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5 Stars / 4 Steam Fans

This story has so many of the tropes that I LOVE!! Brother's best friend, female empowerment, fake dating, and so much more! Georgie and Travis have history, the small town has history, Georgie wants to be known as more than the baby of the Castle family, and Travis is licking his wounds from his baseball career. I thought this book was something completely different when I went in and I am totally okay with how it actually worked out. This story is funny, sweet, sexy, and I loved it!! It is light and fun, something that I will reread again and again. I can't wait for the next story about two of the side characters from this book.

This specific video review will be included in the June 2019 wrap-up.

For other video book reviews check out my YouTube Channel: Steph's Romance Book Talk.

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Don't let the cartoon cover or slow burn fool you, this is classic Tessa Bailey! I'll admit, at first I didn't think this was going to be what I expected, but it definitely still has all the same elements.There's the spunky heroine, Georgie who is the youngest child, a professional clown, and wants her family to take her seriously. There's the alpha male, Travis, a former pro baseball player who is Georgie's older brother's best friend wants to prove he isn't a failure. (He's also the best dirty talker.) There's hilarious banter; i.e. Dale. Then there's some seriously hot steam.

I loved the way that Georgie and Travis's relationship evolved from a friendship to fake relationship to each realizing that this was something real for them. I also really enjoyed how they seemed to bring out the best in the other and how they just got each other.

The ending was just so good-hearted and cute. I love the way that Travis is trying so hard to explain everything before it blows up in his face and how they didn't actually have a problem communicating with each other, but more so withe rumors being spread by everyone else.

This one is light, fluffy, and fun; the perfect summer read!

Thank you to Avon Books and Netgalley for my copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Oh gosh, how I loved this!
We have the heroine, Georgie who is the youngest and mostly forgotten member of her family. She's a clown (yes, a clown!) by trade and wants more from life--bigger things with her party business, her family to take her seriously, and a family of her own. She's always had a thing for her big brother's best friend, Travis, who is a baseball superstar.
The story begins when Travis is forced to come back home after a career-ending injury and had to find out who he is without his sport. It isn't long before Travis notices that little Georgie is all grown up.
I loved this book from beginning to end. Don't let that sweet cover fool you, this thing gets HOT. The fun, quirky characters, the cute town, the witty dialogue, and the Tessa Bailey heat (and dirty talk) made this a five star read for me. I can't wait for more!

*ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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You guys, thank God for romantic comedies because without them I think I may have given up on this whole book blogging thing as of late. I have been in such a picky reading mood lately and the only thing that’s been keeping me interested is romance so I’m just rolling with it. What’s even more exciting for me? That I’ve found new to me authors such as Tessa Bailey with other books for me to devour 🙌 It’s also the first book in a new series which just gives me yet another reason to be happy!

First things first, between the cover and blurb combo I was not expecting this to be as sexy as it was. I had heard from a couple of friends that it was super steamy and it totally was, like made me blush racy. Think lots of dirty talk and super detailed descriptions of sex acts. Just typing that out made me blush again 😂😳 I’m not usually a fan of descriptive sex scenes and I’m still really not that into them, but the plot itself was so damn cute that I didn’t really mind that much. You have an adorably quirky heroine who is a clown for crying out loud, that’s not one I’ve seen before. Then you have a hero who is a bad boy fallen baseball star with a caveman attitude that somehow is surprisingly hot?! I don’t know you guys but it just worked.

There was a bit of a weird discrepancy for me, Travis was beyond sweet and kind to Georgie most of the time and then there would be a switch to a sex scene where things got really down and dirty and it was a bit hard for me to make such a fast adjustment, but I think that’s just my picky, prude side shining through. Overall though I really liked this one, it was super fun and entertaining and just really cute. I’m really looking forward to the next book in the series and will be totally prepared for the sizzling heat next time!

Fix Her Up in three words: Cute, Sexy and Light

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4.5 stars!

That cover is pretty cool. That’s what got me excited to read this book. And I’m so glad that I did. This happens to be my first Tessa Bailey book and I’m hooked on her writing.

Travis Ford is a former professional baseball player. His career has come to a screeching halt due to a career ending injury. He’s been indulging in a little bit of pity party.
Fed up with his destructive behavior, Georgie gives him the wake up call he needs to snap out of it.

