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This was an odd mix of paranormal and contemporary romance. The main couple are sweet and sexy. There is enough explanation that this could be read alone despite the story arc going through this series.

I wasn't much interested in the paranormal plot line, maybe because it is taking so long to resolve. If I read more in this series, it will be for the romance, not the plot.

I received a free ARC from netgalley.

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Vlad, dragon king of the Copper clan, falls in love with Claire, a normal human who likes to dab in blogging. Their story takes you on a whirlwind with magic, love and pain all mixed in. But will Vlad be able to protect and keep Claire as new threats arise?

This is the first book in the series I read, so I had to keep an open mind. As being new to the series, I would recommend not starting on book fifteen and start at book one. However, it was a good book! The story was solid, a tad confusing without prior knowledge of the series, but Grant made sure to enthrall the reader and make them part of the story.

I was not a huge fan of Claire's blogging. It happened every so often and confused me. Was it part of the book? Was it just to give the author a break? It wasn't exactly needed and I felt could have done without. In all reality, it probably would have made the book flow smoother!

That aside, it is a good book for people who love a long series!

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Once the dragon kings ruled over all of the earth, each with a unique set of powers. When humans came, they protected them from the darkness, until they fought against the kings. The dragon kings cast the rest of the dragons away, though they still protect humanity. Now the kings and their mates live in Dreagan. For centuries, V, king of the Copper Clan, fell back into a deep sleep after attempting in vain to be reunited with his sword and feeling increasingly out of place with the changing mortal world around him. V is the dragon king that can call the dragons back home.

V knows that Claire is a mortal, but he cannot help his attraction to her. After being pushed together by their friends, he realizes that she can help him regain the use of his sword once he reclaims it. His weapon seems to react when he's near her, though he cannot explain why. How can V protect and love Claire when a new threat is emerging and he needs to be able to use his powers?

I enjoyed this book, and I loved the cliffhanger ending. I can't wait for more from this series. It earned a 4/5 because Claire is a blogger and I found the sections with her blog distracting and annoying, though I love her as a character.

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Ignite is the fifteenth book in the Dark Kings series by Donna Grant. This series is part of the Dark World Universe. It brings to light new faces along with a deeper insight into the Dragon Kings and their origins. While some of the favorite characters from the Dark World series do make cameos in this book, the focus is on illuminating a new mythos and relationships. We were introduced to this world with the Dark sword series which continued with the Dark Warriors series and gave way to the Dark Kings series.

This book introduces Claire, Sophie's friend who moonlights as a blogger. She's very intelligent and is destined to play an important role in the upcoming battle with the myriad enemies of the dragon kings.

V, is a Dragon King, who holds the power to create portals between realms and with the help of his sword is the only one who can bring back the dragons to Earth. He is reclusive and has slept for eons in between searching for his lost sword. He like the others is sworn to protect all mortals-even though they no longer believe in dragons.

Together, V and Claire work together to save unravel the mystery of the ancient unholy alliance and get Vlad's long lost sword to work. This book does justice to its name and is truly spellbinding. Donna Grant creates characters with such depth that you just can't help rooting for them.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC

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I got about 20 pages in and had to put it down - the writing was confusing (is it the author talking candidly to her readers or has the story begun?) and it was just cringe-worthy bad. Really bad. I couldn't do it. I will not give a review on Goodreads bc I was unable to get far enough into the book to be fair.

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If you are looking for a book filled with magic creatures, interesting love story, and some action, this is a good book for you. This is the 15th in a series about Dragon Kings. I have not read any of the previous books, so I did feel a little lost, but was quickly entertained by the story. Donna Grant does write a steamy love story, so be prepared for that and some strong language at times, but still enjoyable. I did struggle with some of the characters, but I found myself liking the heroine from the beginning. Great read.

