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29 Seconds

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A woman's solutions to her worst nightmares leaves her scrambling to change events when the "fix" is worst than the nightmare. I really loved this book, especially the ending. There are very few clues that will let the reader get to that ending before TM Logan launches it. What you'll think is a straight forward march to murder is anything but!

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Fast paced enthralling storyline which kept me hooked throughout. Didn’t want to put it down. Will definitely read other T M Logan books

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T. M. Logan writes some very cool thrillers... They tend to be family-based, and involve impossible decisions and choices. The situations that these otherwise average people find themselves thrown into are just plausible enough to suck you right into the drama and make you wonder what you would do if you found yourself in a similar circumstance. The result is a heady mixture of entertainment, engagement, and surprisingly deep thinking about morality and choices and what we are willing to do to protect those around us, and it makes for a great read!

Unfortunately, the predicament Sarah finds herself in is all-too common. The ways she goes about trying to, and ultimately managing how to, deal with it are where the magic happens. Logan has a very engaging and easy writing style, and his characters are very well developed and a great mixture of human foibles and strength. It makes them very relatable, which helps with the immersive feel of the read. The plot lines here were, as with his previous title Lies, more involved than they seemed at first blush, and the revelations and misdirections were scattered in with just the right amount of detail and spot-on timing to keep me thoroughly engaged from start to finish.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This book kept me reading but the plot was rather far fetched - Russian Mob Boss (really?) I had a hard time identifying with the MC because although she was educated and accomplished she kept making really stupid decisions in her personal and professional life. It seemed as though she had to be doing these silly things or the plot would not move forward. There were some pretty slow parts in the middle of the book. I did like the ending. It was a little bit of a surprise and definitely nice to the the villain get his due.

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**I received a digital copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

I read Lies, thanks to St. Martin's Press and was instantly hooked to this author. When I saw this story, I couldn't wait to read it.

And yes, it was still fantastic! The twists and turns. Just when you think you know what is going to happen, it shifts and all bets are off!

The main character is a woman, a hopeful college professor. She is trying to get a permanent contract, and she has a boss who is an awful, awful man!

I thought that was the way this was going, until she saw a little girl being kidnapped.

Wait, what??? What about that boss?

Seriously, a truly exciting story. Way to go, Mr. Logan!

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I would have certainly given this book a 5 but was a little disappointed in the ending. The build up of characters was excellent and the storyline was fantastic. The ending fell a little flat. Would have liked a little more detail on the outcome. instead of an abbreviated account on the outcome. Otherwise perfect.

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I loved that there were twists you didn’t see coming. Also, the unexpected ending was what I loved the best!

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Ever have someone you wish you could just make disappear? Someone that for one phone call that person would be gone and it could not be traced back to you.

Single-parent Sarah sees a side of her boss that few have. Professor and television host Alan Hawthorne is charming and manipulative. But to the women that work for him he is a misogynist, sexually abusive pig who demands “favors” in exchange for a promotion. As Hawthorne turns up the pressure on Sarah, she struggles with the reality that she could lose her job unless she gives in.

But then one afternoon as she is rushing to pick up her children from school, she witnesses an attempted kidnapping of a young girl. Sarah throws caution to the wind and intervenes to stop the kidnapper. Turns out the child’s father is a powerful man with ties to the syndicate. In appreciation, she offers Sarah a one-time deal. Within the next 72 hours she can call him on the burner phone he provides her – "Give me one name. One person. And I will make them disappear.” He assures her that it would not trace back to her. No one would know. One 29-second phone call and someone would be gone from her life.

I enjoyed T.M.Logan’s book LIES, but I love 29 SECONDS. Intense. Breath-taking. Thrilling. By the last portion of the book I absolutely could not put it down. Sleep just had to wait. I was on that rollercoaster with Sarah as she struggled to keep her job while dealing with threats from Hawthorne. She tries to remain ethical but everyone has their limit. I was kept guessing as to the outcome of the book and DID NOT see that ending coming. I am staying vague because I really do not want to give anything away. It is worth the wait to experience it for yourself. This is the best thriller I have read so far for 2019.

