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The Perfect Wife

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Well this book wasn't what I expected it to be. After reading the first chapter of The Perfect Wife, I was intrigued but unsure if I would actually enjoy it as sci-fi isn't usually a genre I would read. However, I've read and enjoyed other JP Delaney books so decided to give it a chance and I'm glad I did as I enjoyed it. Being a engineering student and having studied a bit of programming earlier this year I found it quite interesting. I was a bit confused and disappointed with the ending but overall it was a good read.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for a copy of this ebook in exchange for my honest review.

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This JP Delaney novel again has a little twist of something futuristic.

I felt at times that the story became overdrawn and that it all could have been resolved a lot faster. The ending felt unsatisfying to me and I have to admit that I was expecting more of the story.

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This was excellent!

From the first page when Abbie wakes up, I was hooked. It was such an original story for me to read and I had the experience where I didn't want to put the book down - not that common unfortunately!

The book was thrilling and exciting and not a little creepy in many places! It was such a fascinating concept that I wondered whether the events would actually be possible in the future. I got slightly confused towards the end but the book was well written and I soon twigged!

Highly recommended for fans of 'unputdownable books!'

Thank you to Net Galley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This story is so twisted and futuristic. There is plot twists in there where you end up questioning everything you have read before...

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Abbie wakes up in what looks like a hospital with no idea of what happened to her. The man by her side tells her that five years previously she suffered a terrible accident, but that he, her husband, loves her dearly and wants to take her back home immediately to recover. Whisking her through the ‘hospital’, Abbie finds everything a bit strange, but memories are returning and she accepts Tim’s accounts.
Tim is a driven tech entrepreneur, whose relationship with his employees is described by a second narrative filling in the back story. He and Abbie had a perfect life, she as a gifted artist, a doting mother to their young son, and the perfect wife, he providing money and protection for his family.
However, we soon learn all is not what it seems as Abbie’s memories are triggered by odd inconsistencies in Tim’s story. She is determined to understand and uncover what happened to her, made more urgent after finally leaving the house against her husband’s advice, and triggering a media storm.
This story takes a lot of concentration to follow, or a devious mind to unpick. It raises many questions about AI and ethics, then in the end a whole new scenario plays out. Not the usual thriller, but none the less, intriguing.

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I started this book, but it wasn’t really what I expected. Unfortunately it wasn’t my type of book, so I didn’t finish it. Sorry.

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What a surprising read, leave everything you are doing and buy this book now, you’ll love it!
This is not the first book I’ve read of this author JP Delaney, but I loved it as all the previous ones. He always mixes some mystery, some curious technology gadgets and some real problems that we all could relate to. So even if there’s a mystery on the plot, it is not the only thing that keeps you glued to the pages of the story, but also the human side of it.
Can you imagine to revive your loved ones again and again? Their conscience and memories on a robot body, the perfect answer! The only problem is that Abbie is not sure why she has come alive, is it that her husband loved her so much that couldn’t live without her? Because every day that passes she is more unsure of anything, the only thing that she knows is that all the answers to her questions seem related to the disappearance of the real Abbie. So, what had really happened to Abby, did she leave or someone killed her?
This is a book that you’ll not guess the ending till you’ll read it, there’s a bomb that will leave you totally astonished in the end, but that’s why I love so much the books written by JP Delaney, no matter what type of conjectures you’ve done, the ending will surprise you, I am sure.
I don’t want to talk much about the plot, there are so many interesting points on the story to talk and discuss that I am sure that after you read it you’ll take a deep reflection to process everything that was written.
I am sure you know that perfection doesn’t exist, so ready to discover The (flawless) Perfect Wife?

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Original. Stylish. Compelling.

JP Delaney has done it again with The Perfect Wife, written a psychological thriller that thrilled my mind! He's definitely a 'must read' author for me, as I find his books so fresh, always thought provoking and suspenseful!

The Perfect Wife centres around Abbie, after suffering a terrible accident, she wakes in a hospital bed with no memory of how she got there. Her husband is a titan in the tech word, and her return from the abyss is a miricle of science, a breakthrough in artifical intelligence...

I loved the AI subject matter in this one, and how Delaney linked it to human emotions. This novel reminded me a bit of The Girl Before as the main male character has a drive for perfection. Like the cover, this novel is cool and slick, but this one had its moments of pure emotion with Abbie's son, Danny.

Such a satisfying read, and when you really think about it, a damn right creepy one! When I finished it, I was thinking yep, I've enjoyed all 3 books, I'll definitely reread all the Delaney's in the future, and I look forward to seeing what clever idea he comes up with for his next book!

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Abbie was confused when she awoke. Had she been in an accident, why were her thoughts so confused? Her confusion continued when Tim, her husband told her they were leaving what she though was a hospital, but turned out to be a very hi-tech lab building.

Abbie is not who/what she seems. Her husband could not cope with her disappearance/death five years ago. Being a hi-tech genius he has created a robot that has the memories & emotions of his wife. But is he more obsessed with his creation than the person he claims to love? As she settles into her life & tries to connect with their autistic son she begins to question.Tim's view of their marriage & the past. When she finds an hidden iPad she hopes it might give her some answers.

This book was such a brilliant conglomeration of many genres but most of all it raised the question, "What is it to be human?" Is Abbie more 'human' than the driven tech guru that is her husband?

Totally unique this book was a fabulous read & one that will be with me for sometime. Many thanks to Netgalley & the publishers for giving me the chance to read & review this great book.

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I really enjoyed this, well written and suspenseful. The concept probably isn’t too far off in the future so it felt believable while not being completely science fiction.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Wow, this book was not at all what I was expecting and I liked it! You follow the story of Abbie who has woken up after being away for a while and is trying to piece together what happened before. Her husband Tim who is very protective and overbearing at times, sometimes helps her to regain her memory at other times he prevents it.