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This is an April 30th release. Downloaded from NetGalley. P.S. Dragon King, Light and Dark Fae, Druid, and Others are always capitalized in the story. R.
IGNITE – Donna Grant
A Dark Kings Novel – Book 15
St. Martin's Press
ISBN: 978-1-25018-289-9
May 2019
Fantasy Romance

Vlad, the King of Copper Dragons, whose nickname is V, remains miserable. After centuries of torment and induced sleep, he has regained his memory and his sword, the one weapon necessary to the immortal Dragon Kings’ future. His weapon can find the clans of the Dragon Kings. Long ago the clans were all sent to another realm for safety during the war with the humans. But V’s sword is not reacting to his magic. He needs to discover why, because when he reclaimed the sword, the Dragon Kings learned of the Others, a mysterious group of both Light and Dark Fae and Druids. The Others combined magic can overpower even a dragon, and they instigated V’s loss of memory, a loss that still causes him self-doubt.

Claire is a nurse at her best-friend Sophie’s clinic, and she has found the love of her life, Darius. She told Claire to quash her texting relationship, and Claire agrees--the guy is playing games with her. Besides, V, Darius’s friend, always attracts her attention when she sees him. So far all of her relationships have ended badly or been non-existent from the start, so she is leery about beginning a new one. She believes a new one is already doomed.

With the many issues facing them, it is hard to see how Vlad and Claire are ever going to unite even when passion overwhelms them. Posts from the blog (Mis)Adventures of a Dating Failure show up between a few chapters. The blogger explores what love means and the difficulty of finding ‘the One,’ the forever person. These posts have relevance to what is going on in V’s and Claire’s minds. Characters from many other Dark Kings volumes play important roles in this story. The Dragon Kings’ story, threading through and uniting all the volumes, builds the tension within this novel as war looms. It involves the Light Fae Rhi, the Dragon King she still loves, and the approaching battle between the Light and Dark forces that continue to threaten the Dragon Kings. Among the foes is the evil Fae Queen Usaeil who continues her pursuit of Con, the King of Dragon Kings, and her desire for ultimate power.

Robin Lee

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What can I say: the Dark Kings just grow on you. After Dragonfire (book 14) where Sabina retrieved Vlad's sword, I really wanted to know what would happen to Vlad. Would he regain his powers? Or not? When he meets Claire, and his powers seem te be restoring when she is around, we can all guess where this is heading. But because of all the events happening around them with Usaeil, Rhi and the fae the romance is slow to evolve.
But it is happening and then the book just ends with a very big cliffhanger... I can't wait for the next in the series to see what will happen with Con and Usaeil and Rhi.
Four out of five stars from me and a special thank you to Netgalley for providing the arc.

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This is the first book of this series that I've read. I initially did not realize that it was part of a series, and probably wouldn't have read it had I known. I prefer to start at the beginning, but with that being said I was able to quickly connect to V and Claire’s story. There were enough references to the past storylines that I was able to easily keep up, and i would be interested in reading the others.

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3,25 stars.

So this was like book 15 in a series... hehe missed that.
That said I went into this quite blind and it did become quite a challenge to keep up, what with all the characters I assume have had their own previous books. But you know what this book was super fun and enjoyable despite that. V was a delightful main character, even though I had some issues with Clair the love interest. But still nothing too off-putting. Their chemistry was pausable and the dialogue was fun.

I do feel that I should have read all the books in the series and that maybe then I would have fallen in love with the series.

I received a free ACR of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Grant's writing and imaginative storytelling are present in Ignite, Dark Kings #15). V's story had a lot of mystery some of which was unveiled in Dragonfire. Unfortunately, while I really enjoyed the larger tale of the Kings again, I didn't love V and Claire. I felt V's dark side was far more understandable than his happier, lighter personality. I never really saw his progression during his the progression of his relationship with Claire or even the other kings like Roman. Claire didn't resonate with me. She was so needy about finding someone to love her and so self-absorbed (makeup, clothes, etc). I felt like Grant told us they were great together but we didn't really see it.

