Cover Image: AYA and PAPAYA Meet the Big Little Creatures

AYA and PAPAYA Meet the Big Little Creatures

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I received a free ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The pictures are bright and colorful. I think kids will really be drawn to them. The story is okay, but nothing too new and different.

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This is the second Aya and Papaya story I read with my grandchildren. I have to say the best thing about these books is the illustrations. They are large, vibrant and fun for children. My three year old granddaughter loved talking about the pictures, especially the bugs. This story brings Aya and her friend Sammy face-to-face with garden creatures. The imagination of children is front and centre with small bugs becoming giants that scared them. The message in this book is about fear and not letting it get the best of you, especially if it means missing out on something you really want to do. I love that they showed Sammy and his doll Bamboo as a normal part of childhood. There are still many people who think that boys shouldn't play with dolls. There is an additional message in the story about treating nature with respect which is also an important reminder for both adults and children. Both my grandchildren enjoyed this story and we talked about letting bugs live and that they are probably more afraid of us than we are of them.

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I really liked the images in this story, they are nice, bright and clear for little ones. This is the second book I have read featuring Aya and whilst I enjoyed the other quite a bit more this one was still well put together. Three stars from me for this one.

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This time Aya’s overexcited about a friend visiting, to the point where she claims she can’t eat. . . but immediately does when told to. Don’t get the point of that one.
It’s nice to see the friend is a boy, with a doll of his own. They go outside, pretending to be brave, but definitely afraid. All the animals seemed bigger. Some of them splash the two, or four, which looks funny.
The artwork does show the animals as large, though it could be about perspective.
Her big brother shows her there’s no need to be afraid anymore.
I suppose this could be a story about not letting your imagination go crazy, but there’s nothing else here other than a silly little story.

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Hi, we are Jules and Jenni. (Julia and Jennifer)
We were born in Germany, we are twins and we are 11yrs. old.
We love to read and we love to tell other kids about our favourite books.
Today we are looking, (together with our dad), at a book for children age 3 and up.

The book is:
AYA and PAPAYA Meet the Big Little Creatures by MQ (which we felt is a cool name for an author)

The story:
Little Aya is excited, her best friend will visit her today and they can play together.
Samy is a cute little boy and he lives in the house next door.
The two want to play at the end of the garden, where Aya's parents have put up a castle. (Not a real one, but one for small kids.) To get there, they have to cross the big garden and walk past many insects (bees and caterpillars (eek!) and big birds are sitting on trees and garden toys.

They feel scared, walking without adults on their own, and because of it, all the creepy crawlies and feathered friends look huge and very dangerous.
But they are strong together and make it to the castle. Still, Aya's brother heard all the anxious yelling and comes along to see what is happening.
Aya explains and wants the insects and the birds to go away and to leave them alone, but her brother tells her, they have a right to be there. It's their garden, too.

Aya is very clever and she understands, to live together, we need to treat each other with respect and to be kind and careful.

Jules says:
The pictures are huge fun. Very cheerful and bright and our little brother did giggle a lot and he really liked Samy. But he wasn't scared of the huge insects, he found them super-cool, especially the bee and the ants.
When Samy arrives he brings his doll Bamboo along, which actually looks totally like the boy and Aya's doll Papaya looks totally like her. We think that's a super-fun idea.
We felt the pictures help children to understand how the two kids feel.
I like to give the illustrations five stars.

Jenni says:
This is a clever little story. We all loved Aya and Samy and it's so much fun to watch those two trying to be brave and to get across the "very dangerous" garden.
Our little brother hates spiders and he did really get how the two felt.
He said, he always thinks the spiders have two very big red eyes, with which they stare at him very angry, but after reading the book with us he thought, maybe spiders should be allowed to live in the garden, too and he will try to make friends with them.
I think, this shows how well the story works and I like to give the story five stars.

The Dad says:
I don't have much to add, my kids said it all.
Story and illustrations work here very well together and the whole family had fun reading the picture book.
The messages come very well across and will help children to see, facing and addressing their fears is important, suddenly those scares will look much smaller and hopefully vanish comletely when tackled together with friends and family.
To teach children to remember to be kind and careful to others is another super-plus of this lovely little book.

A total of 5 stars from all of us.

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A delightful, sweet tale with colourful and vibrant illustrations. Aya and her friend Samy along with their respective look-alike dolls, Papaya and Bamboo are going to play together. Their adventure leads them outside into the garden where their imaginations start to run awry. The theme for children in “AYA and PAPAYA Meet the Big Little Creatures” is that things may not be as scary as originally thought and that fears shouldn’t prevent anyone from enjoying their adventures. There is an additional message in the story about treating nature with respect which is also an important reminder for both adults and children.

A fantastic bed-time story for the little ones!

{Thank you to #NetGalley, Troubador Publishing and the author for the free copy of #AyaAndPapayaMeetTheBigLittleCreatures and for giving me the opportunity to provide an honest review.}

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This is the first book I have read from the Aya and Papaya series, of which there are currently two stories, and it was a lovely first glance into the world of a little girl and her favourite doll.
The story would be a nice way to open a discussion with children about the little insects we might find in the garden. Because Aya and her friend Samy are uncertain and have vivid imaginations, they see the insects as big little creatures, through the eyes of a child who doesn't know what they have to fear. With the help of an older sibling they soon see that little bugs are nothing to fear and they should share the garden with them.
I liked this because I think it is important from a young age to show children not to be scared of bugs, so that as they grow up they don't kill them or fear them, because it is clear that so many adults cannot calmly catch a spider in a glass and put it outside, but this example is so often taken from our parents.
Hopefully books like this will help children, parents and teachers together, develop a healthy relationship with other living creatures, great and small, or 'big little' as they may be!!
The story was well written and visually appealing with beautiful illustrations throughout.

