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Flight or Fright

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I had heard some good things about this one and really liked the premise. Sadly, it was pretty disappointing.
I desperately, desperately wanted to like this book. I have been a Samantha Young fan for years, and I usually think her books are the perfect balance of emotion and romance. Unfortunately, I was about a hairsbreadth away from DNFing this book for the majority of it. Only my curiosity about how Caleb would be redeemed from his jerkface tendencies made me finish.

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This book is interesting but it's honestly hit or miss. Some are great but a lot are forgettable. Cool concept and I'd buy another book in this style.

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I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review. The opinions are entirely my own, and any quotes are taken from the ARC and may be different in the final published copy.

Stephen King hates to fly. I do not mind it, but it is a necessity at times. We both handle flying the same. We think of the terrible things that can happen while on a plane. For me, it is thinking of every movie and book I know that involves air disasters. For King, he created an anthology of 17 Turbulent Tales that he describes as "ideal airplane reading, especially on stormy descents."

Flight or Fright is edited by Stephen King and Bev Vincent. They collected tales from E. Michael Lewis (Cargo), Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (The Horror of the Heights), Richard Matheson (Nightmare at 20,000 Feet), Ambrose Bierce (The Flying Machine), E.C. Tubb (Lucifer!), Tom Bissell (The Fifth Category), Dan Simmons (Two Minutes Forty-Five Seconds), Cody Goodfellow (Diablitos), John Varley (Air Raid), Joe Hill (You Are Released), David J. Schow (Warbirds), Ray Bradbury (The Flying Machine), Bev Vincent (Zombies on a Plane), Roald Dahl (They Shall Not Grow Old), Peter Tremayne (Murder in the Air ) Stephen King,(The Turbulence Expert) James L. Dickey (Falling).

Most of the stories are not new, but that does not make them any less scary to read. They are perfect for reading while flying.

This 200-word review was published on on 7/16/20.

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I always appreciate new stories from two of my favorite authors, Stephen King and Joe Hill, but while the I found the Hill story to be incredibly unsettling and and well written, overall the book was just ok.

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Good collection of stories. Can’t recommend “You are Released” by Joe Hill highly enough. Go read it. Now.

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A solid collection of horror stories all related to flying. As someone who as an adult has (gasp) never flown this was not all that scary to me. I have a strong suspicion that would be different if I had flown or was going to fly recently. A well curated collection however my favorite part was the intro by Stephen King.

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Thank you netgalley and publisher for the early copy.

It was interesting collection of short stories.

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This was not what I have come to expect from Stephen King. I did not enjoy this book very much, it left a lot to be desired. I would have been very disappointed if I had paid for this book. Thanks to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for the ARC of this book in return for my honest opinion. Receiving this book in this manner had no bearing on my review.

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My Rating: 4.5 Stars

I have never read a Stephen King book before, but figured reading an anthology shouldn't scare me too much. Wrong. First of all, the title and image on the cover says it all. Frightful tales while suspended in the air. Fortunately I have no plans on flying any time soon, so I was able to really enjoy these little stories.

For one thing, look at some of the names included: Arthur Conan Doyle, Roald Dahl, Ray Bradbury. I haven't read these authors since I was a teenager, so I loved that aspect. Stephen King, who edited this scary air travel book, had a story, as did his son Joe Hill. Many other well-written authors were included as well.

What I never knew is that as scary as Stephen King writes, he actually has a paranoia about flying. What a great way to face this fear!

That is about all I will say in this review. The description above says it all. Each story is rather short, one being a poem, and that makes this a quick, enjoyable read.

Many thanks to Scribner and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.

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I love Stephen King and his short stories. He has talked about how he does not like to fly and that comes out in this book. I am just glad I am not taking a trip any time soon.

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Stephen King is my favorite Author so I was excited to receive an advanced copy from Netgalley.

This is a collection of 16 short stories. Each story is introduced by Stephen King and that adds another dimension to each of them.

Overall, I enjoyed most of this collection of stories. Some of the stories were really great others were okay. The variety in the stories though was really impressive and it did introduce me to the work of many new authors, which was a big plus for me. If you like short stories, this is a good collection to read.

I would recommend this collection.

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One thing I always love about anthologies is the ability to put the book down. Read one before bed, and I don't stay up all night to end up finishing a novel. Start one on my lunch break, finish before I have to clock back in. It's because of this that I take forever to finish them, savoring them like hoarded chocolate.

Truthfully, my biggest regret is that I didn't read this while flying. That would have been a delightful thrill to keep me awake.

As with all anthologies, some were absolute gems to find. The Horror of the Heights, by Arthur Conan Doyle for one. A couple I've come across in the past. Yet none of them turned me away or had me skipping ahead.

Well put together, loved the forward before each new adventure, and a perfect distraction!

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This was fun!! I even say that after reading this ON A PLANE! Am I nuts? Probably. Haha. This was a super fun collection of stories revolving around the horrors and deep seated fear some folks have about flying. Not for the faint, or for the folks who have a true fear of flying. Some stories were better than others, as can be expected in a short story collection. But overall, Stephen and Bev did a great job collecting these unique stories for their book.