Thank you to Jordan Hanley at St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for the advance e-copy.

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Another fantastic read by Logan. Sarah, a college professor specializing in Christopher Marlowe has the worst boss one can imagine, a serial womanizer who won't take no for an answer. But with Sarah's husband temporarily out of the picture leaving her with the bills and two young children, she can't quit her job or complain about being passed over at promotion time. However, when she witnesses an attempted child abduction she's given a proposed reward of having someone disappear. Lots of twists and turns making this book impossible to put down. I read it while on vacation in Mexico. A very satisfactory read.
I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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After all the praise for Logan’s bestselling debut, Lies, I was eager to get my eyes on this psychological thriller about sexual harassment. But while I haven’t read his first novel, I thought this one was a bit of a slow burner.
First of all, the premise of the book—Sarah, the harassed woman, is being offered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make whomever she likes “disappear”—is hardly believable, if not unrealistic, it gets even less so as the story moves on… although I can’t explain why without revealing the first intended twist.
Second, and while this book is a quick read, some parts are not necessary (Sarah’s late mother, her cheating husband, her marriage situation still remaining unanswered, unmentioned, simply at the end of the book) and some seem out of point or hard to understand other than to keep the story going and the “trust no one” mantra (since when do women show no solidarity toward their peers in matters of sexual harassment, worse yet act against one another?).
As for the the bad guy, he’s the utter bad guy alright, but I wish the author had made him a bit more dimensional and subtle.
I wasn’t particularly pleased with the execution either; Logan purposefully cutting out readers from “The” plan, and then later on from the plan set into action, only to reveal what happened “off screen” from a 4-week fast forward perspective, the revelation meant as a final twist I imagine. Didn’t work for me.

On a whole, it’s an okay thriller, rather predictable. I was going to give it three stars, so I’ll stick to it, although after writing this it feels more like two.

Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the e-galley in exchange for an honest review.

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I received this title from netgalley in exchange for my honest review/opinion. I really enjoyed 29 seconds! There was a lot of story, and plot twists. This was a fast read because I didn't want to put it down. I will be looking forward to more mystery thrillers from this author.

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Having read Logan’s first novel, Lies, I was a bit hesitant to pick up 29 Seconds. While Lies was an entertaining read, its protagonist was so naive as to be almost unbelievable. The red herrings were everywhere. The chapters are short. These patterns are repeated in 29 Seconds.

While Lies was more of a detective story, where the reader was taken on a quest for the truth of what happened, the action in 29 Seconds unfolds prospectively. Sarah is a junior level faculty member who is being threatened and sexually harassed by her untouchable boss, a stereotypical villain with no redeeming qualities at all. Increasingly desperate, Sarah seems to find relief in a miraculous encounter with a mobster. After much, much too much, deliberation, Sarah comes up with a plan to save her career and her skin. In the end, the mobster has very little to do with her solution, and questions remain as to how she pulls it off. The bit with the mobster was a bit ridiculous, a time waster and could have been cut. What I found much more interesting was the relationship between Sarah and Roger, her father. I feel that the story could have benefited from a fuller exploration of their closeness, combined with his interesting background.

I received this as an ARC from St. Martin’s Press via NetGalley in exchanged for an unbiased review.

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29 Seconds by T.M. Logan

Because I enjoyed this author’s novel Lies, I was eager to get my hands on this one and it did not disappoint. In the beginning, I was hooked and then I was confused, then curious. In the end, I was turning the pages quickly, anxious to see how it was going to wrap up. This book solidifies the author as one to watch.

