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Time After Time

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Member Reviews

I enjoyed many aspects of this book. The descriptions of Grand Central Terminal and the people who worked in it were vivid and made me feel like I was there. I would definitely recommend this book to fans of Nicholas Sparks and The Time Traveler’s Wife, as it includes aspects of doomed but timeless love.

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Could not put this wonderful story down! Loved Nora and Joe. Such a fascinating tale.

Many thanks to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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This was such a magical novel. Love transcends all time and for Nora and Joe it certainly does. I lost sleep over this story because I just wanted to stay up and read. The topic of Manhattenhenge was so interesting to me.
Many thanks to Random House Publishing and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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An enchanting story. The characters were wonderfully drawn and believable. A great summer read. I received a free e-copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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The fact that this book's setting is New York City's Grand Central Terminal certainly piqued my interest! Add in such wonderful historical facts dispersed throughout the story and it will appeal to any historical fiction fan. I was, however, unprepared to be so swept up in Joe and Nora's story! This was a book that I did not want to put down, nor did I want it to come to an end. Well done!

Thank you to NetGalley, Random House, and Lisa Grunwald for the opportunity to read an advance reader copy of this novel. I'm looking forward to purchasing a hard cover copy for my personal library upon publication day.

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I simply loved this book.

It started off slowly, but as it unfurled and gained momentum, I fell deeper and deeper into its many epic supernatural time-travel tale, a complicated and heart wrenching love story, an absorbingly interesting historical spanning from the mid 1920s-1947 and a true celestial/geographical phenomenon that seems more like science fiction...this book covers a lot of territory. And it all takes place in the iconic Grand Central Terminal.

From its moments of lighthearted charm to its often heartbreaking dilemmas, this one (and its Nora and Joe) will stay with me for awhile.

A big thank you to #NetGalley and #RandomHouse for providing the ARC. The opinions are strictly my own.

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Review: Time After Time by Lisa Grunwald

A romance, magic, and a story centered around Grand Central Station in the 1930's and 1940's all combined together to tell a bittersweet story. Add in almost love at first sight and a tragedy and I was hooked. 3.5 Stars!

I'm a sucker for books that feature a magical element so as soon as I read the blurb for this book, I knew I wanted to read it. It's going to be hard to review this without spoilers, but I will try my best.

Joe works at Grand Central Station in New York City. He's a leverman, otherwise known as one of the many men it took back then to keep all the trains on the correct tracks. It's not an easy job, but it's 1937 and it's good work for that time period as America is still dealing with the depression. One December day he sees a beautiful young woman alone in the station at daybreak. She's not wearing a coat and seems a bit lost. Joe is a good guy and he approaches her to try and help. The station is not a great place for unaccompanied young women. Nora has a huge secret. When she meets Joe, she has a hard time talking to the personable, helpful man. She really can't answer most of his questions. Her life is pretty mysterious to even her. He has to leave her to go to work and doesn't see her again for another year. Both had never forgotten each other and their previous meeting. There's definitely an attraction going on.

I enjoyed Joe and Nora as characters. The author is very true to the time period right down to the words used back then, like calling someone swell if you liked them. The style of dress was also addressed for the period. Nora has been raised in the upper crust of society in the city, while Joe was from Queens. She's twenty two and a college graduate just home from months spent in Paris, while he is thirty two and has never been farther than some of the NYC suburbs. None of that even mattered to them. The main side character would have to be Grand Central Station itself. I really had no idea how huge the station is and had even less of an idea about all the history surrounding the structure. Of course, I have seen movies that have scenes that take place there, but that is just scratching the surface. To make it even more interesting, we as readers learn about the workings of the station from an historical point of view. I'm sure a lot is different now.
I've got to hand it to the author. The sheer amount of research that she had to have done to take this story from the thirty's to the forty's, to the station back then, World War II when it happens and all the changes that the station incurs because of that, played a big part as well. The premise was well thought out and for the most part well executed, but not without problems. What started as a book I thought I was going to adore, became a pretty slow read for me and I kept putting it down. Don't get me wrong, it was well written, but had a bit too much of the backstory of the station and the war so it lagged for me. It was interesting, but maybe a bit too much for what I had hoped to be a romantic story.

I've kept the story details mysterious and I hope if you decide to read this that you don't read any spoilers. To me, my favorite part was finding out about the magic and the mystery. I also enjoyed the romance to a point. Enough said about that.

Recommended to women's fiction and adult romance readers that enjoy magical elements in their stories. I don't think I will be forgetting this one anytime soon.

