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Ask Again, Yes

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Peter and Kate are neighbours that have known each other and been best freir did their whole lives, one day they both sneak out of the house to meet up, but trashed strikes when they arrive home. The book follows the lives of Peter and Kate from babies to adulthood and all the ups and downs that go with it. A story of friendship and love in good and bad times.

The book is beautifully written and flows well. Definitely a book I would recommend.

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Francis and Brian both Irish immigrants and both working for NYPD move into neighbouring houses with their wives and families. Francis has three girls and Brian one boy.
Francis's daughter Kate is best friends with Brian's son Peter but his mother,Anne doesn't approve of the friendship and does everything possible to keep them apart.

Anne is jealous,unpredictable and could be dangerous. Her husband has lived with this for years,has seen how she treats her son and ignores it,does nothing about it and that is the main reason everyone's lives fall apart.

After a catastrophic event we follow the lives of Kate and Peter and of their parents. We see how they come to terms with events and if there can ever be any kind of forgiveness.

This was such a good story. My feelings for Peter changed during the book.
First, I liked him,felt sorry for him then I lost my patience with him. Kate was a strong girl who turned into a strong,loyal woman.

The other events in the book, mental illness,alcoholism are dealt with sensitively.
Are there some things we can't forgive? Do we just accept that and get on with our lives? Why do some people run away and begin new lives while others stay and face up to what they have left to deal with.
I asked myself all those questions at the end of the book. Some were answered.
Good story,good ending.
This will be on my book review blog and Amazon on publication day.

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Good. Interesting story. Centres on two families that live across from one another and how one tragic event can reverberate down the years. Deals with issues such as mental health and Alcoholism.

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This is a really cleverly written book. A pure family saga type drama with plenty to keep you interested in.

We have two families who end up living next door to each other.
Each character has its flaws or talent.
But something bad happens and one family move.

The two eldest from each family had grown fond of each other now only to be told to stay clear from one another.

I’ll be perfectly straight, I struggled at the beginning due to the style of the writing plus it was very slow moving.
I eventually understand one of the moms and her over reaction to things.
But there were several characters in this book which I tried to like. In the end I just gave up trying.

I tossed between three stars and four.

Let me tell you that the ending isn’t jaw dropping or amazing either, but, there was plenty in here that helped to redeem and overcome my negatives.

It was the emotions, the sincerity and the way that the author led me. I somehow became trapped within its pages. I had to read it. I had to finish it. There were life lessons within these pages that made my mind tick over.

Love and forgiveness and moving on is one of life’s hard lessons.
We tend to reflect on the past. And by doing so we ignore where we are right now.

Two families. Can they heal the rift?

The mental health in this book was written well.

I’ll be seeking out more from this author as she had my thoughts tossed all over the place. Now that’s making an impact!

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A really compelling family saga. Starting in the 60's with newly wed neighbours striving for the American dream in suburban New York. Their children Kate and Peter become inseparable friends. A tragedy strikes involving both families. A stunning story of friendship, love, loyalty and family. Taking us into present day the story involves Irish immigrations, NYPD, mental health, alcoholism and the strength of characters. A riveting story which had me enthralled and grabbing time whenever I could to pick up the book over the weekend.

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I loved this book. Having read a few stinkers, this was the book I needed to make me remember why I love reading.

An enjoyable tale of two families who are linked throughout their lives. Engaging characters, interesting plot line and satisfying conclusion - this book is a joy.

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This was a gripping read, so damn unexpected that I couldn't put the book down. One more chapter had me reading the book from midnight till 3am.

The story was about families and the problems that life brings with it. It told the story about the life of Kate and Peter neighbors who had known each other since forever. But the families had a past, a friendship turned sour where one night changed it all.

I thought it would be a good emotional read but it turned out to be a thriller which caught me in its grips and did not let me go till I finished the book. The story spanned decades, repercussions of one incident seen later when Kate and Peter wanted to marry. Characters were well etched, each made an impact.

A slow read in some parts, but overall an enjoyable one.

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I got hooked on this book quickly and wanted to race through to the end. It was a captivating story with a small character list but spanning two generations and I liked the history this gave the characters. There were times when the writer lost me with some nuanced expression and I had to reread more paragraphs than I’d like a few times before shrugging and moving on (most often when the plot was skipping a few years and trying to catch us up) but this didn’t really matter, it was just a minor irritation. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys following a plot that is about characterisation.

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This is a family saga, families who have had their lives effected by one persons extreme mental illness. The children of the families create their own family out of this time of misunderstanding and tragedy and out of this comes a story of love and healing, all be it incomplete and flawed, just as it is in true life. Strong characterisation throughout. Clearly the author knows how to write about life and relationships.

