Member Reviews

This book was another rom-com that was just ok. I didn't have a bad experience while reading it but there is nothing super memorable about it either.

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This is my first Alisha Rai and I have become a fan. She writes about realistic characters experiencing realistic issues. Rhi is a strong woman who has created her own dating app. One of her goals is to purchase another dating service, but the owner is illusive. Enters Samson, a former football player who is close with this illusive owner, but has ghosted Rhi in the past. Rhi must move past her judgements of Samson to accomplish her goals by getting to know him, but Samson is guarded and protected of his family. Do they move past their pride and prejudices to become friends or maybe more than friends?

I really like this story. Alisha Rai brings diversity and current world topics to the forefront such as Samson's families issues with CTE (concussions in football) and Rhi experiencing sexual harassment in the work place. Alisha Rai is able to make these issues important without drowning out the romance these two characters share.

Thank you Netgalley for the advance copy.

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I love the new trend of smart gir romance! Gone are the days of swooning unaware leading ladies. Rhiannon is bad ass and I love her very much.

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This is such a fun series. It's very light on steam which I'm more often than not in the mood for so its the perfect amount for me. The characters are lovable and the banter is so fun.

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Unfortunately, I did not have a good time reading this book. I'm just absolutely not the audience for a book with this premise, and maybe it makes me a bad person, but I thought everyone was WAY overreacting about the "ghosting" incident (in quotation marks because I don't think it should even be referred to as one. As far as I'm aware it was only a few days before she unmatched him leaving him with no way to contact her and come on, his uncle was dying.) So anytime they brought that up, which was a lot because it was unfortunately the premise of the book, I was really annoyed.

I did like the writing and the characters and the themes of this book though (ignoring anything about the ghosting aspect and Rhi's propensity for overreaction.) and I look forward to reading the second book which seems to have a premise that I will work for me a lot more.

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A love story for the modern age. Teach CEO Rhiannon has had a hard time with love. In walks former NFL player Samson, who is also the new spokesman for a competing company. Can they work together and make a right swipe into a relationship? The chemistry between the characters is amazing and truly highlights the ups and downs of modern dating through apps.

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Oh my gosh what a beautiful book after a crappy three weeks! I adored this novel so much and I was really intrigued by some of the topics that were discussed, like CTE and the NFL’s position on their players’ health, and physical and emotional abuse. The way that Alisha Rai wrote about these sensitive issues and how it wasn’t romanticized or swept under the rug or just treated like a plot device. To me that’s crucial, and she did an amazing job with this.

I think it was really important that both Rhi and Sam learned more about themselves and each other. Learned about their traumatic experiences and how that changed them. It was good to see that growth between the two. I also loved the dynamics between their friends! Such true and loyal friendship is always so great to see. I think everything was just amazing.

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Rhi is a creator of a pretty successful dating app and looking to expand. Unfortunately she finds that her ex Samson is one of the people who own that company and isn't thrilled especially since he ghosted her after they were paired and things were really looking good. Now with a second chance looming Samson isnt going to pass up that chance. Meanwhile Rhi will do what she can to convince his aunt to merge their matchmaking company.

Not sure what took me so long to pick this book up. Once I started I couldn't put it down. I really enjoyed seeing the book play out. Rhi was such a strong confident women who knows what she wants and does what she to get what she needs. I loved seeing the second chance at a relationship between the two. When it came to Samson ghosting her it was interesting finding out the reason and you can't help but hope things will work out because there was a actual reason for it and at the moment of it happening a relationship wasn't going to be the first thing in his mind. It was interesting seeing the process of what Rhi went through to see about getting to merge companies and seeing how eccentric Samson's aunt was. Overall this was a pretty good book I really enjoyed it.

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I always look forward to new Alisha Rai books -- and this one did not disappoint! Steamy, sexy, and fun, Rai packs her characteristic wit and wisdom into a delightful story of two rival app developers who've already had one rocky romantic start... but might just find love the second time around. A great start to a new trilogy from Rai, sure to delight existing fans and generate new ones.

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I really enjoyed this book! It was a solid romance, I love the modern touches (characters meet via a dating app, our heroine is an app designer) and I was invested in the romance. Can't wait to read more from Alisha Rai!

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Love this book, particularly the shoutout to Cayucos! I love Alisha Rai's books and this was no exception.

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Loved this title even more than I thought I would! I especially loved the "family is what you make it" type theme with the characters

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This book is great! Would definitely recommend. Thanks so much to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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I requested this one because it seemed like a great read for our time... I mean who hasn’t swiped right? Or left for that matter. I was a huge fan of the diversity within the book, it added a definite feel of it being modern. The romance in this one left nothing to be desired.
The story itself was quite unique and very easy to connect with. The whole cast of characters added to the story and were genuinely there for a purpose. Everything about this one lives up to it’s hype.
If you want a modern day romance, here you have it. The world of swiping right is quite literally right in your face. I’d say this was a solidly written book with a great story!

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I'm a big fan of Alisha Rai, her Forbidden Hearts trilogy is one of my favorite series. I really enjoyed that The Right Swipe is set in the same universe and has some characters from those books pop up! This was such a fun read for me, I especially adored that the setting was both LA and Cayucos, CA (one of my favorite areas on the CA coast!)

Rhi was a great heroine, I liked her a lot from Hurts to Love You but this story made me love her. She's such a strong heroine with a "take no shit" attitude. I loved how her relationship with Samson was set up, a one night stand turned sort of rivals. Any romance with a modern dating twist is enjoyable, but The Right Swipe has two really heavy (but important) topics within the story as well. Samson is dealing with his father and uncle both dying tragically after being pro-football players, and Rhi has experienced sexual harassment from a former boyfriend that changed how she addresses relationships and her work. I thought both topics were addressed well in the story, but at times it did feel like their relationship/romance was secondary. I didn't mind that as I still felt engaged and drawn into the story. Really looking forward to the next two books in this series (especially Jia's book!)

CW: loss, grief, CTE, sexual harassment

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This is a great start to the series and Rai has a really great voice. I also think it deals with difficult issues with a deft hand and leaves you wanting more.

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The right Swipe. Is not like anything you've read. It's cute and fun to read. I read this in 2 days because I just couldn't stop. This is a must read.

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The second chance romance - love it! Alisha Rai's handling of dialogue and emotion is great. I really rooted for Rhiannon and Samson. One can't ask for more than that from a reader, right?

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The characters and plot were pretty bland/generic. I liked the book but there was nothing really that I loved and nothing stood out to me all that much. Just a typical romance without much plot development or conflict. By halfway through, the characters felt like shells of their former selves. However, the poc rep and the diverse range of characters did please me.

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4.5 stars. I enjoyed this book much more than I liked the first book! I liked the characters more and I was much more invested because of that. It was a little bit of a slow burn, "will the or won't they?" kind of romance that is my catnip. I will definitely buy this book for my library.

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