Georgette Castle is the youngest sibling and she’s never been taken seriously by her family members. It sure doesn’t help that she’s a professional clown. Yup, clown. She does birthday parties for kiddos and she loves her job. Bringing joy to the littles and seeing the delight on their faces.
Still, she wants to be treated like the grown up she is, and what better way than to pretend to be in a relationship with the infamous Travis Ford. He also needs to spin a wholesome image for a new commentator position. Win, win!
It just so happens she’s had the biggest crush on her brother’s best friend. This plan is sure to go off without a hitch, right?

I loved the dynamic between Georgie and Travis. They get off to a rocky start but, even then their chemistry was undeniably palpable.
Their friendship evolved into deep endearing connection and then a steamy hot romance. I enjoyed every second of it.

The side characters definitely made their mark without messing with the main storyline. They added to the story in a way I enjoyed, and I can’t wait to read about them in their own books in the future.

Fix Her Up is entertaining, funny, witty and hot summer romance. I’d recommend it for anyone who loves a great romantic comedy.

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All the stars!!
I loved this book!! Looooved everything about it! A sweet and sexy brother's best friend/fake dating/unrequited love/former athlete/ virgin heroine rom com, I mean what more could I ask for. It has all my favorite tropes without it being too much. Tessa Bailey does not disappoint.

The chemistry between Travis and Georgie was insane. They brought out the best in each other. Travis's gruff down on his luck demeanor may take some getting used to (not from me. I loved him right off the bat) but he definitely makes up for it as the story goes one.

Georgie was especially amazing. I've never developed a girl crush on a heroine as quickly as the one I currently have on Georgie. She is definitely the star of the story. She's funny and quirky. Totally loveable. I love her development and her growth. The start of her "Just Us League" was probably my favorite thing about this book. I am all for women empowering women.

I've only read a few of Tessa Bailey's books but I quickly learned she is the queen of the dirty talk. If you like steamy, you will not be disappointed with Fix Her Up.

All around this book is a total must read. I could not get enough!

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Despite having no interest in sports, I've certainly enjoyed the romances I've read lately with athlete/former athlete male leads. This was a lot of fun to read- I've never read any of Tessa Bailey's previous books so I didn't know what to expect. This was another book that totally got me with the cover, and fortunately this one didn't disappoint (though it's definitely sexier and less "cute" than the cover might imply). I enjoyed Georgie's relationship with her family and watching her grow (I hope the next book in the series gives us a glimpse at her business, I'm hoping it's grown, too!). I loved the way Travis supported her and helped her build confidence- and apparently chemistry can just radiate off the page, because I sure felt the heat between them.

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😭 Bring on the book hangover cause Tessa Bailey did it again. Travis and Georgette (Georgie) have hilarious banter and the chemistry is red hot. Georgie has been in love with Travis since they were kids. Noone includinng Travis has accepted Georgie as a serious adult her entire life. She´s always been overlooked and talked over. I feel you Georgie. I feel you girl. Samesies. Travis whole life has been focused on being successful and prove his father wrong. After an injury makes the big leagues drop him he feels he is failing in his mission. Salvation comes in the form of the town clown in Georgie. She asks if they can form a fake relationship until both their goals can be met, but when lines start to blur and feelings are on the line, what will happen? Will the relatiohship be fake in the end? I loved Travis and Georgie together so much and even the secondary characters are lovable. I can’t wait for more and will highly be recommending this read!

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Fix Her Up is a fake dating sport romance done right. Bailey gives us quirky, fun characters to root for. These characters are as adorable as the cover art. There are interesting family dynamics and plenty of swoony moments. I adored this book. Thanks Avon and NetGalley for the ARC of this title.

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Fix Her Up had its good moments with typical Tessa Bailey great dialogue and banter. It made me laugh and smile. What it didn’t have, for me, was the swoony romance element to bring it up to more than 3.5 stars. I never fell for Travis like I wanted to. He would have some sweet moments, but was mostly self-absorbed and kinda jerky a lot. I didn’t dislike him, but also couldn’t muster up the love for him. But one thing that I really didn’t care for was his endearment for girl. Every time he said it, I had an uncomfortable twitch. By the end, I felt ok with the read, but not the crazy good I was hoping for.

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How is it 2019 and we can't give more than 5 stars on this thing?!?

No one has ever taken Georgette Castle seriously in her life and she is 100% over it. She is ready to take her life to the next level and the only thing she has to do is pretend she hasn't been in love with Travis Ford all her life.

