Cover Image: CAPTURED BY THE SHEIKH: Harlequin Manga


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I can't even begin to tell you how much I enjoy these Harlequin romance mangas. I love the illustrations. I love the stories and since the stories are from actual books, sometimes it even motivates me to go and read the book for more details. Love it.

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What a fun way to read a Harlequin. This is my first look of a Harlequin Manga graphic novel and I really enjoyed it. The story had the classic Harlequin angst and emotion and the drawings were beautiful.

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for sending me this manga to me in exchange of an honest review.

Despite of the story which theme is commonly used in Harlequin novels about the Sheikh and forced marriage, a little bit of kidnapping and stormy desert but the artwork in this manga was beautifully drawn, the story was sweet but remarkable. Definitely a sweet manga to read during your leisure time.

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As always Im a sucker for Harelequin Manga. I like this one a lot. I liked the story and all the characters. I liked how both male characters where just trying to do what was best for their country and eventually where able to see eye to eye. I like how there wasnt really a "Villian" and that characters actions where misunderstood and only seen from anithers point of veiw. I also like the female lead and sympathise with her and liked how she was interested in learning about the other country culture.
I would reccomend this book!

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Captured by the Sheikh was my first Harlequin manga I've ever read and I was pumped to try it. I've only encountered Harlequin novels and to be honest, sometimes the storyline seemed too cheesy (I was kinda expecting that, but still...) and I was a little bit scared to try them in manga format because of that. I must say I was pleasantly surprised at last.

The story centres around Elena, Queen of Thallia, who is supposed to marry new sheikh of Kadar but is kidnapped instead. Her captor is mysterious man named Khalil, who declares himself rightful ruler of Kadar. It's up to Elena to discover where the truth lies - not only about Khalil, but about herself and her country as well. What I expected was a romance. What I got was a genuine plot with a little bit of romance. It reminded me of Rebel of the sands by Alwyn Hamilton in a way - in the good one, to be exact. As for characters, both Elena and Khalil were interesting and enjoyable fellas to read about. Their chemistry and also cultural differences made them seem more real.

Eventhough I am not new into reading manga, I still have something to say for this one. I wouldn't mind if it was longer and more detailed. I am impressed though for what it was. Eventhough it was short, the storyline was smooth and fast paced, characters were relatable and their relationship was developed fairly enough. I would also like to point out character of Elena - we get to see struggles of being a woman of power through her character, both in her kingdom and society.

I can highly recommend this book if you are looking for a fast manga read with interesting setting, characters and not only cheesy romance.

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I received this manga from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review~

The last of the Harlequin manga, or well, the last of the latest batch. Now it is waiting for a new batch or browsing through for more. This book had to wait a bit longer as it is only releasing next week + I wanted to have one in this week after my move as I can use some fluffy romance books in my life. And this one seems to promise just that with the cover *swoons* and the blurb (though I am not sure how I feel about the kidnap thing, but I am sure it will all work out eventually).

So follow me as I read this book, I will be writing as I read!

Wow, a proposal right from the start! Oh my! And it was quite romantic, I did like that even though it was kind of arranged they had a connection. Yes, just from one page I could gather that they have a certain connection, thank you to the artist for capturing this moment like this.

Really, how trusting is she? She is the queen for all that is holy. Yet, despite the warnings of someone near her she just walks over to the mysterious guy. And sorry, but I laughed at this: "I only have to run a hundred feet to the royal private jet!" Yes, and you would have made it... if you didn't wear heels (who wears heels to a desert?). Really, I was already laughing my butt of in Jurassic Park when that red-headed lady tried to outrun a T-rex with high heels, and so I can't take this serious either.

So she is being held down by a mysterious guy and her thoughts are this: "He's just like a graceful black panther." and "I can't move. His golden eyes pierce right through me..!" While I do agree the guy is sexy and a panther, but maybe this is not the moment. :P

Lol, he didn't need to rip her skirt to treat that wound. I mean the skirt comes well above that wound so no need. I guess maybe someone thought it was sexy or something (hint: no).

