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The Rumor

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“The Rumor” ended up being just an average read for me. I have to admit that I was struggling to get into the story, and I was just unable to focus on the plot. It is really hard for me to pin point why this book did not keep my interest as much as I thought it would based on the synopsis. Maybe because I just didn’t care for any of the characters, or maybe there was just too many of them, and only just few were important to the story. While reading this book I read two other novels in between, just because I could not stick with the story.

There was one thing that I really liked about “The Rumor”: it was thought provoking at times. The author talks about the effects the gossip has on a small town community, and how just a small, innocent rumor can blow up into something so big, that it can destroy lives and reputations of people involved. The main character, Joanna, not only uses gossip to get herself invited into the “popular” moms’ circle, but she also uses it to re-direct any negative or unwanted attention. In the end, what she did backfires, and instead of finding herself in a more positive situation she brings a lot of negative and undesirable attention to her family.

I can see why this book has a lot of 4 and 5 stars reviews, it is a quick, twisty, psychological thriller, that keeps you guessing up to the end, but this story just did not click with me.

Thank you NetGalley, Ballantine Books, and the author, Lesley Kara, for giving me an opportunity to read an ARC of this story in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I really enjoyed this thriller. Well, kind of. While the pacing at times would drag, I was still intrigued from beginning to end. The characters were well developed. The plot was well thought out and delivered. The atmosphere and writing were really weird though. I could not tell were it was supposed to be set. It would mentioned being in the US but it used a lot of UK terms. After reading I found out that the author is from the UK and the book was originally set in the UK but rewritten with a US setting for the US release. I found this to be very distracting. In my opinion it should have been left alone or edited more. The story is really creepy having the main character having a son near the same age as the one killed. However, this hate towards a person that committed a crime so long ago felt displaced and a bit too much. I understand the mob mentality but this lady was young when she committed the crime and was released. It was a one time thing. Not a serial killer. This thought was constantly popping up and distracting me from the story. I think I would have. liked it more if that was more subtle. More like constant whispers around town and not attacks on the persons business.

All in all, I really liked the ending and for that reason I am giving it a 4 instead of a 3.

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A little harmless rumor, that's all it was. But oh, what an evil act we can start with such a little hint! Twists and turns everywhere in this gem of a book. Thank you to NetGalley for this peek at a stunner of a book.

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Great story for a debut novel! Definitely a page turner that will keep you gripped even after you’ve turned the last page. What happens when a rumor destroys lives? This is what Joanna is about to find out in this twisty tale.

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This book....It had me looking everywhere for the answer, and wow I didn’t not see the ending coming. The author did a wonderful job of keeping the reader guessing and keeping up the pace. If you need a heart pounding thriller, look no further. Once you get to the halfway point, you won’t be able to stop fill your done. 5 stars!

Thank you netgally for this advanced copy in exchange for my honest review!

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I really enjoyed this book. Great premise, quaint seaside location, interesting characters, and just enough details to have you suspicious of everyone. The dynamic of small town life and women who have time on their hands to get drawn into rumors. Once the rumor is set in motion it was so intense that I raced through the pages waiting for more of the rumor to be revealed and spread and then trying to figure out who the rumor was about. I starting to suspect everyone. The suspense escalates and finally the truth is revealed. Thank you NetGalley, Lesley Kara, Randomhouse books for the ARC. Book on sale June 18, 2019

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Ever wondered how a careless word can simply destroy another person's life? When Joanna tries to impress her school mom friends with a rumor about a child murderer, she has no idea what she is about to set loose in the sleepy seaside town of Flintstead...

Thrilling, interesting, and absolutely nail-biting! The suspense is maintained until the final reveal. Loved it!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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I am guilty of judging a book by its blurb. When I read the blurb, I thought that it was going to be a run of the mill suspense/thriller/mystery. I thought that I would be able to figure out who the killer was by the middle of the book. Yeah, well, that didn’t happen. I was taken by surprise by The Rumor , and I loved it.

The murderer in The Rumor is based on a real crime. Mary Bell killed a four-year-old and a three-year-old in 1968. The author had Sally follow Mary’s path in life. I was chilled reading those parts of The Rumor. The question that burned in my mind as I was reading was, “What can drive a ten-year-old to kill?“

The plotline in The Rumor was fast paced. There were no slow interludes. Everything that occurred in the book, happened within a few weeks of Joanna repeating the rumor. There was no lag, and there were no dropped or missing storylines.

Joanna became a hot mess during the book. The minute she repeated that rumor, she was on a fast track to collide with the killer. There were times where I wanted to shake her, though. Mainly with her personal life. I did feel bad for her at the end of the book. What she learned shocked me as much as it shocked her.

I was surprised at who the child killer was. When it was revealed, my mouth dropped open, and I said, out loud, “No effing way.” I was not expecting it to be that person. The author did a fantastic job of throwing out red herrings and pointing fingers at various people in the book. I loved it!!

The end of The Rumor was intense. Everything was revealed in a showdown that I can only describe as epic. I couldn’t put the book down because I needed to know what was going to happen. What chilled me was the last chapter. I got chills up and down my spine when I read it.

