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Pretty Guilty Women

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Thank you to Netgalley for a copy of Pretty Guilty Women in exchange for an honest review.
4 women meet at a tropical resort for the wedding of a lifetime. But then, there's a murder the night of the rehearsal. All 4 women confessed to the murder. So what is the truth? This book reminded me of Liane Moriarty. I struggled at the beginning to sift through all the character transitions but as time went on, they were clearly defined. I enjoyed the book! I found it to be slightly predictable but the story is worth it.

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Pretty Guilty Women is a book about four women who were all close friends and roommates back in college but now don't talk. Whitney invites Kate, Emily, and Ginger to her elaborate wedding, either for old time's sake or to rub it in their faces how wealthy a family she is marrying into ... We actually never really learn much about Whitney from her own perspective.

A body is found during the rehearsal dinner, with his face beaten so badly that he can't be identified -- although it's pretty obvious who it is. Kate, Emily, Ginger, and Lulu (another woman who they meet and befriend at the wedding) all confess to acting alone in killing the man. Each chapter ends with a short line of questioning by a police detective investigating the case to find out what really happened.

This book was fine. Written in the style of Big Little Lies, but not as good. I didn't connect to any of the characters until at least a third of the way through the book. I didn't really care if they killed someone or not... Except for Ginger's husband who has matured into a nicer man, most of the men in the book were creeps anyway.

As a positive, there was a twist at the end that I did not predict, so I always enjoy being surprised since that doesn't happen often in the mysteries I read. Extra points for the twist!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC. It did not influence my opinion.

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Reminiscent of "Big, Little Lies", Gina LaManna writes this quirky mystery that will keep readers guessing until the very end. We meet five women who are all attending the same wedding. Some are old college friends, some are new kindred spirits. One thing they all have in common is that they each have secrets they aren't sharing. As the tale unfolds truths are revealed and friendships are made and renewed. At the center of it all is the idea of motherhood and what makes mother tick. A fun, quick read that kept me engaged through the end.

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I really enjoyed this book and the way that the story unfolds. It’s very like Big Little Lies, however that’s not a negative point and if you enjoyed that, you’ll definitely like this one. It took me a little while to get into it, however once I did, I was engrossed in the book. I’m so glad I stuck with it as the ending is fab.

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This was a great read. The relationships between the characters were well developed and it was a gripping story, I have already recommended this novel to friends.

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4 women, a fancy wedding, and 1 dead body... I think the reader may figure out early on who the dead body is (it isn't stated until the end of the book), but you get a nice journey along the way. Pretty Guilty Women explores what happens when we stop listening to each other and I appreciated the complex relationships that were reignited. I would have enjoyed finding out what happens with Lulu and Emily at the end and could see this as a sequel down the road. This is a great beach read!

Thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks for an advance copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks for the ARC of this novel, in exchange for my honest review. Four women at a resort all confess to a murder. Who did it, why and who was the victim? The backdrop includes women with very different, but real problems. I loved this book, not only for the manner it's written (the chapters all have part of the police interview) but for the clever takes along the way to the answer. We always think the grass is greener, but is it?

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This is a twisty tale of truth and lies. If you enjoyed Big Little Lies you will enjoy this tale. Well written with relatable characters. I will recommend this book to those who like mysteries and drama. Thanks to Net Galley and the publisher for the advanced copy.

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I love books about women and their friendships so of course this one appealed to me! When Whitney plans her wedding, she invites several friends from college. Each has gone her separate way; one has a family, one is still single and childless, and one is basking in self-pity and remorse for events that happened in her past. They all convene in a lovely resort and spa and, of course, things never go as planned. They meet Sydney, a young single mother, and Lulu an elderly woman convinced her husband is planning to leave her. You see where things could go south? Reminiscent of Big, Little, Lies, the novel opens with four women admitting to the murder of one man and goes on to reveal secrets and the backstories of each of them. It's a fun beach read so snatch it up when it publishes in early September!

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This book I read to the end but really did not care how it ended. I could not relate to the four women and found the plot very contrived. It will make a great beach read.

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC for an honest review.

This book held me from beginning to end. I loved how the author always supported every woman character. It was written realistically and each character had flaws that every human has. I loved the little twist at the end and loved that it was perfect closure for the reader. Looking forward to reading more from this author!

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Loved this book! Very reminiscent of Big Little Lies. The relationships between all the female characters was entertaining and contained depth and humor. I only wish Whitney had been more involved, with Kate at the very least.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for my honest review. This book was just ok. 4 women confessed to the same murder and the book has a lot of characters (and all of their backstories) you have to keep track of. By mid way through I really didn’t care who committed the murder and had lost interest but read till the end.

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Pretty Guilty Women...... the twisted murder mystery where EVERYONE did it!!!

Wow! How do you keep the variety of unique characters straight??
Grab a notepad for this fun quick read!

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Perfect beach read! I thoroughly enjoyed this perfect for fans of big little lies. Amazing story, characters & plenty twists...a must read for summer!

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Wow I really really enjoyed this book. There was so much she said she said going on that I didn’t know what to believe or think and that’s the best kind of mystery. I would guess one thing and decide one woman was guilty then change my mind and go to another. A wonderful fast paced twisty mystery will lots of bombshells and long buried truths I enjoyed it so much and am looking forward to more world from this author

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Thanks to NetGalley and SourceBooks for providing me an ARC of Pretty Guilty Women by Gina LaManna in exchange for an honest review.

From the beginning, this book screamed "Big Little Lies" vibes to me. There were 6 main women that were spotlighted in this story. LaManna did a fabulous job crafting each woman's unique personality-their strengths, vulnerabilities, etc. You found that each character looked at the lives of the others and wondered if the grass was greener as many do. This book caused me, much like the characters, to reflect on what success really means to me-- is it wealth, is it motherhood, is it an ambitious career, etc.

I enjoyed diving in and learning about the different dynamics of the characters. I felt like the book started off really strong then towards the middle died down for me. I thought it started to get a bit drawn out. Overall, interesting read, dynamic characters, just think it could have been more succinct in nature.

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This was the perfect vacation read. I was hooked from the beginning and was shocked by the ending. Fans of Liana Moriarty should pick up this book for their next trip!

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Totally Big Little Lies vibes. Love! This is sure to be seen by the pool this summer! Next TV show will be made from this!

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Thank you Net Galley for my arc. I really wanted to like this book but couldn't help but to compare to Big Little Lies, which was much better. I had a hard time of keep track of all the different characters. It was an alright read.

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