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The Two Lila Bennetts

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Three and a half stars, rounded up to four.

The Two Lila Bennetts, by Liz Fenton and Lisa Steinke, is a Sliding Doors-esque thriller that contemplates how the choices you make affect the outcomes of the lives of others. Lila Bennett is a tough-as-nails criminal defense lawyer who makes poor decisions that hurt those around her, while defending criminals who may or may not be guilty of some of the worst types of crimes. When faced with a decision - end an affair with her boss or continue down a path of betrayal - her story splits into to varying paths, and the reader is left to piece together how the sum total of her decisions have led to these results.

The split narrative is easy to follow, and while I thought early on in the book that I had figured out the twist behind Lila’s captivity in one of the storylines, I was pleasantly surprised that I was wrong. While at times I thought the book needed to be edited down a bit - they really hit you over the head with the idea that each of our decisions matter - I enjoyed the story and it kept me engaged until the end.

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I waited almost 24 hours before posting a review because I wanted to think about this before writing. I liked the book, I loved the format, but the end didn't work for me. That was my final decision.

The story of Lila Bennett is interesting and how one night, one decision can change the course of life. Lila Bennett is not a likeable narrator, but she's also isn't as awful as she could be. The reader feels some sympathy with her, but she's not a good friend or wife. She's a high-powered criminal defense lawyer who wants to win, no matter the cost.

In one timeline she's captured and forced to recognize all of the hurt she's caused people. In the other timeline, she is free but is still haunted by her poor decisions where she's stepped on other people to get ahead or do what she wants.

It's interesting when events from one timeline happen or are felt in the other. The story is based on Sliding Doors, and that is evident. I liked the dual timelines, and I wanted to keep reading.

I'm spoiler-free in reviews, but I did not like the ending. I understand that she "pays" in both, but there wasn't enough full resolution for me. I didn't see the reveal of who orchestrated her capture coming and looking back, I'm still not sure I see it. I also think you have to suspend reality a bit at the end in order for it all to come together. But this was a good thriller that is a quick read.

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Hello Lila Bennett! Wow! Another gripping and thrilling ride from Liz Fenton and Lisa Steinke! This book had me sucked in through the entire thing - and that ending! Again - WOW! This book was hard to put down and kept me on the edge of my seat. Thank you NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for a digital arc of this title!

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I read a few posts about THE TWO LILA BENNETTS by Liz Fenton & Lisa Steinke and was fascinated by the premise. I find myself enjoying stories where the narrative explores the consequences of the decisions a character does or doesn't make and that is definitely the case with this book. I was very excited to be approved on @netgalley to get an advanced ebook copy for review.

THE TWO LILA BENNETTS begins with the title character bound and kept captive. Lila doesn’t know why she has been taken, but she knows that one doesn’t wind up held hostage without making some bad decisions.

The story is told in alternating chapters, each following a different path Lila could have taken. In one, her decisions lead her to be taken, winding up bound on a cold floor trying to determine who has taken her and why. In the alternate chapters she avoids capture, but comes to realize that someone is after her with malicious intent. In both timelines she is realizing that her past decisions have come back to haunt her.

In the beginning Lila isn’t a character who one necessarily likes. While she is a very successful defense lawyer, she has not arrived at this without breaching some moral and ethical standards. Some of the suspense comes from the fact that she has many people who could be angry enough to be behind this crime. The authors do an excellent job of peppering in clues and suspicions for multiple characters.

In spite of Lila’s moral failings of the past, the authors do a great job of showing her development in both timelines. The fact that Lila is willing to change and grow is a redeeming factor. The supporting cast of characters around Lila are well developed, imperfect in their own ways and believable.

This book kept me hooked throughout, enough so that I finished it in a single afternoon/evening staying up well past when I should have been asleep with work the next day. I will definitely be looking to pick up more from @lisaandliz and I definitely recommend that you pick up a copy of THE TWO LILA BENNETTS when it comes out July 23rd!

Blog post made on 7/19. Publication day reminders will be posted on 7/23.

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If you’re in the mood for a fun thriller this summer then you MUST add this one to your TBR, it’s light enough to read poolside but has enough of a dark edge to keep you engrossed and the structure is original and executed incredibly well. The dynamic duo of Lisa and Liz has never let me down and this may well be my favorite book from them yet.

I’m going to be keeping this pretty brief because the less you know, the more you’ll enjoy this one. It starts out as one linear story and then quickly mergers into two, each follows Lila but shows how her different choices effect her life. You guys, it was not only totally compulsive but it also makes you think about the impact seemingly inane decisions can have in your own life, I could not put it down. I got totally blindsided by the ending of both sides and all I can say it bravo ladies! Totally recommend by me, this ambitious structure could’ve easily been a hot mess but these two hit it out of the park.

The Two Lila Bennett’s in three words: Compulsive, Unexpected and Dynamic

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I love a thriller that drops you right into the action, and The Two Lila Bennetts does just that. The format was such an interesting way to keep the reader guessing and engaged. While I did guess the twist behind the"captured" chapters, I was completely surprised by the "free" chapters.