I would give The Rumor an Adult rating. There is sex. There is language. There is violence. I would recommend that no one under the age of 21 read this book.

I would reread The Rumor. I would recommend it to family and friends.

**I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book**

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The Rumor had me gripped from start to finish. I was literally sitting on the edge of my seat in anticipation of what would happen next.

It all starts with a rumor... a notorious killer, Sally McGowan, is reportedly resides in a quiet, friendly little town just a few miles from NYC. Joanna finds herself obsessed with an old case, and she shares the findings with her partner, a freelance journalist who decides to write a book regarding the child killer. An innocent rumor makes a huge impact on the town and its residents, and Joanna finds herself and her son in danger. A couple of threatening tweets and photoshopped photo are only the beginning of a horrific discovery she is about to uncover.

The Rumor is clever and twisted and completely engrossing. I haven't been this satisfied with a book in a while. I would like to thank the publisher, Ballantine Books, for allowing me a copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed this book and loved that it came from different viewpoints. Like so many of us, Joanna hears a rumor and passes it on. Little does she know that this will change her entire life as she knows it. The story that she shares ends up becoming an obsession and she no longer knows who she can trust. I loved that this book was not obvious and kept me guessing throughout and would like to see what else this author has up her sleeve.

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I read this last week in a day and a half because I could not put it down. I don't want to say too much because I don't want to give anything away, but read this book! If a great, creepy beach read set in a sleepy oceanside town where nothing ever happens...until the rumor starts...
This novel definitely surprised me, in a good way. That's all I'm going to say as not to spoil the fun. Give it a read and let me know what you think!
Thanks to @netgalley and @ballantinecorp for allowing me to read this book in exchange for my review!
Rating: 🙀🙀🙀🙀 #lesleykara #therumor #bookstagramreviews #booksharks #netgalley #summerreads

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Disclaimer: I received this book from Netgally for review purposes.

*Takes really deep breath* okay guys what the fuck was that 🤦

I had a lot of problems with this book which sucks because I really wanted to like it. It had a lot of fluff, like a lot. The main character just has a lot of inner monologue and I can't bring myself to care about any of it - probably because she hates Halloween and when dogs lick people. She also has a "I'm better than you" personality and judges all the other moms for gossiping and being catty but this girl started and perpetuated the rumor the entireee book. 🤦🤦🤦🤦

She also says she'll do whatever it takes to stop her kid from being bullied but when her kid gets invited to a Halloween party it's a big eye roll and being ticked off that she's going to need to get him a costume - even saying that maybe just throwing a sheet over him and calling him a ghost will be good enough. Like, yeah, good effort lady.

The whole book just centered around self centered rich white ladies and it was a looot. Also I had no idea who anyone was??? They mention like tons of characters and I think I grasped two.

I usually don't post spoilers but my main problem with the book is very spoilery so SPOILERS BELOW


we're supposed to sympathize with the child killer? Look I'm pretty fricken liberal but at her age you know right and wrong and I'd be pissed too that you got out and got to live a normal life 😑 efffff that. I was 100% with the lady who was trying to ruin her family and kill her. Not only were you selfish enough to not tell your family this endangering them but you literally destroyed a entire families life and just think saying oops sorry is good enough. Nope nope nope I'm sorry but if someone hurt my family or god forbid killed my sibling or child id hunt you down for revenge too 🤷

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“The Rumor” is a story about how damaging a rumor can be once it gets started. It is very well written, intense and suspenseful.....a well plotted psychological thriller. The story and characters instantly drew me in. The twist towards the end is almost hard to believe, a total shock.
Thank you to NetGallery, the publisher and author, Lesley Kara, for the opportunity to read and review this intriguing debut novel.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️— The Rumor by Lesley Kara (Out July 9)
Thank you to Ballantine Books and Netgalley for a free copy!
Sally McGowan was a young girl who murdered an even younger boy. So when rumors pop up that this person is living in her small town, Joanna passes the rumor along as idle gossip. A mom trying to fit in, she unleashes a flow of gossip/rumors that cannot stop once it starts.
What I Loved: The first 1/4 drug a bit but once it picked up it was moving fast. I liked how I suspected numerous people and kept changing my thoughts. Though it wrapped up quickly there was nothing else to do this time. And I appreciated how the author didn’t try to throw in 800 twists to “wow” you, which normally leaves readers confused and frustrated. The ending was to the point!
What I Didn’t: There were definitely more characters than needed. Some were there it seemed to take up space and it made the story drag a bit at the beginning.

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Flinstead is a small town. The moms at school hear a rumor that Sally McGowan was living in their town under an assumed name. Sally McGowan killed a young boy when she was ten years old. After serving her time, Sally disappeared.

Joanna Critchley repeats the rumor at book club. The rumor spreads and soon the town is searching for Sally, accusing anyone they think may be her under an assumed name. They do not want her in their town. Chaos erupts. Jo and her partner, Michael, look for Sally in earnest.

