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The Highland Earl

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What an amazing book. I was swept into The Highland Earl from page one. John's character was so well done, he was a mystery behind the facade he put on at Court I loved Evelyn's character as well. It was so refreshing and fun to see her written in the way she was. I loved the humor, the twists and and the romance. Thank you Ms Jarecki for a wonderful Scottish romance!

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A widowed father of two, John Erskine, Earl of Marr, falls in love, and with Lady Evelyn Pierrepont, a woman is who is passionate and courageous. My initial feeling after reading the book was how I enjoyed watching these two people fall in love. I love the enemies to lovers plotline.

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FINAL DECISION: This was a good book with good tension between John and Evelyn. I liked Evelyn's dual purposes and how she is challenged in this book.

THE STORY: John Erskine, the Scottish Earl of Mar, is a widower who needs to find the appropriate woman to marry to help care for his children. After the death of the woman he loved, he just wants to find the right woman for a marriage that will be respectful even if he cannot love her. Lady Evelyn Pierrepont, an Englishwoman, seems to meet John's requirements. Evelyn doesn't wish to marry but it will allow her to continue her work as a spy. But her growing emotions for her new husband and his children disrupt her plans and make her question whether it is right to put her new family in danger.

OPINION: I thought the premise of this book was interesting and I liked the relationship between John and Evelyn. There were details that bothered me. I understand why John would need to remarry considering his financial condition and his need for a caretaker for his children, but considering his wife had died not long before this book begins, I really couldn't get into his lust for Evelyn after losing the "love of his life". It just felt off to me. I don't mind lust to love stories, but I couldn't quite believe the supposed intense love of John for his dead wife when he was lusting for a new woman so quickly. I guess I wanted some assurance that he actually loved his first wife by seeing the effects of her death.

John and Evelyn's relationship is complicated and it takes time to work out their feelings for one another. That I really enjoyed as well.

What I really enjoyed beyond the romance was Evelyn's work and the complicated political picture of the time. This is a period of time that I enjoy reading about and this book packs a lot of historical information and political intrigue into its pages.

WORTH MENTIONING: I enjoyed that the author placed this book in real historical context with real historical figures.

CONNECTED BOOKS: THE HIGHLAND EARL is book six of the Lords of the Highlands series. This book can be read as a standalone another there are overlapping characters.

STAR RATING: I give this book 4 stars.

NOTE: I received an eARC of this book from Netgalley in order to prepare this review. I was not required to write a review or to write a positive review. All opinions contained herein are my own.

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Very enjoyable story line and great characters. John and Evelyn's story had some bumps along the way, but it was lovely watching these two find each other and their HEA.

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I loved this book!! This is the second book I read from this author and loved! Historical Fiction is my favorite genre and this book is one reason why!!

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If you never read anything from this author and you like historical romance full of highland stories this book is for you.
This book did not dissapoint!
Good plot.
Great ending.
Charming and more.
On scale of 1 to 100... 100 would be the lowest with her books. This was a fantastic read!

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The real Earl of Mar ended badly and was not much of a man. This John Erskine is quite the man. I found him to be splendid! Evelyn, too, is quite a wonderful character. Their story is a little bit history and a lot creativity. It's quite enjoyable!

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Let me begin by saying this is the first book I have read in this series. I have mixed feelings about this book. While I really enjoyed the characters and plot I found the story dragging in several places. I feel like this is a feel good story that was fairly quick to read.

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The Earl of Mar, John Erskine, is a widowed and wants to marry again so he has a wife to help him raise his sons. He meets Lady Evelyn Pierrepont and thinks she would make a perfect match. Her dad agrees to the marriage but Evelyn is not happy about it. Her dad didn't ask her for her opinion and she knows the reputation that the Earl has.
Evelyn is a spy and working with Dubois to help plot against the Queen and get the real person she feels should be on the throne. so for awhile she had been spying on her father and now on her husband. Only he finds out and they also end up on the run. He blames her for everything and she finds out that John is not the person she thought he was either.
Evelyn was used to her father who treated his staff horribly. She thinks John is the same way and finds out that he is a very generous person and shares his wealth. and helps out those in need.
This is the latest book in the series and one I greatly enjoyed reading.
I received this from Forever and NetGalley for review.

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Buy buy buy buy buy.....