The book also takes a hard look at grey areas - no one person is all good or all bad. It got deeper than I thought it would,

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Lila Bennett isn’t a good person. She’s a criminal defense attorney who spends way too much time at work, she helps bad guys avoid prison, she lies to herself and others, and she is betraying her husband and best friend in the worst possible way. A difficult character to root for? Maybe. And yet I still found myself drawn into this story, perhaps because of the unusual structure: like a suspense-filled Sliding Doors. One evening, Lila makes a decision about whether to go out with her boss for a drink after work, or to go home to her husband. In alternating chapters, we see the outcome of each of those decisions. In one, she’s captured and held against her will by an unknown assailant, and in the other, she’s being stalked by someone who wants to ruin her life. But in both, we slowly see Lila’s character changing and growing as she makes the decision to be better, more honest with herself and others. I ended up rooting for Lila to not only escape from danger but also to escape the bad choices of her past and move forward. It ended up being a fun, satisfying read!

Many thanks to @netgalley and @amazonpublishing for a free digital copy in exchange for an honest review. Releases July 23!

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This story was not what I expected it to be but in a good way. It was interesting to read how Lila thought process changed throughout her two stories. I believe these two authors have definitely done it with another bestseller again!!!!!!!! Lila Bennett is a power hungry lawyer who has made some arrogant mistakes in her career and her personal life. When sge gets kidnapped she is given the choice to take a hard look at herself and her choices in life. She is given a chance to take a second different path. Thank you to Netgalley and Lake Union Publishing for my honest review..

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When I finished this book, my first thoughts were "What? Wow! Just wow! What did I just read?" And that ending! I'm still trying to process it. This is definitely a tale that gave me a book hangover and I can't wait to read it again.

The amazing writing duo, Liz Fenton and Lisa Steinke have created another fabulous page-turning story that will keep you on edge of your seat. And it will have you scratching your head at the ending as you try to process their entire brilliant creation.

This is a book that I can't quit thinking about. It needs to go on your TBR list right now! What an awesome story Liz Fenton & Lisa Steinke. Thanks for the amazing ride—I look forward to taking this trip again.

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Lila is a tough-as-nails, criminal defense lawyer who doesn’t let anyone get in her way. But after a recent case, she starts to wonder if the choices she made in her career were worth it and if her past is starting to catch up with her.

I loved this brilliantly written page-turner. The plot was unlike anything I have read before, and it kept me wanting more. Growing up, I always enjoyed the choose-your-own adventure storybooks, where each choice has an impact on the final outcome. This book reminded me of one of those stories.

The book splits off into two sections, and I enjoyed reading both. I did guess part of the ending about halfway through, but that didn’t keep me from enjoying the book. I would recommend this book wholeheartedly.

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I went into this one blind, requested an advanced copy based the reputation of the authors. I never even read the blurb. It was fantastic! The good versus bad Lila Bennett, she made mistakes but it's how she fixes them that differs. How she's shown her ways and who's pulling the strings is very intriguing. I really couldn't put this down, it gripped my attention quickly.

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“One fateful decision. Two unexpected endings."

Lila Bennett’s bad choices have finally caught up with her. And one of those decisions has split her life in two. Literally.

When I read the synopsis of this book it got my attention right away, a dual narrative story sounds very intriguing.

So far this is my favorite book written by Liz and Lisa, so well developed and addictive, it teaches us that the life choices we make can change or define who we are. Although is not a conventional thriller novel, you won't be able to put the book down, it makes you feel the suspense within the pages.

Thank you to NetGalley, Lake Union Publishing for an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review. #NetGalley #TheTwoLilaBennetts

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Love these two women writing these books and now they have written a complicated story of a woman whose one decision changed her life, or did it? This clever novel tells two different stories, from chapter to chapter, of the outcome of the choice had Lila made the opposite decision. Loved it!

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Wow this book. I’ve never read anything like it. I will be honest and say at first I didn’t feel like I’d be into the Sliding doors concept, but that immediately changed and it worked perfectly for this book. I absolutely loved that style, it was so unique and it had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. It’s so thought provoking to think how a few decision you make in your life pave the way for future events.

Although it was anxiety producing to read at points because it is SO suspenseful, this book is an easy/speedy read and I couldn’t flip the pages fast enough. One night I refused to put it down even though I was so tired, and I dropped my ereader on my face 4 times. It’s THAT good. If you’re looking for a page-turning, quick, always keep you guessing but you’ll never figure it out book THIS. IS. IT.

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This Sliding Doors style mystery got me good. I was absolutely positive I had it figured out accurately and was actually feeling a little judgey, thinking that I'd found the far-too-easy to spot clues. But delightfully, I was wrong, and once the truth was revealed, I was so excited to read on and find out what happened. Lila Bennett, in either of her iterations, is one of those tough to appreciate characters- she's built her life on making questionable decisions, and now, in both parts of the story, she is going to have to face these head on. Once you get to know her a bit though, and find out her background and how she wants to deal with life going forward, she becomes really interesting.