I was very intrigued by the story from the first chapter and could not guess how this would turn out. A very good read and I am pleased to have read this as its quite different from a normal physiological thriller.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the chance to review this book in exchange for a honest review.

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This is a book so different to any I have read before that you just have to read it !!

Abbie and Tim have the perfect marriage, perfect life .......... but is everything quite as it seems. When Abbie awakes from what she thinks is an accident we slowly become aware of the truth. Abbie is in fact presumed dead after going missing 5 years ago and the new Abbie is actually a ‘cobot’. Tim has made an exact replica of Abbie into a robot that is so advanced most people think it is the real Abbie, returned from the dead.

It’s really hard to write too much more as I don’t want to give anything away, this really is a book you have to read. There are plenty of twists and lots of lies that are slowly revealed throughout the book. This is such a brilliant storyline and I promise it will have you hooked right from the start. If you haven’t read this authors previous work then you really need to add those to your reading list too. This is one author you really need to read !!

Thank you to Quercus Books and NetGalley for a digital copy of this book.

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I began by enjoying this book, and the original premise on which it's based. Unfortunately I very soon felt lost. My fault entirely. Someone with a better grasp of science/AI would undoubtedly enjoy this ( and almost anyone understands such things better than I)
Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the ARC

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Wow. What AI could be used for. Would the bots become, in some form, sentient? This story hooked me from the beginning. I found my emotions changing from chapter to chapter.

Loved it, it certainly made me think.

I received a free advance review copy. This review is voluntary, honest and my own opinion.

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This was just ok for me. Parts of it good and then others a bit too far fetched for me. I liked the characters but it didn’t excite me and make me want to read to the end as fast as I could.

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I've wanted to read a J.P. Delaney book for a while, so was very happy to see this book pop up on NetGalley. Although I can understand why it's being classified as sci-fi, I'd say it focuses more on the thriller side of things. There were lots of twists and turns, most of which I didn't see coming and I enjoyed the suspenseful atmosphere throughout. Unfortunately I did feel as though the story left me a bit lost in a few places (more on the techie side of things), and I wasn't crazy about the ending. However, I would still say this was an enjoyable read overall, and I will probably pick up the other books by this author when I get the chance.

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Abbie wakes up from a coma to find that she’s in fact a cobot - a companion/robot. She’s been built by Tim, her millionaire and entrepreneur husband to replace the real Abbie who supposedly died in a surfing accident 5 years ago. Abbie the cobot can empathise and can feel emotion, for example love towards Danny, Tim and Abbie’s autistic son.

I struggled with this book and found it dragged. I think if you enjoy sci fi, you may enjoy it more, but it just didn’t hold my interest. I rate this book 2 stars 🌟🌟

Thank you to the author JP Delaney and Publishers Quercus for a copy of this ebook in exchange for an independent review.

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This is the third book by J P Delaney that I've read and I think he is becoming my new favourite author. Just how he keeps coming up with these ingenious psychological thriller plots I do not know, but I hope he has lots more to come.

The book begins with Abbie waking up and she thinks maybe she's been in an accident, is she in a hospital? Very quickly her husband is by her side reassuring her, she's fine. She's not been dreaming just experiencing an upload! It's been six years since he last saw her alive.

I was hooked straightaway and proceeded to read the book in one day - I just couldn't put it down. I loved the mix of sci -fi, artificial intelligence and computer talk.

Although we believe Abbie in the present day to be AI the author had me willing her to succeed in everything she did. At one point she makes bouillabaisse - fish stew. At first I couldn't understand the precision in which the stages she goes through to make this dish are set out. I understood perfectly later on as it made me feel her pain so much more. I began to form an attachment to her character as she began to grow and discover more about the "real" Abbie. She was beginning to make her own decisions, most unlike a Stepford Wife.

Throughout the book we have flashbacks as to how Abbie came to be in Tim's life. These chapters aren't annotated to show they are a flashback, but I found it easy to realise that we were delving back into the past. The book also deals with autism, as Abbie's son Danny is autistic. I thought this was done very well and rang true. At the end of the book the acknowledgements reveal that author has a son who is autistic and has obviously based those parts of the book on his own real life experiences.

There are plenty of twists and just when I thought there would be no more it all changed again - brilliantly. This is a real page turner of a book.

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Every time I read a JP Delaney novel I wonder how he’s going to top the last clever plot twist from the previous book and each time he has done it. So ingenious and clever - I thoroughly enjoyed it. I wasn’t sure about the whole AI spin but it wasn’t too technologically minded so as to confuse me. Tim was an abhorrent person with little redeeming features but you almost came to understand him through the alternative character POV which was important to the story I thought. My only issue is that I’ve finished the book :-( Thanks to the author, Netgalley and Quercus for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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A smouldering* page turner to keep you guessing. Obsessive behaviour that leads to disaster . Abby wakens up after a supposed accident and starts to put bits and pieces together about her previous circumstances. Her obsessive husband , Tim, is an entrepreneur and founder of a company that creates robotic automatons. Is Abby real or a very cleverly devised robot? In the midst of this there is Danny their son who has a form of severe autism. Abby’s past is gradually relayed by members of her husbands company putting meat on very bare bones or should that be ‘electronic circuits’? Follow the ups, downs, fear, elation, desperation and realisation of Abby’s journey to discover the truth and make sure Danny has a secure future. Solving along the way the riddle of her disappearance.
A brave venture by the author into the realms of psychological thrillers with a look into the future of robots and also interweaving methods of treating autism. An excellent read

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