Cover Image: The Ten Thousand Doors of January

The Ten Thousand Doors of January

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This is a fantasy book with a historic setting and literary writing. The writing is beautiful, just not what I'm in the mood to read right now so I'm setting it down and will revisit it later.

I received an ARC from NetGalley. It will be released on September 10, 2019.

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I received a copy through NetGalley for review.

This is a strange thing to review, because I've never encountered anything quite like it.
Still now I'm sort of stunned into silence on how to proceed with this review because it was so unbelievably good, and rich, vibrant and so very real and raw.
It's written as a sort of biography, told by our narrator and star of the wild, strange, winding adventure of her life.
Of a girl who never quite fit in anywhere, always in-between, always feeling she was from another place, turns out to be very true. It's a journey of where she is, and where she came from.

Every part of this book is vital and important to this journey, there's not a single word wasted.

I'm completely blown away by this.
Please, please, please PICK THIS UP.

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[4.5 stars]
This is a great read from debut author Alix Harrow. I knocked it half a star for times when it seemed to drag just a little but altogether features lyrical prose, characters to root for, and a faithful dog sidekick (yay!). Full of magic, mysticism, and a fantasy world you wish you belonged to.

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"In the summer of 1901, at the age of seven, January Scaller found a Door. You know the kind of door–they lead to Faerie, to Valhalla, to Atlantis, to all the places never found on a map."

Absolutely magical, fabulous twists, surprise villains, and fantastical adventure. I need more January in my life!

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A lovely fantasy novel. January has grown up the ward of a rich many who supports archaeology and is always seeking the rarest things for his collection. He employs January's father, who goes to remote locations hunting such things, or so January thinks until the day her father manages to send her his autobiography. In it, he explains that the world is full of doors that open into other worlds, and that many of them are inhabited; he himself is from such a world, and his travels hide his true purpose: to find January's mother, lost in a different world. Not only does January believe in this, she realizes that she has a special gift: she can create such doors and move through them. As such, she's very valuable to her guardian and his friends, who are unpleasant and supernatural, and there's a long chase right out of one of January's beloved pulp novels in which she must get away, find her father, and protect her friends--one of whom is also from another world, and does quite a lot of protecting of January herself--before the bad guys get hold of her. I loved the descriptions of the other worlds, and the characters, while not as deep as I'd have liked, were engaging enough.

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The hype surrounding this book has been building for several months now – I was lucky enough to land an ARC and do believe the buzz is warranted. The writing is beautiful and lush. The story is sad and sweet in equal measure. The world is captivating and I truly felt transported back in time. January is a well-drawn character, full of life and verve and nuance. She was a wonderful window into this fantastical world.

The way the first half of the novel is structured kept me from getting into the flow of the story until the second half, but the payoff of that structure is worthwhile. This, coupled with some uneven pacing and a few unearned twists, kept me from going above 4 stars. Nevertheless, if you enjoy Seanan McGuire’s ongoing Wayward Children series (with the whimsy turned down a bit) or other portal fantasy stories then you’ll have a marvelous time with January and her Ten Thousand Doors.

My thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to the publishers and netgalley for the ARC.
Wooooooow. I just finished this book a minute ago and it is a new favorite that I will highly recommend to anyone who will listen.
January’s story, her mother’s, her father’s, even characters like Jane and Mr Locke, are all incredible and so diverse and unique. The way they all came together, for good or for bad, despite belonging in entirely different worlds was amazing and well done.
This book is like an epic, spanning so much time and distance and difficult journeys, that a few of the characters could easily be compared to Odysseus.
The premise of the portals (doors) to different worlds..... they were written is such a way that makes you wish/hope the world was really like that. (Perhaps it is, and I’ve never stumbled upon any Doors) and how I wish I was like January and could see all of them.
4 out of 5 stars and the only negatives, in my opinion, were the fact that it was fairly slow to start (the premise and trying to figure out what was going on kept me reading) and the fact that I wish we got to see more of the different worlds. Some are mentioned off-handedly by other characters like Jane, Mr Locke, Julian, or towards the end by January, and they sound fantastical and magical. But that could easily be amended by novellas or fan fiction.
So all in all, loved it. Loved the look of the cover, too.

