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Last Summer

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Absolutely loved this read it in one sitting. Lies deceit, betrayal what more do you need. Amazing read thanks for the advanced copy.

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I read this book in one sitting and I totally loved it. I just adored everything about it, it had love, deceit, loss & suspense. I don't want to give too much away essentially the nuts and bolts of the story is that Ella has an accident and cannot remember their unborn child. Her husband Damien is a bit unhelpful in helping her to remember what she cannot remember. Then you follow Ella's journey in her attempt to remember.

Very good and yes a solid 5 star rating from me.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advanced copy in exchange for a honest review.

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5* Intriguing Stars

I am a huge fan of Kerry Lonsdale’s writing and I was beyond excited to receive her latest novel, Last Summer.

This book did not disappoint. Once you start the story you will not want to put it down!

The story revolves around Ella Skye, who is a lifestyle journalist, and has recently lost her memory as well as her unborn child after being involved in a car accident. Ella is determined to regain her memory, as she has no recollection of being pregnant or being involved in the accident. Ella is frustrated that her beloved husband Damien is not being very cooperative with helping her and she is rather perplexed about this. Ella is then given a second opportunity to interview Nathan Donovan, who is a retired celebrity adventurer and she is hopeful that he may be able to piece back her memory from their previous interview where they spent 2 weeks together.

The story of Ella, Damien and Nathan is full of love, lies, deceit, and trust. It was well written and flowed easily with twists you did not see coming.

I highly recommend this fast paced domestic suspense read.

Many thanks to Kerry Lonsdale, Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for my copy to read and review.

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Thank you for this wonderful read! I love when NetGalley approves me to read books! This was a great read that I would recommend.

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I LOVED this book! The characters, the storyline, the settings! Very interesting concept of being able to block memories...cannot wait until the next installment! 2020 can’t come soon enough!

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Title: Last Summer
Author: Kerry Lonsdale
Format: Kindle epub
Tissue warning: no?
Narrative: Third person, following Ella
My reviewer rating: 3.5 out of 5
Published: 2019-07-09
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Thank you, Netgalley and Lake Union Publishing, for the free e-copy of Last Summer in exchange for my honest-to-goodness review.

Kerry has done it again, y'all. If there's one thing that she's good at, it's taking the reader on a ride of "what the hell?" and "please, tell me I'm reading this wrong."

In Last Summer, I am thrown emotionally all over the place. The story started off slow for me, so it actually took me a few weeks to get into it. I just had other novels that captivated me more at the time. But about 1/3 of the way in, I was stuck. I couldn't stop. It helped that I was home sick and could read at leisure. But I began with "meh, I'm not into this." Then I turned to "what is going on? I thought I knew, but maybe I don't." After the confusion, I got angry and actually wanted to quit the book, which in turn, just made me keep going because I knew Kerry would not disappoint me. Finally, I really got pissed because I had no idea this was going to be a series.

Dangit. I have to wait. Patience is not my strong suit.

We do get a lot of answers nearing the end of Last Summer, but Kerry leaves us just on the cusp of thinking we're getting it all before yanking that hope right away by basically giving us a, "Tune in next week for the conclusion of Last Summer!"

Success, Kerry. You've outdone yourself. The love/hate relationships I keep having with your novels seems to continue, and I thank you for that.

This is the best I can do for a review right now without spoiling anything. If I give any information out, it's going to feel like a spoiler, so I'm going to zip it.

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I was sucked into the novel from the first pages and immediately intrigued to find out what would happen next. The story had a lot of twists and turns which caused me to be uncertain of which character I should even be rooting for. Last Summer is an excellent novel. It is definitely worth picking up, but reader be warned, you will have a very difficult time putting it down.

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Secrets? Amnesia? Or something deeper?
Successful magazine journalist Ella Skye has the world at her fingertips: handsome husband, comfortable lifestyle, pregnant with their first child....until a violent accident seriously injures her, causing the death of their unborn child. Waking up in the hospital, Ella realizes she can remember nothing from the time of the accident, the months before, and being pregnant. What could have happened to cause such an extreme loss of memory? As Ella struggles to get her life and memories back, she realizes that those people closest to her seem to know a whole lot more about her than they are willing to share. When the opportunity to interview a high profile personality, why is everyone around her acting like they are hiding details? And why would her husband object to her taking this particular assignment?
This well-written book by Kerry Lonsdale will keep you intrigued until the final twist and reveal! Highly recommended.

