Member Reviews

Georgia Beers is always a great author. Her books are so captivating and her writing style is always easy to read.
The story was beautiful - I’m always keen to read her work.

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I was approved for an arc of The Do Over, but missed the download date. I still hope to read it and will review then.

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I would like to thank Bold Strokes Books and the Netgalley website for this partnership.

I was immediately attracted by the pretty cover of this book where you can see two young women lying in the grass.

It features Bella Hunt who wants to move forward to have a great life with a great career, friends and a home. But until one day it turns into a nightmare in a class on conflict. Because Easton, whose parents are surgeons, puts Bella in a spiral and her memories come flooding back. Easton doesn't even recognize her. He's different now, kinder, gentler. But that doesn't change because she hates him.

A book read in one go, so much so that I've hung on to the story, so captivating, addictive, full of suspense and twists and turns with endearing characters.

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This one had me worried, but I should not have been. Beers is one of my favorite authors in this genre. I had not read her work in a while, but this book shows how adept she is at keeping up with the public's ever evolving taste--something some of her contemporaries have found hard to do.

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I've built up a big NetGalley backlog, so I'm going to try to get through at least half before the end of the year. This is the first, and it was my first introduction to Beers. THE DO-OVER is about Bella and Easton, who went to high school together fifteen years before. They meet unexpectedly on the other side of the (unspecified) state. Bella, who was bullied in high school, remembers Easton. Easton, who did the bullying, doesn't remember Bella.

The synopsis made it sound like this would be entirely from Bella's POV, and I've read romances that have done one POV before, but it's actually both Bella's and Easton's. That was only disappointing because I didn't really connect with Easton. She was less an active bully in high school and more of a passive one going along with the crowd because she was internally freaking out about her sexuality. It's not used as an excuse, and Easton herself feels bad about it once she remembers, didn't make me warm to her. And honestly, some of the high school flashbacks were hard to read because of the bullying.

Even though I liked Bella more out of the two leads, I thought the conflict of Bella not wanting to tell Easton they'd gone to school together was stretched out too much. Trying to sustain it over the course of most of the book didn't work too well, and I thought there could've been a secondary conflict of some sort. The possibility was there, especially in Easton's seven-year-old daughter. How does Easton feel about introducing her daughter to the new woman in her life? How does Bella learn to interact with kids? But it wasn't taken advantage of.

Sometimes, I found the prose redundant or the dialogue/inner dialogue a bit silly. But I liked all the friend characters (Shondra for Easton; Amy and Heather for Bella), and there were definitely some cute moments. Although I thought this was just okay, I'd like to read Beers again in the future.

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This was so much more than a "typical" romance. So much more complex, even, than a "second-chance" romance. - in those, they were a couple, they break up, and find each other years later, often with one or both of them having a chip on their shoulder. In this case, one has a crush on the other, and wasn't even a blip on her radar. Except the crush hung out with a mean crowd. Fast forward fifteen years, and things have changed a lot. Ultimately for the better.

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So cute! FInding cute female romances is always hard for me, so I was so happy to see this one on NetGalley and have a chance to read it this season.

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It was an okay story, sometime sthe chemistry between the two main characters lacked, but I loved the dogs and some of the side characters.

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This is a lovely work from Georgia Beers. The storytelling, the amount of angst, the ambience —she nailed it. From the three books I’ve read from her this is my favorite. I like stories of second chances, of redemption, and this is one of those that reminds you that people grow up and change. It allows you to reconsider forgiving those who have hurt you, especially during your fragile years. However, to forgive and then fall in love with the person who had been a part of that painful experience, which may have left a few scars to your soul, and trust them with your heart is not only courageous but in itself an ultimate submission to love. Love indeed is magic, and it comes in an unexpected ways.

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This is like a carrot (cake) dangled in front of every adolescent to adult. Not fitting in is almost a right of passage across the world but for some, it's so much more difficult than others.

Initially, I felt the flashbacks were redundant because we already knew the backstory, but after a while, Georgia Beers really drew me in with the feelings of being that person who didn't fit in and the experiences that were part of 'Izzy's' life.

The romance was sweet enough but what really worked was the less than perfect beginning and perhaps the do-over.

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Great read, interesting characters, however the plot was a bit predictable. Felt like a fan fiction but edited a bit better.

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I loveeeeeeed this story!

It was such a realistic storyline and super cute. From page one I was intrigued with what was going to happen and I just couldn’t put it down. I was feeling all the nerves of Bella and Easton through the story and I loved it.

