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Here To Stay

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Another great book with a great storyline, great characters choice, lot of unexpected twists and turns. Would highly recommended this book to all my friends.

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Thank you Net Galley and Amazon Publishing for an early copy of this book. Very Frustrating!!! I wanted to be rid of these inlaws immediately. I couldn't put it down, very twisted ending. Loved the book.

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Elliot owns a lovely large house and garden bought with the proceeds of a successful website sale. Being community spirited he opens his garden on the local open garden day and seemingly unwittingly meets Gemma who proceeds to save his life when he has an anaphylactic reaction to a sting. Their relationship progresses to the point of marriage. He knows little about her family only having met her brother who lives a short drive away. Her parents and sister Chloe are in France. We get occasional chapters about a couple doing something, we know not what, rather cloak and dagger. When Gemma asks if her parents and sister can stay “just for a couple of weeks” until they find somewhere, Elliot is pleased to help and to finally meet them. However it soon becomes clear that they are far from a normal family. Chloe is very withdrawn and possibly ill and Gemma’s parents have their own very odd agenda. Oooh!! Mark has done it again. Making me sit on the edge of my seat with that anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach that something, just something is amiss and just around the corner to keep me turning the pages. I felt for Elliot and his naivety in not asking Gemma more about her family before they arrived and about the scars that she is careful to hide. OMG the ending!!! I won’t spoil anything. Hold on to your seat and enjoy the ride!
For more reviews please see my blog
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(rest of links to follow once published on blog- 12th)

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A beautiful home. A loving wife. And in-laws to die for.

Gemma Robinson comes into Elliot’s life like a whirlwind, and they marry and settle into his home. When she asks him if her parents can come to stay for a couple of weeks, he is keen to oblige – he just doesn’t quite know what he’s signing up for.

The Robinsons arrive with Gemma’s sister, Chloe, a mysterious young woman who refuses to speak or leave her room. Elliot starts to suspect that the Robinsons are hiding a dark secret. And then there are the scars on his wife’s body that she won’t talk about . . .

As Elliot’s in-laws become more comfortable in his home, encroaching on all aspects of his life, it becomes clear that they have no intention of moving out. To protect Gemma, and their marriage, Elliot delves into the Robinsons’ past. But is he prepared for the truth?


Wow wow wow!!! I absolutely loved this book and devoured it in 24 hours!!

I first discovered Mark Edwards in 2014 when I read The Magpies and have followed him ever since. The Magpies was a spectacular book and it is still one of my 'go to' books to recomend. However, I've felt that his further books just never quite lived up to The Magpies. Until this book, which is easily on a par with it.

This book brought back all the old feelings. Tension. Nerves. Claustrophobia and those good old sweaty feet I get when I'm stressed! That is exactly what I want from a book.

Highly recommended by me. 5+ stars.

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This book was really stressful to read. I mean that in a good way. It built the tension really well and left me anxious as to what was going to happen next. Probably one of this author's best books. I would give it 6 stars if I could.

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Author Mark Edwards describes his psychological thrillers as stories “in which scary things happen to ordinary people”. No kidding! I actually had nightmares about this book and felt so stressed throughout that it gave me a tension headache. This is the third book this month where ordinary people have had their homes taken over by evil houseguests, and I don’t like it! It freaks me out!!!!

After a whirlwind romance followed closely by marriage to the gorgeous Gemma, science teacher Elliot feels like his life is complete. He has everything he can ever want: a loving partner, a beautiful home, a job he loves and an adored cat who is like a child to him. That’s until his in-laws come to stay for two weeks – and never move out. Which in itself is terrifying, except that you have no idea how bad it can get, because these are not your average family but a bunch of utter psychopaths! Sweet Elliot, whose own parents are long dead, has no chance against the destructive force that is about to be unleashed on his life.

This is my third book by Mark Edwards, and he is becoming a go-to author for me when I want a truly terrifying domestic noir thriller that messes with my mind. His stories are never predictable, and neither do they always end the way I would like, i.e. the good guys win, the bad ones get punished, or swallowed by a black hole, or incinerated by the breath of an avenging dragon. Instead, there are crazy twists at every turn, some so hair-raising that if this was a scary movie I would have to turn the volume on low and peek through my fingers. No such luck here, though. The story slowly unrolled in all its horrifying glory, and I felt like I had knives thrown at my heart. I am relieved to hear that this story has not been inspired by the author’s own in-laws, who apparently are lovely (really????).

As I am sitting here writing this review, I still feel the remnants of tension in my gut, the sort that only a stiff drink and a night off the thrillers can fix. At this stage I am determined that I am never going to have houseguests ever again!