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I totally loved this book!! If your a fan you will love it as well. The characters are amazing, deeply developed, and fit in so well with a Kerry Lonsdale book. As usual, Lonsdale brings the excitement, raw emotion, and overall wowness to the story, expecially towards the end. Major plot twists, and a unbelivable ending. Book needs a part 2 to be complete. But overall its incredible!!!

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Wow! What a story!! This story took me from feeling happy sad heart broken to what just happened!! A roller coaster of emotions! I may be thinking about the last few chapters for awhile. Loved it!!

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Kerry did not disappoint! This book definitely keeps you on your toes until the very end. You never expect what’s coming! Loved it !

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I received an ARC of Last Summer and this is my honest review.

Last Summer had me hooked at the prologue and I couldn't wait to see how the story would unfold. Ella Skye is a lifestyle journalist who has charmed many of her clients. She meets her husband Damien Russell in a chance encounter and they quickly fall head over heels for each other. Fast forward a few years and Ella has been in a tragic accident where she loses her baby. The problem is she has no memory of the accident or even being pregnant! She can remember all other details of her life! What has happened and why can't she remember? Ella starts investigating her own life trying to figure out why she can't remember these events. Ella gets assigned to cover an exclusive story on Nathan Donovan, a retired celebrity adventurist. She realizes quickly he knows her better than she thinks he should.

I thought I figured out the plot, but I was mistaken not once but several times. Wow! Kerry Lonsdale is such a talented writer. She kept me guessing and turning the pages until the very last word of the epilogue! I really enjoyed the twists and turns and the characters in this story. Please, please, please let there be a 2nd book...soon! I will be recommending this book to all my friends!

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LAST SUMMER by Kerry Lonsdale is an action-packed and riveting thriller that hooked me from the first pages and never let go. Once I started reading, it was impossible to put down. The unique and intriguing story line and the complex characters kept me guessing right up until the shocking ending. Just when I thought I had it figured out, the plot took unexpected twists and turns I could never have anticipated. I don’t want to say much about the story because part of the beauty of this book for me came from not having any preconceived notions of what might happen. LAST SUMMER will leave you wondering if you can ever truly trust or believe anyone. I thoroughly enjoyed this gripping story of love, trust, betrayal and forgiveness. It had the perfect blend of mystery, suspense, emotion and intrigue. I highly recommend it! Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the chance to read an early copy.

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This is the second book I have read from this author and it did NOT disappoint! While I'm not a fan of one of the main topics, I was completely sucked in by Ella Skye and found myself needing to know how things would end. I truly was rooting for Ella and Damien, but as with most books there were twists and turns. Ella was a very relatable character for me. The book was a great read and I found myself grabbing it every time I have a few free minutes. Let me say (without giving anything away) o.m.g I so did NOT see the ending coming!!!

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E. Skye has a quandary, she can’t remem er a very important part of her life. Her husband seems to be hiding something, but why? And a very handsome someone makes her heart go flutter...

I have devoured every book Kerry Lonsdale has written and this Advanced Copy was no different. I laughed, I cried and I got really ticked off. Although the author states this is a stand alone book (like the Everything Series was supposed to be) I hope the story of Ella Skye will continue. I don’t want to put anything spoilerie in the review but it’s really hard!!! It was so good I lost sleep and skipped cooking for my family. I couldn’t put this book down. There were several plot twist and so many wonderful themes.

This is a book about love, trauma, trust, grief and more. The protagonist has so many challenges. Will she prevail? Will she make the same choices you would, given the same circumstances? Damien, Nathan, Grace and Davie are all affected by her decisions. (Aren’t they?) But what about how they impact her? Just as one slight change can cause an avalanche, so will Ella’s choices. For better or worse will depend on your POV.