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Do ghosts exist? Is that what you would call someone who can return to life on the anniversary of her death? Sometimes she can stay for only seconds, but can seconds be enough to fall in love? What is it like for the one who is alive and falls in love with someone who comes and goes like that? Do you feel like you are losing your mind when no one believes that such a thing can happen and has happened to you?

I enjoyed the premise while also finding the book a bit long. Skimming the last third of the book was enough to keep my interest and the extra details were not important enough to me to read it all as I was starting to lose interest. A different story-line like this is always interesting and I did get to wonder what it would be like to be in this situation.

Thank you NetGalley for an advance reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Time After Time is a charming, bittersweet fairy tale, a love story involving the supernatural. It tells of two people who couldn’t be more different yet they fall in love nonetheless. Nora and Joe’s love is the glue that holds this tale together.

It seems that Nora’s existence is tied to being in or near Grand Central Station where Joe works as a leverman. As they experiment on Nora’s physical boundaries (how far she can travel from Grand Central without “blinking out”) they also learn why her life depends on staying within those boundaries. Their love is challenged in various ways. Still, they always seem to work things out . . . until they come up against something seemingly insurmountable.

Part One of the story felt disjointed to me. It wasn’t until I got to Part Two that this tale developed a natural rhythm and it was a fast read from that point onward. I think that the last chapter was somewhat superfluous. I realize it’s meant to show that all’s well that ends well, but I think that the chapters immediately preceding it let us (the reader) know all we need to know.

As an aside, I learned a lot of very interesting historical and scientific facts in this story. For example, I had never before heard of Manhattanhenge (think sunrise and Stonehenge) which I looked up online and found it quite fascinating. There is also plenty of information provided about Grand Central Station, the Depression, and WWII.

In a final note, I enjoyed reading “A Q&A with Lisa Grunwald” that talks of how she came up with the ideas for this novel, some of it based on her own personal experiences.

I received a free ARC of this novel from NetGalley and Random House in exchange for an honest review.

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Time After Time starts with the unique premise that its heroine, Nora Lansing, ostensibly killed in an accident in the tunnels under Grand Central Station, has survived in a kind of half-living, state, where she is brought to life by the light of Manhattanhenge (Google it!). Joe Reynolds, a worker in Grand Central, meets her on one of her returns, and falls in love. Over the years of their relationship, Joe ages, and is a part of the larger world, but Nora doesn’t age, and can’t leave Grand Central. This tension is the motor of the story, and the author, Lisa Grunwald manages it adroitly. Along with interesting characters, the slice of history in a very particular place is fascinating and well written.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was a largely delightful story. It's hard to define as time travel since it is more of a ghost tale with some twists. A young lady returns from the dead on the date and time of her death which took place after a rail accident at Grand Central Station. There are interesting attempts by her and our hero to discover the whys and hows. Absolute best recommendation for this book is that after reading it, I bought and read a history of Grand Central station!

My primary complaint is about the ending. I feel the author should have ended it with the separation of our lovelorn couple. The "x years later" episode felt added on and didn't make as much sense as the rest of the story. Otherwise a good tale. 3.5

Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to review.

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** spoiler alert ** Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a Kindle ARC of Time After Time.

I'm giving this 3.5 stars. I love historical fiction, and I love time travel novels. I also love happy endings and this didn't quite give me that.

Meet Joe and Nora. Joe works as a leverman in Grand Central.Station. Nora is from the 20s, a flapper girl that came home from France, and died in a train accident. This story did have a lot of history in it, and made me really want to go Grand Central in New York. I loved how the author tied in a lot of the big events in history, and how it affected Nora, Joe and his family.

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This is a book about an impossible love--or is it?

Joe Reynolds who works as a leverman at Grand Central Terminal, sees a young woman standing at the station's iconic gold clock, and is immediately smitten. It's very early on a cold December morning, and the woman has no coat or suitcase, and is wearing an out or date dress--it's 1937 and she looks like someone from the '20s. The two chat, are very taken with each other, and then she vanishes. Joe, a working class guy from Queens, does not know what to make of this, but he can't forget her. He waits for her, searches, and finally, she reappears.

Joe and Nora will face many obstacles besides being from different time periods, not just that she will not age but he will, that she wants to live the fullest life she can, while she can, as an artist, a woman, and a human, while his close knit family has taught him women's only desire is to be wives and mothers.

There is a great deal of charm in the story as Nora and Joe test time and an astrophysical phenomenon to be together. Lisa Grunwald does a wonderful job describing the like of Grand Central, the people, the personalities, the incredible amenities, the feeling of belonging. It's a magical place in an magical time, with magical things occurring within its walls with a phenomenon of light as a backdrop.

"Time After Time" is a lovely read, charming and moving, and a tribute to that impossible love.