The portray of the LGBT community was good and I loved that it’s not even made into such a big deal in the book. Girls like girls, so what? 🤷🏼‍♀️😂

Very easy, very fast paced read and something I would highly recommend 😝

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I have read somewhere around 20 books by Georgia Beers and I haven’t been disappointed once. I call that a win. I actually enjoyed this one more than some of her more current books. I thought both characters were likable and had relatable internal problems to overcome. This book was pretty perfect for stealing a few minutes here and there to read and just enjoy a book. It is an easy romance, where the chemistry is done well, and the story flows. If you want to relax and lose yourself in a feel-good romance this should be your next book.

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I was reading Georgia Beers' books, one after the other for a little while and I got put off by the sameness of them. After a year or so, I decided to give this one a try, and I'm glad I did. Not since "96 Hours" have I admired and enjoyed a Georgia Beers book so much!

If it's possible, her writing has gotten so much better (and it was exceptional before this book), the plot is more beefed up and solid, the characters, Bella and Easton, are fleshed-out and very real, as if the reader knows them, or has known someone like them, or been someone like them.

The plot: two women who went to the same high school. One woman, Easton, was from a wealthy family and ran with the popular crowd. The other, Bella, was shy, mousy and from a middle class family. Bella had a crush on Easton, but Easton not only never realized it, but paid so little attention to Bella that in adulthood, Bella was a stranger to her. Easton's crowd was downright cruel to Bella. Fifteen years later, Bella and Easton meet again under unlikely circumstances. I will leave the rest of the plot to be revealed to you, since you really should read this book.

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I had never read a teacher/student book with a lesbian relationship, so I could not have clicked faster when I saw this under the LGBT category. The romance was very believable. I wish it was longer! I feel motivated to read more by this author.

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Both main characters were likeable, maybe not the teenage version of one of them, but the book shows that while teenagers can be cruel... in the end there's space to grow and realize the terrible things that have been done. They have good chemistry, that was nice to read.

Things I loved: The dogs, though. That was a huge plus! Please, more wlw books with rescue pups, please :D I need these in my life. Seeing the relationship with them was amazing, plus... having to take care of them, spending time with the animals... it's always nice to see that they're not just props. Kudos to that!
Things I didn't love as much: Although I enjoyed most parts of the story, although at times the secret part of it bothered me. But that might just be me, I get triggered by some random things others may or may not care about!

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The Do-Over is another very good book from Georgia Beers, but not one of her very best. It is a worthy second-chance romance, with interesting characters, great writing, and a good storyline. The way Bella and Easton make their way towards each other is done well, and the bullying theme is handled well. There is a definite bonus half-star for Junebug Farms!
I don't think the book is quite as good as some others of the authors, but I did like it a lot, and it's a definite 4 stars. Recommended.

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My first Georgia Beers and I fell in love with this one, by far a very well told and amazing story. The characters really did need their do over and I'm so glad they did, they had just wonderful chemistry and a connection that couldn't be beat.

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Reading a Georgia Beers book is like pulling on a pair of your favorite know exactly what you're going to get and that's a damned good read. It's a book that you just can't put down.

Easton Evans is gorgeous, confident was part of the cheerleading in crowd at school and now has been recently promoted at work which has involved her managing difficult and bitter staff who's company was involved in a takeover. In order to ease tensions Management have decided to send Easton and her peers to a conflict resolution course. The course leader is Bella Hunt. Bella had a difficult time in school, was mercilessly bullied, particularly by the in crowd but despite the scars of her youth has managed to turn her life around. Little does Easton know that she and Bella attended the same school and was the subject of Bella's high school crush but was also the reason why Bella had such a difficult time at school.

The Do-Over is everything that you expect, a good storyline, warmth in her characters and a great romance.

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George Beers is one of my favorite lesbian romance writers. She has a wonderful way of writing a story which is simple, believable and sweet. The Do-Over is a romance and the storyline is just a little different from most of her other books.

The title says it all! Two women meet again 15 years after high school and have a chance for a do-over in their relationship. Can the relationship handle the pain that occurred to one of the women during high school?

Bella Hunt is a successful therapist who is conducting a 6-week Conflict Resolution Workshop for a local company. Easton Evans is one of the managers at the company participating in the workshop. Bella immediately recognizes Easton as a classmate from high school who belonged to a group of students who relentlessly bullied her. Easton does not recognize Bella because she has blossomed and has changed her name from Izzy to Bella.

The story is interesting and will keep the reader’s attention. When Ms. Beers describes some of the instances when Izzy/Bella is bullied, it was sad and very realistic. You don’t expect to have these things brought up in a romance.

I generally dislike flashbacks in movies, television shows and books, but Ms. Beers has done a good job of utilizing this technique to tell the background history for this story. She seamlessly weaves the flashbacks amongst the current-day story.

Although this is not her best romance novel, I give this book 4 out of 5 stars.

I was given this ARC in return for a fair and honest review.

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