Phew, deep breath! In summary, if you like a tense, nightmarish thriller that will take over your dreams like the evil houseguests in Mark Edward’s latest story, then go for it! Disclaimer: if you suffer from high blood pressure, anxiety or poor impulse control (i.e. book throwing), do not enter into this without consulting your doctor first. Also, this book is like reading about a plane crash before embarking on a long-haul flight, so if your in-laws’ visit is imminent, I recommend skipping it for now. Who am I kidding? This book is pure hell!!!!! Enter at your own risk! And don’t say I didn’t warn you ....

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I received an advanced reader’s copy of Here to Stay by Mark Edwards in exchange for an honest review I like to thank Netgalley and Amazon reads.

My first Mark Edwards book and what an introduction "WOW" this was an emotional rollercoaster ride from start to finish this is an Psychological thriller of the highest order.
We meet Elliot living the good life in suburbia he has good job, good home fairly well off but just one thing is missing someone to share it all with introduce Gemma a charming pretty lady and bang fireworks explode love at first sight what could go wrong?
To say anymore would spoil this book but I was hooked from the first page until the last It was a powerful emotional journey and I loved every second of it.
The book is written so well and Edwards creates such a tense atmosphere that you have to keep turning the page to see what happens next he puts you in the "what would I do in that situation" so well.
All the characters that reside in this world are well fleshed out and believable.
This book is a triumph in the Psychological thriller genre and Edwards is a Author I shall read again.
Stunning read I could not put it down will be on my best of 2019.

Well worth your time and hard earned cash.

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I’ve previously enjoyed books by this author. Unfortunately, this one, not so muchI

Elliott meets and speedily weds a beautiful woman. What follows is the stuff of nightmares, when she invites her family to stay. Overall, I found the storyline obvious and somewhat boring with characters being either pantomime ‘baddies’ or sweet, obvious ‘goodies ‘. The characters were mostly unlikeable and the lead character of Elliott, the most frustrating of all.
There are some shocks, but, I found the plot to be thin and although there are a few twists, the entire book did nothing for me I’m afraid.

I’m glad many appear to be enjoying it, just, not me. Sorry!

I do appreciate the opportunity to preview, thanks to Netgalley and the publishers.

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Mark Edwards does it again. I was unsure if I would enjoy this book as much as the Magpies series but I was not disappointed. This book surpassed my exceptions. This whole family that get mixed up in the life of bachelor Elliot’s life are horrific and this story just does not let you go from the start. I loved it.

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Another fantastic book from Mark, I have been following him since The Magpies in 2013 when I first got my Kindle and was one of my favourite reads and this one is up there in my 2019 best reads.

It kept me on the edge of my seat throughout and was a gripping page turner from beginning to the end with a great ending that I didn't guess.

Well done Mark, I look forward to your next masterpiece, you have a lot to live up to now after this one.

Thank you to Netgalley and Amazon Publishing for giving me the opportunity to read this brilliantly addictive book.

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Mark Edwards first achieved success with The Magpies, the quintessential neighbours-from-hell story, and Here to Stay is very much in the same mould, and has a number of echoes (the protagonist even lives, appropriately, on “Cuckoo Lane”). Here, though, the monsters are actually living with the protagonist, in the shape of the in-laws from hell who just won’t leave. It’s a natural progression, I guess.

Nice guy Elliot - a scientist and teacher who’s done well for himself - thinks life has taken a turn for the (even) better when he meets and quickly marries the lovely Gemma. He hasn’t bargained on her awful family, though. Jeff and Lizzy Robinson, just returned from abroad and moving in for a “couple of weeks” with younger daughter Chloe, soon reveal some unpleasant habits, but that’s not the half of it. Chloe, meanwhile - apparently ill, perhaps seriously - immediately disappears into her bedroom and isn’t seen again for ages. Clearly, this is not a normal family.

I’ve had some mixed feelings about Mark Edwards’ books in the past, but there’s no denying that he writes incredibly readable stories. He’s really good at how things escalate from apparently small annoyances to all-out mayhem, and even if it’s often possible to guess how things are going to go (and I did see the twist coming) it’s unquestionably entertaining.

The Robinsons are horrible, amoral, toxic people with zero redeeming features. They’re well drawn - I could picture Jeff and Lizzy all too clearly - if a bit extreme. We never find out their backgrounds or why they’re the way they are.

A good escapist read.

