Member Reviews

I received a copy of this in exchange for my honest review. Thank you NetGalley.

I really wanted to love this book. I did like it, but some parts just fell flat.
the characters are easy to like. I just wish there was a little more depth.

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I loved how imaginative this book is. It is beautifully written and the idea of finding yourself, or in this case, finding your aura is a beautiful message. Thank you NetGalley for providing me a digital copy of this book.

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I really didn't like this as much as I thought I would. The premise was good but the writing just wasn't for me.

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This was my first book by this author, It was pretty enjoyable. I would give this book a 3.5 star rating! It was a pretty Quick and easy read!

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If your favoured reading material is a novel with a good sprinkling of self-discovery, identity, love, friendship, depression and abandonment, then feel free to read this great book by Rebekah Crane - Postcards for a Songbird.

The book was really big surprise, but as this was my first novel by Rebekah, I had no particular expectations, either great or otherwise.

The writing style was absolutely unique and I found myself enjoying the story immensely, loving the colourful metaphors and figures of speech, even the moments where it felt just a little too flowery. I did find that the timeline wasn't working too well for me and I suffered some confusion with this. Whilst I generally enjoy books that switch between the past and the present, there were occasions when memories were not denoted well enough to differentiate them from others. Those occurrences took me out of the book for long enough making this a little less of an enjoyable reading experience than it could have been.

The story was about finding out who you really are and who, or what you want to be. The characters felt so deeply and were certainly both funny and unique. They were well portrayed and the pacing of the book was spot on. Though this story didn’t instantly stir my soul, as I read, the more intrigued I became and Postcards for a Songbird was well worth the time invested. Overall, this was a really interesting story with some unexpected turns and there were a lot of things to enjoy about it.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this novel, at my own request, from Skyscape via NetGalley. This review is my own unbiased opinion.

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I wouldn’t say my favourite YA is Contemporary. If I had to make a list and rank all the genres it would be at the bottom. Only reason being is that a Contemporary YA read really has to captivate me. This one did an amazing job since I read the entire thing in a day! When I saw that it was 40+ chapters I thought it would’ve taken a few days but nope!

Everyone eventually leaves Wren Plumley. First it was her mother, then her best friend, and then her sister. Now living with only her cop father and her upended dreams, Wren feels stranded, like a songbird falling in a storm.

When Wilder, a sickly housebound teen, moves in next door, Wren finally finds what she’s always wanted—a person who can’t leave. But a chance meeting with Luca, the talkative, crush-worthy boy in her driver’s ed class, has Wren wondering if maybe she’s too quick to push people away. Soon, Wren finds herself caught between the safety of a friendship and a love worth fighting for.

Wren starts to dream again. But when postcards begin arriving from her sister, Wren must ultimately confront why her mother left fourteen years before and why her sister followed in her footsteps. For her new life to take flight, Wren will have to reconcile the heartbreaking beauty of lost dreams and the beautiful heartbreak of her new reality.

Thank you to NetGalley who approved my request and to the publishers, Skyscrape who provided an ebook copy of this beautiful book! I adore the bright cover!

One thing that I loved the most about this book was that it took place over an entire summer. At the start, I admit, it took me a few chapters to really get into but once I was in…I couldn’t stop. You’d think forty plus chapters, that it’ll drag or something but I flew through the story. It was well-paced for a Contemporary. The little mysteries that it held with Wilder (the boy next door), her mother and sister as well as dad too! He’s underappreciated, I don’t know why but I loved yet pitied the dad. It’s rare to find understanding parents in YA books who get along with their kids.

The father is a huge contribution to the story. Even though Wren doesn’t see her dad a lot since he takes the graveyard shift and sleeps in the day, there’s a lot of monologue and blame put on him when her mother and sister leaves. Wren is a perculiar main character. Her ‘thing’ is seeing people’s aura from first impressions. At first I thought it was just a plot device but it made her see light in Luca and the similarities he held with her sister, Lily.

Luca and Wren bond over summer with meeting at the grocery store and driving lessons. Their relationship is adorable and unproblematic. I have to give it to the author, she focused on the family. Yes, Wren’s friends were there most of the time but the author kept the story on track. Luca was a skater boy who at first seemed weird but he becomes so likable that I frowned whenever he wasn’t in a chapter.