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Okay, so it took me WAY too long to actually get this book read, but I thoroughly enjoyed my time reading this one. 

This book was not what I was expecting from the synopsis. There were some aspects we did get, but this book takes on a life of its own and it was such a fun ride. 


January - January was such a compelling main character. The narrative style of this book takes a minute to get used to, it's revealed why this is later on in the book, but having January recount her early years helps add so much depth to her character. 

Mr. Lockhart - I actually really enjoyed Lockhart's character. You could tell he always had an agenda and that every action was a move on a chessboard, with him planning 10 steps ahead. But that made his character work so so well. Every time I questioned him or his motives, I still found myself giving him benefit of the doubt, but still suspicious and wow I did not piece where they were going with his character together right away, but once it clicked, it CLICKED. 

Samuel - TALK ABOUT LOYALTY TO A FAULT. Samuel was so sweet and a character that reminded us what a true friend looks like. Samuel always seemed to do his best when January needed some extra love and he was such a sweet character to read about.

Bad - Dog best friends are the best. Sorry Samuel, but you've been outdone by this sweet good boy. I can't talk too much about this character without spoilers, but let me tell you, dogs in not swell situations gets me too into my feels.  

Jane - We stan a badass who can hold her own. I loved how independent and sassy she was. I loved her backstory and motives. I loved what she brought to the climax. I just loved Jane a whole heckin' ton. 


This plot is actually a bit deceiving compared to the synopsis and frankly, I don't want to give too much away. But we do have a unique take on portal fantasy and I loved it so much. I will say, some of the parts that didn't surround the portal fantasy bits were a bit dry, but I was compelled for a majority of the story. 

I did want to see more portal worlds, but I'm hoping they're coming in a potential sequel. 

I really enjoyed the second half of this book. There were some things that got turned on their heads, plot points I thought I had nailed that completely surprised me, and final reveal that opens the door for a continuation of this story that I can't wait to read. 

Final Thoughts:
The Ten Thousand Doors of January take the classic portal fantasy and does something so new with it. Fans of the Wayward Children Series will probably enjoy this one as many themes are similar, though of course there are noticeable differences in execution. 

I genuinely think this story will take YA Fantasy lovers by storm and will be a must-read of the fall!

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Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with this book, in exchange for my honest opinion. This book will be available on September tenth.

This book was both magical and beautiful. Diving into its pages, I immediately forgot everything but the gorgeous storytelling. I felt January’s desperation and discontent, as well as her insatiable curiosity. I wanted to escape into the pages of her book with her–only a reader can understand how this is completely possible.

I love the themes present throughout this book. There is a subtle yet present focus on relationships and how they can shape us- both positively and negatively. It got me thinking a lot about the power we give to others without even realizing it. How what happens in our lives can affect us but doesn’t have to define us. January had both some lousy examples of “love” and experiences with loss, as well as the kind of love that is selfless and pure.

The writing was astounding. This story is so vast, yet I never felt like it got away from the author. It’s so wonderful that I’m having a hard time articulating my thoughts. A book like this is so hard to review because at some point it stops being characters, plots, and turns of phrase, and becomes something more. It’s magic.

Read this book.