A book that will whirl you into another world filled with action, adventure, romance and just plain enjoyment! I loved this one. It was a great story, with wonderful characters and it had so many levels that it made turning each page a good adventure. This author is talented and it shows with every word and every chapter! I was going to write a long review, but decided instead to just say BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY! Sit back and enjoy it will be a great ride! I was given this book in return for an honest review. All opinions expressed here are only my own. Regards, Anna

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Evelyn has no desire to marry, but when John starts to pursue her, she sees it as a way to find out information to help her gain information for 'handler". She ends up marrying him and seeing a side of him that he doesn't show the rest of the world.

John needs a mother for his sons and money to pay of his debts. Evelyn seems like the perfect person to fit both his needs. But he soon learns that there is much more to the lady than he first thought. Can the marriage of convenience, turn into one of love?

I had been really sadden by what I felt was a lack of quality to Jarecki's writing with this series. It just hadn't been up to par to her first series. So much so that I didn't even finish the 3rd book in this series. When I saw this one, I decided to give her another shot. I did read book 4 & 5 before this one and really enjoyed both of them. I enjoyed this one even more! The writing seemed to be more on par with her earlier work. I'm glad I decided to give Jarecki another shot.

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This is one of the most fun reads I've enjoyed in years. It kept me guessing until the very last page. Loved it!

Many thanks to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Another great read from Amy Jarecki. Unfortunately I missed 1 or 2 in this series due to a year long reading hiatus but this didn't take away from the story.

Evelyn and John are great characters but I didn't really didn't see the chemistry until the middle. Then it was great. I adored John's sons.

The story flows nicely with a HUGE twist.

Overall it's a great read. I really enjoyed it!

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The Highland Earl is the sixth book in the Lords of the Highlands series by Amy Jarecki. Although part of a series it can easily be read as a standalone.

It took me a little while to get into the story but once I did I was hooked and couldn't read the book quickly enough. It was so exciting and I was on tenterhooks wondering what would happen next.

John Erskine is the Earl of Marr. He is the Secretary of State for Scotland, a job he accepted because he needed the money after his father had left the estate in a huge amount of debt when he died. Working on Queen Anne's council also meant he could use his position to carefully help Scotland. He lost his wife, the love of his life, 3 months ago and is now bringing up 2 young sons on his own. For their sake, he needs to marry again and to a woman who comes with a large dowry. He refuses to let his sons ever be in the position he is in if he were to die young. He will never love again, but he knows he needs to wed. He meets an acceptable young woman at a ball, she is genteel, pleasant to look at and he is sure she would make a good wife and mother. She also happens to be an heiress.

Lady Evelyn Pierrepont is that woman. She is the Duke of Kingston-upon-Hull's eldest daughter. When she meets John she immediately feels a physical attraction to him. It's an attraction that she doesn't want to feel because she doesn't like the man at all. She believes that he is just like her father, mean spirited, cruel to servants, and only cares for himself and the money he can make via any means, which in her father's case, is smuggling. Evelyn is secretly a Jacobite. She spies on her father and gives information to people who want to help Prince James take the English Throne.

Evelyn is horrified when she learns that her father after talks with John, has agreed for him to marry her. She fully intends to offer a refusal but is convinced by her fellow spies that to marry him would be the perfect way to get even more information to help the Jacobite cause. The wedding goes ahead and from that moment the story soars.

I don't want to say too much about all that happens next because you need to read it first-hand with no expectations about what will happen. Suffice to say that John soon discovers that Evelyn is not the genteel young woman he thought she was and her exploits could very well put all of them, his young sons include in peril.

Amongst all the spying and danger John and Evelyn learn more about each other. They also find themselves seriously in lust with each other. It's a good job that they are married because their passion knew no bounds and their intimate scenes were scorching hot. Will the couple end up falling in love and having a real marriage, or will any chance of that be scuppered because of Evelyn's treasonous activities?

I really enjoyed this story and although I noticed an error here and there it certainly doesn't stop me recommending this wonderful book.

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Title : The Highland Earl

Series : Lords Of The Highlands #6

Author : Amy Jarecki

Genre: Historical romance

Pages 384

Pub Date : June 26,2019

Grand Central Publishing ( Forever )

Other books in series :

Lords of the Highlands series:

The Highland Duke

The Highland Commander

The Highland Guardian

The Highland Chieftain

The Highland Renegade

With two young sons to care for and a large estate to run, John Erskine, the widowed Earl of Mar, needs to remarry as quickly as possible. And beautiful Lady Evelyn Pierrepont would be the perfect match. But there's more behind the English lass's calm demeanor than she's letting on, including a smoldering allure not even John can ignore.

Evelyn has no desire to wed the rugged Scottish earl, but at least she'll be able to continue her work as a spy-as long as her husband never finds out. Yet the more time Evelyn spends with John and his boys, the fonder she grows of their little family, and the last thing she wants to do is put them in danger. As alliances shift and enemies draw closer, soon everything they hold dear is at risk: their lands, their love, and their very lives.