The side characters like Baby Girl and Leai were great subplots. Baby Girl was close to Lily and eventually filled the space of becoming Wren’s older sister. Leai was unusual but quirky which made all these characters unique!

I can’t say much about Lily and their mother without giving spoilers. The title of this book really comes into play when Lily sends Songbird a.k.a Wren postcards. The mystery among all the usuallness that’s happening over summer. While Wren is slowly moving on, there’s still a reminder of her life. Not just from the postcards but from her dad not being around, plenty of flashbacks of her sister and little things about her mother mentioned.

I really enjoyed this book. The writing was deep and instantly drew me in where I couldn’t even sleep! This has to be my Contemporary read of the year. I’m proud to give it five stars for originality, pacing and writing style.

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I read this book in two sittings only because I had to leave my house and go to the library. From the very beginning of the book I was sucked into the story and became very invested really quick. I felt so bad for the main character and found it odd that she referred to her dad as Chief, but after getting further into the book we find out truly why she refers to him that way instead of dad. My heart was breaking every time the main character got a postcard from Songbird because I felt as if she was longing for her mother but, she was just out of reach. When her so called best friend’s true colors came out I was rooting for the main character to come out on top and she definitely did! One of my favorite books of the year and everyone needs to read this book.

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One thing I hate in books is overly flowery language and purple prose. It is pretentious, overdramatic and often doesn’t work because authors don’t know how to do it without their work sounding like an English creative writing assignment. Unfortunately, this book was no different. It was trying to be something it wasn’t and ended up just sounding confusing and unnecessarily wordy. The actual story was alright but nothing much happened and all it seemed to have going for it was the purple prose, which didn’t end up working for me. While I did like the characters of Wren and Wilder, I didn’t really see why I was being told their story.

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I don't feel especially strongly about this book. There were a few plot twists that I predicted. There were things I feared might happen, directions that Crane didn't take much to my relief. But I get annoyed by romance being the impetus for change, love being the only thing that can convince this girl to make changes in her life.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read an e-ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
This was a lovely book. Wren was a character you could easily connect with. I loved the interactions/banter between her and Luca. I loved that she eventually found she had this little group of friends to rely on. This was a thoroughly enjoyable book that I would recommend to anyone who likes the sound of the blurb.

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Postcards for a Songbird by Rebekah Crane is an adorable YA contemporary with a very smooth moving narrative. Crane's writing is genuine and flows easily, making the read seem to just fly by. Having read one of her novels prior to this one, it's easy to tell that this is not a fluke. She has real writing talent and YA/New Adult style fiction is just perfect for her. I look forward to reading more.

The narrative isn't overly convoluted and remains focused on Wren, but it does reach out into speculation on other characters. The characters are medium in depth, still lacking a little definition at the edges without seeming overly thin. This does detract from the impact of the narrative, but does not make the story overly flawed. If anything, I could definitely have used more of the story, but what is given is well-written. There is certainly room for future literature utilizing these characters, but Postcards does just fine as a standalone.

I read Postcards for a Songbird in one day's time. It was just that easy to fall into. I didn't want to put it down, but it wasn't because it was overly was because I enjoyed Crane's writing style and I liked the development of Wren's character. Don't get me wrong, it was a good story, but it was the writing that drew me in rather that purely the narrative itself. That being said, I could have done with more of the Wilder story line, but overall this was a good comfortable read and I enjoyed it. As stated earlier, I will definitely be on the lookout for more Rebekah Crane reads in the future.

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Postcards for a Songbird by Rebekah Crane is a very unique and interesting book, and I really enjoyed it. I loved Ms. Crane's book, The Upside of Falling Down, so I was excited to read this book too. I did not like it as much as The Upside of Falling Down, but it was enjoyable. Wren Plumly lives with her father, a police officer. People Wren has loved seem to leave her. Her mother, best friend, and sister. This beautiful book follows the coming of age for Wren, and we are right there with her. This book kept me reading page after page, and it had more twists and turns as we figured things out along with Wren. I recommend this book, I plan on reading other books by Ms. Crane.

I reviewed a digital arc provided by NetGalley and the publisher. Thank you.

