Member Reviews

storyline was simple, enjoyable, and entertaining as well as a cute and adorable read . The type to help you set back and have a fun reading time

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I loved the characters and the storyline development of this book. It was absolutely one of my favorites so far and I can't wait to delve in to the next one that this author writes. The storyline was simple, enjoyable, and entertaining.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley and I am voluntarily reviewing it.

This was a delightful story and I couldn't put it down book it is a wonderful take in the first in a series. I so look forward to more of the charming town and army veterans that made appearances here.

Adams Collins comes home to Big Chance, Texas after his last mission in the army goes awry killing one and wounding the others. Adams carries the guilt around with him like a heavy mantle. He wants to sale the family ranch and help his sister with their grandfather whiling getting out of town.

Lizzie Vanhook is back in town after a break-up with her boyfriend. Her father also needs help is his real estate business as he is dealing with a medical issue.

This was a delightful tale. I adored reading how Adam overcomes his military experiences and finds a true calling.

I loved how this story was written in a dual POV format. This is my favorite as I can read their thoughts in a given scene. It really helps me to better understand a character.

It is a sexy read. Nothing overtly graphic and it a "less is more" type of romance. I would highly recommend this story to anyone over the age of 18.

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Big Chance Cowboy gives a wonderful insight to the depths of brotherhood forged in the military while showing how simple acts of love and kindness can make all the difference in living fully. Small town goodness and mischief provide the perfect backdrop for this heartwarming story.

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Set in a small town in Texas, with both Adam, an Army K9 handler, and Lizzie returning home to help with family. I felt this was a good portrayal of PTSD and loved how the dogs became a major influence in helping Adam and his army buddies.

The book had a good plot, the writing was good & characters real. I look forward to reading more in this series.

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Our Veterans deserve much better treatment than they get. I believe that all our men in uniform, soldiers, police, firemen ..etc, who keep us safe, should be paid what the bureaucrats and politician in DC are paid- and the bureaucrats and politicians deserve the salaries that our first responders are paid. This is the first book in a new series about veterans coping with PTSD and physical impairments and abandoned dogs who can be trained to help them.

Adam and Emma Collins' parents were killed in an auto accident and they came to live with their grandparents at their ranch in Big Chance, Texas, where their grandfather trained dogs. Emma's BBF was Lizzie Vanhook, who had a crush on Adam. Adam was angry and didn't think he was good enough for Lizzie and left for the military right after high school graduation. As a Ranger he trained dogs, but on one mission, Tank, his dog failed to detect a bomb, which went off. Meanwhile, Lizzie is also returning to Big Chance after her business partner/ boyfriend turned out to be not a nice person and her father has prostate cancer. She is coming home to help him with his real estate business. On the way, when she stops at a gas station, a large dog stows away in her car. The dog had been abandoned and the attendant had named him D-Day and he refused to get out of Lizzie's car.

Emma is now a widow, their grandfather is suffering from dementia and Adam's has been living at the ranch, trying to fix it up so he can sell it, give Emma money to start over, get their grandfather in a home and then disappear. Along with the PTSD, he feels that the FUBAR is his fault and does not want to be responsible for anyone. But then Lizzie comes for assistance with D-Day, several of his men come to the ranch for help and more rescue dogs show up. There is a mystery about a missing dead and illegal dog fights. Adam finds that both Lizzie and D-Day calm him. Will he realize that those people and dogs needing him also are there for him as well, before it is too late?

This is a beautifully written story, with wonderful characters, easy, witty banter, endearing dogs and I look forward to reading the next book in the series. I have read several similar stories about veterans coming home and finding ways to help their fellows with working on ranches and farms. More of these facilities are needed and deserve funding more than the waste of tax dollars by those in DC who just want to buy votes.

I read an ARC from This is my unbiased and voluntary review.

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So much more than sexy cowboys and cute dogs, I was pleasantly surprised and really enjoyed this, Thank you publisher and netgalley for this arc in exchange for an honest review.

