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Wolfhunter River

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A solid 4 stars! To be honest, I wasn't sure that I wanted a Book #3 in this series. Book #2 tied up the story of Gwen Proctor and her family pretty nicely, and I was worried that a departure from that main story line was going to end up resulting in a letdown in Book #3, but I was SO wrong!

Rachel Caine managed to incorporate Gwen's ongoing family saga alongside the introduction of a new threat and side story, and it worked surprisingly well! This book has the same fast-paced action and edge-of-your-seat suspense that I've come to expect from this series, and I couldn't put it down!

And that ending - despite my initial reservations, I'm looking forward to seeing what else happens in this continuing series!

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This is the third book in the Stillhouse lake series. Ideally I would have preferred Stillhouse Lake had been a standalone. It certainly could have been if a little more had been added to it. I knew when I read it though, that there would be another book and I thought this was going to be a duology. Then when I heard about this book I thought it was going to be a trilogy. Now it seems this has turned into a series with no end in sight. Unfortunately I do not see the need for it at all.

Although I really thought this third book was not needed as everything was wrapped up in the two previous ones, I was willing to give it a try, especially since I thought it was the last book in a trilogy. There ended up being little in relation to the first two books, and a side story became the main focus. I thought there was way too much going on with Miranda and the group of people making the documentary, the kidnapped little girl, and the whole town full of crazies. It also felt really unbelievable. I got tired of some of the repetition and rehashing from the two previous books as well. It just all started to get on my nerves after a while.

It's obvious when reading this that the author was trying to transition this book into the start of a series with Gwen becoming an investigator. I really don't find it plausible that this woman, with all the harrowing stuff she has been through would want to continue to put herself and her children through this sort of thing by taking on other people's horrific problems. Unfortunately this series has overstayed its welcome.

Thanks to NetGalley and Thomas and Mercer for providing a copy of this book.

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Thanks for advanced reader copy from Netgalley! This third book in the series didn’t disappoint! I liked this book as much as first two. The author did a great job of tying in the background with the main characters and a new plot that made this book a page turner. I would highly recommend this series for someone who likes fast paced thrillers. I give this book 4.5 rating.

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I need to give this book a standing ovation! Wow! So intense. My head is still spinning. I’m not sure how much one family can go through but you can bet the Proctor’s go through it. One of the best thrillers that I have read in a long time.

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This is the third novel in the Stillhouse Lake series and it did not disappoint! In order to get the most from this book, I'd recommend reading the first two books first--they are both excellent reads as well. In this installment, Gwen is still dealing with the aftermath of her past while responding to a plea for help from a woman in Wolfhunter River. Gwen and her family travel to the town to try to help and the result is a fast-paced read that becomes near impossible to put down!

*I received a free copy from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.*

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My all time favorite series is the Stillhouse Lake series by Rachel Caine. Wolfhunter River is the 3rd book in this amazing series. Although it would be possible for you to read this book without the reading Stillhouse Lake and Killman Creek you would be missing out on 2 awesome thrillers and Gwen Proctor and her family's background. This book was every bit as good as the first 2. I don't know if this is the end of the series or if the author has more in store for this family. Not sure what else Gwen and her family can go through. I am not typically a big fan of reading series - but this one I just loved and couldn't read fast enough. I do hope to see this author write more thrillers because she does an amazing job of it. I will be looking forward to reading them. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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WOLFHUNTER RIVER was an appalling and pulse-pounding thriller. Gwen Proctor managed to escape from her serial killer husband Melvin Royal. She is trying to make a new, safe life for her kids Lanny and Connor, but she has been convicted of being his accomplice by the court of public opinion. She faces daily harassment from online bullies of all descriptions.

Her main nemesis is Miranda Nelson Tidewell. She is wealthy and obsessed with the idea that Gwen was involved in the death of her daughter. She is using her money currently to fund a documentary which will bring everything back to public awareness and encourage a new round of hateful fanatics. Gwen's boyfriend Sam was once a supporter of Miranda and her agenda. They joined forces when Sam's sister was identified as one of Melvin's victims. However, getting to know Gwen has enabled him to realize how wrong he was about her. He hasn't confessed his role in Gwen's harassment though.

Gwen has been getting something of an underground reputation for being able to help other women in her sort of situation. When she gets a call from a woman in Wolfhunter River, she thinks this is another one of those calls. But the woman is too frightened to tell her what is going on. The next time the phone rings from that number, it is the woman's fifteen-year-old daughter Vee who says she's standing over her mother's dead body and that she is afraid that "they" will be coming for her next.

Needing to get away from Stillhouse Lake while the documentary is being filmed there, Gwen, Sam, Lanny and Connor head to Wolfhouse River to see if they can help Vera. They find a town steeped in secrets. Young women are missing, the police are obviously corrupt, and assorted other villains are gathering there. And in the background is the possibility that six-year-old kidnapping victim Ellie White might be somewhere in the area.

