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Alpha's Promise

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Ivar the Viking was thrown through a vortex and suffered hideously as he leapt through unimaginable hell worlds only to find his lost 'brother' Quade and be forced to leave him behind. Ivar is forever changed by his ordeal but has vowed to return and somehow save Quade before the world he is trapped on collides with another. There's a chance that a truly gifted physics professor could solve the equations but their Kurjan enemies are killing any that seem likely to find the answer. Is it possible that Promise is the one who can finally figure out a way ? First of all though the Seven need to convince her to help and it looks like Ivar has most definitely got on the wrong side of her or has he ?
I liked that the author put two very damaged characters together and then let them somehow find out that trust could turn into love. Ivar is initially discombobulated in so many ways and yet downplays his inner violence to become that which Promise can be comfortable around. Promise might not immediately appeal to some readers as she's emotionally stunted but it's clear her upbringing has moulded her into who she is. Promise trusts science as its solid and never lets her down but in doing so she cuts herself off from life and what it means to live. I did find initially that she came across as cold and disconnected but this journey the couple embark on is a twisting one with a very satisfying conclusion. Perhaps not a soft, dewey romance but nevertheless it seemed appropriate for Ivar and Promise.
I think for me as much as I'm enjoying learning about the Seven and their purpose its being back within the Realm with its Vampires, Demons, Fae, Witches and Shifters that I love. For this reader the second half of the book was definitely my favourite part with old friends appearing and I particularly enjoyed the inclusion of the next generation of Dark Protectors as I'm left with so many questions about what is still to come. I will admit there is no clear resolution as this book draws to a close and we are left in many ways with absolutely no progression in terms of the Seven and their fight with the Kurjans . However I did enjoy this story and look forward to what is still to come.
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair.

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The story was so good and intriguing it kept you coming back, Ivar and Promise....well I loved promise and I believe if it wasn't for her there relationship wouldn't have worked, Ivar was all, his way no matter the cost or the hurt, It didn't come off to me as a love story. I enjoyed Promise's relationship with the woman I found it funny and enduring. I loved how her mind worked and just loved her,

**I received an ARC of this book in order to provide an honest review*

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Alpha's Promise is Ivar's turn in the spotlight! The Viking seeks to find a way to acclimate to life on Earth after being trapped in the bubble world for untold years to keep Ulric imprisoned. When he is dumped back into our timeline, he is badly hurt after traveling through loops in so many hell worlds he lost count, and he is definitely lacking social skills after so much time alone. He is sent to observe a beautiful physics professor whose knowledge may be the key to freeing the last remaining member of the Seven and destroying Ulric once and for all. What could possibly go wrong?

Promise is not really very well equipped to handle social situations either. She is basically the female equivalent of Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory, and she may be even more socially awkward thanks to parents who placed a premium on education over emotional interaction. I have to admit, I found it very difficult to connect with her or even really like her for most of the story and that was a struggle for me.

Fortunately there was plenty of action to go around as the Seven grapple with the fact that their existence has been revealed to leaders of the Realm and the Kurjans attack and infiltrate from unexpected sources. Promise does actually make strides in her work and her relationship skills as they go along, and Ivar finds himself slowly returning to life in every way that matters. He did have some deliciously alpha sexy moments, but his unwavering loyalty and commitment to freeing Quade suddenly comes into question for him as he realizes he may have another reason for living now.

Alpha's Promise was not my favorite of the series so far but it was still a great read with some advancement of the overarching storyline and interaction with plenty of familiar faces from the Dark Protectors world.

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The next release in the Dark Protectors is about Ivar and Promise. Ivar is one of the seven and Dr Promise Williams is a math professor the group wants to help rescue Quade. He is the last seven brother still trap in another world.
Promise is very no nonsense and takes learning about this new world very well. She’s very logical. Ivar just wants to go back and honor his vow of saving Quade. They make a good couple and there’s some action and sexy times as with all in this series by RZ.
The story line was moved up a little with one and I look forward to the next release.

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Another great DP book. Rebecca has a way to draw you into the story surrounding the main characters and side characters that one day will become main characters. So much so that when you finally read the book that features them you are already looking forward to their story. Can't wait to see how this will all turn out!

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GAH!!! I love the Dark Protectors series so much! And this inner geek goddess was standing up doing the happy dance. Nerds of the world will be so impressed with all the nerdy science, geeky, sci fi fantasy references in this one. Ivar has been a mystery and a wounded soul and now we finally get to see what--or who it is that will heal him. Totally loved that not only is Promise and scientist, but Ivar has been holding in his inner brainiac as well.