Sarah is a young professor struggling to prove herself in a workplace controlled by the charming and manipulative Alan Hawthorne, a renowned scholar and television host. The beloved professor rakes in million-dollar grants for the university where Sarah works—so his inappropriate treatment of female colleagues behind closed doors has gone unchallenged for years. And Sarah is his newest target.

When Hawthorne’s advances become threatening, she’s left with nowhere to turn. Until the night she witnesses an attempted kidnapping of a young child on her drive home, and impulsively jumps in to intervene. The child’s father turns out to be a successful businessman with dangerous connections—and her act of bravery has put this powerful man in her debt. He lives by his own brutal code, and all debts must be repaid. In the only way he knows how. The man gives Sarah a burner phone and an unbelievable offer. A once-in-a-lifetime deal that can make all her problems disappear.

No consequences. No traces. No chance of being found out. All it takes is a 29-second phone call. Because everyone has a name to give. Don’t they?

As you read this, you can’t help but wonder what you would do in Sarah’s situation. A must-read for fans of thrillers and suspense! Coming in September.

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Really liked this from beginning to end! Fast paced with lots of twists and turns! So glad I had the opportunity to read this book! Thanks!

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I received a copy of 29 SECONDS on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to the publisher and author for the opportunity.

FIVE STARS! And here’s why:

T.M. Logan blew me away! Total book hangover. The author captivated my interest from the very first page, through a series of twists I didn’t see coming, to the very end. Bam! It’s hard to discuss the plot without giving too much away, but I’ll leave you with one thought. What if you did a good deed, and someone offered to repay you by granted you one wish . . . that wish could be anything . . . including getting even with a boss that has all the power, fame and money to get what he wants without one iota of remorse or shame? Sarah is confronted with the opportunity of a lifetime. But, is exacting revenge worth giving up everything she believes in just to achieve it? WOW. The whole premise blew my mind. And, it’s been a whole week and I’m still thinking about this book. Highly recommend. T.M. Logan does not disappoint.

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TM Logan has once again written an entertaining thriller. This one has Sarah being given the opportunity to make use of a reward for unknowingly helping out a powerful and dangerous have someone disappear. She cannot help but be tempted to submit the name of her lech of a boss. The book has many moments when the reader ponders what they would do in a similar situation, which adds to the entertainment factor. It is a book I will be recommending to both friends and customers.

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This book blew me away, I loved the concept! Sarah's job at the university has become a nightmare thanks to the famous professor on campus, a womanizer with all the power, fame and money he needs to do whatever he wants - and right now he wants Sarah., And sadly if she ever hopes to move up in her job, she needs his okay.
Then Sarah witnesses the attempted kidnapping of a young girl, and acts to save the child. Days later, she is summoned to the home of a powerful businessman, the girl's father, who wants to repay her for saving his daughter ~ by giving her a once in a lifetime offer ~! he will make a person she names disappear. off the face of the earth.
Let the games begin!

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I really enjoyed reading this book. A good storyline that kept me throughly engaged throughout the book. I did not guess the ending and it was a good one!
I would definately read other books by this author.

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T.M. Logan does not disappoint!! 29 Seconds is one of the most suspenseful novels I’ve read in a long time! The premise was socially relevant and the storyline was expertly thought out. The attention to detail was spot on which is always my favorite part of a fantastic thriller! I love when a novel plays out like a movie in my mind and 29 Seconds did exactly that! I highly recommend this 5 star novel to anyone who (like I) enjoys getting wrapped up in a mystery/thriller that has you hooked from start to finish! Also, if you haven’t already read T.M. Logan’s debut novel, Lies, check it out as well!

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Wow...this book showcases the reason the Me Too movement is in full swing...It tells the tale of an older more superior man using sexual harassment to intimidate his female counterparts...This academic man meets his match with Sarah....there is a nice back drop when a proposal is offered to make this harassment go away and all that entails...The ending is well executed and showcases the power of women when they are faced with adversity and injustice...

Thank you Netgalley for the chance to read and review.

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