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Finding God's Life for My Will

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Not only is Mike Donehey a great singer, he's a great writer. Get ready to dive deep, expand your faith, and grow closer to the One who created you.

I received a complimentary copy of this book and was not required to write a favorable review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I loved Mike's blog posts about faith and living out your relationship with God so I'm delighted to be one of the earlier reviewers of his book.

Mike's writing about faith is down-to-earth and conversational. While reading, I felt like I was sitting on a sunlit table at a cafe, having a cuppa with Mike as we talk about what it means to live a life filled with God's presence.

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I wasn't sure about this book going into it, but I'm glad I didn't let that stop me from reading it. A lot of the time when well-known figures (authors, musicians, etc) write books about their own experience, it is so distantly unrelatable to the life that most of us live that we can't possibly connect to it. That was not the case with this book. Mike talks very casually about his experiences, many of which involve being a musician but not all of them, and it allowed his bigger ideas to resonate with me because of his authenticity. He's not focused on himself, but on the points that he wants to get across and so, this is not a book about Mike (which so many "celebrity"-authored books end up devolving into), but a book about God and the journey we're all on. So I thank Mike for rawly and relatably sharing his story in the way that he has and giving me a new perspective on my own.

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The lead singer, songwriter, and guitarist for award-winning contemporary Christian band Tenth Avenue North shows readers that by seeking God first and focusing on serving Him, we can live daily in His will.

"Perhaps God isn't giving me the plan because He wants to be the plan." What an awe-inspiring, challenging, life changing book Michael has written. The theme throughout the book is surrendering your will to God to allow Him to live His plans and purposes through you.

Micah 6:8. He wants you to walk with Him. He wants you to be humble. He wants you to carry yourself fairly and justly. He wants you to love mercy.

With all the humility you can muster, repeat John’s simple soul-saving words, “I am the disciple Jesus loves.” I highly recommend the book.

I received an advance reader’s copy from the publisher, Waterbrook Multnomah in exchange for my honest opinion. All opinions are my own.

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I have read memoirs, even Christian singers' memoirs before... but this one is different. Donehey has a penchant for self-reflection that is equal parts challenging and accessible. There's also a healthy dose of classic writers such as Augustine and C.S. Lewis referenced throughout, so this is no average rock biography.
The memoirs in the book are held loosely, very tongue-in-cheek, as he recounts everything from car wrecks to broken Dove awards. There is a lot of humor holding these experiences together, but the most endearing charm is the author's human struggle with fame and keeping a healthy perspective on stage life. His commitment to his family reflects immense struggle to keep the most important things in their proper perspective.
The ending of the book is really worth it. For me, there is great wisdom in how Donehey sums up his experience, the humility with which he holds his success, and the unwavering focus he keeps for being a disciple-maker more than a rock star. It's not the ending I was expecting, frankly. I won't spoil it, but it's refreshing to see someone avoid the pitfalls of public life, accepting the sacrifices they must make with stubborn resolve.

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I am a big fan of Tenth Avenue North and their significant songs such as “Strong Enough To Save”, “I Have this Hope”, and “Greater Than All My Regrets”. Just like his songs, Mike Donehey’s book, speaks about the moments in his life that God lead him to better dreams. Mike has a great way of working relevant points about life into his own personal story. I enjoyed hearing about some of the stories behind the songs, and how God supported him throughout. There are a lot of moments in this book that are relatable, and encouraging. I recommend this book to anyone who is looking for God in their life. “At the end of the day, God will always invest far more in us than we’ll ever be able to return to Him”.

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Fantastic story. Uplifting and encouraging. I love the way Mike tells a story also. It really helped me to see God's work in my own life.

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I loved this book! Tenth Avenue North was one of my favorite Christian artists during high school and early university, so I picked up this book because it was written by the lead singer. The book was deep, challenging and very well written. The way he unpacks personal experience and the Bible to paint a picture of what it looks like to follow God's will was unexpected and refreshing!

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Tenth Avenue North is a favorite band of mine, so when I heard that the lead singer, Mike Donehey, wrote a book I knew I had to read it. I really liked reading his story and found the writing style to be easy to read and humorous at times.

While I didn't agree with everything Mike Donehey said, I did enjoy the book overall and am glad I read it.

*Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention/review it on my blog. I was not required to give a positive review, only my honest opinion - which I've done. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own and I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.*

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I recently heard an interview on KLove with Mike Donehey about his new book. He talked about how people often ask what is God's will for my life. He pointed out that scripture is very clear about what God's will is for us. In Micah 6:8, for instance, we're told:

No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8 NLT

If we're reading the Bible, God's will is pretty clear but Donehey pointed out that the question we could be asking is what is God's life for my will.