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This was cute
Not bad and nothing to really get excited over, but it was cute and I finished it, which is not for nothing

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This was exactly the book my heart needed this week. Adam and Lizzie both end up back in their hometown of Big Chance, Texas.

Adam is returning after serving in Afghanistan - and is working through a lot of intense emotions from the way things ended there. Lizzie is back in town to help her dad through cancer treatments. When a big, unruly, lovable stray dog brings the two together - they are both reminded of the chemistry between them.

This was a book that deftly managed both heavier topics and a lighter romance. And as a friend told me when I said I was starting it - it’s a book you just want to hug. I’m looking forward to reading more books by the author.

Thank you to Sourcebooks and Netgalley for the free advance reading copy.

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Teri Anne Stanley has created a new, diverse, fun small town in Big Chance: dogs, veterans, and a place to find home. I was all in from the big goofy dog and it only got better from there. I can’t wait to see where she goes with this series.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this novel.

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Sarah – ☆☆☆☆☆
This was a completely unexpected reading treat. I was hooked by the idea of veterans, cowboys, and dogs, but I really didn’t expect such complex, beautifully written characters and a story I couldn’t put down.

Lizzie is a fabulous heroine. Back in her small town, she’s nursing a broken heart and taking care of her family business when she finds herself suddenly saddled with an enormous dog to care for. I love Lizzie’s heart and the way she chases her passions. Adam is an equally wonderful leading man – even if he spends the first half of the story being as miserable as he can and chasing away anyone who tries to get close. His military experiences feel real and raw and when we meet him, PTSD is breaking his spirit. I loved Adam’s journey in this book, and I love the animals who force him to feel again.

Even though this book tackles some tough topics sensitively and thoughtfully, it isn’t a dark or a heavy read. The wonderful dogs in this book keep the story relatively light and the motley mix of oddball characters that congregate on Adam’s ranch kept me smiling. I love Adam and Lizzie’s town and I love the quirky mix of characters. This is a low heat romance with great sexual tension between Adam and Lizzie. I love the little bit of action at the end and I love the way Adam and his friends slowly grow into a sense of purpose on the tumble down ranch.

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There is something about the unconditional love of a dog (or any pet, really) that instantly draws me into a story. BIG CHANCE COWBOY begins the Big Chance Dog Rescue series with a heartbreaking – and a heartwarming – story of unconditional love leading to the forever kind of romance that I adore.

The cover description really gives you a good idea of what you’ll find in this story should you pick it up. What it doesn’t tell you about are the emotional connections you’ll make with the citizens of this small town, the ragtag group of lost souls that will find not only refuge but the promise of a future at the Big Chance Dog Rescue ranch or the love between one stubborn woman and one soul wounded man who need each other to find their way back from the past and forward to their future.

Adam will break your heart for all he’s gone through and eventually healing from. Somethings will never really go away, but they can fade to memories as life moves on. His reactions from start to finish make sense for what he’s experienced. PTSD is a very real experience that can destroy a person, no matter how it began. Lizzie and one rambunctious pup will bring Adam a peace he never expected to find. Lizzie returns home with the weight of the world on her shoulders. A second chance with the man she loved and one stubborn pup who knows what he wants will bring her the happiness that has eluded her so many times. Add to that mix the former members of Adam’s unit who seem to be finding their way to him for a job, for someone who understands what they went through, and perhaps, a second chance at a life that could include happiness and peace.

I loved BIG CHANCE COWBOY for so many reasons, and if you love a really good, realistic romance, believable healing from horrific events, a quirky small town, and two wounded, in different ways, people who get that second chance to get love right this time – oh, and adorable (maybe not in appearance but in attitude), mischievous pups galore – then you’ll want to grab this one. I had a blast and I’d recommend this one with no hesitation – now I need the next story, like right now. *grin*

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

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4 1/2 STARS!