Travis Ford is spiraling down a blackhole of misery and the wake up call he gets was one he never expected. Georgie is the last person he ever thought he'd be attracted to. But the more time he spends with her the more this thing between them grows until he can only give into it.

I am so insanely in love with Travis and Georgie that I have trouble breathing whenever I think of these two together.

Georgie is actually the love of my life and if she was real I'd make her my wife without hesitation. My heart ached for her so much. I wanted to hit everyone who hurt her and just hug her and keep her safe from this cruel cruel world. I love her story arch and how she took her life in her hands. We all need an inspiration like Georgie. Not only that, she was so funny and just so damn cute. WHAT A DELIGHT!!

Travis is just the grump growly alpha of my dreams. I love me an emotionally scarred man and dude Travis is so so good at being bad. Some of the dirty talk had me actually close the book and take a walk because that was too much for my fragile heart to handle. I loved the duality of his character, how he was so sure about his prowess whenever he was with Georgie but he was also someone with insecurities and issues that are relatable to so many people. I love this fool with all my heart.

This story actually made my heart hurt at many point. No joke, I got this ache in my heart at so many instances. I cherished everyone of those aches because that is what made this story so real to me. I think it effected me more that I can process right now because I never wanted it to finish. Even now, I am planning on re-reading it every six months because it's made that big of a place in my heart.

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It is an understatement to say that I was pretty freaking excited when I got an ARC of this bad boy. Give me a forbidden romance and a hot baseball player and I’m your girl!

I loved this book. It was fast paced and I instantly fell in love with the characters. I love when a book starts off by just jumping straight into the romance. It always hooks me instantly! Their romance was HOT straight from the beginning.

I also loved that this book made the man the damsel in distress, and Georgie was his knight in shining armor. Lo Mein and alllllll

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Special thanks to Netgalley and Harper Collin’s Publishers Avon for an e-Advanced Reader’s Copy of the book. Receiving Fix Her Up did not affect my review or rating.

I am a sucker for a character with a somewhat checkered past and I love when its the love interest. And as I am now seeing, I'm really taking a liking to sports romances. But enough about me. Let’s jump into the review.

Is this a cliché contemporary romance? Hell yes it is. But in the best way.

Travis Ford and Georgie Castle are both lovable characters who I really enjoyed getting to know. Her quick wit and his really really steamy sexy talk, made for quite an entertaining read.

Travis Ford is the predictable former major league baseball player playboy. He’s not the relationship, happy ever after type. Especially not his best friend’s youngest sibling. Travis finds Georgie to be a bit of a nuisance in the beginning. After leaving the MLB, and finding himself at a new crossroad, he’s slowly but surely trying to piece together is life and his future.

Georgie Castle who may or may not have been in love with Travis since she was a pre-teen, also finds herself at a crossroad. Professionally she’s a clown and works her magic at local kids’ birthday parties. At home, she feels like her family views her the same way. And when her longtime crush rolls back into town on a depression binder, she’s determined to set him straight.

Fix Her Up combines the friends – to – lovers trope with a dash of house flipping, baseball and clownery to make a fun, light and enjoyable read.

I appreciated Tessa Bailey’s writing style. I found her main characters to be well-thought out and developed. But I will say the pace picked up quite a bit for the second half of the book. And there are scenes I wish were steadier and didn’t feel so rushed.

Overall, I recommend this book to anyone looking for a light, entertaining read. If you’re a lover of contemporary romance, this book is definitely for you!

TW: Steamy romance, Explicit scenes, Explicit language

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I feel like Tessa Bailey (sort of) wrote this story for me. Why? Because she teased us for a long time with her muse, who just happens to be one of my favorite baseball players.

Besides that, this story is catnip for me. Brother's best friend. Fake dating. The awkwardish girl who falls for the player- the baseball player. Mix that with the author's amazing writing style and steamy scenes, and it makes me a happy girl.

I was already in love with Travis before the book even started, and I fell in love with Georgie quickly. Their relationship was adorable, and it progressed with a lot of self-discovery and So. Much. Swoon. Don't let the cartoon cover fool you, Ms. Bailey writes steam like its her job. And praise the puppies that it is her job.

This is a must-read for anyone who loves any of these tropes, anyone who loves good writing, or anyone who loves their swoon with a hefty dose of steam.