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Time After Time is a beautiful, bittersweet love story between Joe Reynolds and Nora Lansing. It's set in Grand Central Station over the period of mid-1920s to the end of WWII. It portrays the character of the times with themes of family loyalty, and duty, as well as a hopefulness of things to come, but the love between the two improbable lovers is the glue. Have your tissues ready! This one will stay with me for a while.

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The is a magical story inspired by the legend of a woman from Grand Central Terminal sweeps readers from the 1920’s to World War II and beyond.
I loved this beautiful charming hopeful tale of true love against all odds.its story of how Joe Reynolds meets a young woman who seems mysterious out of place. Nora Lansing is a Manhattan socialite whose flapper clothing and talk of Roaring Twenties don’t seem to match the bleak mood of Depression- era New York. Joe is captivated by Nora from her first electric touch. Joe despairs when he tries to walk her home and she disappears. Finding her again and again-will become the focus of his love and his life.
A beautiful supernatural romance about lovers brought together across time.
I throughly enjoyed this book and highly recommend it!

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Time After Time has an interesting premise. Time travel against the background of the Depression and then World War 2. However, the implementation of this idea fell flat for me. The characters did not feel well developed, and I had a hard time caring about them and their story lines. I particularly was not a fan of the ending. I think this was just not the book for me. I received this book to read and review.

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I was drawn to this book because of it's beautiful cover and the time in which it took place. I was disappointed and found it to be all over the place. Disappointed 😞
I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley. Thank you,Netgalley.
All opinions are my own.

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Loved the time period, loved the locale, the writing is descriptive and vivid, but the plot left me flat. Honestly, by the end, I was skimming pages trying to finish.

Nora, a beautiful, young woman, returning home to New York after living briefly in Paris, is killed in a horrible train derailment in Grand Central Station. By some freakish happenstance, she's caught between life and death and time after time, returns to the place of the accident on the same day of the year, sometimes materializing, sometimes not. On more than one occasion, she meets Joe, a Grand Central employee who begins to realize her dilemma and who is determined to find the cause of her recurring appearance and how to prevent her from fading away each time.

At this point is where I grew weary of her "groundhog day" like demise. I didn't see this as a great love story, but rather a story where the characters are trapped, doomed to repeat their fate without a hope for a happy ending.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this title.

#TimeAfterTime #NetGalley

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I received this book free from Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.

There was a lot for me to like in this book.

In the first place, it is a historical novel, set during the last years of the Great War. Almost all of the action takes place inside Grand Central Terminal and the author does a wonderful job of painting the details of that location for us - the busyness of the place, the characters, the sounds and the general atmosphere.

It is the terminal on a clear cold morning in 1937 that Joe Reynolds, a lever-man responsible for ensuring the trains arrive at the massive station on the correct tracks, meets Nora Lansing. She looks slightly out of place, and Nora immediately captures Joe's attention. Significantly it is the morning of 'Manhattenhenge' when the sun rises in perfect alignment with the skyscrapers and buildings of New York city.

Within a short time of the meeting, Nora disappears leaving Joe wondering about her. Fast forward two years, and Joe again meets Nora at the same place and time on the morning of Manhattenhenge.

This leads me to the second thing I really enjoyed in this book - the concept of time and how it affects the characters in this book. Joe and Nora meet and part several times over several years, and together they work to understand Nora's connection to the Terminal, to Manhattenhenge and why she appears trapped in between time at the terminal. They live together for a time at the terminal, using the place as a city with its restaurants, lounges and facilities. They discover the limitations and boundaries placed on Nora, and how she came to be there.

The path of true love doesn't always run straight in this novel, and the arrival of the second world war changes Joe and Nora's relationship dramatically. We get to understand what you must do if you really love someone.

I also loved the way science was used to try and explain what was going on.

I found the book very enjoyable - I didn't want to put it down and felt invested in the characters. A great read.

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3.5 ⭐️

This book is being marketed as a time travel love story and though that isn’t exactly wrong, it’s not exactly right either. Joe and Nora are thrust together through time, to be sure, but the cause behind Nora’s appearance at Grand Central is almost like a haunting, rather than a jump to a new decade.

Their love story was cute and I liked their easy 20s-era banter, but it’s not exactly a romance, either. The influence of the war in the terminal and both of their lives felt very authentic and helped to make things a little more complicated for the characters. The forced confinement to (almost) a single building reminded me of a Gentleman in Moscow, but where that book blooms in the events of every day, this book just skins the surface. There were explanations of daily routines that I skimmed through, rather than delved into.

The inspiration for this book (discussed by the author at the end) was really interesting and I like that she drew from her own love story as well.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for a review.

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