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While the story is engaging enough, Crane's overdone writing style is a pain to read. The pretentiousness of these "teens" is beyond believable, to the point where I found myself rolling my eyes at every other line. Also, Luca's attitude towards Wren is really problematic. It basically encourages boys to not take a girl's 'no' at no, and instead pursue her even after she's shown disinterest. Is that really the message we should be spreading in 2019, the year of #MeToo? It seems tone-deaf at best.

The reason I'm giving this a 2-star review instead of a 1 is because despite the pretentiousness of it all, there are a few lines here and there that are truly gorgeous. If Crane toned down the purple prose, I feel like I would've enjoyed this, but as is, I find it almost unreadable.

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Postcards for a Songbird was a pretty decent read. I actually can’t thing if one negative point about it so I guess that’s better than decent.

Postcards for a Songbird is a coming of age book that broaches the subjects of abandonment, mental health and first loves. It’s poignant and sweet. I found it very easy to read and blazed through it as fast as life let me.

All her life people have left. Now it was just Wren and her dad and the sickly boy next door who can’t leave his house fo fear of getting sick. The first to leave was her mother and now her sister. Wren tried to appease her sister in hopes that she would stay but she was too much a free spirit.

After the threat of her father sending her to live with her Aunt in Utah she is forced out of her self imposed bubble and what she finds over the summer is new friends, love and truth. She’s afraid of love because she’s afraid if being left again by someone she loves but in the end she realizes that live is worth it even if for a little while.

This book was a solid read and I would recommend it. I give this book 4 out of 5 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley for supplying this book to me for a fair and honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of Postcards for a Songbird by Rebekah Crane. I’ve voluntarily read and reviewed this copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Postcards for a Songbird is a story about Wren, who feels like everbody in her life has left her. First her mother and then her sister. When Wren meets Luca she doesn’t want to get close to him because he will probably just leave her. Over time Wren grows more secure of herself and makes a few friends. And discovers the true reasons for why people have left.

I have to admit that Postcards for a Songbird was a very confusing read for me. Even though the pacing was slow, a bit too slow, I didn’t understand the situation of certain characters. So Lizzie is actually real and not a figment of Wren’s imagination like Wilder? But even the ending is confusing to me. I felt like the reason why Lizzie left wasn’t explained fully. Or perhaps I just didn’t get it.

I do enjoy Rebekah Crane’s writing. It’s very poetic with hidden meaning and captures your attention immediately.

But unfortunately this story didn’t capture my enthusiasm and because of the confusion I didn’t feel satisfied with the ending.

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A really interesting story to read with some unexpected turns. The book gives you some thoughts to think about and shows you different ways of living and finding yourself as a teenager. Besides it includes some interesting facts about Monet and his paintings. The included postcards made the reading so divsified and entertaining. A really good book for teenage girls that are reflecting themselves and think about living in different ways.

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I received an eARC from Skyskape via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Sadly, this book wasn’t for me. My full review can be read by clicking the accompanying link.

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The book is nothing like I expected it to be. About Wren, a girl who is left behind by everyone and eventually she just believes she is worth leaving. She believes that she isn't worth loving or living for. But then she meets Luca, (who is total fictional crush material), an outspoken and exciting boy who doesn't accept that she is unlovable. This book is about one girls journey to find strength and love within herself. It is a cute story about self-empowerment and imagination. I do think there were too many metaphors happening. It was a little cliche. I also was confused about who Wilder was and didn't get that he was a figment of her imagination until it the book was almost finished. I think his character was unnecessary and honestly could have been left out completely.

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I wasn't a huge fan of this book. I love the premise of it and the idea of the story, which is why I requested it, but I had a hard time getting into the writing and getting really hooked into the story like I need to to fall in love with a book.

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I wanted to love this book. Rebekah's writing style was lovely. But there were several problematic issues for me, including the vilification of depression medication. I enjoyed the characters, but I never quite felt like the romantic relationship was believable. Mostly, my enjoyment of the story was dampened by the ending. Too many things were confusing, and I wanted a better explanation of everything and a more satisfying conclusion. Though I didn't love this book, I will likely pick up other books by Rebekah Crane in the future.

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