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Special thanks to the author, the publisher and NetGalley for a free, electronic ARC of this novel received in exchange for an honest review.
Ella Skye is a journalist and has spent her life keeping, sharing and spilling secrets. After a few years of torrid affairs with her celebrity clients, Ella settles down and marries entrepreneur Damien, and the two begin a relatively quiet life together. When Ella wakes up in a hospital room after a tragic car accident and is told of the baby she had miscarried, Ella is not grieving or hurt but merely confused. Why does she not remember even being pregnant? What happened the night of the accident and why can’t Ella remember? When her husband starts being elusive, Ella begins to investigate on her own with the help of an old client, world renowned celebrity adventurer, Nathan Donovan. Ella quickly learns, however, that Nathan may have more information than she bargained for- information that may ruin her career and even her marriage.
I have read every novel that Kerry Lonsdale has published, from her “Everything” series, to the collection of short stories “A Thousand Doors”. That being said, the oppourtunity to be able to read her new one had me over the moon with excitement.
This novel has a common, almost overdone, premise. A young woman loses her memory, through a tragic accident, and then spends the rest of the novel trying to put together the missing pieces. In “Last Summer” however, there are so many twists and turns that this novel is neither boring nor predictable.
Lonsdale’s characters are always intensely human. They have an innocence and a naiveté, yet also a fierce bravery and strength. Ella Skye is no different; a woman with many flaws and a passionate heart who is desperate to reconnect with her beloved husband. The novel is told in sequence (for the most part; there are occasions where Ella reflects on how she met her husband and how their relationship has gotten to this point), which contributes to the easy flow of the novel. The storyline is powerful, and the message is both intensely dark, yet powerfully dramatic, weaving a tale of the lengths one goes to to keep and protect the one they love.
Fans of “Everything” will adore this novel, but it is most definitely a standalone work. There are so many twists and turns before the ending of “Summer”, that readers will have all of their assumptions turned on their heads. It wraps up in a nice little package, but it will take you on heck of a ride to get there.

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This was my first Kerry Lonsdale book and I loved it! Last Summer is a great read!! Lonsdale introduces you to Ella, who has lost recent memories of her pregnancy and the death of her newborn son. You feel for her as she learns about her accident and she tries to morn the son she had no idea about. Lonsdale manages to tangle a web if lies that slowly unravels revealing quite a story and leaves you guessing until the end. Overall, a huge two thumbs up!! I will definitely be recommending this to others and I will be checking out Lonsdale's other works. Special Thanks to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for the advanced digital copy of Lonsdale's work, Last Summer.
#LastSummer #NetGalley

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I was given the opportunity to read a pre-release copy of “Last Summer” by Kerry Lonsdale. I adored Lonsdale’s Everything Series; her first book of the series topped my personal best books of the year when it released. Kerry’s latest title doesn’t disappoint, I was hooked immediately after the first few chapters. The chemistry between Ella and Damien is palpable. I was rooting for them from the start and my heart broke for them when they lost their unborn child. Lonsdale’s portrayal of a couple going through the grief of the loss of a child is all too real.

Months after the loss of their child, Ella feels like Damien is hiding something, he won’t open up and pulls away every time Ella tries to put the pieces together of her memory loss surrounding the accident that made her lose her unborn child. Wanting to get back to her life before the accident, Ella takes an assignment to interview, rather interview again, Nathan Donovan, a TV personality of the likes a Bear Grills, who also is grieving the loss of his only son, Carsen. The issue is that Ella also doesn’t remember Nathan and so she is told they spent 5 days together the summer before he pulled the plug on the article. This assignment takes Ella and Nathan to his mountainside home and then off to Alaska, where Ella has, at first, more questions than answers then leaves her more confused than when she came.
Lonsdale’s books, in my opinion, are the perfect weekend read, books that I can’t wait to finish once I’m in Kerry’s world. This books dances with themes of does the “truth set you free” especially when it comes to marriage.

It was a pleasure to read and I’m grateful that I was offered the book to review especially since my 6-month hiatus from reviewing books and that you to Lake Union for giving me the book ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I NEED THE NEXT BOOK NOW!!! This book – WOW! I thought the Everything series was great – but this story blew that one out the water! I started this book thinking I knew where it was all going but I was entirely and utterly wrong. After being thrown a curve ball in the form of Nathan Donovan, I figured out what the twist was relatively early on… but even THEN I still didn’t know where things were headed! The last few chapters had twist and turns that would make Lombard Street jealous! I feel like my mind, will and emotions were completely and shamelessly manipulated… and I’m not even mad about it! In fact, I can’t wait for Kerry to do it all over again in 2020!!

What are you still doing reading this review?! HURRY AND GO READ THIS BOOK NOW!

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Oh my goodness, this book!!! Lucky to have received an advance e-copy from Netgalley. A fan of Kerry Lonsdale’s the things we keep trilogy, i was excited to read this new story. There better be a sequel! Can’t wait to hear what happens next/what really happened with Elle, Damien, and especially Nathan.

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