The tension and suspense seemed to build with every turn of the page. I loved that the viewpoint shifted from Gwen, to Sam, to Lanny, and to Connor. I loved that there was no complete resolution to Gwen's problems. She'll always be under suspicion from some people regarding whether or not she had a part in Melvin Royal's killing spree. She and Sam have a lot of trust to rebuild after she learns of his involvement with Miranda's hate campaign against her. I do like the strong family that they are building though.

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This book is an action packed ride! Rachel Caine kept the action of the previous books in this series and cut out the details that were hard for me to read. I enjoyed the reinvention of the wife of a serial killer into a fierce warrior for her children but I never liked the details of the husband’s crimes. In this novel we are back with Gwen and Sam and the children still trying to move on with their lives but facing continual obstacles. When Gwen gets a call for help the family goes with her and finds themselves in danger again in a town that’s rotten. At every turn they face threats and the question of who they can trust.

I really liked that the story was fast paced and not so caught up in the characters this time around. In the previous books there was a lot of focus on Gwen’s internal struggle and the constant reminder of what she was going through. This book really had them following the dangers and not so much preparation for what could be coming. The scenarios are very over the top so just go with it to enjoy. I did find it hard to believe that Gwen who had trained so hard could have been so easily outmaneuvered by someone who should not have been her match. That was harder for me to let go of than the bigger wilder scenario. It was a little frustrating that we are introduced to a charismatic character that I hoped would be the center of the story but was not. I understand the plot point but it was annoying.

Overall a great read. If you enjoyed the other books in this series you will love this one. If you are just coming across this book stop and go to the beginning of the series. There is too much backstory between the characters and there crazy situation if you haven’t read it from the beginning.

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I love this series. This book was fast paced, twists and turns. Rachel yet again creates an incredibly creative plot - I am yet again impressed. This is the third book - yet I was still hooked and desperate to finish.
Excellent red. Highly recommend!!

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This is the third book in the Stillwater Lake series, and like the first two, the action is intense and nonstop. While there is a tie-in to the main story, this one has a story of its own about a kidnapping, and has enough twists to keep it interesting, Although I expected more of a continuation of the original story, I wasn’t disappointed in the book, and hope to see more in this series.

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Extremely disappointed in this series. The first book was AMAZING. The second book was terrible. Now, I feel like the author is just stretching it. Should have ended it after book 1. It’s not getting better.

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Gwen Proctor just can't catch a break...

When a woman from a middle of nowhere town called Wolfhunter calls Gwen terrified for her life, she ends up being dragged into another precarious and dangerous situation.

This was definitely an entertaining read. I was on edge from start to finish. The action was non-stop and I had no idea who to trust at all throughout. It's always fun to be kept guessing.

However, I did feel like there was a lot of build up for not very much reward. The way the various storylines converged felt rushed, and the events of the ending happened in a very short amount of time.

Honestly I'm not sure this book was necessary to the Stillhouse Lake series, as the story had nothing really to do with Melvin or his crimes.

Overall I did enjoy it, and I'm happy I read it.

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This is a great series and I really like the direction the author was taking Gwen at the end of this one! I definitely want to read more and am hoping there is more to come in this series!

Wolfhunter River picks up where Killman Creek left off. I saw Sam in a new light in this one, a more interesting character in my opinion than in the previous 2 books. The scene in the woods and his skill made me realize what a bada$$ he really is, which in turn made him that much more interesting! I am loving the characters of Gwen, Lanny and Connor and hope their story isn't over yet.

Gwen receives a call for help from someone in Wolfuhunter River, a corrupt little town if ever I saw one! Really makes you wonder how corrupt some police departments are and where and who you can turn to if found in a situation such as this... Intriguing...

This was fast paced with great character development and I am looking forward to more in this series! Oh and I want more on Mrs. Pall and Hector Sparks! Creeeeeepy! A big thank you to Thomas & Mercer and NetGalley for allowing me the opportunity to read an advanced copy of this book! A special treat as it is a "Read Now" on NetGalley! Grab it up while you can!

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By far the best book of the series! This will definitely be a contender for my favorite read of the year!

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Review Copy

Just when I thought Gwen Proctor's life was all wrapped up and settled down Rachel Caine took her on a wild ride full of twists and turns that left me wondering if anything I knew was correct.

There was so much packed into this novel, almost too much. I wanted to know more. She explained everything fully and I was completely satisfied with the ending, nut I have to admit that I wouldn't have minded another 50-100 pages just to round out the people of Wolfhunter. But that's just me. Caine really nailed the characters, but she just scratched the surface of some. I'd love to know more.

Don't even try to read this book out of order. Don't be that person that comes in at the middle of the movie. If you haven't read the series, start now! If you've read the first two books, get ready....this is heartstopping.

And highly recommended. Go get it.

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This was such a wonderful series. It has mystery, suspence, romance and everything else you would want in a story. The perfect balance of all emotions. Even though Ms. Caine has ended the series satisfyingly I still think about how hard it will be for a family to heal from a situation like this. Start this three book series, you won't be sorry.