My thoughts


Would I recommend it?yes

Will I read any more of this series ? Yes

Would I read any thing else by this author?yes

The Highland Earl is book 6 in a series , usually it doesn't brother me if I haven't read any of the others but in this case I felt a little lost and it took me a while to get into the story , as well as to enjoy it, because I would say you differently have to read the others before this one. Other then that after I finally did get into the story I begin to like it even in joy it, the characters are both strong well and towards the end they both want the same thing, there's danger at every corner , but is their new found love and respect strong enough to survive , to find out you have to read the book.With that said I want to thank Netgalley as well as Forever for sending me a copy and letting me request it as well ,so I could read and review it in change for my honest opinion.

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Let’s talk historical romances...

This is the first one I have ever read and I have to say I really enjoyed it! I felt a little in over my head on some of the words but I was mostly able to get thru it without having to google what words meant too much 😂

This was a quick steamy read. I love that it was a more drama-filled romance than the romances I usually listen to. I also felt like I learned a ton about Scottish and European culture!

A huge shout out to @readforeverpub for a free copy of this book! Highly recommend for anyone new to the historical romance genre.

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The Highland Earl is the sixth book in the Lords of the Highland series. I’ve not read the entire series but have added them to my TBR list after finishing this book. This book is full of intrigue, mystery, action, betrayal, politics, a marriage of convenience and romance. John, the Earl of Mar, has lost his wife and inherited debt from his father. He doesn’t want his sons to ever have to have that worry so he is looking for a new wife and stepmother for his two sons. Lady Evelyn comes with a good dowry and is a duke’s daughter so he decides she will do nicely and makes arrangements with her father. Lady Evelyn is a Jacobite sympathizer and doesn’t agree with her father’s business or political dealings. She supplies information she finds from her father to a man she thinks is also a supporter of the cause, but things aren’t always as they appear. Evelyn slowly comes to realize this and finds out she is mistaken about her new husband’s beliefs. The characters were strong and well developed. The book was well written, face paced and hard to put down! I can’t wait to see who the hero will be in the next book. I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This is the 6th book in the series but can be read as a stand-alone. John is dealing with a lot, the loss of his wife, two young sons and an estate to get back on track. He needs a wife to help with his family and finances and believes Evelyn is exactly what he is looking for. Evelyn has been spying for Prince James and plans to continue to do so when she is married but what will happen when she begins to fall for her husband and what will happen when the family is in danger. Fast-paced read with great chemistry and plenty of drama and suspense. I really liked the characters and the story has plenty of twists and turns that keep you drawn in. I liked it.

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The Highland Earl by Amy is a historical romance. I loved that it was based on a real historical character.
Lady Evelyn was practically a spy in her father’s house. She felt her father mistreated their servants and had unscrupulous shipping practices.

John, also referred to as Mar was part of the queen’s cabinet and a Scotsman. I found the storyline around the cabinet and the queen very interesting and I am not a history buff. John is a widower with two young sons. His father left him with a large debt that marrying Lady Evelyn can cover.

They are married rather quickly within the book which also begins the many physical scenes.

Admittedly I thought I knew how the book would end. However Amy handled the situation a little differently that I really liked. Amy kept surprising me, something would happen sooner than I expected so I knew something else must be coming.

Sexual content 4 - several scenes with detail.
Violence – 1 nothing major,
Alcohol - casual drinking,

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At her first royal ball, Evelyn saw him talking to her father. "Truly he might possibly be the most striking man she'd ever seen. It was all she could do not to openly gawk. No, she'd never met a man such as he. Beautiful, yet masculine. His face youthful, yet sophisticated and wise. The inability to put her finger on what made the earl more alluring caused her to stare more." It was the first time she has seen John Erskine, the Earl of Mar and Secretary of State for Scotland. Of course with her current occupation of spying and helping the cause of the Jacobites, which supported her passion to end the power of the aristocracy, she thought him another priviledged peer.
Amy Jarecki is a master at creating a story with all of the elements of a dazzling Scottish romance that will take your breath away! An arranged marriage, a simmering passion that explodes, suspense that will keep you intrigued, secrets that will come out and a road to love that winds it way to the end.
There is so much more I can say, but I will leave you with words of wisdom. If you enjoy reading stories that will grab you from the first page and hold your attention until the end, this one is for you! Have enjoyed this series so much and although this can be read as a standalone, I encourage you to read them all!!

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