If you haven't read the last two books and novella in this series, you may want to catch up, just so you understand where in this world the story has brought us. The Seven are trying to find a way to stop the bad guys. Besides all the science on transporting to different worlds, we also get to see the King of the Realm, his brothers, the kiddos and of course Girl Power with all of the mates.

Wonderful series. Fantastic story! Can not wait for more of these big guys to meet their match. I will be so sad to see this story end. I have no doubt this author has more good stuff for us int he future.

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Ivar Kjeidsen unwillingly travelled dimensions in the last book, and found his “brother” Quade in a hell dimension. Ivar and Quade are members of the Seven, who are keeping an evil being trapped in a dimension. Quade is his jailer, so to speak. Ivar tried to rescue Quade from the hell dimension but Quade refused. Ivar returned a broken man and it took months for him to regain most of his sanity.

Enter physicist Promise Williams. Promise might be able to work out the equations to get back to the hell dimension and rescue Quade. She’s also wanted by and in danger from the evil Kurjans. Ivar ends up protecting Promise and enlisting her help. But what happens when the math doesn’t add up, and the mission is a suicide mission?
This was a good book full of suspense and twists.

My only complaint was that Promise was too cold and logical. It was difficult to believe in the chemistry between Ivar and Promise.

I did enjoy Hope’s continuing story. And we meet a new female character. I won’t spoil anything here, but I’m really looking forward to her (their) story. But first, Adare and Grace, Garrett, and Benny.

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Loved...Will be purchasing a copy for the author her books seem to get better and better.

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I have always been a fan of Ms. Zanetti's work. 'Dark Protectors' is one of my favorite series. I have not read the two books prior to this one. Since I am familiar with this world, so it wasn't hard for me to pick up this story. We are introduced to Ivar one of "the Seven". He has been to a different dimension that to us would be considered hell worlds. He needs to get back to save one of his brothers but while being hurt there he no longer has the ability to teleport.
He meets a extremely talented physicist, Dr. Promise Williams. She has the knowledge to figure out how to travel to these other worlds.
But there are other forces who wish to use her talents as well, so Ivar volunteers to protect her. I don't want to give too much away but will tell you that I most certainly enjoyed the story.

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I received an arc of this book for an honest review.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I felt that the storyline was a little stronger in this one and much more focused. It had a different vibe than the rest of the books.
I know some people might struggle to like Ivar & Promise as a couple because Promise is emotionally stunted, but I actually felt that was part of why I liked the book. It's easy to keep churning out the same cookie cutter heroines and I felt like Promise made you work to make you understand her.
Lots of plot twists kept the pace fresh and the book leaves you wanting so much more. Can't wait for the rest of the series!

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Rebecca Zanetti Books are full of Alpha males who won't take No for an answer which can sometimes comes across almost a little to sexual assault at times. Promise is cute character who talks to herself with endless funny comments of about having a head injury because it couldn't be real. The characters from the beginning of the series to know are in the book keeping readers of the series happy seeing how their favorite characters are changing and growing.

There is lots of sexual scenes so readers be wear if you are haven't head anything by Rebecca Zanetti.

This isn't a story you can read as a stand alone but you can start with book 8 or 9 and it catches you up quickly.

The books is a fast read that will have readers blushing while sitting on the beach. Just make sure your little ones over you shoulder.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher Lyrical for the Advance Copy of Rebecca Zanetti Alpha's Promisence Copy of Rebecca Zanetti Alpha's Promise

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Dr. Promise Williams is like female Sheldon from TBBT! She can just about see numbers and formulas flash across her eyes but give her people and she gets lost. When a colleague is killed and Promise is almost kidnapped at the funeral - she finds herself in the presence of one enormous and possibly insane abductor.

Ivar Kjeidsen realises he has made a bit of a mockery of her abduction. It's not really kidnapping if he is doing it to keep safe, is it? A hybrid, he has the competing vampire & demon physiology which makes him perfect for The Seven. He is determined to bring his Brother back, whilst keeping the dimensions separated. Standing in the way of success or failure is Promise. But her enhanced nature also puts her in the sights of those who want to collapse the dimensions.

When Promise and Ivar finally work on the same side, she is happy to discover that he is no hulking, idiot Viking warrior she had labelled him as. He can keep up with her Maths and Physics theories!

I loved the interaction between Promise and Ivar. He is just about as socially awkward as she is but he has the safety net of his Brothers and leaders of the Realm to help him through. I always felt a little bit sorry for Promise, she is just so trapped in her head!

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This was super exciteing! I love how the core story is always the main story and the romance is secondary.... Although there is great chemistry and sexy alpha's it's a close 2nd. I enjoyed their story, I loved how Hope has finally come face to face with her dreamworld.... I look forward to the next book and to see where it goes next.