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3.5 stars with a parallel universe touch rounded up to 4, exhilarating, mind bending, twisty, questioning , WTH is going on, am I trapped at Fringe’s universe stars!


One pinch of “Sliding Doors”( rom-com, drama of Gwyneth Paltrow from 1998), you gotta take out the romance parts!

*Two pinches of “Edge of Tomorrow”- ( take out all the science fictional parts and uncomfortable space suits, also throw Tom Cruise away from the equation forever! Keep Emily Blunt if it’s necessary, she’s adorable)

*Add half cup of “Coherence” by getting rid of the horror parts.

*Put some legal drama, mystery, whodunit theme, twist all the ingredients with your burning brain cells, raising questions AND…..


Your 2 dimensional, surprising page-turner is ready to serve!

I love the plot, idea and story grew on me at each chapter. Because I’m always a big fan of “ KARMA IS A BITCH and REVENGE is COLD SERVED DISH” themes. So this is quiet satisfying, gripping, riveting book.

You only want to solve the puzzle and concentrate so hard so you may feel the smoke coming out from your ears! It’s normal to cough! DON’T WORRY!

Only problem for me is my disconnection with the characters. I hate each of them. At some parts, I made an evaluation list by giving points to choose “ the best worst characters of the book.”

The score is tied: ALL OF THEM! I even hated the guts of Lila and thought at some parts she got what she deserved! Maybe I was harsh punisher but this is what I felt.

So just like catching the last train might change your life, having a drink with her ex-lover/boss changed Lila’s life and pushed her into two different states. 2 PARALLEL UNIVERSES! It’s so hard to decide which one of them is shittier ( considering that she was captive of a dangerous sociopath in one of the universes, you start to think, sometimes being captive may be better than being free. )

CONCLUSION and BLENDING of two universes are well crafted and smartly written which is exactly the best part of the book!

The authors tried something new, unconventional, controversial, twisting, edgy by putting our rest of the grey cells on the fire and put the gasoline to capture our attention! It was great try and I loved their technique, hard-working, great efforts.

Only think that I don’t like the unlikeable characters but I still love this book and it’s a different gem which is so hard to find in the sea of drowning thriller books! So go, dive in, dry it and start to read it!

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This is the perfect Summer thriller! Lila Bennett is a ruthless criminal defense attorney. Some of her regretful life choices come back to haunt her when early in the story the narrative splits and we follow 2 dual timelines over the course of an eventful week in Lila's life. Lila is a flawed character, but I still liked her and was rooting for her. This book has a good twist that I did not see coming, and I did not want the story to end. Thank you for another great book, Liz and Lisa! I can't wait to see what they come out with next!

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I became a fan of this writing duo after reading THE GOOD WIDOW ( )

Lila Bennett, a ruthless defense attorney has always won her cases for her clients even if she feels that they are guilty. But then, that's her job. But one case has haunted her for years even though she never has talked about it to anyone.

Having a tough as nails personality, Lila knows deep down that she has not always made the right and moral decisions in her life to get what she wants. Has it all caught up with her as she has now been kidnapped to face those issues.

The narrative takes place during her week of captivity. Each of the 5 days that she has gone missing, the chapters alternate between 2 scenarios on each particular day, of her being free and her being captured, which I found to be a bit confusing. However, with that being said, I kept turning the pages to see which was truly the reality.

The story was a continuous read of suspense. Not only trying to figure out which was the true storyline but who was the kidnapper. Was it her husband, Ethan, who found out she had betrayed him, or was it her boss Sam who was extremely angry with a decision she made, or could it be her best friend and Sam's wife, Carrie who had reason for revenge or even a college friend who Lila stole the prestigious internship from her?

Without giving away any spoilers, I did figure out which was of the scenarios was the truth but was totally surprised at who the real kidnapper was and why.

A read that will have you guessing to the very end!!!

Posted to GR 07/16/19:
Will post to blog 07/24/19:

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Don’t we all have those decisions we wish we could undo? A path that would could have taken and wonder what could have been? Liz and Lisa explore this dichotomy in this novel but give it a twist with domestic suspense.

Lila Bennett has made some questionable choices and one of those choices gets her kidnapped and locked away. Unfortunately for Lila, there’s a huge list of people who might want to harm her. Her career as a high profile criminal defense attorney doesn’t help nor do the personal life choices she’s made.

My question is will Lila really change? And should she change who she is? Maybe how she approaches things and coming at decisions differently but I don’t think she should change her drive and ambition. That shouldn’t be the message.

I liked the dual storyline and see which one would play out and if all her truths would come out.

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The way this story is told is one that I have not read before, giving two different outcomes. I really enjoy the way these authors write and keep you guessing!
This novel tells the story of a woman whose series of bad decisions have finally caught up with her. I found the main character, Lila, hard to like which made it hard to feel compassion towards her misfortune.
The book started off fast paced but slowed down immensely thereafter. The climactic finish felt rushed and seemed thrown together.

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