The Rumor is a fast-past ride with several twists and an explosive ending. Jo is a normal single parent (although Michael is definitely in the picture). She feels she must find if Sally McGowen is living in Flinstead. Responsibility for her part in all that is happening and could happen weighs at her. Jo doggedly pursues each bit of information, whether true or a red herring.

I cannot express how much I enjoyed this book. I could not stop reading and ended up finishing it in one setting. I never expected the ending and was blown away. I, literally, had no clue. I will definitely read every book written by this author!

I received an ARC from Random House Publishing - Ballentine Books through NetGalley in

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2.5 Stars* (rounded down)

Joanna and her son Alfie move into the quite community of Flinstead where her mother lives in hopes that both Jo and Alfie will fit in. Fitting in has never been either’s strong suit. It is then that Jo does it. Starts the rumor! Of a notorious murderer living in Flinstead. It takes off like wildfire. And just like that, Jo is a part of the “in crowd” and everyone wants to know more about Sally McGown.

I’ve never personally thought much about rumors. But then I’ve never spread any. Just goes to show you. This book sure makes you think about them - I’ll give you that. It also makes your eyes roll, and roll.

If you like idle chit chat, gossip and/or you will live in a small community, maybe you’ll like this novel, unfortunately, it just wasn’t my cuppa.

Thank you to NetGalley, Random House Publishing Group and Lesley Kara for an arc of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

Published on Goodreads and NetGalley on 6.22.19.

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I loved this book. It definitely shows how rumors can get out of hand. The mystery around who the person was kept me questioning many different characters. Even when the answer was revealed, there was yet another twist. Very good read!!!
Thanks Net Galley for providing this book for me for an unbiased review.

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Thanks to NetGalley, Ballantine Books, and Lesley Kara for the opportunity to read and review her debut novel - I could not put this book down! I can't wait to read more from this author.

Rumors - so easy to spread and what harm they can cause. Joanna is a single mom to Alfie and recently moved her son to be close to her mom because he was being bullied in school. But Joanna and Alfie are still having trouble fitting in. When Joanna lets slip a rumor that she heard to the other moms, she gains an in to the group, but at what cost. The rumor is that a murderer of a small boy has been released and is living in their town under an assumed name. Suddenly everyone is suspect. Joanna becomes obsessed with the case as well. Just how dangerous for everyone will this rumor become?

Just as in the book, everyone is suspect and I was glued to the pages to find out the answers - and was still blown away by the last page. Great read!

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It starts with a rumor. Whispers at the school gate.

"There's a strong possibility that a famous child killer is living right here in Flinstead," she says, pausing to let her words take effect. "Under a new identity of course" ...

The Rumour debuted in the United Kingdom in December of 2018. The setting is the fictional "cozy" seaside village of Flinstead-on-Sea and the dialogue is distinctly British. The novel crosses the Atlantic in June, 2019 and has been revised for an American audience. Just in time to pick up a copy for a nice beach read! Other reviewers have called it a psychological thriller or heady suspense but I would place it more as a women's fiction with a who-dun-it theme.

Joanna Critchley, a single mother, was a very successful real estate manager in a large metropolitan area near the sea. She gave it all up - the big salary, beautiful home, and fancy car - to give her son, Alfie, a new life away from cruel school bullies.

She surprises herself by choosing to be near her mother in the small seaside town of Flinstead. When she was eighteen-years-old she couldn't leave Flinstead fast enough. The tiny town is a mecca for retirees and she longed for the bright lights of the city and the more hip crowd. Now returning, she hopes that Alfie being near his beloved grandmother and entering a new school system would give him a brighter future. Alfie is a bi-racial child and the reader is left to assume that Joanna expected the smaller community would be more tolerate of her mixed race child.

She soon learns that a small town can be harsh on newcomers. Children aren't the only ones to find it difficult to find a place in the existing pecking order.

Encouraged by her mother, Joanna makes an effort to meet other women in local social activities and joins a book club. When another member of the book club is being hazed over her love life, Joanna attempts to deflect the conversation by asking,

"Just out of curiosity, has anyone heard of Sally McGowan?". . . that child killer from the sixties . . . I'm sure it is a load of garbage, but someone mentioned they'd heard something about her living in Flinstead, under a new identity."

And just like that - the rumor begins to spread throughout the town like a lightning strike in a hay field. Once ignited, the rumor is unstoppable and splinters into different directions fueled by fear, curiosity, paranoia, and suspicion.

Suspected victims are harassed and threatened. No one is above suspicion. And everyone remembers who first brought up the subject. Joanna becomes a target by someone who seems to know Sally McGowan and she fears for her life and that of her son.

The twisty plot explores the damage an innocent comment can do in a small town with everyone having an ax to grind. The truth of the rumor becomes a rationale to expose the town's underbelly.

The book is not overly harsh and easy to read. The kind of book you would take on a plane trip; it doesn't require the reader to deeply engage in the themes just enjoy the journey.

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This was a fascinating psychological thriller. Rumor’s can spread quickly and many times they have devestating consequences. Deadly consequences. Kara delivers a fair amount of suspense with this debut novel.
Many thanks to Random House Publishing and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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