Cover Image: DEV1AT3 (Deviate)

DEV1AT3 (Deviate)

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Member Reviews

I really wanted to like this book. The synopsis held so much promise, but the book failed to deliver as much as I hoped for from it. I enjoyed it well enough, but with a few tweaks it could have been an even more enjoyable read.

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The first book in this trilogy was so fun so I had to request this. And while this was AS great, it was still a pretty good follow up. Can't wait for the next book!

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Great sequel that had me on the edge of my seat and dying for the final book! Kristoff really knows how to work the sci-fi genre in so many different ways and each one of them always has some kind of new twist that I wasn't expecting when I start the book.

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3.5 stars. This one could've done so much with a character and chose not to. There was so much that could've happened and this one was predictable compared to the first book. Not as strong. Review to come.

Due to being a high school teacher, I have been falling behind on reviews. Here are my initial thoughts.

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Another stunning installment by Mister Kristoff. DEV1AT3 picks up right where LIFEL1K3 left off and just kept on running. Honestly, I don't think Jay Kristoff really ever touched on the brakes. While Eve was the main focal point in book 1, here we get more narrative from my favorite little, sassy red-head Lemon Fresh.

Honestly, the world of LIFEL1K3 is dark and gritty, but that doesn't stop the comic relief and quick wit from Jay Kristoff who is renown for his constant comic wit and his ability to make amazing dialogue. The entire cast of characters are gems and I want more of them (excluding the lifelikes who I absolutely abhor). From Lemon to Zeke to the Freaks to Hunter to Preacher to Cricket and Solomon, oh I loved that logika, he absolutely stole the show from the very first encounter.

I am both excited and terrified for what this man has in store for me in the final book.

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. When I was approved for this sequel to Lifel1k3, I was so excited and when I found out that Lemon Fresh is the main character instead of the sidekick I was blown away. I loved this character in the first book and I loved her even more in this one. I appreciated how the author gave us a little background from book one at the beginning because it had been awhile since I read it, so the synopsis was very welcome. I loved learning more about Lemon's background and seeing her relationships with the other characters grow. As usual, the author has left us one heck of a cliffhanger. I love and hate him for this simultaneously. I'm so excited for the next book!

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The first book in the series was amazing. Jay Kristoff is an extremely talented author. I was so excited to get the chance to read and review the second book. This was definitely a great continuation of the series.
I love that we get to learn more about different characters during this book. I love the whole group of characters and can’t wait to see who the next book in the series focuses on.
The fact that the book began with a refresher of the characters made me so happy and helped to immerse me back into this world. I found it action packed and paced wonderfully. I didn’t find myself overwhelmed like I usually do with so much action. Jay absolutely has a way with words.

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the ending of this thing gave me a heart attack. my poor babies. i am still not okay with it and i am soooo mad.

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I was kind of on the fence on this series after the first book, and was hoping that I would be inspired by DEV1AT3 - unfortunately I have never been motivated to get started because of the pain points from the first book. DNF/Not read, just not for me.

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This is one of my favorite series and I'm so lucky I was able to read and review the entire thing. I fell in love with the characters and even the world even though it could be quite bleak at times. I can't say too much because of spoilers, but this story is flipped on it's head so many times and is action packed the entire ride.

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DEV1AT3 by Jay Kristoff

Before I begin my review, if you have not read <i>LIFEL1K3</i> yet, then this may contain spoilers.

<b> “Look at the world they have created. Humanity is a failed experiment, running face-first toward its own extinction. They’re the past, we’re the future.” </b>

<i>DEV1AT3</i> picks up right after the events of <i>LIFEL1K3.</i> After the battle in Babel, Eve has gone her own way. Lemon, Ezekiel and Cricket have now teamed up. Unfortunately the new trio is shortly ambushed in the desert, so all characters are separated from one another. We get four points of view throughout the book. Eve, Lemon, Ezekiel and Cricket. Eve has kind of stepped aside from being a main character and Lemon has taken over that position in this storyline.

<b> “Friends are family in a world like this. And family is more important than anything under heaven.” </b>

It was actually quite refreshing to have Lemon as the main character in this sequel. Lemon is such a likable character full of sarcasm and hilarious sayings. Eve’s point of view isn’t talked about as much. Eve is going through quite the transformation after the events in <i>LIFEL1K3.</i> She has lost who she was, and is now trying to find herself.