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This is a portal fantasy about January, who discovered a door. "You know the kind of door–they lead to Faerie, to Valhalla, to Atlantis, to all the places never found on a map"
January began to forget the elsewhere and is raised by her guardian on his estate, until she happens upon a strange book. This book is full of doors, the scent of the otherworld and how the doors lead to adventure, love and intrigue. With discovering this, she remembers the past door of elsewhere. This leads to an extraordinary adventure and looking for her father.
I was honestly so excited to be approved for an ARC of this, I was not really expecting to because this was so highly anticipated. It lived up to the anticipation that I had for this. I absolutely loved it. Portal fantasies get me every time. The idea of doors leading to another world has fascinated me since I was a child.
I liked January has a protagonist. She was intelligent and was likeable. I also love when they use month names for Fantasy protagonists. January had a strong, distinct voice and made a great narrator. It dealt with family separation in a way that felt fresh.
The writing is beautiful and honestly doesn't feel like a debut. It is poetical and flows beautifully. It helps you get absorbed in the story and I really wanted to know what was going to happen next. I liked how it was written alternating between the now and the text of The Ten Thousand Doors, which I personally thought was an unique way to do it. Both the text and January's chapters had their own tone, voice and after reading so many books that fail at this (looking at you Spinning Silver), it was so refreshing to see this done so well.
My one issue is that Mr. Locke's character arc was somewhat predictable.
I love this book. I'd recommend it to everyone, but particularly fans of "The Wayward Children" series by Seanan McGuire. They both have a similar tone and are somewhat whimsical but still feeling grounded in reality.

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This cover is gorgeous and the inside is just as wonderful! Please check this out as soon as you can! It’s auch a fun fantastical story and I adored it.

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Once upon a time magic filled the air and there were dragons and wizards and all matter of fell beast sailing through he air. But, the creak and groan of modern civilization has tamed even the darkest most remote places and nothing is left unexplored, unmapped, unwritten. And those that insist on seeing magic when there is none will be hailed as crazy and perhaps locked away.

Magic and fantasy has returned with a vengeance. Don't believe those reports that say it's all been seen and observed. There are ten thousand doorways to other worlds, each one stranger than the last.

Told in a narrative from a precocious child who finds wonder in an amazing world, abandoned by her traveling father who sends her trinkets, and given the special name of January, she has her mother's wanderlust and a great big monster of a dog to protect her, more John Carter's faithful beast than Dorothy's mutt toto.

The prose is like candy in your mouth, like everlasting gobstoppers. The writing takes you back to another century where proper British kids flew off to Neverland. There's good guys and bad guys and the chase is on, but this story is complex. Completely unlike anything I would normally read, but such a treat to read.

Many thanks to the publisher for providing a copy for review.

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Review#46. The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E Harrow and reading for Netgalley. I decided to step outside my genre once again and delve into something with a bit more fantasy and am so glad I did! Sometimes a book within a book, doors to other worlds, a very loyal dog, life lessons...this book has it all. Very eloquently written and a book that you can't put down! I will be following this author closely and wouldnt be surprised if this book wins several awards! I wish I could give it more , but ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Five stars +

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There's a line in a song from Hamilton: "You built me palaces out of paragraphs, you built cathedrals." This book? This book is a cathedral.

It's a little difficult to summarize the plot: January Scaller is a girl whose father travels the world as an archaeologist. She's the ward of a wealthy man who, when her father is away on trips (which is almost always), forces her to behave like a "good girl." Her sole act of rebellion is adopting a large and somewhat-inclined-to-biting dog. As a child, she finds a fascinating Door between her world and another, but the wealthy man effectively convinces her that it wasn't real. She finds a book in a chest in the attic that confirms her childhood suspicions. Half of the story from that part onward is January, and about half is the book she finds.

But, although the plot is great, it's not the best part of this book. The best part is the writing. I rarely refer to anything I read as lyrical or exquisite, but The Ten Thousand Doors of January is both. It's so powerfully written with such a distinctive, beautiful style. I cried occasionally just from how perfectly put together this book was. There were so many lines in this one that I wanted to save and look back at. There were a few that broke my heart, and a few that made me cheer out loud.

I loved January from the start, and the supporting cast is incredible - Julian, Ade, Jane, Bad, Samuel... everyone was so perfectly crafted. This doesn't fall into the typical YA fantasy trap of having a perfect, all powerful heroine. (Although I would absolutely argue that the dog is perfect.) It's a story about family, both the one you're born into and the one you make as you go through life.