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Aya and Papaya Meet the Big Little Creatures is a fun children's book that my 3 year old and 5 year old both enjoyed. The beautiful illustrations added to the wonderful message in the story of kindness and bravery. My 3 year old was very interested at looking at all the illustrations in the book! I recommend this book for young children to enjoy with their parents.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley and was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine.

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Aya and her little doll, Papaya are back, along with her neighbor, Sammy and his doll, Bamboo. It is warming up and outside and they want to explore in the play-castle at the far end of the garden. However, in order to get there, they have go all the way through the garden! That means they have to be brave enough to go past all of the wiggly, creeping, crawly things that live there! Of course, soon the kids learn that all of these creatures are necessary to make the garden healthy and to grow and soon they are on their way to play along with all of their new flying, crawling, creeping friends.

I adore Aya and her insatiable curiosity about the world. More importantly, I love the illustrators who design for this series!! The colors are vivid and bold and absolutely perfect for children for whom this book is targeted. I cannot get enough of this duo and I'm quite sure that your pre-school aged kids will feel the same way! I highly recommend #AyaandPapayaandtheBiglittleCreatures

Thank you to #Netgalley, #TroubadorPub and #MQ for my copy of this adorable book on sale now at Amazon.

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A beautiful book about adventure and being in the wonderful world of the outdoors. A perfect read to encourage young children to play outside with delightful illustrations. Highly recommended.

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AYA and PAPAYA Meet the Big Little Creatures is a book for younger children. The illustrations are cheerful and gorgeous! Aya and Papaya go and play in her backyard. The lesson in the story is caring and respecting smaller creatures. This is a great bedtime story!

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AYA and PAPAYA Meet the Big Little Creatures by MQ. Illustrated by Leo Antolini. Written and produced by Andy Abey, Anne Bleeker, & the Qs. ©2019 by MQ Media Holdings Limited. Troubador Publishing Limited. Matador. Children’s Fiction. Publication date: 06 Feb 2019. Electronic edition. 5 Stars.

Adorable, vibrantly colored picture book that is sure to capture your child’s imagination and attention with humor that speaks to them of respecting little creatures, birds and insects that can scare children when they are so small. Both parent and child will laugh along at the adventures of Aya and her best friend-neighbor boy, Samy, who bring along their look-alike dolls as they play in her yard without a “big person” around. Highly recommend!

Thanks to NetGalley for providing this ebook for review.

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Loved the illustrations in this book as well as the message! All children want to feel big and like they can conquer any fear, but it’s normal to run into things that frighten you. Loved the message Faz told Sammy and Aya about the garden being the creatures home and that the creatures were probably scared of them and reminded them to be kind and respectful to all they encounter. Great life lesson!

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My little boy (10 months) really enjoyed this story and squealed with delight when he saw the big little creatures. He probably wasn't as scared of them as Aya and Samy but he was definitely excited when they made it to the castle. We will be reading some of Ata and Papaya's other adventures as the characters were really quite easy to relate to.

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I thought this was the cutest book with the best message on how to treat others and creatures. It had absolutely beautiful illustrations and would be the perfect for young children.

Thank you NetGalley for this ARC!

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Oh dear, this was a wasted opportunity. After a lengthy introduction two friends venture into the back garden behind the home of one of them, only to find they're shrunken to smaller than a ladybird. Their adventures are clearly going to be a lot more dangerous than they thought – until they're not, and they seem the right size again and all is well, the end. The structure is just cockamamie, with one of the children gaining siblings whenever and for whatever minor reason, the whole shrinking thing just never seems to really happen, and the book also tries to be many things at once. It wants to have a repetitive counting section, but that's not the be-all-and-end-all. But neither is the drama of the size-shift, and neither is the tacked-on eco-message. This is just overly simplified, and lacking in any real finesse, as are the illustrations. It's only a cheap e-book, but your library will have so many adventures for this age range they'll be made to feel really small. This won't make anyone feel anything. One and a half stars.

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A cute little book to teach your children about caring for small creatures. Absolutely beautiful illustrations and a really lovely storyline.

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In the book Aya and Papaya Meet the Big Little Creatures, young kids learn about being kind to everyone, whether it be people or animals. They play a game of make-believe in the backyard where they are little (think Honey I Shrunk the Kids) and everything else is big. They are afraid of things like ants because they are so small.
The lesson for them is that the little things are likely afraid of them, so be respectful to nature and animals.
The book is cute, but it's written so the words are on one white page with just a picture on the opposite page. This technique is fine for a hard-copy book, but for those looking at this electronically, it's difficult to put the pictures together with the words.

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A delightful tale with beautiful illustrations! Aya and Samy's adventure leads them outside to the garden where their imaginations get away from them. I liked the lesson for children that things may not be as scary as they original think and they shouldn't let those fears from stopping their adventures. The additional lesson of treating nature with respect is also an important reminder for both adults and children.

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Thank you Netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Very cute storybook with bright illustrations and Positive message. Liked it very much.

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