One of the questions that Donehey has been asked several times is "When did you get your calling to be a musician? How did you know?" His answer to this question is really the basis for his book. I would love to share all of the different highlights and notes that I made but it would be practically the whole book.

Here are my thoughts on why you should read this. So much of our culture tells us that we need to identify our calling, passion, whatever you want to call it and pursue it. And there's an underlying thought that if you don't pursue it then you aren't serving God with your life. Donehey points out over and over again that serving God isn't about finding a singular thing to do but finding a singular purpose of heart to glorify God. He states that he wasn't called to be a musician but he likes singing and so he sang to bring God glory. And personally, I think we could all use a little more of that in our lives. A move away from defining ourselves by what we do and towards defining ourselves by whom we serve.

If you're feeling a little lost in regards to what you should be doing with your life, if you know a young person that could use a little encouragement in finding their way in regards to career, if you love being reminded that God is more interested in our hearts than our titles, this is the book for you.

I received a free copy of this book through NetGalley for the purpose of review. I'm never required to say positive things but I'm always thankful when I can.

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This book is amazing. I love Mike and Tenth Avenue North. I’ve seen him perform many times. He always has such wise things to say. I’m glad that he made this book to share with the world. Highly recommend. This book is wonderful!

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I would place this book as one of my favorite reads of 2019 so far. It exceeded any expectations I had of it. I should’ve have gotten a clue from the title that Donehey wouldn’t offer pat answers about God’s will. Yay!! We’ve heard enough of that. I’m more and more learning to live in the mystery of God and this book is coming from that place. God’s Life for My Will was simultaneously humorous and deep. It was transparent. It was comfortable and challenging, like talking to a best friend who wants to see you grow past your struggles, but is not judgmental. The writing was well crafted and it was enjoyable to read. It was full of grace. I highlighted so much! Do yourself a favor and add this book to your list!!

I would summarize the book this way: Donehey shared how he learned and is still learning to see differently, to live in a kingdom way. Jesus did things differently. He ruffled a lot of pious feathers. We, too, can learn to see things differently. I’m all about getting close to Jesus and learning to see things from His perspective. I have been praying more and more for eyes to see and ears to hear what Jesus is showing me and speaking to me. His ways are higher. His ways are not our ways.

I was especially intrigued by Donehey’s thoughts on leadership. I shared these thoughts with friends and they, too, were intrigued. Here is a string of quotes from that section of the book:

“To be fascinated is what leads to being fascinating. Letting go of the “leader” persona means nobody owes you their following. They’re free to follow you or not. Turning your attention off yourself gives others the same freedom....Jesus never once asked someone to wear the name leader. Search for yourself. It isn’t there. In the moment, I was offended; in time, I was relieved...If Jesus never asked anyone to lead, maybe none of us should be trying to be known as leaders...Leadership isn’t listed as part of the fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5. Could it be that leadership is a human invention? Could it be that the longing to be known as a leader is really just a lust for power? Isn’t it essentially the same temptation Adam and Eve faced in the garden? We want to make the rules. We want to decide what is right and wrong. Could it be that we have latched on to the term leader simply because it helps us spiritualize our greed for control?...When Christ spoke to Peter on the beach, after the resurrection, He didn’t say, “Peter, lead my sheep.” Instead He said, “Feed my sheep.”...Whether it was the disciples, the rich young ruler, or others, His words to each were the same: “Come follow me.” Jesus doesn’t seem to require leadership skills of anyone; He only bids them come and follow Him...Jesus didn’t say to the disciples, “Follow me, and make yourselves fishers of men.” Instead, He said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matt. 4:19)

Here are a few other meaningful quotes:

“It’s usually my good works that keep me from clinging to Christ, not my bad ones.”

“Getting a taste of Him gives us new taste buds and makes us snobs in some ways, I suppose. It’s like a pour over coffee versus a Keurig. Once you’ve tasted the glory of a carefully crafted cup of caffeine, you don’t care how much longer it takes. You will wait for the best over settling for a quick fix.”

“Jesus offers us an acceptance we can go to the stage with, not go to the stage for.”

“I don’t think you should live big for God until you learn how to live because of God.”

This book is jam packed with interesting stories, humor, life lessons and ideas about seeing things differently. It was well worth my time and I’m sure you’ll feel the same.