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This was a great psychological thriller about the in-laws from Hell whirlwind romances, lots of dishonesty and trust issues. Shows just how deep out family secrets run, and what we would do to either understand them or go to great lengths to break all ties.
Well developed characters that were easy to either really like or just despise.
Lots of great twists and turns with a crazy surprise ending.
Very intense! Highly recommend.
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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This book was unbelievable. Riveting, frightening, well written and unbelievable plot. I was glued to each page, literally holding my breath. An absolutely shocking ending as well. Ten stars to this author and I can't wait to read more of his books. Don't miss this one. Incredible!

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Loved this one to bits! I stayed up all night reading it. I loved Mark Edwards stories - they are always gripping, thrilling, and unputdownable. This latest one was just such a fun on to get caught up in. A man named Elliot falls in love, gets married within three months and winds up with a house filled with "family". Except, his new "family" don't want to leave and their behavior is rather unsavory. In fact, his new "family" is rather psychotic...or is he just losing his mind? Either way, things are not looking good for Elliot. Suffice it to say, Edwards has once again weaved another fantastic thriller chock full of twists and turns that will have you reading faster and faster to find out what happens next. Such a great book!!

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Mark Edwards is quickly becoming one of the best authors of psychological thrillers in the UK. I received this book yesterday and I’ve already finished it. I loved it and couldn’t stop reading it once I had started. I’d definitely recommend this book.

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Mark Edwards is a really good writer of this type of fiction! His books get better and better! Creepy, twisty and a feeling that nothing is as it seems! I really loved this one!

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First time I’ve read a book by this author, and I was impressed. Taking the written words to create emotions in the reader is a remarkable skill, and Mr. Edwards was able to create a strong animosity for the in-laws from ‘heck’. Like fish, house guests begin to “smell” after three days. But moving in with no plans to leave really stinks.. The more one learns about these “guests” the worse the situation. Excellently developed characters and plot.

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Back on form for mark edwards
I loved the magpies and have read all this guys books ,they have been ok but for didn’t match his first .I am glad I continued reading as I thoroughly enjoyed this and it’s my second fave he’s written ...magpies tops it ,or matches it oh I not sure !
It’s a great tale a easy page turning read ,I thought mmm maybe a bit cliche reading the blurb house taken over and series of events blah blah but though yes there are those elements yet you always seem to think where will this go next things get very messy very quickly and his life as he knew it spirals
I did feel at times stand up to them and he does try but they always appear to outsmart or threaten him and I could sense the threat .what would you do ?
The ending was good ,u may suspect but it doesn’t matter as the ending I liked as felt right for the situation he is in and somewhat deserved but his intentions were good he just lost his way and rationale
Oh boy how our lives can change by impulsive decisions ,rushing in feet first and hitting the bottom hard
Enjoy the ride as it’s a good page turner four stars as this is a better story for me than previous works

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Elliott is a 38 year old scientist that lives a regimented life with Charlie his cat. One day, during a public viewing of his garden, he meets the lovely Gemma and they seem to hit off. Within two months they are married and she is living in his very well-to-do home. Not long after and it seems her parents and younger sister are relocating from France and are coming to stay for just a few days until they can find a place of their own.

A few days turns to into a few weeks turns into an absolute nightmare.

If I could describe this book in one word it would be: Preposterous.

If Elliott is a scientist then he may have been blessed with brains but he was clearly not blessed with any common sense or a backbone for that matter. How he let this situation escalate to the level he did is beyond ridiculous. And the in-laws, they are a nasty bunch, but they were almost comical in their depiction. My reading experience is best described as roll my eyes, skim, roll my eyes, skim which isn't a very satisfying experience. In my opinion it took far too long to tell this story and I had already figured out the twist so getting to the end was a chore at best. This is my 2nd book by this author and I think it is safe to say he isn't for me. I am happy to see that so many do love his work and I do wish him continued success in the future.

Thank you to NetGalley and Amazon Publishing UK for providing me with a digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Wowww!!! "Here to stay" is such an awesome psychological thriller. After a whirlwind romance of two months, Elliot marries Gemma Robinson and settle into his gorgeous home. When she asks him if her parents can come to stay for a couple of weeks he agrees, and soon he find his life is in tatters. The Robinsons a.k.a "the in-laws from hell" must be one of the most hateful characters I've found lately. In every interaction they had with Elliot I found myself shouting to my kindle device "NOOO, do this!, don't do that!, don't believe them!". And me shouting while reading is a good sign. I got so invested in the story that I felt anxious throughout the book. You could feel the tension building till that surprising ending. Hopefully a second part is in the works cause Mr. Edwards is fast becoming one of my favourite authors.

Thanks to Netgalley, Amazon Publishing UK and Thomas & Mercer for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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