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What would you do if you found out that your husband and the father of your children was a serial killer who tortured and brutally murdered countless women under the same roof you lived in? Would it be impossible to believe that you had absolutely no clue that all of this was taking place? What if you were implicated as a partner to his crimes? How far would you go to keep your life together and your children safe from the thousands of people who don’t believe in your innocence? That is the reality Gwen Proctor and her two kids have to live with. After escaping his clutches and saving her family, Gwen tries to create a life of normality of her children’s sake. Until one day, she receives a call from a frightened woman, and Gwen and her family find themselves caught up in a remote town near Wolfhunter River that is rotten to its core. As enemies come crawling out of the darkness from all sides, the fight for their safety and their lives begins once more.

This is the third book in the Stillhouse Lake series by Rachel Caine. Just as with the first two books, I simply could not put this down and stayed up late to finish it in the wee hours of the morning. Was the creep factor high? Definitely; but not so high that I couldn’t fall asleep after reading it.

This was a fast paced read that delivers endless high intensity scenes right after another. Rachel Caine does an awfully good job at highlighting the depravity of human beings and often times it’s a little distressing to read about the extent of cruelty we so easily inflict upon one another. The author goes to prove the dangers of the “pack mentality” and how easy it is for strangers, and even those who were your friends, to turn with the tide against you. This is especially the case when it comes to the great wide web, where the mask of anonymity make people more vulgar and daring. In protesting against someone’s innocence, other people can really come to think and act just as cruelly as the murderers themselves—with their “an eye for an eye” mentality.

While reading I couldn’t help but shout in anger and grind my teeth in frustration at the situations Gwen and her family are placed in. My heart ached as they continually tried to find peace in a world that wishes them nothing but ill will, and even death. One of my favorite things about this series is the strength of Gwen’s character. She’s smart, fierce, and although incredibly paranoid, she proves time and again just how far she’ll go to protect her family and the people she loves. She’s truly a badass that rises up time and again, when it would be simple to take the easy way out.

The plot of Wolfhunter River was a little less straightforward than the first two books, with various storylines being introduced and their connection only revealed in the last 20% of the book. I actually felt that it was just a little bit too much to be plausible or probably, but it didn’t detract from my enjoyment of the story, although you definitely have to pay more attention to keep it all straight! It was gratifying to have some of my theories be correct as well, as I was constantly reformulating my theories until the end! Rachel Caine does a great job in intertwining the various storylines into jaw-dropping reveals and a satisfying final showdown.

If you're looking for a good, quick and thrilling read, you need look no further! However, I highly recommend reading the first two books before jumping straight to this one. Technically, you can still following along, as the author incorporates the backstory quite well, but you’d be missing out on a lot, and where’s the fun in that? You still have time to read the other two before this comes out, as it's planned for publication 23 April 2019.

Thanks to Netgalley and publisher Thomas & Mercer for providing me an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Gwen Proctor has been surviving for a long time now. So have her kids, Lanny and Connor. With Melvin Royal dead, they're finally starting to rebuild some sort of life for themselves with Sam Cade. Until, all at once, specters from both Gwen and Sam's pasts return. A terrifying phone call asking for Gwen's help begins an ordeal that could destroy the family they've formed.

This series is tense and well-plotted and the mysteries in this third book are no different. But it's the characterization and the deep understanding Rachel Caine brings to the characters and their circumstances that are the true stars.

[I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an unbiased review.]
#WolfhunterRiver #NetGalley #StillhouseLake

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I adore this series and was so excited to see another book was coming out. I was a little skeptical as to where the story line would take us based on how the last book ended. I was definitely not disappointed.

In Wolfhunter River, we find that Gwen, Sam and the kids are still trying to enjoy the life they've managed to build for themselves on Stillhouse Lake. Gwen has even decided to make a public appearance on a popular talk show in attempts to tell her story to the public. Unfortunately, the show had something else in mind for Gwen. After bringing out Miranda, the mother of one of Melvin's victims, Gwen quickly realized what a mistake she's made. Miranda is so consumed with grief and determined to prove that Gwen did in fact help Melvin kidnap and murder his many victims. Miranda lets the viewers know that she plans on creating a documentary about Melvin and 'Gina'. Gwen quickly realizes what this will mean for her and her children. All eyes on them....again.

Wolfhunter River was fast paced and exciting. We read from not only Gwen's POV but from Sam, Lanny and Connor at times. We follow the family as they head to a place called Wolfhunter River after Gwen receives a series of unsettling phone calls from two women in that area. Both desperate and obviously afraid for their lives. She tries to blow the calls off, but she can't. And with all the drama coming at them from the documentary, it seems like a good time to get out of town anyway. So they head off to see what they can discover in Wolfhunter and they definitely discover a whole mess of crazy!

The rest of the story is so exciting and fast paced. I love how it ended and I hope Ms. Caine continues the series...I'm hooked.

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Wolfhunter River is the latest story in the Stillhouse Lake series by Rachel Caine. Wolfhunter River does work as a stand alone novel, but I suggest you read Stillhouse Lake and Killman Creek first. There comes a time in Wolfhunter River that this book is impossible to put down. I was given an early copy to review.

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