I received an ARC copy from Net Galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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What an inspirational book. Beautifully written. A book everyone needs to read.
I was given this book by netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Enjoyable, inspirational read in a casual, conversational style. I enjoyed the author's self-deprecating sense of humor and his willingness to reflect on all he's learned so far. Highly recommend!

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What a wonderful book! I feel like I just had breakfast with Jesus, and He just gave me the best wake-up call I've ever had through Mike's insightful and humorous words. Everyone should read this book.

I received an advanced reader copy from WaterBrook and Multnomah.

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**I received an advanced reader copy from Waterbrook and Multnomah**
📚 I finished reading "Finding God's Life for my Will: His Presence is the Plan" by Mike Donehey and it was really good!! 5⭐! This book is well done. It will make you think, have you laughing, and it will also challenge you. I love this quote from the book: "God loves it when we move in faith. He loves when we don't have all the answers but we act as though we trust that He does." Pre-order now and get get your copy when it releases August 6th!!!

@waterbrookmultnomah #partner #FindingGodsLifeForMyWill #MikeDonehey #GreatBook

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This book is very engaging. Mike Donehey did a wonderful job sharing his story, and how he is continuing to seek the Lord. It isn't about finding our lives with a touch of God's will. It, however, is about finding our Lord God and His life - as we surrender to His will - to what He wants to do in our lives.

Our God is so mighty and good!

Even through all the various things we may want for our lives, the Lord always seeks to do what is for our ultimate good and He protects us from our misplaced dreams. Mike had the dream of becoming an actor, but through an accident he picked a guitar and eventually become a recording artist. When God asks us to lay down our wills in exchange for what He wants for us, we are being positioned for the absolute best the Lord can and will offer unto us!

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This book was so so good! Packed with wisdom and truth, but in an overall light and humorous tone! This made me laugh and think.
I love Tenth Avenue North's music but knew nothing of Mike's story. This book did not disappoint.
100% recommend!

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I've been a fan of Mike Donehey and Tenth Avenue North for almost ten years, so I was very excited to receive this ARC. Some of the stories here--most famously the one about Donehey's accident as a teenager--I had already heard him tell in concert, but it was nice getting more details. Everything Mike Donehey says is either heartfelt or hilarious, and his writing style is a balanced mix of both, making all of his advice and revelations given in the book all the more sincere. He gave a new and clearly thought-out and researched perspective on many points--specifically leadership, in the Church and in general--that made me pause to reevaluate my own actions. I typically don't like Christian self-help books because I find them too preachy or judgmental, but Donehey admits from the beginning that he has done so many things wrong and doubted God so numerous times, which comforts the reader and makes him both credible and relatable. There were a few parts getting into the middle, before the halfway mark, that lost my focus, I think because it seemed a little bit repetitive as he was hammering in certain concepts. But overall, Donehey's voice and experience made for an endearing and enlightening read.
I in the process of writing a more personal review on my blog, which I will not post until the book is officially released, on August 6. That review will be found on

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I'm currently deep into the new book by Mike Donehey of Tenth Avenue North: Finding God's Life for My Will. I love how he changes the typical focus of "Finding God's will for MY life"

And he seems to know something about hearing God's Voice:

"I don’t know how you hear the voice of God or even if you believe it’s possible. But for me, when a word, phrase, or idea that aligns with Scripture grabs hold of my subconscious and won’t let go, I can’t help but feel it’s from Him."

This explains how I read. How listening for God's voice becomes a natural part of living.

And here, in his chapter on following. God calls us to follow him, which totally lightens so many burdens!

" When we realize that true leadership is a byproduct of following well, we can exchange all those anxieties for something lighter. We can conserve all that frenetic energy we used to expend trying to live up to a label and be what everyone needed us to be. We can let go and focus on the voice of God. Then we can begin asking the right questions, such as: “What is Christ saying to me right now?"

Mike Donehey is genuine and vulnerable in his book. His transparency encourages me (and hopefully others!) to be honest.

" I missed what was right in front of me because most ministry opportunities have a way of disguising themselves as inconveniences."

"God isn’t efficient. Why else would He use us?"

I was recently reminded of the fact that God doesn't Need us to do something for him (big or small). But he delights to work through us, and what a privilege it is. A source of joy for sure!

Anyway, if you want a solid testimonial on living God's life, the life God's laid out for you, I would recommend this book in a heartbeat.

🔽I did receive a free copy of this book through Netgalley, and chose to share my honest opinion with you here

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