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**fans herself**

Woooweee don’t let this cute cover fool ya this book is STEAMY 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

But I loved it (obviously)! So much great banter and the sexy scenes... wowza! I can’t wait for the rest of the books in this series.

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What a fun book! I love the old childhood friends/enemies to lovers trope. I have to say that this book is a lot hotter than I thought! I would have never thought a no sex scene could be so sexy!!! I loved all of that but I also loved the story!

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This was such an amazing book. It’s cute, sweet, funny, and charming. I was captivated and enthralled from the start. I fell in love with both of these characters. Travis is one of the heroes I love to read about most…he is flawed and broken. His vulnerability is compelling, and even though he fights his instincts, he’s sweet and protective. Georgie is quirky and spunky. She is so unappreciated and overlooked by her family. There were so many times I wanted to strangle all of them. Despite that, she is tenacious…especially when it comes to Travis. Together they are magic. Their chemistry is hot and their sexy-times are even hotter. Even while being laugh-out-loud funny, this book is very steamy!

If you are looking for a hilarious rom-com, brother’s best friend, fake relationship, uplifting, and feel good book that will put a smile on your face, then this is definitely the book for you. Even if you are only looking for one of those things then you should definitely get this book! It is definitely one of my favorite books so far this year.

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A delightful romantic comedy, with famous playboy Travis Ford fighting off developing feelings for the forbidden best friends little sister. Georgie Castle is all grown up and trying to get everyone, especially her family, to take her seriously. What starts off as a hoax to benefit both parties, quickly turns in to so much more. A great story that you won't be able to keep a straight face while reading. The secondary characters are just as entertaining and lovable. I can't wait for more in this series!

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4 stars. Fix Her Up was a good book! This book is about Georgie and Travis. They both grew up in the same small town. Travis was Georgie's older brother's best friend. He went on to become a professional baseball player, but a career-ending injury has landed him out of a job and back in town, depressed and at loose ends. Georgie is now a clown who performs at birthday parties. She is the youngest in her family and she feels like no one takes her seriously. Also, she always had a crush on Travis, even though he always thought of her as a pest. So when she finds him wallowing over his circumstances, Georgie decides to help him move on. Travis has a bad reputation as a manwhore in the press. When a new chance at a career as a commentator comes around for him, he and Georgie make a deal. The two of them will pretend to be a serious couple, giving him a more settled down reputation and letting her family know she is not the child they think she is. Of course, as the two spend time together, the game of pretend becomes very real and they fall for each other.

I really enjoyed this book. Travis and Georgie were both good characters with great chemistry and lots of layers. They were funny, sweet and sexy together. I definitely felt the love between them. Their relationship was fun to watch develop from barely friends to more. I also really liked the small town feel and the side characters of the couple's friends and family. I wish there was an epilogue, but that did not hinder my enjoyment.

Overall, this was a good read! I am never disappointed by a Tessa Bailey book. I can't wait to see what she comes up with next!

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Romantic comedies are very difficult to pull off but Tessa Bailey works her magic again in 'Fix Her Up'! With a mix of her trademark heat and smart banter, this book was pure enjoyment from start to finish. Light, funny, verrra sexy and with surprising depth, this was one of the best romantic comedies I have read in a while.

This book features the fake-dating trope done right. Georgie has had a crush on her older's brother's friend Travis for years. Travis is back in his hometown after suffering an injury which ended his professional baseball career. He might have a shot at a sports commentator job if he can only get rid of his wild playboy image. Georgie and Travis have amazing chemistry but she doesn't think she has any real chance with him.. She'll always be just a kid to him.

“I’ve seen naked men. Tons of them.” On the internet, God bless it. “You used to be a nine point five, but you’re slowly bottoming–ha into a seven.”

“Really? Because I can feel you staring at my ass.”

“Oops. I thought that was your face.”

If you have read any Tessa Bailey then you know she writes some very dirty-talking Alpha males and Travis is no exception. OMG!! But the characters are all very well-written and the romance between Georgie and Travis is a slow-burn. This novel has a solid story and I loved all of the supporting characters. Romantic comedies are difficult to write well but 'Fix Her Up' is fresh and sexy and very funny.

“I’m going to take a shower, all right?” He ran his fingers along the curve of her shoulder, pressing a thumb to the side of her neck and massaging. “I’m going to feed you before I introduce you to God.”

I also adore this cover! Sometimes you just need a fun and light adult romance and this book fits the bill to a "T". Happy reading!

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