BIG CHANCE COWBOY is the first book in the delightful new Big Chance Dog Rescue series by Teri Anne Stanley and brings us the story of a former soldier and a fill-in realtor who are each returning home and reconnecting.

Adam catches a reader's heart quickly with the pain he's wearing on his sleeve when he returns home after his last mission gone wrong with a broken heart and soul. He wants nothing to do with anyone, but life just won't leave him alone and keeps foisting one lost soul after another off on him to take care of.

Lizzie is a complex character who isn't thrilled to be back in town either. Her dreams were shattered and now her dad's sick and she needs to be useful. She crushed on Adam years ago, but the man who has returned home isn't he man who left.

I highly recommend this story to anyone looking for a band of soldiers with hearts of gold, some adorable animals in the mix, and most of all a gentle love story in the making as the world slowly falls into place. I'm looking forward to more to come in this heartwarming series!

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3.5 stars

This is an above average romance from an author I've not read before. It was believable and had a decent story, unlike a lot of "romances" that are just an excuse to string a lot of unbelievable sex scenes together. The characters are 3-dimensional, but I felt the emotional side of things could have been rendered more deeply. I never felt particularly attached to any of the characters.

I enjoyed reading this book, and if you're after a nice romance with a bit of sex in it, then this would should suit you. Especially recommended for dog-lovers.

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This story addresses real issues that are so often ignored in a beautifully written book with very well developed characters. The horrors of the aftermath of war in many of our veterans, the devastating effects of dementia on patients and their families, and the abandonment and abuse of animals. All of these issues are creatively spun in a tale that is peppered with quite a few humorous moments centered in the small Texas town of Big Chance. Lizzie is a force of nature to be reckoned with, Adam doesn't stand a chance, and I stayed glued to the pages from beginning to end.

Thanks to Source Casablanca and NetGalley for a copy of this book to review and for introducing me to another author. This review represents my own thoughts and opinion.

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Big Chance Cowboy by Teri Anne Stanley is one of a new breed of romances featuring those soldiers damaged at war: either PTSD, missing limbs, other injuries, and their attempts to fit themselves back in to society. This story opens with Adam, the dog handler whose dog died during an attack on a terrorist's hideout. In that same attack, one of Adam's compatriots had died, three had walked away with serious injuries, and Adam with survivor's guilt and PTSD. He had returned home to Bog Chance, Texas, something he swore he would never do, to fix up his grandfather's farm for sale so the money could be used for his grandfather's care (dementia), freeing up his sister to have a life. Enter Lizzie, who has always had a crush on Adam, but is currently returning to Big Chance to make a life after dumping her fiancé and quitting her job in Houston. She knows she has no chance with Adam and really isn't looking for one. One by one Adam acquires dogs that need homes and disable veterans that he feels duty-bound to help.

The reader can feel Adam's PTSD. It is so real that it vibrates through his character. Stanley has done us a favor by trying to put it into words so we readers can all understand what happened to him as a result of his service. Talbott and Jake concisely show other injuries and Granddad explores the mystery that is dementia and the challenges with caring for each of these injuries. Heart wrenching describes it but heart-warming as things improve, slowly and sometimes temporarily. Lizzie's recovery from the emotional abuse she suffered at the hands of her fiancé is another startling revelation. This is a book about survival and recovery and it's charmingly couched in the genre of romance. It is complicated and difficult, sometimes, but warm and wonderful as well. I recommend it. In the end it is an upliftjng read. I recommend it.

I received a free ARC of Big Chance Cowboy. All opinions and interpretations contained herein are solely my own. #netgalley #bigchancecowboy

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What I liked:
The writing style
The characters
Part of a series: Big Chance Dog Rescue

I look forward to reading the next book in this series.

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I'm a fan of stories featuring rescued pet and I surely loved this story.
I appreciated the setting, the fleshed out and well written characters you cannot help rooting for, the engrossing and entertaining plot.
I look forward to reading other books in this series.
Highly recommended!
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine.