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I love Rebecca's Dark Protectors series!! Promise is one of the top scientist in the country and they are being hunted and all Ivar, the sexy Viking, wants is was to get back to Hell. During the course of the book, I really tried to like Promise and her personality. It was hard but I had to understand she a very intelligent physicist and how Rebecca brought that side of a genius out, I could understand. Ivar and Promise fit perfectly together. Ivar learns through his time with Promise that she is his mate but he has to full fill his promise to bring his brother home. After the safe place is compromised, they head to the Demon compound and we get to see the supporting characters again. I love that a series always in some ways brings back the characters we love so much. I love we get see parts of the Seven and go more in-depth into the story. We meet new demon hybrid female and she means to Quade who is stuck in Hell Realm. We get a glimpse into the kids continuing story with Hope and Drake and there meeting and dream world. All and all great story and can't wait for the next one! The is one of my top 10 series that I love to read and reread!

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Upfront I have to say Rebecca Zanetti's creative mind fascinates me. The intricate plot she weaves in Alpha's Promise is definitely intriguing. Mixed in with the paranormal, of course, is an intense love story between the brutish Vampire hybrid Ivar and the logical Dr. Promise Williams. The attraction is off the charts. Throw in familiar characters from the established series, and you have one happy reader. Although this book is part of a series, Rebecca does a great job at plotting the novel for newcomers as well. I can't wait for the next book and hope it involves Quade.

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I am such a huge fan of this series, that I recently went back and re-read it again because I just can't get enough of these alpha characters that Rebecca Zanetti writes about.

Now although I did love The Viking and Promise, I just did not connect with them as much as previous characters. It still didn't detract from it being a great book....I loved it from start to end.

One thing about the Seven are that they are a lot more "scarred" than the previous vampires. Some of them have literally lived through hell and it definitely shows in their characters. There is still lightheartedness that comes through but I think they need to work harder than most to show it.

The thing about their being so many books in the series, its hard to write a review without giving too much away, other than to say if you are one of the minority who has not yet read the awesomeness that is Rebecca Zanetti, then I would highly suggest you come out of your dark cave and enter the world of these awesome characters. You will not be disappointed.

P.S. Can I just say that I don't even know whose book I want more to come out next. I mean we have Quade, Benny, Garrett and The Highlander still to go.....Oh and Sam.....cant freaking wait to see where she takes us next......Not to mention little Hope needs to grow up too.....just saying.....

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Alpha’s Promise
by Rebecca Zanetti

The saga continues in the Dark Protectors series. In this book, we met Dr. Promise Williams, a emotionally stunted, yet brilliant Physicist who happens to be ‘enhanced’. Her outlook on life is a matter of mathematical equations and views herself as a sociopath.

Ivar Kjeidsen is a Viking from the 1100’s, he’s a vampire-demon hybrid and is one of the Seven. Ivar considers himself slightly insane yet from a “mission” that sent him through hell and trapped his brother Quade in hell.

Physic’s colleagues around the world are being found murdered in a gruesome way. This causes Ivar to goof up by trying to kidnap Promise, in stead of just keeping his eye on her. That made their little reunion a bit strained, especially when he inserted himself as her body guard. At that point you could almost feel the tension and conflict between these two.

Promise continues to look at the potential relationship as a mathematical equation, not able to understand emotions and passion. In fact she looks at mating Ivar as a why to continue her work. But, Ivar’s heart is feeling it differently than a logical plan.

As they work together to save Quade from his bubble of hell, they’re met with opposition from the enemy and from the scientific mathematical equations themself.

The plot is a carryover from the prior book and cuts off abruptly, so it will begin again in the next book of this series. Most characters were already established, but Promises character left a lot to be desired. Also All the scientific lingo could almost drive you crazy. I did enjoy reading this book, but it could have been a bit more action to make up for the science lesson in this story.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

#Alpha’s Promise

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I struggled reading this book. I haven’t read any of the previous books and didn’t realize how lost I would be for not reading the previous books. I also had a hard time with Promise. I understand the socially awkward part but still just couldn’t relate. I liked the plot one I started to figure it out.

Thanks you Netgalley and publishers for allowing me to read this.

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Wowza! Another great Realm read. Understanding of the "Seven" was made clearer for me this round. It took me longer than the usual reader, sorry.I enjoyed how other characters from previous stories are brought in and we get caught up with what is happening with them. I thoroughly enjoyed this story. Characters were hot, hot, hot! I truly can't wait for the next story in this series.

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I was given this book to read, I am so lucky!!!! This is a continuation of Rebecca Zanetti's Dark Protector series, and it is another hit. Once I started I could not put it down, you meet old friends and enemies and new ones pop up, to add even more zest.. You can start with this book, Rebecca Zanetti is great at bringing you up to speed and if she is new to you any of her books are great.

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