Her thoughts are again quite swoony despite the situation: "Such smooth skin." and "The places he touches me throb with warmth.." Also her facial expressions, oh my.

We see what happened to Elena's parents, and I just wanted to hug her. Poor girl, so young and she had to take over the throne. But didn't have a lick of support, because these guys probably think they can just overrule her due to her being young/inexperienced/a woman (yep, a bunch of sexists).

I did like that we got to see why Khalil is doing the things he is doing. It gives more insight as I still have no clue about his character. At times he seems a bit too angry for my liking, plus I don't like how someone would just kidnap someone to get his point across. Now I can see he is, deep inside, a good guy who wants the best for his people. I am still curious as to what more is going on with him/the whole sheikh thing, but we still have 70 pages to, so time enough for more explanations.
And later we get even more explanations plus also a backstory on the family. What happened to him and his mother after things got messy, and how he is now back in action.

Aww, I just adore Elena. She is so sweet and is now seeing that Khalil isn't bad per se. I loved that she decided to learn all there is about the country and also debated with the kids in the tribe about things. She really is a great person and will be a great ruler... if she gets the chance that is.

Oh my, we get the sexy clothes from the cover. *swoons*

While I do like that the two of them are getting together, and yes I know this is still a hostage/kidnap situation, I would love some more romance. ARGH, this sounds so wrong, but this is a Harlequin Manga, I would have liked a bit more romance. Forbidden I guess it is given he is her captor, but argh, they have such a connection. And yes, it gets build more and more with each discussion, each talk, each moment they have, but it is just not enough.
I guess I should have asked sooner, that is all I will say. It was short, but oh my. *swoons*

*snickers* I can't help but laugh each time I see Aziz. He reminds me of one of those elves from Lord of the Rings. :P

I did love how it all ended, with Aziz and Khalil and finding the truth about things. There is so much more to the story that you won't know until this last moment. It was really written well and I was just reading with a big smile on my face. Happy for Aziz and Khalil, but also for Olivia and Elena. It was really super sweet and brave what Khalil did for Elena. Go go Khalil! And the ending (the last pages) had me in tears. What a beautiful ending.

So, I really loved this one. A queen finds her true love through a bad situation, the story is well-written with tons of things you won't expect until they are revealed, sweet romance, and characters you just want to root for, plus the art is just absolutely gorgeous. I would recommend this one to everyone.

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A lavish and exotic romance. The characters are rulers in their respective Arabian countries and about to be married for political reasons. Until a third man sweeps in to abduct the queen for his nefarious purposes.
Or so it seems. Though actually the plot involves royal secrets, ambition, growth and lessons in truly ruling with wisdom, and the power of the people.

Despite the Arabian atmosphere in the palaces, tents and stunning garments, a few of the characters sport elven-fantasy features. I really liked the chemistry between the rebel and the queen, and how their relationship progressed in maturity and feelings. The scene at the oasis is one of my favourites.

It's a very engaging story about letting go of misconceptions while opening your heart to love. The characters become better the end. Very good.

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Queen Elena of the island kingdom of Thallia is set to marry the new sheikh of Kadar. However, as soon as she sets foot in his country, she is captured by a mysterious man named Khalil. He fixes Elena with a golden-eyed glare and declares that he is the rightful ruler of Kadar. He then takes Elena to a desert village, where she is touched by his kindness. Things aren’t always what they seem, he tells her, and she can sense the truth in his words. But though Elena’s heart has begun to open to Khalil, she believes that to him she’s nothing more than a pawn he can use to take his throne.

You might think this is just another Arabian Alpha male trope, which I am not exactly into, but this romance has a lot more to give and I found myself rooting for these two. Do yourself a favor and 1-click buy this manga for an evening of guilty escapism. It's nice to be guilty as charged once in a while.

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This was such a fun read! I'm usually not a fan of the kidnapping trope, but this one really worked for me. I really enjoyed the strength of the two people involved. I also loved the setting in this particular story as well.
The art was well drawn, and nothing felt too overdone. All in all, I would recommend this title!

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