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Now this I can relate too. Few things in constant popular use are as terrifying as getting locked up in a giant metal tube sitting atop of tons of highly flammable fuel and hurling through the ether at unfathomable speeds. Statistics shmatistics, flight is fear and fear is flight. And this aptly named anthology sets off to demonstrate just that. So needless to say I was pretty excited for this one and mostly it lived up to my expectations. The stories are lovingly selected by Bev Vincent, a writer wasn’t familiar with until now, also one of the contributors, although his story is more on the plainer side of things. But most of these tales of things going horribly wrong in the not so friendly skies hail from very famous easily recognizable names. Genre wise it’s mostly all horrific with a notable exception of a mystery (locked plane mystery, the place you really can’t leave). Few classics, mostly modern. I was familiar with two of the stories prior, the rest were interesting discoveries. The anthology is presented, nay curated to perfection by the King of genre himself. So were talking a general preface and a foreword for every story. Very nicely done. And of course there is a fictional contribution, although arguably it doesn’t come close to the real life flying experience related in the preface. Also the son of King (so prince, is it?)contributed an original story, though somewhat a disappointing one. Maybe he’s no prince, but the apple that once looked poised to surpass the tree, has turned too political and message somehow. The man can still deliver and the concept of his contribution here is especially disturbing for all its realism, but there are too much of the author’s politics and intentions behind the writing. Enough to distract whether you agree or disagree with his opinions. Cody Goodfellow provides one of the more viscerally scary stories. But the tale with the most whoomph quite surprisingly is a lean and mean number from E.C. Tubb, an author I’ve read before, but he is fairly obscure despite being insanely prolific in his career. The story combines time travel and plane travel in such a clever way and with a killer punchline. Essentially all of the stories here are good with a few great ones, so it’s definitely worth. No matter how brave you are about this most unnatural method of traveling, these stories might give you a pause, maybe even a second consideration. After all, defying gravity is a dangerous business. Not just a hit musical song. Entertaining fun read. Recommended. Thanks Netgalley.

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Flight or Fright is a collection of 17 stories from various authors regarding ... flying.

It's a mixed bag of nuts. Some you like, some you don't. A few of the stories put you in the seat, make your heart beat fast and put you on edge while others aren't so great and you have to push through them to finish it.

My favorite were the ones that dealt with horror and my least favorite was the poem. I wouldn't read any of these on the plane or before boarding a plane that's for sure.

* I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I love anthologies. They provide a good break from reading nonstop novels and also give me the chance to sample some new writers, or at least new to me, to find another name to add to my list of favorites.
I think everyone...or at least everyone I know...has at least a little fear of flying. These authors have taken that topic and turned it into stories that will make you take that Xanax before you fly! Most of these you may be familiar with but there are also some new stories to shake up your evening. Happy Reading!

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Welcome to Flight or Fright, an anthology about all the things that can go horribly wrong when you’re suspended six miles in the air, hurtling through space at more than 500 mph, and sealed up in a metal tube (like—gulp!—a coffin) with hundreds of strangers. Here are all the ways your trip into the friendly skies can turn into a nightmare, including some we’ll bet you’ve never thought of before... but now you will the next time you walk down the jetway and place your fate in the hands of a total stranger.

My Review:
I must say I was hesitant to read this book as the premise is a bit frightening especially that I travel often, specifically in an airplane. However, all 17 stories are different and definitely entertaining. The fact that each story is introduced by one of my favorite authors (Stephen King) was an added bonus. Definitely left me thinking twice about my next flight.

I was provided this book free of charge in exchange for my honest opinion. I give this book a 4 ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Title: Flight or Fight

Author: Stephen King and Bev Vincent


Pages : 332

September 4,2018

Fasten your seatbelts for an anthology of turbulent tales curated by Stephen King and Bev Vincent. This exciting new anthology, perfect for airport or airplane reading, includes an original introduction and story notes for each story by Stephen King, along with brand new stories from Stephen King and Joe Hill.

About the Book:

Stephen King hates to fly.

Now he and co-editor Bev Vincent would like to share this fear of flying with you.

Welcome to Flight or Fright, an anthology about all the things that can go horribly wrong when you're suspended six miles in the air, hurtling through space at more than 500 mph and sealed up in a metal tube (like—gulp!—a coffin) with hundreds of strangers. All the ways your trip into the friendly skies can turn into a nightmare, including some we'll bet you've never thought of before... but now you will the next time you walk down the jetway and place your fate in the hands of a total stranger.

Featuring brand new stories by Joe Hill and Stephen King, as well as fourteen classic tales and one poem from the likes of Richard Matheson, Ray Bradbury, Roald Dahl, Dan Simmons, and many others, Flight or Fright is, as King says, "ideal airplane reading, especially on stormy descents... Even if you are safe on the ground, you might want to buckle up nice and tight."

My thoughts

Rating :4

Would I recommend it?Yes

Would I read anything else by these authors? Yes to reading Stephen King and a maybe to a few of the other authors.

What a read ,you get all of these different authors in one book and each of the 17 stories are different , some are better then others , but over all I differently liked what I read and enjoyed it as well, of course if your like me and is scared of heights and flying then.You might want to pass on this one. There something for everyone , with that said I want to thank Netgalley for letting me read and review it exchange for my honest opinion.

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I love short stories, especially if they are written by Stephen King. However, this is not a Stephen King book, he edited it and wrote one of the 17 stories. I found his story and his son Joe Hill's story pretty good, but the others didn't do much for me.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC.

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Book Review: Flight or Fright, 17 Turbulent Tales, by Stephen King (Editor), Bev Vincent (Editor) , Arthur Conan Doyle, Richard Matheson, Ray Bradbury, Roald Dahl and others

The master's introduction is wonderfully written and dutifully outlines the premise of the anthology; that if you weren't scared enough of bad food, cramp spaces, insufferable delays and generally lousy service, this book would make that wheels up trip a second option to the old gas guzzler.

Of the seventeen, a handful of good short stories out of mostly recycled stuff on dread and horror by some great writers. "Cargo" by E. Michael Lewis is quite original and stands out.

You'd feel a bit robbed paying full price with the lede and promise of the Stephen King brand. Although it still is Stephen King!

Review based on an advance reading copy provided by NetGalley and Scribner.

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