This was a masterpiece. I would absolutely give it more than five stars if I could.

I received this book in exchange for an honest review from NetGalley.

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Just from reading other reviews I don't know what more there is to say about January and her ten thousand doors. This is a beautifully written book. It goes through January's life as she discovers who she really is and has thrilling adventures along the way. I really enjoyed this book and I will continue to recommend it.

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Add me to the list of people who thought this was a beautifully written captivating book. The premise sounded interesting and the actual story lived up to that promise. It was a well flowing, extremely well written otherworldly tale. Alix did a fantastic job of narrating this story, starting with January when she was young. I initially requested this book because I love historical fantasies, but this turned out to be so much better than expected. Highly recommended!

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I was surprised by this book. I requested SOLELY bc every bookstagrammer and booktuber was talking about it. I wasn't sure I was going to like (like...I seriously though I was going to hate it). So when I say I ate my words..its true. It was very well-written and just a beautifully told story.

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Summer of 1901- seven year old January Scaller is forced to go on a business trip with her billionaire guardian Mr. W.C. Locke in Kentucky. Left to her own devices, and being the temerarious girl that she is, she explores the city alone and stumbles upon a Door... a magical passage that leads to another world and the discovery of who she really is.

The Ten Thousand Doors of January is a beautifully and cleverly written fantasy novel about a young "in-between" girl who doesn't fit into the wealthy, white, and lonely world in which she finds herself. Her father travels around the world gathering items to add to Mr. Locke's collection of oddities while she is left in his care. Dreaming of adventure she discovers Doors, but dismisses them as fantasy until she finds an unusual book about these portals and a young woman who found adventure and love by traveling through them. January soon discovers that nothing is what it seems and there is more to her than the color of her skin and her fate as Mr. Locke's ward. Fantastic Characters, beautiful world building, and exciting adventures are all portrayed in this exciting new YA novel. A must read for 2019!

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What a beautiful, hard-to-put-down, story. January is the kind of character you can't help but feel a connection with. I cried with her, rooted for her, and even silently yelled at her a few times. I absolutely loved everything about this book and have already recommended friends to add it to their TBR pile!

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5 thousand stars first for wonderful, amazing illustration on the cover and five thousand stars go for rest of the heart throbbing, one of the most creative, colorful, joyful journeys to many different imaginary portals you can never imagine to visit!

This is amazing combination of McGuire’s Wayward Children Series and Stephen King’s Dark Tower series!

BLURB: Seven years old January’s revelation of finding a door opens to Faerie, Atlantis, Valhalla, and the places never found on a map. Of course I’m intrigued and wanted to learn more!

HEROINE: January is definitely; brave, witty, sarcastic, loyal, gifted, young heroine. It’s enjoyable how she compares herself with regular book heroines with her great sense of humor!

FAVORITE CHARACTERS: Of course the badass, loyal, brave dog!

SUPPORTING CHARACTERS: Mr. Locke, blood freezing, teeth grinding, nerve bending villain who deserves to be putted on a dart chart so you can be more concentrated to hit the target!

Jane is memorable Amazon woman! Straightforward, tough, protector.

Samuel: sweet, loyal, romantic, impossible not to love and care for!

And January’s parents and their love story are definitely heartbreaking! I sighed so many times when I’m reading their parts!

WRITING STYLE: Pacing was not fast but not too slow! It keeps your attention alert and hooked you from the first page, you don’t want to stop, want to learn more and more till your head starts to turn because you passed your sleep time five hours ago and you start to see the sunrise and you realize it’s too late to go to the bed so you’d better finish the book!

ENDING: When I close a book and see my smile like Cheshire cat cover my face all night, it means I’m so satisfied with the ending. So yes! It’s the best emotional, joyful, smart ending to this unconventional, creative, well-crafted, remarkable story!

FANTASY LOVERS, GOOD STORY CHASERS, PORTAL TRAVELLERS : this book is highly recommended for you!

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