<b> “When you’ve lost everything you’re free to do anything.” </b>

We have some new characters, as well as a new cult, the Brotherhood, that are introduced in this book. I really fell in love with Grimm, who is now Lemon’s love interest. Side note, if you are listening to the audiobook, Grimm’s accent is so wonderful, I promise you’ll love it.

One thing that captured my attention in this story was the talk about plastic waste. We did have that in <i>LIFEL1K3</i> but i think <i>DEV1AT3</i> highlighted on it a little bit more. One passage struck me the most...

<b>“The average time it takes a plastic water bottle to degrade is around four hundred and fifty years. The worst offenders take a thousand.”</b>

In this world that Kristoff has created, it is a futuristic view. The world seems to be based on the United States. It's a desert wasteland full of plastic waste, and remnants of a destroyed world by the human race's hands. It’s so absolutely interesting to me that Kristoff decided to tie this into his story, it obviously has a strong connection to our present day environmental issues.

<b> “And the ones that change the best, do the best, and pass on their changes to their kids.” </b>

In this middle book, it was so fast-paced and there wasn’t ever a second of it that I was bored. I enjoyed this one more than the first one because of that factor. Of course, the ending is a typical Kristoff ending leaving you yearning for more. And that is exactly why we love him!

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Applause! This book blew me away. I liked the first book, but this one thoroughly surpassed it in every way making this series just soooo good. There was still ample action, but I began feeling for the characters so I cared about the story and the characters developed and evolved nicely. The world-building was excellent - readers were taken to new places which explain more about how the "Yousay" got to where it is now and why the problems exist. This book made me think and feel and I really enjoyed that experience. It stayed with me long after I put it down. The characters resonated and stuck. These elements speak to me of good writing and story-telling. I want more.

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I will read and devour anything Kristoff writes! His work is always so captivating and unique. Can’t wait for the next book in the series!

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Is Jay Kristoff trying to kill me? Seriously, is it his goal in life to slowly decimate the souls of his readers? Because I'm pretty sure that's what he is trying to do right now.

Forewarning, this review may not be for you if you haven't read Lifelike. I will avoid as many spoilers as possible for book one, but just wanted to throw a little warning in.

I'll admit it, I didn't like Lemon Fresh in the first book. To be entirely frank, she kind of annoyed me and I found both her and Eve difficult to connect with. I was confused about the direction Kristoff was taking these books at the end of Lifelike and after finishing Deviate have realized something. Eve was never meant to be the main protagonist - it has ALWAYS been about Lemon Fresh. Coming to that realization and spending all of Deviate in Lemon's head changed my entire view of this series. I LOVED her in this book and found myself dying for more of her POV during Zeke's chapters.

From page one, this book was a freaking RIDE! I never knew what to expect and every single time I thought I had a plot point figured out, Kristoff ripped the rug out from under me and proved that I didn't know anything. I am both terrified and excited as hell for the final book in this series!

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I can't express what DEV1AT3 means to me as a book. I read LIFEL1K3 while going through chemotherapy and it was a huge part of my recovery and has made an impact on my life in the best possible way. DEV1AT3 was an amazing continuation of the story and I am even more excited to read the finale when it's released!

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Jay Kristoff never disappoints! This was such a good follow up to Lifelike! I was so excited for more Lemon Fresh!

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Unfortunately, I did not finish the first book. Though I thoroughly enjoy Kristoff's other works, this series is not for me.

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Jay Kristoff never disappoints. This geeky, tech-filled, post-apocalyptic world and amalgam of machine, artificial intelligence, bio-engineering, and superpowers hit all the right buttons. The dialogue is snappy and full of sass. The world-building is crystal clear, disturbingly so given its bleak view of the world. The story and action are rapid and fascinating, so much that you can only hang on for the ride. Focusing on Lemon gives us the chance to see this world from a different viewpoint, and seeing it from Cricket’s point of view is sheer genius. I cannot wait for more.

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I had such a hard time getting through this book, despite the fact that I've really enjoyed every other book written by Jay Kristoff. I might try to read this again in the future, but for now I just couldn't get into it and I kept getting bored while reading. However, as always, Kristoff's writing is beautiful and his characters are engaging.

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Jay Kristoff has done it again, as always. We basically pick up where the last book left off, and we get a thorough and wonderful recap in the beginning. Kristoff continues to develop his characters and the world, and hooks you each step of the way. We follow the same characters we did in the first book. The pacing is great in this book. Not too fast, but just enough to keep you going and wanting more. The books ending... it's wonderful. I need the third book now!

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