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A gripping and emotional tale of two families growing up in the New York suburb of Gillam:
An emotionally charged novel, which maps the fortunes of two neighbouring families: The Gleesons and Stanhopes, as their children grow up. Both families have superficially much in common: Irish ancestry and both fathers are cops. Gradually however, the reader is made aware of their differences: the Gleesons are sociable, affable and responsible whilst the Stanhopes keep themselves to themselves: unusual in an immigrant community determined that their offspring will live the American Dream. Attempts by Lena, Francis Gleeson’s wife, to befriend the Stanhopes end in failure. As the novel progresses, we learn that the Stanhope family has serious fault lines which will have effects on all the community and the Gleeson family, in particular.
The story is mainly told through the eyes of Kate Gleeson and Peter Stanhope who become close childhood friends. The novel follows their coming of age, separation and later convergence after tragedy strikes. Can an individual overcome traits or genes in their family bloodline to lead a wholesome and fulfilling family life? Kate and Peter find that they face this challenge to achieve that.
This is Mary Beth Keane’s third novel and is a marvellous read: a novel which I found difficult to put down once I had started. That says a lot for the author, since the issues dealt with in “Ask Again Yes” are not those which I would normally choose to read about. My only negative comment on the novel is that I thought it might have benefited by being shorter. That comment aside, this is a novel about the good and bad in family life, and how, by pulling together, the good can overcome the bad. I highly recommend this novel to other readers.

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Tricky novel about families who live next door,their interactions and perceptions of each other. One big incident changes and shapes their lives. I felt it jumped too many years at a time.

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The story of two childhood sweethearts who live next door to each other and how one tragic event pulls them apart . The story intertwines between all the characters in a gripping page turner. A really enjoyable read to the very end.

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This is a compelling story of families, neighbours, mental health, addiction and above all forgiveness and love.

It is well written, with characters you actually care about and a story that spans forty years. It is a little drawn out in places but the last quarter of the book moved along quickly.

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Although the themes of mental health, alcoholism and the results of family trauma were investigated and portrayed credibly, in the main the characters themselves lacked the depth that would have lifted this book to a five star rating. I also found the title somewhat confusing.

Thank you though to NetGalley and Penguin for the opportunity to read this book and I wish it well on its publication..

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This was the first book I've read from this author and I enjoyed it very much. It was very well written and the characters were well thought out.

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Ask again, yes by Mary Beth Keane

Francis Gleeson and Brian Stanhope are trainee policemen in the same precinct in New York.

They end up living next door to each other with their families in a suburb, and Frances’ daughter Kate, and Brian’s son Peter are close friends.
All is well until an event happens which rips them all apart, and makes people question their loyalties.
The story is told through various voices, Kate, Peter, Frances, his wife, Lena, and others. This is a good way to get different perspectives on the same event and works well.
I enjoyed the book, but didn’t warm to any of the characters, and I’d like to have heard more of some, like Lena, and Brian, to see their perspectives.

In the end, I couldn’t understand why certain characters made the decisions they made, for example what happened to all of Peter’s running potential?, and found the conclusion unsatisfying.

Thanks to Netgalley and Penguin Michael Joseph for the opportunity to read this book.

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I received an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to NetGalley, Penguin/Michael Joseph, and the author Mary Beth Keane.
Contemporary American literature written in the prevalent style of recent years. Normal families and normal lives that are ripped apart by a tragedy which echoes throughout future years and events. It covers the extraordinary elements of ordinary lives, and difficult themes of mental illness, alcoholism, and adultery.
I enjoyed this novel, but I didn't love it, and it didn't leave me with any profound impressions.
I read the book waiting for a denouement which never really arrived, leaving the ending falling a little flat. However, the characters are beautifully written and dynamically portrayed.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️ 3 ok stars

This book started really strong however it became quite slow going and drawn out.

I couldn’t really engage with any of the characters, and the most interesting character of Anne, we wait until 60% in until we read her story.

I kind of knew how the Peter / Kate storyline would pan out, so for me the book was too long and too depressing with no real ‘hook’

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I did enjoy this book but found it a little slow in parts
It is a very poignant tale about 2 families whose lives were torn apart following a serious incident one day
The book takes the reader through the lives of the families both prior to and following the incident and leads us concisely through the years
Definitely a thought provoking novel worth reading and I would recommend to others

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I found this book really moving and quite gripping in parts. It's not the sort of thing I'd normally pick up, but from very early on I started to care about the characters and wanted to know how their lives unfolded.

This book starts roughly in the 60s and comes right up to present day. It follows the lives of two families in north east US. All the characters feel real and flawed and complicated and I loved how the author didn't make any parts of their lives saccharine or soppy. That's not to say it wasn't moving - I had tears in my eyes twice whilst reading, but it always felt very real and raw.

For some characters, it's a coming of age story. For all the characters, it's a study about how life doesn't go the way you planned and you can't always behave the way you'd like. I think the themes here, particularly the theme of forgiveness, will stay with me and I'll turn them over for a while.

About two thirds of the way through the book did slow, but recovered. And sometimes there was too much 'tell' or I'd feel like a page was a summary of something that should have been more filled out. But overall I just think this is an absolute gem of a book that makes you reflect on the importance off love and kindness, to others and ourselves.

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