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This is going to be a good series...wounded veterans, dogs, small Texas town....couldn't ask for more!

I love small towns and when they are set in Texas...well then I'm all in!  Big Chance is one of those dying towns, but Lizzie returns home to help her family and has big hopes and dreams for this sleepy little town.  There are only a few things standing in her way, but nothing that can't be resolved.  Adam has also returned home to Big Chance, but just to help get the family ranch ready to sell to help out his grandfather that has dementia and his sister that cares for him.  He doesn't realize that perhaps this is where he is meant to be and there might just be someone that will keep him here.

I really enjoyed this story between Lizzie and Adam.  They have a past that didn't quite end well but have the possibility to start fresh.  Their interactions weren't rushed and made me chuckle at times.  Then there are the dogs.  First, there is D-Day, a mutt of some sort that decides that Lizzie's car is the one to ride in when she stops at a rest stop on the way home.   He is a sad looking creature but there is potential. My heart broke when they found a mother pit bull and her puppies and they knew that someone was up to now good on that land.  Adam doesn't want anything to do with any of the dogs despite his background and training and he is really the perfect person to help these dogs.  Then some of his buddies from his Army unit show up, perhaps not what Adam wants but sometimes the last thing you want is the one you need.  It is like this ranch is becoming a second chance for many to heal and become better versions of themselves.  

Parts of this book are predictable but the story weaves a tale that while you might know the end result, you don't know the path it will take to get there.  The characters have real problems and are ones you might meet in your own town or may even be people you know.

We give this 4 paws up and can't wait to see what is in store for Big Chance, Texas!

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Big Chance Cowboy is the first book in Teri Anne Stanley’s new series, Big Chance Dog Rescue. I adore dogs, so when I read the book description, I eagerly accepted the invitation from the publisher, via Net-Galley, to read and review. My opinions are my own and are not influenced in any way.

This is the first book I have read by Teri Anne Stanley, and I thoroughly enjoyed this emotionally-charged romance. The premise for this book is excellent and very believable. The secondary characters are intriguing, and I can’t wait to read their stories. The pacing is perfect and kept me turning the pages.

Lizzie Vanhook’s character is immediately appealing. Her sassy, yet vulnerable personality, is endearing, and I fell in love with her right away. No wonder she has a poor body image! Not only did her ex-boyfriend constantly harp on her weight, he also made light of her career goals as well. While his character is not actually in this book, Ms. Stanley gave me enough in Lizzie’s backstory to make me detest the jerk. The heroine deserved much better, so I truly wanted her to find her happy ending.

Adam Collins is my favorite kind of hero. He’s tortured and has shouldered a ton of guilt when his k-9 didn’t sense the explosives that killed and injured several of his team. My heart ached for him. He’s such a great guy and was not responsible for the explosion. I also wanted him to get the girl!

Lizzie and Adam knew each other in high school and even shared an intimate moment, but he left for the army, leaving a heartbroken Lizzie behind. When they meet again, the sparks fly immediately. The chemistry between them is combustible, and I loved the banter between the pair. They are perfect for each other.

Big Chance Cowboy sets up the rest of the books in this series. His teammates who show up at his ranch are as broken as Adam, with not only emotional scars, but physical ones as well. Each one of the guys will make great heroes!

I must mention the amazing dogs. D-Day, the rescue Lizzie can’t resist when he hops in her car uninvited and won’t leave, Loretta and her adorable newborn puppies that Adam and Lizzie save when they find her torn up, clearly used and abused by a dog fighting ring, and last but by no means least, Patton, the rescue who ends up tied to the mailbox, all will make outstanding service animals. I can’t wait to see the guys train these remarkable dogs.

If you enjoy contemporary romance with plenty of heart and characters you’ll want to love, then you’ll be as delighted as I with Big Chance Cowboy. I can’t wait to see which of these great guys will be the next hero. Happy reading!

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