then there is V and Claire, so romantic. Then she meets Rhi at the nail salon.
The story goes on to how they get together and what the other Kings do to help them. Claire is a naughty girl keeping those secrets from all the Kings, and the one secret from the mates.
Then there is V's sword. There is more to that story as I have questions still. The biggest is: Why Claire?

Then Usael has to get in there and muck up everything.
As you get to the 60% mark of the book I bet you find yourself checking the percentage left often. Then Donna Grant goes and blows your mind again. I wanted to cheer but then I actually had tears when I "knew" what is going to happen.

This roller coaster of emotion Donna Grant takes you on is amazing, sensual, heartbreaking, frustrating, and Topsy turvy. Once you solve one of her secrets she writes into the books you realize had you been paying attention you would have solved it earlier, and then realize she just wrote in another mystery for you to try to figure out.

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This is the latest book in the Dragon Kings series .

What can I say ………… this book was a little disappointing ………… whilst it brought V(Vlad) and Claire together , very little was accomplished in the ongoing battle against the Fae and the Others .

V has finally got both his sword and memories back BUT he finds that his sword no longer reacts to his magic ….. how will he tell Con and the other Dragon Kings that he is unable to call the dragons back from the other Realm .
Disillusioned with his life and worried that he might create another world crisis , like the Black Death, he makes a decision to return to his mountain and sleep through this time .
His fellow Dragons determine to set him up with a potential mate - Claire .
Claire works in the clinic since her rescue from the Dark Fae by the Dragon Kings ……… she has been keeping a secret ……….. she has retained her memories and knows about the Dragons , which is forbidden to all outsiders .
Pushed together they realise that their attraction is real , which now puts V's decision to sleep on the backburner .
The book mainly concentrates on this romance with asides featuring Con and Rhi's proposed attack on the Light Fae Queen...…..Death's visit to Rhi ……. and Ulrich's visit to Balladyn .

The books are becoming more and more complicated , which I would not mind normally as long as this made sense in the scheme of things BUT this book is purely about V and Claire's romance and does not further the storyline . This book feels like an hiatus before a finale .
I look forward to the next in the series and hope that the storyline progresses further .

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own

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This book was so GOOD!
I loved V & Claire together. They complimented one another very well.
I loved the chemistry and the build up.
This is a must read!
My absolute favorite part was dating blogs! I looked forward to them in between chapters. They were beyond relatable!

The only downer is that we don't get the complete closure we seek, because this is a series..

So I can't wait until the next book to see what happens!

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Another fantastic fantastic book. I'm just loving this series and waiting impatiently for the next one. It's getting near the business end of this series now and I can't wait to see how it falls out 😍😱😍

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I received an arc copy of this book from the publisher and NetGalley for my honest review. This is a continuation of the Dragon Kings saga. V has been around Claire for a while as she is the best friend of one of the other dragon mates. There has been attraction on both parts but V is troubled about his past and doesn’t think he needs a relationship, however the attraction could not be denied and boy was their heat fiery. Not only does this story show how their relationship grows but continues with the underlying story of how to defeat Usaeil ( the bad guy). I really enjoyed both V and Claire individually and as a couple and there are many familiar faces from the other Dragon Kings which is nice. The only thing was the ending is a bit of a cliffhanger but only because these books seamlessly run together. If you’ve read he previous books it’s a great continuation to the story line. If this book is new for you you’ll still be able to enjoy the relationship of V and Claire you just might not understand some of the underlying plot in the series although the author does a good job trying to fill you in on what happened previously. I recommend this book.5 stars

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Claire may possess the beauty and soul of a goddess but V knows better than to mess with a mere mortal. Still, he instinctively knows that Claire is The One who can help him regain the use of his sword and restore his place at Dreagan. When I started reading I couldn't put it down.Donna Grant is magnifysent and amazing writer.I cannot wait to read more of there books.Keep up the great work.You should definitely read this book.Can't wait for the next book.

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I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. All I can say is OMG another awesome book in the Dark King series. Can't wait for the next one.

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Absolutely love this series. There are so many dimensions to the characters and interactions that you can't help being drawn in. I can't wait for the next book.

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