Ignite was a solid book which I enjoyed well enough but I just didn't love it the way I wanted to. I'm sure Grant's fans and fans of the series will like it. And now that I think of it, perhaps because I've only read this book and Dragonfire I've missed back story on these two that would have helped me understand them better. I didn't feel lost in the story but maybe I was a bit.

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Claire is a sweet down to earth woman! She is sweet and loves fiercely. She has little friends, but the ones she has are family. V sounds sexy and a little stressed out as well. This is a good read even though I have not read the others in this series but was able to keep up regardless. Good read!

I received this ARC from the publisher via Net Galley for my honest review. The opinions written are solely my own. Thank you Net Galley!

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I love this series and Donna has done it again with this story!

The story was excellent and gripping to the last page.

I loved the characters, they were well developed and I loved catching back up with them.

This one ends on a cliff-hanger - what comes next - I now have a long wait to find out!!

Five stars from me for this one - very highly recommended!

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Another great book in this series. I love the character build up and the continuation of the story arch. I will keep coming back for more.

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What a wonderful book It took me a little bit to remember parts of the last book but then it clicked and I couldn't put it down. V had slept most of his life but then he met Claire. What a duo they are. Both have issues but together, I think they can solve anything. The little side story about the dating blog was cute. Added a little extra to the story. The characters in this series are so vibrant. You wish you were there with them. I look forward to the evil queen getting her comeupance. I really want the next book soon

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With help from friends V finally has his magical sword back but sadly for some reason he just can't access it's abilities. So very tired of letting his fellow Dragon Kings down V thinks the best thing he can do is return to his mountain to sleep. Well luckily for V he has friends who just love to meddle and it hasn't gone unnoticed that Claire the local nurse has caught his attention so what can possibly go wrong if they get pushed together ?
This series seems to finally be giving up its secrets and as a reader I honestly think it's about time ! I loved reading about V ( the original Vlad ! ) and Claire who cunningly has secrets of her own but unfortunately I did slightly feel that their romance was somewhat overshadowed by events happening around them. Long time readers know that the Fae are split into two camps with an evil queen on one side and a somewhat lovelorn king on the other ! Now add in the recently revealed Others who seem equally keen to see the demise of the Dragon Kings and its hard to see any allies who can be trusted.
So all this comes back to Con the King of Kings , Rhi a Fae with a chequered past involving the Dragons and just whether or not the Reapers or the Druids will stand on their side. Meanwhile of course there's the way this book leaves V and Claire with one hell of a dilemma and if blunt I did feel slightly cheated as its most definitely a cliff hanger . Still I will read the next book as I'm desperate for my suspicions to finally be confirmed and its getting so obvious that I'm finding it ridiculous.
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair.

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I liked this story and its characters but not having read the rest of the series, I was confused more than once. My error though. I shouldn't have requested thinking it could be read as a standalone. I will therefore not leave a review on any other site because it wouldn't be fair to the author.

Thank you for providing me with an ARC.

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I didn't think V would get his story right away...but I'm glad he did! And with his book...the arc of this series moves forward... Loved it!

I have to admit I missed the story of Sophie and Darius so I didn't know Claire... But I liked her. Though her going thru dating sites seemed a little desperate to me... And V was always interesting. Such an interesting man.

I keep saying I need to start the series properly...but I am enjoying getting swept up in the ride to the climax of the series!

Thank you NetGalley and publisher for a copy of this book!

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Another hot, steamy paranormal romance from Donna Grant.

As always with this author, there is a lot of steam. Be aware that this has loads of offensive language, detailed naked times, and decent action scenes. This is an ongoing series and while each book contains a new couple and could be enjoyed as a standalone, it will be enjoyed much more if read in order.

I highly recommend this series

Review copy provided by Netgalley.

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This series has quickly moved up to my top paranormal romance recommendation list. Grant's characters have so much chemistry and she does a fantastic job of focusing on the main characters story, while also mixing in and furthering the over arching story line of taking down the fairy queen. Each book is simply another puzzle piece. I seriously cannot wait for the next book!

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